Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1226 1208 Researcher Demon Hunter

Chapter 1226 1208. Researcher Demon Hunter

"This old woman!"

Margarita complained in a low voice with a twitch in her mouth.

But she didn't say it until she was sure that the portal was completely closed.

"Okay, Rita." Triss moved her stiff shoulders and said, "Tissaya is joking, but we still have a lot of things to do."

In her previous student life in Aretuza, her relationship with Tissaya was not very close, just a simple relationship between the dean and the student.

It was far inferior to the superposition relationship between students and friends such as Tissaya, Margarita and Yennefer.

So now she was not provoked by Tissaya.

However, with her close relationship with Lan En, Triss's contact and relationship with Margarita and Tissaya inevitably began to increase and deepen.

The interpersonal relationship that had not progressed in the student days began to improve after completing her studies and entering the busy and complicated warlock career.

"Okay, just kidding." Margarita sneered, "Hehe, just kidding."

But after curling her lips, the sorceress still followed Triss, and the two of them opened their own portals one after another and walked in.

Only the Ember Knights were left in this deserted but beautiful elven ruins, alert to everything that might come.


The roar of air pressure caused by the portal suddenly exploded on Lake Vizima.

The wind blew the water waves downward to form an arc, and then a horse fell from the air first.

The horse was unusually tall, elegant, and magical.

Its hooves radiated spider-web-like lightning patterns on the lake. It was obviously a big move, but it made its strong body stand firmly on the water waves!

The Qilin felt dizzy and swollen. It knew that with its body, this feeling would soon ease and disappear, but it just hated it.

Fortunately, walking on water is a completely instinctive behavior for the Qilin, so it can complete it even if it is dizzy.

Then, a kitten and a tall warrior fell from the air.

The kitten was a little dizzy, and almost fell into the water by pulling the wide rune cloth on the Qilin.

But after getting one leg wet, it climbed onto the Qilin's back. And shook its head and activated [Cat Shake Water].

The fitted kitten armor on its body also made a "clang clang" sound during this process.

Lan En, who was sitting on the Qilin's horse, pulled out a rune cloth and wiped the wet legs of the flannel ball, and was thanked by the kitten.

Then, the last person walked out of the portal in mid-air.

A sorceress.

Although she was a famous spellcaster, flying was not an easy thing for a spellcaster.

This requires the help of unique magic props to achieve short-distance, low-altitude stay, such as a magic carpet in the south.

And the real self-flying legend Joffrey Monk once accomplished this feat under the command of the Di Jing.

The demon hunter caught the falling Tishaya accurately. Considering his current size, this action seemed very easy.

"I said, there is no risk, right?"

The faint fragrance of lotus and lotus leaves came from the lake. The wind brought by the portal was moist and fresh. Under the morning sun, the morning mist that was originally floating low on the lake was slowly dissipating.

Some of the gorgeous and reflective molten silver hair fell on the face of the sorceress.

"It seems that there is indeed no risk."

The sorceress, who has always been calm and rational, seemed to feel that this teleportation was a bit exciting, so she moved her eyes away from Lan's face, swallowed her saliva, and straightened her face.

"Please let me sit down, this posture is really awkward."

The demon hunter followed suit.

The portal opened by Tishaya used the beacon set up by Triss near Vizima.

Since Foltest's last private conversation with Lan, the voice that she was originally told to "be cautious" in this area suddenly disappeared.

So the royal advisor was able to re-establish many teleportation beacons.

"It's a little off, but not far."

Lan En took a quick look and identified the location of this lake that he had been to many times.

Although Qilin was still cursing and snorting at this time, he still turned in a direction obediently and ran away.

Black Tern Island.

The original teleportation target was here, but now it was about 200 meters away, which was okay for a teleportation technique that used a beacon other than his own.

And he had told Tishaya before that there was no need to pursue accuracy too much, after all, this place was a smooth road for Qilin.

After getting on the island, Lan En helped Tishaya, and the flannel ball jumped down by himself.

The small island was still full of birdsong and flowers, making people feel a sense of leisure and comfort from the heart.

"This is it."

Tishaya, who was helped off the horse, subconsciously tidied her clothes and hairstyle to keep them symmetrical and regular.

At the same time, the sorceress's eyes were carefully observing this small island.

A residence of God.

At this time, there was only a faint excitement in Tishaya's heart, the excitement of a scholar and researcher.

This feeling has rarely appeared since she became famous. The last time was when Lan En extracted the strong growth power from the otherworldly dragon bone through alchemy, breaking through the long-term limit of the crystal cultivation project.

She is one of the oldest living human sorcerers.

In her era, the warlocks had just appeared and began to try to control the magic of chaos, and the strong were like gods and demons who could move mountains to see the scenery.

She took the lead in summarizing her experience, visits, and research, and finally made her own academic report on supernatural powers other than warlocks and chaotic magic.

That is the so-called God and faith.

And now, she once buried her head in a pile of old papers, just to read a piece of legends and myths about the research object on this small island.

Reality exists.

But after all, she has also seen the strong winds and waves and the various forms of experienced sorceresses and powerful spellcasters in the world. As a researcher, Tisaya's caution made her words and deeds cautious. As a scholar, her thirst for knowledge only made her feel slightly agitated.

"Ma'am, she's easy to talk to." Lan En also knew Tissaya's current mood as a researcher, so he introduced her. "I have also read your previous research reports. The style is very gentle, a little bit deconstructive, but it is not a big problem."

"I'm not a little girl who just started studying, Lan En." Disaya glanced at him coldly, then stretched out her hand to straighten the lace of her cuffs. "I know how to be calm and restrained."

The witcher chuckled.

Then, on the lake more than ten meters away from Black Tern Island, there was another roar of unstable air pressure.

Then a figure with a big bag hanging on his body fell into the lake with a 'plop'.

As if Lan En had been waiting for him for a long time, he walked towards the direction where the man fell into the water.

"I'm Gululu. I hate portals!"

Berengar, who had just fallen out of the portal, was pulled by Lan from the shallows of the lake, and finally managed to regain his footing.

Lake Vizima is not small, and there are waves even on the edge of a small island like Black Tern Island.

For example, if you suddenly fall in, if there is no one to help you, you may be pushed unsteady by the waves.

"What's going on?"

The old demon hunter was choked and coughed a few times, then wiped his face fiercely and asked.

"Margarita dragged me out of the workshop area in a hurry early in the morning, asked me to bring my things, and then stuffed me into the portal! This is too rough for an old man!"

Lan En supported Berengar, who was soaked all over, and walked towards the island from the shallows of the island. The two people's footsteps made the sound of splashing water.

Wet clothes are not a harsh environment for a witcher at all, even if Berengar has retired for a long time.

He quickly recovered, regained his footing, and escaped Lan's tug in the water.

"I've heard it all, Berengar. A witcher who goes to the Yinlu Tavern to look for call girls five days a week has no right to call himself an old man."

The young witcher said teasingly.

Berengar has nothing to be embarrassed about, he is an old bird.

But judging from Lan En's relaxed tone, although this matter was unexpectedly urgent, there didn't seem to be any sense of crisis.

Then the old witcher became more relaxed.

"You don't know what a witcher is like? Why are you pretending to be so stupid with me?"

Berengar first subconsciously spat out the lake water in his mouth, and then spoke disdainfully.

"By the way, where did this come from? Is this still Willen?"

"This is not Willen, but you are familiar with it." Lan En and Berengar walked out of the lake completely, and the young man smiled at him, "This is the Vizima Lake that you have fought for."

Lan En threw the large package that Berengar had brought over his shoulder, and there was a sound of hard carapace colliding with each other inside.

When talking about the dark history of working as a laborer at the dock, Berengar curled his lips.

"Hello, Ms. Tisaya." The old demon hunter ignored Lan En and greeted the sorceress first. "And you, Qilin and Velvet Ball."

After everyone except Lan Endu said hello, Berengar asked Tissaya: "What are we going to do now? Ms. Margarita looked very unhappy when she dragged me away."

"Based on our experience and the current situation, the specific explanation is very complicated." Tisaya had now arranged her hair and clothes meticulously again, and she said to the old demon hunter.

"But I'm afraid we are about to go full circle to the intersection of the celestial spheres, Belengar."

"The sky and the earth meet?!" Berengar was stunned at first.

Since he retired from the witcher trade, even monsters have been rare, let alone such a dangerous word.

So he was in a daze first, and then became a little nervous.

"Oh my god, what's going on?"

"I've said it, it's very troublesome to explain. But, Belengar"

Lan En spoke in a brisk tone, as if he was going to a sunny and relaxing resort.

"Aren't you unhappy watching [Turbid Current·Destruction] all the time? This time you can have a head-on confrontation with the blacksmith."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old demon hunter's cat eyes suddenly froze!

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