Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1221 1203 Ideal Idol

Chapter 1221 1203. Ideal Idol

Peasant uprisings can almost be called ‘Aedirn’s characteristics’.

This country is very dependent on agriculture, and their climate also ensures that they always have a good harvest.

But even if there is enough food in the world to feed everyone, hunger can never be completely eliminated.

Because in most cases, the cause of hunger is no longer simply ‘insufficient food production’.

The nobles of Aedirn saw the huge profits of grain trade and began to grab these profits a long time ago.

This made Aedirn a major grain producer in the North, famous for its abundance, but at the same time, the farmers in the country did not enjoy the low price of grain.

This obviously caused dissatisfaction among the farmers, so peasant uprisings occurred one after another.

But the nobles and king of Aedirn obviously calculated the pros and cons-

Suppressing the riots is much more cost-effective than sharing the profits with the farmers.

So let the farmers mess around, anyway, it doesn’t matter to the overall situation.

Over time, not only the people of Aedirn got used to it, but also the other northern countries got used to it.

The peasant uprising is an internal affair of Aedirn. If other countries take the opportunity to intervene, it may cause the Aedirn nobles to be extremely vigilant and united.

But as Lann hinted: since it is an internal affair, even if a city is occupied by peasants of mixed non-human races, it should be a completely internal affair, right?

We cannot put the hat of "cooperating with Nilfgaardians" on the non-human races and peasant rioters, and we cannot enter a state of wanton war. At least we have to consider the appearance and influence.

This is the so-called "room for maneuver".

Through various channels, the various information collected intentionally or unintentionally, the grasp of human nature and human heart, the insight and application of tacit political unwritten rules.

Lann fully and easily uses his insights and talents.

There is no doubt that the Emperor's children are keen in diplomacy and political skills. And Lann's own educational experience has also laid a good foundation for his political vision.

It was no more difficult for him to understand the situation of Aedirn itself and its political tacit understanding with the surrounding countries than to open the cork of a red wine bottle.

After analyzing the situation of Aedirn, he easily and accurately deduced that as the friction between Nilfgaard and the North intensified, the inner anxiety of Aedirn farmers would definitely expand synchronously with the increasing outflow of grain.

Even far beyond all the previous times.

Other countries were preparing for war, so they had to store grain. The nobles of Aedirn took this opportunity to increase the export of grain, just to make money and fill their pockets.

Who would not be panicked if they saw this? But panic alone is useless.

So in Aedirn, a large number of flames of peasant riots were "smoldering" in the granaries in the fields and countryside, waiting for the day when they could no longer be suppressed.

In the only remaining eye of the one-eyed elf, the light of hope was getting brighter and brighter.

And in the eyes of Sakia on the side, there was more worry and sadness.

She learned from Lan that a peasant uprising might happen and many people would die, but she could not change anything.

Good people always feel sad about this.

Lan glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

But she would soon know that she was not incapable of changing all this.

"Come and lead us! Lan!"

Iorveth suddenly stood up from the campfire excitedly, and the action was so intense that the unicorn who was eating special rations with his head down was slightly startled.

But the elf himself was unaware of it. He looked at the demon hunter with a firm and even fiery look.

Margarita swore that if this was not a male elf, she felt that this look was almost the same as the look that the apprentices in Eritusari gave Lan.

"Your position, your ideas, and your strength! All of this can lead us to support this vision!"

But facing Iorveth's eager eyes, Lan shook his head after a moment of silence.


He refused.

"I do hope to establish my ideal system, and you do need a unique leader, but that leader is not me. I can't stand in the open and lead the whole process."


"Because I have more important work."

Iorveth's anxious question was answered calmly.

Lan looked at him calmly.

"I also hope that you can be treated fairly and justly, but to be honest, Iorveth, compared with the work I am currently busy with, your matter is not that important."

"If you don't want to see that kind of thing running all over the ground in a few months or years."

Without saying it clearly, Lan En just raised his chin towards the other side of the elf ruins.

Behind the broken marble blocks and overgrown vegetation is the cold corpse of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The one-eyed elf also frowned tightly when he heard it.

The management and concealment of the celestial intersection rift is the agreement made by Lan En and the Lady of the Lake.

Although there is no trouble at ordinary times, it seems to be peaceful.

But once the rift goes wrong, it will definitely not be a small scene.

Just like the Tyrannosaurus that is lying there now, it is hard to say whether it is related to the rift guarded by the Lady in the Lake.

After all, the rift once connected to the world where the New World is.

"For my job, I must not be in front of the stage all the time. And a leader whose whereabouts are uncertain and who cannot show up for a long time will not bring stable development to the organization, but will bring uncertainty and panic."

“It has nothing to do with ability or ideas, but everything to do with time.”

Lan En's words were so solid that it was impossible to refute them.

Then, Iorveth frowned hesitantly. He first looked at Lan En's face, and then followed Lan En's gaze and turned his head to Sakia.

Hesitation, understanding, acceptance.

A series of expression changes appeared on the one-eyed elf's face.

At this time, Sakia looked around a little belatedly.

"You mean..." She pointed to herself in confusion, "Me?"

"It is essentially a green dragon that has transformed into a human form, and there is absolutely no favoritism in its stance. But even if the identity of the real dragon is hidden from the public, the human form might be more useful! You can represent the position of equal coexistence between humans and non-human races and fight for us Come to the broadest human support!”

Iorveth actually became excited as he spoke.

"Moreover, there is nothing better than a proper leader to lead the people to stand up and resist injustice." Lan En added with a smile. "Especially someone like a young girl known for her miraculous prowess on the battlefield."

"From Joan of Arc to the infamous Falga, this is proof."

And maybe because he saw that his ideal was getting closer and closer to reality, Iorveth's face, which was too cold to look like an elf, actually showed a relaxed and cheerful smile like a bard.

As an elf, he seemed to be able to play musical instruments and vocal music, and he was speaking in a story-telling tone.

"What's interesting is that all of these heroines not only have leadership qualities, but they also have outstanding looks."

"A woman with slanted eyes, missing teeth, and a face full of acne scars often finds it difficult to call on men to join her in life and death."

"And look at you, Saskia!"

With encouragement, Iorveth raised his hand towards the injured body of the female warrior.

"Dark blonde and black hair, smooth skin, thick eyebrows, big eyes and pretty lips, full breasts, round waist and hips, and amazing curves!"

"This beauty has no one in the world"


Before the one-eyed elf could finish his "unparalleled" praise, the bonfire among the group of people suddenly jumped up as if a spoonful of oil had been poured on it.

The flannel ball, who was sitting by the campfire and listened in ignorance, was so frightened that he jumped up a little.

The elf blinked the remaining eye, and did not turn around to look at the sorceress who was playing with her hair as if it had nothing to do with her. Instead, she continued very smoothly.

"This beauty is almost comparable to that of the noble and wise sorceresses in the world!"

This time the fire didn't respond.

"In other words, this is the ideal idol to lead uprisings and riots!"

“If a man is given a beautiful female buttock as the right inducement, he may work wonders with that inducement!”

"Without such an ass leading the way, the freedom fighter's thoughts turn back to the harvest, his own woman, and the half-full glass of bad beer in the village tavern."

Sakia tilted her head and patted her thigh with her innocent right hand as a sign of applause.

"That's very well said, Iorveth. This speech about the ideal riot idol is almost as wonderful as your previous discussion of 'the role of human sexual desire in social evolution'."

Sakia is not shy about compliments on her body, and is very generous about it.

But after she finished speaking, she still frowned.

"But there is still a problem. I also hope to build an ideal city where life is equal, but as you said, I have no experience at all. I don't know what to do."

Before Iorveth, who was the most impatient, could speak, Lan En took a sip from the wine glass in his hand and said.

"I will give you help and guidance. I just can't be a stable leader because of time constraints, but I can still do things for this vision."

"In fact, this vision has been approved by me, which is equivalent to being approved by the Knights of Ember."

"The Ember Knights will also contribute to this."

Iorveth waved his hands excitedly.

"Ha! The famous Ember Knights!"

During the mountain road attack during the day, it was precisely because Siward's team included ten honorary swordsmen of the Ember Knights that they were not suddenly defeated in the sudden attack.

During the day, the Ember Knights still have the blood of the Scoia'tael on their hands.

But at night, Iorveth could only be happy that these knights were indeed as powerful as the rumors.

It's not that he doesn't care about the lives in his team, he just knows better that if he wants to prevent future non-human races from being forced to fight like them, there must be a choice.

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