Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1235 1207 Good Place

Chapter 1235 1207. Good Place

Humans are large creatures in the natural world of the Magical Middle Ages. A creature that can catch a human and fly must be powerful enough to kill a human.

So Berengar, as a demon hunter, should be on guard against such monsters.

But Lan, who walked to his side, curled his lips indifferently.

"Maybe it's because this creature is too weak in this natural world."

"They are too weak, so their personalities are not as violent and untamable as the monsters that can kill people in our place. I heard that the investigation team tamed them smoothly."

Monsters that can kill people are already a scourge in the Magical Middle Ages.

But different worlds cannot be generalized.

Obviously, in the natural world of the New World, the creatures here have a unique understanding of the concepts of "power" and "ecological niche".

Berengar licked his lips, which were dry because of the sweating just now.

"Are the monsters in this place, Meliteli, so fierce?"

"If they weren't so fierce, no blacksmith would be able to make a sword as fierce as [Muddy Stream·Destruction], Berengar."

Lan En said with a smile.

"Didn't you come here for this?"

At this point, the shock of the new world in the old demon hunter's eyes gradually disappeared, and he sneered, looking very unpleasant: "Humph, that's indeed the truth."

"But, uh." After the old demon hunter sneered, he looked at Lan En who began to take off his left arm armor with a little confusion, "What are you going to do?"

"Oh, this is for you."

The young demon hunter said indifferently while putting the left arm armor he took off on Berengar's body.

".Wait! What's going on?"

The old demon hunter's face, which was already long, looked even longer because of his surprised mouth.

The young demon hunter put on the arm armor and said.

"Don't move when you're in the sky, or the pterosaur will fly around according to your force, and you'll feel dizzy."

As he spoke, Lan pulled out a small section of the hook in the mechanical structure of the arm armor and showed it to Berengar.

"This hook can be extended to a long extent. If you get tired of hanging on it with one hand, you can pull out a large section and wrap it around your feet to step on it."

Berengar blinked his eyes, thinking that Lan was getting more and more wrong.

But before he could interrupt, he saw the young demon hunter whistling skillfully at the only pterosaur left on the tree.

The trained pterosaur took off and flew low.

And Lan raised Berengar's hand, which was already wearing the left arm armor, and pointed it at the air.

"We will follow behind, bye!"


Before Berengar could finish his question.

The mechanical bite sounded "click" and the hook was ejected, just hanging on the saddle of the pterosaur.

With the inertia accumulated from the low-altitude flight, Berengar was taken to the sky by the pterosaur without a word.

It was not until he had flown dozens of meters high that the old demon hunter heard intermittent and frightened curses from the sky.

"Ahhh Lan! You bastard!"

"Don't shout! Berengar! Don't shout!"

And Lan, who was being cursed, was watching the fun and shouting instructions from below.

"If you shout, it will move! If it moves, it will fly crooked! Don't shout!"

Looking at Aiden and Gray who flew up first, they flew with Berengar on the pterosaur and enthusiastically guided him to control the pterosaur.

Only then did Lan turn over and jump on the back of Qilin's horse.

"Well, flying with the help of animals does seem very convenient."

On the horseback, Tishaya, who was sitting in front of Lan, looked at Berengar flying away in the sky, smiled and nodded and commented.

Lan took the flannel ball off the head of the Qilin and put it behind him, then patted the Qilin's neck to signal it to start.

They will rush directly to the south, and this route will pass through half of the Great Anthill Wasteland and the entire Ancient Tree Forest vertically, and finally reach the Star Stronghold on the coastline.


At the end of the afternoon, the three people flying in the sky could already see the coastline of the New World.

Berengar was really nervous at first, after all, even in his most exciting and dangerous career as a demon hunter, he had never experienced "going to the sky".

But Aiden and Gray took good care of him.

The old demon hunter had a sense of alienation due to unfamiliarity at first.

He unconsciously resisted the contact between Aiden and Gray.

But this subtle resistance is really only effective for those who are delicate and sensitive.

Gray felt something, but didn't care, and Aiden simply didn't feel anything at all.

So the two of them began to teach Berengar the flying skills of controlling the pterosaur very enthusiastically.

Among them, Aiden also made a few jokes about Berengar's learning ability and flying posture.

It stands to reason that when others are embarrassed and nervous, such jokes are likely to cause conflicts and dissatisfaction. It can even be said to be inevitable.

But Aiden is really cheerful, and his enthusiasm and enthusiasm are obvious.

When he makes suggestions and guides skills, it is easy to feel his kindness, and when he teases, people can feel no malice.

It's like an old friend who already knows each other well is teasing.

Even Berengar, who was psychologically sensitive because of his own experience, was unconsciously made to laugh out loud by Aiden's jokes.

Berengar, who was originally resistant and alienated, now chatted happily with the two people from the investigation team as a guest.

I wonder if this is another angle of "natural anti-tsundere"?

On the other hand, from the big anthill wasteland to the ancient tree forest.

The unimaginable prosperity of the new world and the fresh vitality that is almost so rich that it spreads in every inch of the air make the old demon hunter feel sincerely shocked.

"We are now on the cleared flight path."

Aiden introduced to Berengar enthusiastically.

"Flying also requires a route?" Berengar could have a familiar chat with the other party at this time, and even joked, "Why? Is it the same as sailing? If you deviate from the lane, you will hit the reef or encounter an undercurrent?"

"It won't hit the reef or encounter an undercurrent, Mr. Berengar." Gray also explained, "But the sky is also a territory divided by monsters. This route is actually "fought out" by hunters!"

The heat of the Great Ant Mound Wasteland has long been left behind. Berengar, hanging under the pterosaur, only feels the fresh wind wrapping his whole body.

The sunset sun sprinkled on the sea in the distance, turning into a large piece of sparkling broken gold.

But although this scene is beautiful, it is not quiet.

In the dense woods, in the forest formed by this super-large ancient tree whose root area and branch area have spread to cover tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Countless roars exploded in hunting and being hunted.

It is hard to imagine that Berengar has never thought that one day he will be able to hear the style of monsters from their roars.

In the Magical Middle Ages, this was the argument of the druids. And the druids have always been considered by the public as "weirdos and hermits living under oak trees."

The heroic roar, the stern roar, the impatient roar, the angry roar, this ancient tree forest, every moment, unscrupulously demonstrated the greatest feature of the New World -

the vigorous vitality.

On land, the Qilin and the two people and one cat on its back also felt the fleeting light and shadow in this ecologically prosperous forest.

Although Tishaya only had the magic power originally stored in her body to use at this time, she still generated a magic shield in front of the Qilin.

It was used to avoid the damage that might be caused by the Qilin's speed and the scratching of tree branches and leaves.

With the speed of the Qilin following the pterosaur on the ground, if it rubbed a branch, it would be no different from being hit head-on by a whip.

The body of the ancient dragon species Qilin can of course withstand the various reactions brought about by its own speed, but the person on its back cannot.

The flying speed of the pterosaur is trustworthy.

It took only a short time for it to return to the Star Base even with people on board.

The headquarters of the New World Survey Team.

The rough but solid building with a wild and natural style is still in sight.

The huge water wheel is built under the waterfall, allowing humans to use the power of nature to operate the entire base, including the large equipment in it.

"Land~Land~Land steadily! Watch your feet!"

Aiden in the sky loudly guided Berengar's landing, but the old demon hunter, who had long been away from fighting and other coordinated activities, still failed to do it perfectly.

When he landed, his footsteps could not keep up with his body rushing forward, and the whole person fell forward.

But just when Berengar closed his eyes and thought that he was going to fall hard.

Aiden behind him simultaneously untied his catapult hook from the pterosaur, and then rushed forward to hug Berengar.

The two rolled on the ground and completely relieved the impact.

"Ha!" Aiden brushed off the dust on his armor and stood up with a smile, "I've already told you, Berengar. With me watching, Lan En will let you go up the pterosaur. I'm very good at it!"

The old demon hunter first lay flat on the ground and panted.

The amount of exercise this time was really exciting for his life in recent years.

But when he looked up, Aiden and Gray both smiled and bent over, and stretched out their hands to him.

So the old demon hunter also closed his eyes, took a long breath and smiled, held their hands and stood up in one breath.

"Yes, very good. But this is my first time flying, what do you want from me?"

The old demon hunter also complained familiarly.

At this time, a sound of horse hooves with a slight electric sound suddenly approached behind them.

The Qilin brought the rapid wind and stopped behind the three of them carelessly as if he had just finished a walk.

On the horseback, in front of Lan En sat Tishaya, and he smiled and whistled.

"Shh~ It looks like flying makes you feel good, Berengar?"

"Don't be so frivolous with me."

Berengar first took off the arm armor on his left hand angrily and threw it at Lan.

But after Lan caught it easily, he couldn't help but smile.

"But you are right, you bastard."

"Oh? What did I say?"

Lan tilted his head with a knowing smile on his face. Gray unconsciously looked away from his face.

The old demon hunter stretched his shoulders and neck and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is indeed a good place for vacation."

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