Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1236 1208 Busy Stars

Chapter 1236 1208. Busy Star

"Eh? Are you coming to the New World for vacation?"

Aiden listened to their conversation from the side, scratching his head with a bitter face.

"Ah~ I'm so envious! It would be great if I could also not work and come to the New World for vacation!"

"Don't be greedy!" Gray slapped his partner hunter on the shoulder and said with a smile, "It's lucky to be selected to come to the New World. How many people want to see the ecology of the new continent but don't have the chance."

"Woohoo! I'm back, meow!"

And on the back of the unicorn that had just stopped, the fluff ball cheered and jumped down, like a happy ball of three colors of fur.

It couldn't wait to rush to the Star Base on all fours.

"Boss, I'm going to find honey dew and cotton first, meow!"

After not seeing each other for a long time, the fluff ball also missed the members of the thief adventure group he had formed. Although they had lost the courage to take risks in the last incident, the relationship between friends was not affected.

Lan En waved his hand to it, indicating that it could relax at will.

Then several humans walked together and went into the Star Base.

Still no one knew what monster's ribs or teeth were used, anyway, it was a few arches built with curved huge bones.

At this time, a refreshing evening breeze was blowing from the sea, and torches were gradually lit in the base, or cold light lamps with glowing insects such as fireflies.

But after several people came in, they found that the Star Base seemed very busy at this time.

It stands to reason that at this time, except for hunters who have to carry out night missions, everyone should be finishing up a day's work. Why do they feel so anxious?

The hunters wearing various armor and equipment ran around with the sound of "clang clang clang" of armor parts.

The Felu cats put a lot of supplies in the package, put them on their heads, and meowed to transport them everywhere. From time to time, they almost bumped into each other and were scared.

The leader of the supply squad, who is also the leader of the fourth regiment, is a brown-skinned beauty with Latino looks. She is standing on boxes of supplies, holding a list book in one hand and shouting to the surroundings.

Aiden had already put on his equipment before boarding the pterosaur. At this time, he took off his helmet and tucked it under his armpit, and walked to the bottom of the pile of supplies that was piled up like a small mountain.

He looked up and shouted.

"What's going on, squad leader? Are you busy so late at night? Where is the commander-in-chief? We have something important to tell him!"

He had to shout. Now the Star Base was noisy. No one was prepared for the emergency, so of course it would be very chaotic.

Even the squad leader of the supply squad who was in charge of commanding had to shout at the top of his voice.

The squad leader of the supply squad, who was already overwhelmed by the complicated and sudden affairs, put down the list in his hand and looked down, and still pulled out a tired and excited smile.

"Oh, it's Aiden, you're just in time!"

"Put on fireproof gear immediately, and bring at least one group of [cold drinks]. Something happened at the transit base in the Great Anthill Wasteland! A Flame King Dragon suddenly appeared there. We have to go and save people immediately!"

"If the people in the base have unfortunately died," she pursed her lips, but then her eyes became firm again, "then we must also take this opportunity to repel the Flame King Dragon and investigate the ecological anomaly of the Flame King Dragon."

An ancient dragon is actually something that the overall strength of the New World Investigation Team can handle.

But that's only in theory.

In theory, as the first batch of top elites, they have the ability to repel most ancient dragon species safely when they gather together.

But the problem is that they can't gather together at all.

Everyone is a top expert in their own field, and they come to the New World in groups to do things in their own specialized fields.

So after the first batch of groups laid the framework of a survey team, they basically went deep into the hinterland of the New World and could not find anyone.

As a result, the investigation team was unable to deal with monsters like the Rathalos stably before the arrival of the fifth group.

So for the investigation team, the Flame King Dragon that suddenly appeared in the transit base this time was really a crisis that should not be underestimated.

Of course, as long as the hunter was still there, the Flame King Dragon could be defeated after all. He was the ace of the guild's aces.

But the people in the transit base

"Oh, that's what we want to talk about!"

Aiden, who was looking up at the supply team leader under the piles of boxes, laughed cheerfully and said, "We trapped the Flame King Dragon in the second arena! People and Felynx are fine!"


The supply team leader, who was originally shouting and giving orders, suddenly became quiet. She was a little confused and smoothed her thick long hair that she had gathered on one shoulder for convenience.

Aiden thought that the other party didn't hear clearly because it was too noisy, so he simply took two steps forward, climbed a little higher on the boxes, and said it to her again.

"You said you 'trapped' the Flame King Dragon?! An ancient dragon?!"

Then, Aiden was grabbed by the collar of his armor by the supply squad leader who leaned over and shook him with his eyes fixed on him.

The news was too explosive, and the supply squad leader was so shocked that his voice was loud.

So around the pile of boxes where she was standing, all the members of the investigation team who heard the exclamation stopped their busy actions and looked over here blankly.

And Lan En and the others, who had been out of the focus because of the chaos and the less than ideal lighting, were now highlighted by the sudden silence.

Two Felynx carrying large packages on their heads obviously didn't notice the scene because of the large packages on their heads.

They bumped into each other, and the large package collided first. In order to prevent the things from spilling out, the two Felynx moved their feet in a hurry to stabilize their center of gravity. Finally, they stabilized the package, but they fell down.


The two cats fell right next to Lan En, attracting everyone's attention.

"Lan En?" The leader of the supply team still raised his hand in a daze and pointed at the tall figure not far from the pile of boxes. "You are back too? What's going on? Did you trap the Flame King Dragon together?"

"Really 'trapped'?"

Lan En waved and greeted the leader of the supply team on the pile of boxes.

"That's right, so we have to see the commander-in-chief immediately."


The commander-in-chief was actually not far away. He was still in the Star Base, at the meeting place converted from the damaged bow that was taken ashore and dismantled.

The commander-in-chief, whose hair and beard were all white but stood straight, and whose skin was dark and looked old and strong, still supported the conference table with both hands when he saw Lan En coming over.

He showed a reassuring calmness.

"I thought it might take a long time for you to come back."

Compared with Aiden and the leader of the supply squad, the commander-in-chief showed a calm acceptance of Lan En's return.

As he said that, his sharp eyes like a hawk looked at Aiden who came with him, and glanced at his equipment.

"Aiden, I remember that you took a mission about mudfish dragons before? Well, you are indeed wearing waterproof equipment."

"You came back from the Great Ant Mound Wasteland together. It seems that there should be nothing wrong there?"

Although he said it in a question sentence, the corners of the commander-in-chief's mouth had already revealed a slightly relaxed smile.

"You are really as sharp as ever."

Lan En smiled and walked with Aiden to the bow of the meeting.

In order to deal with the sudden appearance of the Flame King Dragon in the transit base, the scale of this meeting was the same as the previous one to deal with the Molten Mountain Dragon.

Representatives from the Ecological Research Institute, the Botanical Research Institute, and the workshop area came.

The swordsman wearing a female fire dragon suit sat on the edge as usual.

Lan En was able to easily turn around and say hello, and took care of everyone.

Although everyone was surprised by Lan En's appearance, they still responded with welcome and sincere greetings.

"Okay, the welcome party can be held later." The commander-in-chief opened his mouth and set the tone with a calm tone.

The dark-skinned white old man with a crew cut looked at Lan En and Aiden with burning eyes.

"Report the situation of the Flame King Dragon first."

"Of course." Lan En responded, and at the same time walked with Aiden to the center of the meeting crowd. At this time, the construction drawings of the transit base were placed on the conference table.

It seems that the combat arrangement just now was made on this drawing.

Simply, Lan En pointed to the second arena on the drawing and explained their plan and implementation process to everyone present.

"Use the arena I built to trap the ancient dragon?"

The chief of the workshop area and the leader of the second phase group touched his steel-brush-like beard, and his face, which was blackened by the fire, showed pride, but his mouth was still hard.

"What a pity, that's a great venue!"

Everyone in the investigation team knew each other well, and they were no longer surprised by his hard mouth.

The land where the ancient dragon once stayed. In some remote areas of the Old World, it was enough to build a shrine or a shrine on it.

The director of the Ecological Research Institute, the old man of the Dragon Tribe, Doudinger, was very concerned about the fact that the Flame King Dragon loved gunpowder.

He planned to lead the team to the transit base to study it personally.

After hearing the detailed description, the commander-in-chief's reaction was the simplest.

"It's a blessing that humans and Fey cats are fine."

As the commander-in-chief, he believed that he was responsible for everyone in the New World Investigation Team.

After confirming that the situation was no longer so urgent, as the order was issued, the originally busy Star Base began to stop in an orderly manner.

Only a small number of people were left, and they still had to rush there overnight to take care of the wounded and the Felynx who had to stay in the wild camp and had no combat personnel around them.

Seeing the atmosphere relax visibly, the commander-in-chief crossed his arms and smiled at Lan En across the conference table.

At the same time, his sharp eyes also swept over Tishaya and Berengar, who were standing under the bow of the meeting, and their dress and temperament were obviously not in line with the investigation team.

"You brought a new friend you haven't met here. It seems that something is going on, right?"

"I can't hide it from your experienced eyes." Lan En smiled and nodded, and then his face became serious.

"Yes, there is an ecological invasion and mutation incident, and we need to deal with it together."

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