Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1227 1209 Crossing the Rift

Chapter 1227 1209. Crossing the Rift

"Aha!" Speaking of his past work being tampered with, Berengar immediately became excited. "You mean we can go to the world you've been to? Great!"

"Let me see what kind of character can tamper with my craftsmanship!"

There is no doubt that Berengar now recognizes his identity as a blacksmith far more than his identity as a demon hunter, which he has long since given up.

Lan and others can make fun of Berengar's failure in his demon hunter career, but once it involves his blacksmith's craftsmanship, they have to be much more careful with their words.

'Entering the celestial intersection' and 'entering a familiar world through the celestial intersection' are two things with completely different levels of danger.

And in that world, Lan even got help with equipment, which shows that the attitude towards him is not bad.

This is even better news.

So Berengar immediately put aside his previous uneasiness and began to get ready.

Berengar simply shook off his clothes that were completely soaked and still dripping with water.

He also realized at this time that if he wanted to go to another world through the celestial sphere intersection rift, then this place could only be Black Tern Island.

And there must be a goddess on the island who made an agreement with Lan En to look after the rift.

But the old demon hunter's attitude towards this matter was much more relaxed than that of Dishaya.

First of all, his research on gods and beliefs was far less in-depth and far-reaching than that of Dishaya.

Secondly, in the wandering career of demon hunters, they have really seen a lot of so-called "gods".

Like the forest gods and land gods in some small places, these "gods" are often some local spirits.

Sometimes they would tremble with fear when they saw the demon hunters.

Of course, there are also stag-headed spirits or other types of fierce characters who can really mobilize the natural and land forces of the place.

However, this type can also be negotiated or there are loopholes to deal with. Although most of the time demon hunters will take a detour in front of them, they will not stand there and wait for death when there is really no way.

So Berengar's mentality is still stable at this time.

The old demon hunter smoothed back his M-shaped hair to prevent the water from flowing down from his hair from covering his face.

Three people, a cat and a unicorn, led by Lan En, walked towards the former Dagon Temple on the other side of the Black Tern Island.

It was early morning when the sun was rising. The sun shone on the surface of Lake Vizima, reflecting the waves like broken gold.

At the same time, a layer of mist accumulated on the lake at night made the light more psychedelic.

But after approaching the former Dagon Temple, several people immediately noticed that a holy light that was different from the sun was appearing there.

This light looked exactly the same as the morning sun, but in their subjective feelings, it was completely different.

This strange sense of dislocation made Tishaya and Berengar a little confused for a while.

But the unicorn, the flannel ball, and most importantly Lan En, blinked very synchronously when they saw the light.

Kirin's ruby-like eyes, the cat eyes of the fluff ball and Lan En blinked together.

"This light. I seem to have seen it somewhere before?"

The fluff ball scratched his whiskers with his little paws, muttering uncertainly.

They all felt that the light was a little familiar, especially Lan En.

The corners of the demon hunter's mouth twitched. He had a vague guess in his mind, but it shouldn't be so unreliable, right?

Continuing to walk forward, several people stepped on the marble slab under the water, and their ankles were not in the shallow water with lotus leaves and lotus flowers floating.

The lady of the lake appeared from the dim light.

The lake water gushed upward in a posture that violated the laws of physics, and finally the waves formed a throne, and the lady of the lake sat on it.

Previously, they had learned about the real god from legends and Lan En's words, and it appeared in front of Tishaya and Berengar for the first time.

Although the two of them were not nervous, they still bowed their heads slightly and showed respect politely.

The god who guards a permanent rift where the celestial spheres meet is undoubtedly a good god for the world.

The Lady of the Lake also maintains a gentle and all-embracing smile, sitting on the wave throne with a divine smile.

This image is undoubtedly excellent, but Lan En has completely gotten used to it, or he is not likely to be affected by the Lady of the Lake's "little acting".

He knows that this goddess is actually very approachable.

"So, you didn't go to quarrel with Lady Galadriel, did you, lady?"

The young demon hunter tilted his head, put his finger on his chin and looked at the Lady of the Lake, asking calmly.

"This light power is very recognizable. It is a holy feeling that only the elves of Arda have."

The wave throne composed of the constantly surging waves and dynamics paused for a moment under these words.

When Lan En just came back from Arda, the Lady of the Lake got the exact situation of Lady Galadriel from him.

Then he said that he would personally go to find this old friend who had met a long time ago.

"It wasn't a quarrel!" The Lady of the Lake suddenly corrected Lan En's words seriously, as if discussing a very important issue.

"We recalled the carefree days of the past, and in the end tried to determine who was the dominant role in this friendship in the memories, that's all. Yeah!"

After saying that, as if to increase her credibility, the lady in the lake pinched a strand of her long green hair and twisted it around her fingers, while nodding fiercely.

"So, has the final result been reached?"

Lan En tilted his head and asked. The lady in the lake sighed.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Galadriel still looks like that. He looks gentle, but in fact he has a strong personality. She never admits that I was the one who took her to play when we were young."

"Oh." The young demon hunter nodded first, then pointed to the lady's hand with concern, "Your hand, madam. That holy light is overflowing."

"Don't worry about these little things!" The lady in the lake moved naturally and buried her gleaming hands into her long dark green hair.

It seemed like she was arranging her hair, but when she took her hands out, the holy light that appeared on it disappeared.

"Tell me, it's not yet time for the Chaos Magic Tide, but you came early and brought two friends with you. What happened?"

The trick of changing the topic is very obvious, but also very practical.

Immediately, Lan opened his mouth and told the story about the Dino Tyrannosaurus in the Pontar Valley.

"The intersection of the heaven and the earth. This is the meaning of our staying here, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Ms. Huzhong didn't express too strongly, she just sighed with emotion.

After all, small-scale celestial convergences happen from time to time, but this time they bring about creatures with extremely aggressive and wide-reaching effects like the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"I understand." The lady in the lake nodded to Lan En, Tissaya and others behind him on the throne of waves.

At the same time, a drop of crystal clear lake water slipped from the palm of the lady in the lake to Lan En's raised hand.

"When you find a location, crush this drop of water, and I will teleport the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex there."

In fact, she already knew Lan En's plan when she heard that Lan En buried the cone-shaped crystal into the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

So there is nothing more to say.

After handing over the water drop that serves as cross-world positioning and notification to Lan En, the lady in the lake waved her hand gently without looking back.

Immediately afterwards, the roaring bear head pendant around the witcher's neck began to shake, and the rift between the celestial spheres rose from the lake outside the Temple of Dagon.

Like cracks in a broken mirror floating over.

Tissaya looked at the cracks with the curiosity of a researcher. Berengar didn't care much about this thing, but just eagerly tightened his big package containing Smaug's dragon scales and dragon skin.

Lan En stepped forward and stepped on the splashing lake water to stand in front of the fissure where the celestial sphere met.

He took out the elf beacon from the alchemical leather bag on his waist and waved it in mid-air like broken glass.

Immediately afterwards, the scenery on the opposite side changed rapidly under the recorded world coordinates.

Qilin and Velvet Ball were both a little excited, and their bodies twisted unconsciously under the excitement.

Lan En held up the slightly shining elf beacon and stood next to the gap where the celestial spheres met, making way for the main passage.

At the same time, he tilted his head towards the inside and motioned for others to enter.

Leading the way were Qilin and Linbuqiu, who were equivalent to returning home, and then came Berengar, who was soaked and embarrassed, but his expression was full of ambition.

As if observing the interaction between the elf beacon and the celestial sphere's intersection, Tissaya walked inside while looking at the luminous stone in Lan En's hand.

The witcher nodded towards the Lady of the Lake, and then walked in holding the elf beacon.


A feeling of dizziness came, and the feeling of passing through the celestial sphere was actually stronger than the portal.

But Qilin was not so resistant to this feeling.

In the final analysis, no matter how fast Qilin's [Lightning Flash] is, it cannot cross the world on its own, and the dizziness of crossing the rift between the heaven and earth is necessary for it to be uncomfortable.

But in a world where Kirin is very confident in its own speed, the dizziness from the portal is unnecessarily uncomfortable for it.

It cannot be generalized.

The last moment it was a morning at Lake Vizima with a pleasant and humid air, carrying the faint fragrance of lotus flowers and lotus leaves.

But the next moment, after everyone comes out


The corners of Berengar's mouth twitched, and he unconsciously raised his hands to build a tent over his eyes.

"The sun is so hot! Is this a desert or Gobi?"

The feeling under everyone's feet changed from water waves just reaching their ankles to soft and dry sand.

A strong burning heat invaded from the surrounding air, disturbing their bodies that had just come from a cool lake.

"Ah! This is the Big Ant Mound Wasteland, meow?"

The flannel ball was the first to run over. The small triangular ears on his head were flapping, and he was looking around.

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