Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1213 1195 Autophagy

Chapter 1213 1195. Autophagy

The decision of letting Flannel Ball and Qilin send Sakia away first was also out of practical considerations.

Originally, with the power of Kirin's thunder and lightning, it should be the best choice to deal with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But the situation just now is still vivid in my mind.

Kirin's lightning strikes didn't seem to be very restrained, at least for the dire tyrannosaurus in front of him.

And this is not the first time Lan En and Qilin have seen this situation.

When they were in the World of Fire, the Nether Bishops in the Nether Church were enemies of the Sun Princess who was fashionable at the time and called herself 'Rosalia'.

When Qilin wanted to use lightning strikes to clear the field, the Netherworld Bishops only used a [Miracle·Netherworld Asylum] and gained considerable resistance in the face of lightning strikes.

Qilin is an ancient dragon from the New World. Although it is magical, it is still an out-and-out natural creature.

Its thunder is also the thunder and lightning of nature.

If the enemy has supernatural power as a defense, its lethality will be as if it is separated by a layer, and the effect will be greatly weakened.

The Terror Tyrannosaurus does not have the IQ or reason to use magic, but its semi-spiritual body is already in a supernatural state that is enough to weaken the Kirin's lightning strike.

Coupled with the exaggerated physique of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It doesn't matter if you resist forcefully.

Qilin estimated that if he had the body of an ancient dragon and was ravaged by the large and exaggerated Tyrannosaurus in front of him, even if he could escape in the end, he would be disabled for a while.

Even scarier than the golden lion with its golden hair!

In addition to the unique miraculous features of ancient dragons, this dire tyrannosaurus is just a crude discussion of combat effectiveness without touching on its positive effect on the ecological environment. There is no doubt that it is an ancient dragon-level creature in the New World!

That's why Lan En prepared to let Qilin lead the people to evacuate.

Because apart from the power of thunder, Lan En really didn't think much of Qilin's body and skills, so he had to perform hand-to-hand combat in front of this Dino Tyrannosaurus.

Maybe one of the legs will be torn off and eaten by the other party.

Although with the vitality of the creatures in the New World, it is estimated that they can grow back again.

With the relatively stable and trustworthy velvet ball taking care of the wounded, and letting Qilin take him away quickly, it became a safer choice.

No one wasted any time, and everyone was ready to take action after Lan En made the arrangements.

But the witcher still seemed to have just remembered, turning his head behind him and asking Velvet Ball.

"That's right, flannel ball."

"Ah, what's the matter, meow?"

"[Golden Pine Resin]." Lan En frowned, looking at the crazy tyrannosaurus in the distance and eating a large piece of rotten meat from his back. "Do you still have [Golden Rosin] on your hand?"

We already have a semi-spiritual Dino Tyrannosaurus, and since the natural thunder and lightning is not restrained enough, let’s use the supernatural dragon-hunting kingdom’s golden thunder and lightning!

"Do you need [golden rosin] now?" Fluffy Ball's furry face suddenly fell, "I, when I experimented to get [bulk golden rosin], it was all used up, meow!"

The kitten's face showed remorse and depression.

But Lan En only frowned and waved his hand.

"This is not your fault, and I will not fail because of this. When you bulked it up before, I knew there would be losses and agreed."

The sound of Qilin's horse's hooves faded away, and the flannel ball supported Sakia on its back.

Not far away, the Tyrannosaurus Rex had eaten up all the 'large' pieces of meat around him.

Including falling off on its own.

This is the final confrontation.

Lan En was very clear about this.

Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex's mind had long been tortured to the point of collapse by its own appetite, its body also knew this.

Its metabolic rate has been pushed too high. Now, if you stop and take one less bite, your body will start to 'digest' itself.

But if you want to eat, you have to exercise first and kill what you want to eat.

Tortured by appetite, the Tyrannosaurus rex made a roaring sound from its throat.

The thicker and more acidic saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth.

It stared closely at the 'food' that was standing in front of it.

From this, Lan En understood better what kind of creature the so-called Tyrannosaurus was.

Ordinary creatures, even those monsters with terrifying vitality in the New World, generally still move forward in the normal direction of biological evolution.

That is to say: in the process of evolution, what organisms pursue is not the "strength" of one muscle, but the compromise and balance of comprehensive qualities such as "survivability, energy consumption, and adaptability."

If the body is too strong, energy consumption will increase simultaneously.

A hunter like a tiger cannot be born on a small isolated island because the resources of a small isolated island cannot support it.

They were replaced by hunters who were much weaker, but had much smaller appetites.

Organisms adapt to their environment, which is called 'evolution'.

If a tiger is allowed to survive on an isolated island for dozens of generations, its body function will definitely decline, and so will its size and weight. Adapt to the environment.

Compared with the original species, this kind of tiger has become weaker, but there is no doubt that it is an 'evolution'.

But the Dino Tyrannosaurus.

Between the upper and lower jaws, where the messy teeth broke through the flesh, the dark green monster exhaled hot white smoke from its mouth.

The whole body swelled as if on steroids, and the muscles were so huge that they were not even proportionate to the overall frame, rolling like waves under its skin and scales.

Just like humans who take drugs to build body, it is full of unnatural violence.

Normal creatures will choose to weaken themselves to adapt to the situation when there is not enough food.

But the Devil Rex will do the opposite and strengthen itself violently.

Strengthen itself enough to swim out of the island, or simply sink into the sea to eat huge marine prey!

Let its muscles and strength serve its appetite that it cannot and does not want to curb.

The stronger the body, the greater the appetite, and the greater the appetite, the stronger the body needs to be to satisfy it.

Even if it wants to destroy the entire food chain it is in, the Devil Rex will not hesitate!

Using its own violence to distort the food chain and evolutionary tendencies in which it is located is really a terrifying creature.

With a "bang" sound of the sword blade trembling lightly, [Turbid Stream·Destruction] was gently lifted up from the ground by Lan En.

And then, the demon hunter immediately jumped back! Withdrew more than two meters away.

The next moment, "Hu~"

The long-body Tyrannosaurus bent its two hind legs in an instant, lowering its entire body height.

Then it turned around! The Tyrannosaurus, which was very thick in front and back, was just like a huge loofah. It made its long body like a compass drawing a circle, sweeping across a huge area close to the ground!

And Lan En's big jump back just now just accurately allowed him to get out of the opponent's attack range.

Not only that


The light red fighting spirit burst out!

The demon hunter who landed after the jump almost did not pause at all, and then rushed forward in the original direction!

The amplitude of this forward movement was very large, and it looked like the center of gravity of the whole body was pressed forward while rushing forward.

It almost made people think that he was going to fall forward.

But at the same time, the greatsword swung out with the body rushing forward could also receive a stronger driving force from the center of gravity of the body!

[Greatsword Technique·Flying Sweep]!

The subtle time difference between jumping back one step and immediately flying forward again was grasped by Lan En's nerve reaction, experience, and Mentos's calculation power.

The moment of jumping back dodged the tip of the Tyrannosaurus' tail with thorns sweeping across.

And the following swing just hit the middle and back part of the opponent's tail, which had been swung and the muscles relaxed!


The blade of the greatsword and the flesh of the Tyrannosaurus collided violently in an instant, so that the sound of cutting flesh and blood was compressed into a bang!

This timing and position are really clever.

The swollen and strong muscles of the Tyrannosaurus were relaxed after completing an action, and the middle and back part of the tail can almost be said to be the relatively thinnest part of this thick and long tail.

It had just completed the action of swinging its tail, and there was still inertia on its tail.

The direction of this inertia was opposite to the blade swung by Lan En, which was equivalent to adding force to hit the sword!

So it was neat and tidy!

First there was the sound of dense thorns breaking in a "Kara La" area!

Then came the 'sizzling' sound of large pieces of flesh being crushed and torn apart. There was also the sound of the sword blade penetrating into the tailbone, rubbing against the blade and bones.

With the inertia of the tail swinging action, a large amount of black blood mist filled with dragon attribute energy sprayed out.

But because Lan En waited until the tail passed his position before slashing, the blood mist that was swung out did not bother him.

But the demon hunter still frowned.

"The damage is still... not enough."

The middle and rear sections of the thick and long tail of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were almost cut open by Lan En in this attack!

The tailbone was exposed in the flesh and blood for nearly two-thirds!

But Lan En still knew that this was nothing to it based on his touch and the Tyrannosaurus Rex's performance in being hit.

The tail was already cut open by two-thirds, and after the Tyrannosaurus Rex swung its tail, the wound was under greater pressure. It was torn larger and more hideous.

But the Tyrannosaurus Rex seemed to be unaware of it.

Its body twisted, and after the tail was swung, the tip of its tail just swung to the side of its mouth.

Then, in Lan En's eyes that couldn't help but widen. "Crack"!

It drooled, as if it couldn't wait any longer, and bit the tip of its tail that was drooping due to injury in its mouth without hesitation!

And the masseter muscles in its neck exerted force mercilessly, and that devilish big mouth tore, bit, chewed, and swallowed!

Its teeth were tearing and breaking its own muscles!

The tip of the tail that it had pulled off had not been chewed in its mouth, and then, the Devil Tyrannosaurus rushed towards Lan En again!

Its appetite made it have no time to delay!

And Lan En also clenched the thick hilt of the sword in his hand that was wrapped in the skin of the exterminating dragon to prevent slipping.

The power of [Turbid Stream·Destruction] was enough to cause terrible damage to the Devil Tyrannosaurus, but it wanted to kill this Devil Tyrannosaurus that had already advanced too far on the road of self-destruction immediately without causing greater impact.

But it's not enough.

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