Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1220 1202 Future Plans

Chapter 1220 1202. Future Plans

As soon as Lann said this, Margarita and Sakia looked at the demon hunter in surprise, and then reacted and turned their surprised eyes to the one-eyed elf.

Iorveth was much calmer.

"The right fruit cannot grow on a dirty foundation."

The commander of the Squirrel Party, who was known for his cold reputation of "indiscriminate attacks", spoke philosophically at this time.

"Since Aileren destroyed the reproductive potential of the elves as a race, we have learned to submit to human rule."

"The human country was built on the ruins of the elven palace, and we elves make a living in the human country."

"We are widely distributed, and we can be found in every country, but our situation in every country is similar."

"In the past two hundred years, countless elves have cried and thanked the gods just to meet a lord who can tolerate and trust non-human races. But as I said before, these are all as empty and unreliable as bubbles and illusions."

"Only we can save us! The help of others will be unreliable one day!"

"But the elves as a race are no longer up to par." Margarita pointed out calmly but sharply. "Population. As the most basic attribute of a race, your population is too small."

Iorveth was blunt about Margarita's sharp questioning.

"Yes, there is no doubt that the elves had already failed in the racial struggle two hundred years ago."

"So I don't dare to hope that the elves can return to their historical status before humans landed. This stupid idea has never appeared in my mind."

"Now, there is only one goal that is most likely to be achieved and most worth pursuing."

The one-eyed elf raised a finger and gestured to everyone around the campfire.

But it was not him who spoke in the end, but Lan En who responded to him under his eager gaze, which even seemed a little timid in his tiny expectations.

The witcher said calmly while looking at the swaying campfire.

"——Racial equality. Elves, dwarves, halflings, humans. Equality for everyone."

Iorveth pursed his lips and nodded, and Sakia turned his head to look at the witcher as if he had been enlightened, but still a little confused.

"The elves alone can't accomplish anything." Lan En continued, "So we must pull everyone on board and paint a common vision for everyone."

"And the irony is."

As he spoke, Lan En's eyes finally moved away from the flames, and looked at the thoughtful Sakia and the eagerly waiting Iorveth with interest.

"Just because we have to pull everyone on board and promise them a fair and just future, the leader is better not to be any of these non-human races."

"Otherwise, you will have internal doubts, suspecting that other non-human races are using you as targets to attract firepower."

"And those who meet the requirements, have a true sense of equality in their hearts, and are strong enough not to die halfway."

The demon hunter smiled self-evidently, and at the same time pointed his finger at his chest and the green dragon female warrior on the other side.

If you want to do big things, a correct and suitable leader is the top priority.

Like Iorveth, his ideas are bold enough while considering reality.

Although it has not been said explicitly, Lan En already knows everything: he wants to build a city or even a country that is different from the four northern countries and can truly realize the equality of non-human races and humans.

But having ideas alone is useless.

His identity and position are destined to not unite the majority of people who need to be united in the process of reaching this goal. He can only unite the elves.

His leadership ability and charisma do not support him to break through barriers and go further.

So, he needs to find a real leader.

Someone who can agree with his ideas and has advantages that he does not have, to become a leader.

He can't find such a person, which is why Iorveth broke the jar and pulled up a team of squirrels.

But now two appeared in front of him!

The idea that was once just a castle in the air and had only a rough outline is now in front of Iorveth, showing the possibility of being realized!

"You want to build a free city, like Novigrad?"

Margarita shook her head with a dumb smile, and raised the wine glass to take a sip.

"The current situation? It's really a bit of a pipe dream."

This is not to look down on Iorveth's ideals, but Margarita knows that the current situation is complicated, and the establishment of Novigrad is by no means that simple.

Novigrad is built on the delta of the Pontar River, and its geographical advantages are boundless.

In addition, it is the area where humans first landed and established city-states, and it is the place with the deepest accumulation.

Then there were political struggles and international frictions again and again, and finally the status of this "Northern Pearl" free city-state was promoted.

Does the current international situation and geographical factors have such conditions?

The north has been developed back and forth by humans for hundreds of years. This place is not very big, so how can there be no owner's land?

Every place has its own owner, who is willing to cut off a piece of meat?

Take it down? That's even more impossible.

The squirrel party's guerrilla warfare is annoying. If they go out of the mountains and forests and fight head-on, humans will be very happy.

Moreover, at this juncture of unprecedented confrontation between the North and the South, the Scoia'tael Party still has a guise of "resistance under oppression". The people are not that angry towards them, and they only think that resistance from inhuman races is normal.

But if they start to occupy the city, then they are nakedly siding with the Nilfgaard Empire. No matter what you say, it doesn't work, it's enough to be designated as an 'enemy', and it can be eliminated without any hindrance.

So in Margarita's view, the one-eyed elf's idea was indeed a good one, but because it was out of time, there was no room for it to be implemented under the tide of the times and the situation.

However, just when the sorceress's interest waned, she turned around to see her lover's expression.

"." Margarita's original expression of sighing and shaking her head suddenly froze.

Because she felt a hint of familiarity in Lan En's eyes that seemed to be calmly looking at the firelight.

When he first entered Aretuosa to recuperate, he said he was going to Vizima to find someone to settle the score, and that was the look in his eyes.

At that time, she persuaded Lan En, saying that there was no rush, but what the outcome would be. Now Vizima is basically known to everyone.

Once he makes up his mind, nothing can stop him.

"You can't be." Margarita still looked at the witcher in disbelief, "Do you think this can be done?"

The one-eyed elf, who had been helplessly turned away by the sorceress's sarcastic remarks, now turned his head with a serious expression.

"There is indeed a chance."

Lan En said bluntly.

Margarita frowned at first, but then she could only sigh helplessly.

"You've actually already had an idea, right? You've already been impatient with stupid nobles and fat-minded officials, right?"

"I have not concealed this from you."

"But you never said clearly that you wanted to do this." Margarita was speechless and choked, but then she shook her head and smiled bitterly. "Forget it, I can't stop you anyway."

"But you'd better think clearly, dear, this is not an easy thing. Even Philippa, the most ambitious among us, I don't think she is like this."

At the end of the sentence, Margarita felt that she was a little short of words and could not accurately describe her inner feelings.

".Such a subversive idea."

But Lan En actually only cares about Margarita's approval. After getting the sorceress's helpless but almost doting agreement, Lan En smiled.

He propped up his knees with his elbows, but his eyes turned to Sakia next to him.

On the other side, Iorveth asked eagerly.

"What do you mean by 'opportunity'?"

"It means that there is still a chance to get a city in a legitimate name. A little legitimate."

Lan En narrowed his eyes and rubbed his fingers thoughtfully.

Now that he had decided to do something, after a fierce battle with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, he became excited again.

Fight, then conquer, develop strategies and policies, and grow in size.

Just thinking about this series of things made him feel a little relieved.

I don’t know if it’s because the [Gene Seed] is affected by the memories and instincts of superhuman soldiers from the interstellar era.

Or maybe he has endured this muddy world for too long.

Although because of his outstanding abilities, he has already established a foothold in this magical Middle Ages, and is getting better and better.

But his outlook on life and values ​​still make him feel awkward and uncomfortable here all the time.


After his mood entered a slightly excited state, Lan En's tone became unprecedentedly rational and calm.

He named a country and turned his head east.

Along the south bank of the Pontar River and across the valley is Aedirn, one of the four northern kingdoms.

"It is the largest grain exporter in the north. This time Demavi is eager to solve the problem in the Pontal Valley so as not to affect the river transportation of grain exports."

"Then what does this have to do with legality?"

Iorveth obviously didn't follow Lan En's train of thought, so he asked doubtfully.

The demon hunter also answered clearly and logically.

"A large amount of Aden's grain is exported to make money. This is of course nothing in normal times."

"But now we see constant friction between the North and Nilfgaard, and the situation is tense. Important food is still mainly used to make money, rather than being stationed as food reserves."

"No one is a fool. In this case, the king and nobles are eager to exchange grain for money, because the money will eventually go into their pockets. But what about the farmers?"

"The farmer can only watch in panic as more and more life-saving grains are sold abroad at critical times, while he himself can only get a disproportionate amount of three melons and two dates."

At the end of the sentence, Saskia's eyes were thoughtful, while Iorveth's eyes were bright.

Lan En said softly at the end.

"In Aden, farmers have rioted not once or twice. They have never stopped since they became the largest food exporter."

"As the atmosphere becomes more and more tense, farmers will become more and more irritable and restless."

"And at that time, even if the next riot involves many non-human races, it will still be Aedirn's internal affairs. Domestic self-determination is reasonable and reasonable, right?"

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