Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1264 1236 Flame Light Spot

Chapter 1264 1236. Flame Light Spot

"But you didn't gain nothing."

Lan En kicked the Flame Queen Dragon Crown Horn lying on the ground with his toes.

"After losing a pair of ice attribute double swords, these materials are enough for you to make another pair of fire attribute double swords, right? Or ancient dragon grade."

"Not that easy." Wind shook his head and let Garfield, who was climbing up and down on him, take off his helmet.

"Ancient dragon grade weapons must be like your greatsword. In addition to the regular body materials of the ancient dragon, there must be at least one corresponding ancient dragon gem to be considered ancient dragon grade."

"Otherwise, my pair of [Ice Chain Swords] still have ancient dragon blood in them."

With the departure of the two Yangyan Dragons, the temperature of the entire second arena dropped slowly, but at least it would not continue to rise.

The hunters and the [Cold Drinks] of the Felu Cats can completely withstand it.

So, except for Wind who was injured in his hand, Garfield, the fluff ball, and Lan En all wandered around the arena for a while.

They collected some of the manes and scales that the Flame King Dragon and the Flame Queen Dragon dropped during the battle.

These two Yangyan Dragons not only look like big cats with wings, but they also fight in a similar way.

If the fight is a little more intense, the ground will be covered with hair.

These manes will definitely not be made into equipment because the quantity is too small and the quality is not good.

But they can be handed over to the Ecological Research Institute as research materials for archiving.

Although the Fatalis Dragon had half of its claw eaten by the Flame Queen Dragon here, after it became stronger and its thorns all over its body turned black and steel, these thorns seemed to be more difficult to fall off.

So only a small pool of ancient dragon blood was left at the scene when half of the claw was torn off.

Garfield was lying beside the pool of ancient dragon blood, digging the bloody soil while teaching the fluff ball how to deal with the hunting scene more efficiently.

The two kittens meowed at each other.

And Lan En walked in front of a blue-purple flame that was still not extinguished.

This was the place where the Flame Queen Dragon pressed its claws before leaving just now.

Just an unintentional touch can leave a trace of burning for such a long time on the rock without any flammable materials, and the ground in the center of the flame will be heated to a bright and softened state.

The characteristics of the flame of the flame queen dragon, which is smoldering and sticky, are indeed terrifyingly lethal.

I am afraid that just passing by can create a terrifying and long-lasting burning zone on the ground.

Of course, within the Yangyan dragon population, this characteristic is completely harmless.

The simple high temperature may not be as effective as a slap on the body for them.

I don’t know why the Flame King Dragon is so afraid of the Flame Queen Dragon.

Maybe this is a couple.

Lan En sighed with his divergent thoughts.

But in his hand, the heavy [Turbid Stream·Destruction] was held by the hilt, and the wide blade and the tip of the sword were inserted into the middle of the blue-purple flame, and the ground had been burned soft.

The huge weapon more than three meters long was inserted diagonally into the flame, and the outer handle was still in Lan En’s hand.

In his hand, the leather on the hilt and the inside of the gauntlet made a "crunching" sound, which made people feel sore.

Finally, the thick hilt broke apart as if it was crushed, and deep in those cracks, a deep flame began to reveal.

Like flowing lava.

[Combat Skill·Embers]!

[Embers] are the tiny residues left by the successive fire kings who inherited the original fire in the flame world.

However, the cracks did not spread to the entire sword body like when dealing with [Deep Saint] Eldridge before, but were only limited to the hilt, near Lan En's palm.

Even if it is residue, [Embers] also instinctively has the characteristics of burning everything and maintaining itself.

The blue-purple flames left by these flame queen dragons seemed to be sucked out, spiraling around the wide blade of [Turbid Stream·Destruction], and getting smaller and smaller.

Lan En drew out the greatsword only after the last trace of blue-purple flame disappeared.

The palms wearing dragon scale leather gloves rubbed the dark sword body, making a pleasant and soothing sound of leather and steel friction.

Use [Combat Skill·Embers] to absorb a little of the flame that is no longer controlled by the Flame Queen Dragon and store it in [Muddy Flow·Extinction].

Although the storage time will not be very long, because [Embers] will definitely burn this flame clean in the end.

But this "storage time" is enough for Lan En to observe and understand this flame, and finally apply it to [Spell Fire].

The flame of the Flame King Dragon is mainly high temperature and explosive combustion, which is not very meaningful to Lan En.

After all, in terms of physical impact, the dragon flame obtained from Smaug, which has been absorbed, is even stronger.

And the flame of the Flame Queen Dragon, which has smoldering and strong adhesion, is much fresher to him.

After arriving at several places burning with blue-purple flames, Lan En used [Muddy Flow·Extinction] as usual to preserve these fires as samples for his own research.

By the time the fire left by the Flame Queen Dragon was cleaned up, the Felynx had basically finished collecting materials.

Garfield and Flannel Ball, the two Felynx, lifted the broken crown horn of the Flame Queen Dragon one after the other, and waved to the hunters, indicating that they could evacuate.

Winder's hand recovered quickly with the help of the [Great Healing Medicine]. Although the flesh and skin inside the gauntlet were probably still stuck to the gloves due to the burns, it could already open and close slightly.

Finally, he didn't have to hold the [Ice Chain Sword] that had been melted into two iron bars.

After walking out of the transit base, the two hunters and the two Felynx looked back.

The cylindrical mountain was no longer like before, like a volcano about to erupt, with blurred air and sparks due to overheating rising up.

The overall situation became calmer.


"Did your hand get burned inside?" Aibo sorted out the supplies for Winder, and although he was a little serious, he said it without being nervous. "Then you will be sad for the next two days."

It can be seen that this kind of injury is not a big deal in the New World Survey Team.

"It's just a matter of two days." Winder shrugged. "It will heal soon."

In fact, if it wasn't for the burn inside the hand nail, then after drinking the [Great Healing Medicine], Winder might be able to move normally on the same day.

The flame of the Flame Queen Dragon is particularly unfriendly to injury recovery.

"Then let's rest here until we can move freely. It's only two days."

In the camp, the dragon scholar in charge clapped his hands and said.

"It's okay to recuperate." Ai Bo held the strap across his chest and frowned slightly, "But you don't have much space here. Let's go a little further and find another camp."

"No, no, we're leaving too." The dragon scholar continued to clap his hands, and this action was obviously to greet the people in the camp.

He smiled a little excitedly.

"We still have to go to the ruins to assess the losses and quickly rebuild the transit base. There are also traces of the three ancient dragons fighting each other in the second arena! I'm excited!"

Not only him, but the original transit base members who were originally nestled in this small camp are now eager to start working.

People who can travel across the ocean to the new world and stay for decades in this world, if they don't really like this nature, they can't stay.

So Ai Bo was not very surprised, just talked and laughed while helping them move things, and watched them return to the fire ruins in the valley.

Lan En and his companions rested in this camp until the next day. On this day, Winder's hand could be pulled out of the gauntlet.

So they set off today to return to the Star Base on the edge of the Ancient Tree Forest.

When Lan En patted the carefree face of the Qilin, which was still chewing a cactus from the Great Anthill Wasteland in its mouth, he was still feeling lucky.

Fortunately, he had sent it a little further away yesterday.

Otherwise, who knows what would happen if another Qilin appeared in the scene of the three ancient dragons fighting?

Regardless of whether the Exterminating Dragon left or not, the Flame King Dragon and the Flame Queen Dragon would definitely not separate.

By then, it is estimated that the hilltop where the transit base is located will really be burned into a magma lake and crater.

Lan En did have the idea of ​​using a variant of the [Axis Seal] to see if he could talk to the ancient dragons.

But this is just an unrealistic idea.

The reason why they were able to talk to Qilin was because of the battle madman, Golden Lion, who made both of them angry, so they had their first cooperation.

Later, after the foundation of cooperation and trust was established, Qilin wanted to gain growth experience from Lan En and took the initiative to come to him, and they became friends.

And now, Lan En has to talk to other ancient dragons.

Although the ancient dragons have wisdom beyond the average of humans, they don’t take creatures other than themselves too seriously.

Secondly, except for Qilin, a young ancient dragon who was born less than ten years ago, the thinking of adult ancient dragons who have lived in nature for a long time is too different from that of humans.

Humans can’t convince each other even if they try hard, let alone ancient dragons?

When the meaning of "you need to leave" is conveyed to the other party's mind, in the ancient dragon's mind, he is already the party provoked by the territory.

What else is there to say except to start a war?

So Lan En didn't even bother to fight, just fight directly.

With the help of the Pterosaur and the Kirin, they quickly returned to the Star Base and reported the mission results to the Commander-in-Chief in person.

So far, the troubles of the transit base have been successfully resolved.

"Not only the Flame King Dragon, but also the Flame Queen Dragon and the Exterminating Dragon in estrus."

The Commander-in-Chief stroked the white beard on his black face with two fingers, pondering.

At the same time, he glanced behind him. The swordsman sitting on the stool heard the news about the Flame King Dragon and the Flame Queen Dragon, and his heart was obviously very turbulent.

But in the end, he could only bear it.

The Star Base must have a hunter who can deal with the ancient dragons to always be in charge, so as to have basic security guarantees in this new continent.

So if Lan En didn't come for this mission, Winder would have to go alone, and then the swordsman master would be in charge of the Star.

This is because the swordsman master is not young after all. Although the most important skills and experience are still there, sitting in the base without consuming physical energy is the action that can best guarantee his combat effectiveness and the safety of the base.

It's just a little unfair to his hunting spirit as a hunter.

However, Lan En didn't feel sad about the swordsmanship master.

After all, when Winder rests, the swordsmanship master can move freely.

Judging from his appearance, he should be very obsessed with the investigation and hunting of ancient dragons such as Yangyan Dragon. There will always be opportunities in the future.

But on the other hand

"There are still some questions, I think I should explain them."

At the bow of the ship, Lan En spoke seriously to the commander-in-chief.

"Do you remember the blue dots of light I mentioned last time I left?"

"I remember." The commander-in-chief frowned seriously, "You said that those dots of light that cannot be seen normally seem to be guiding something. What's wrong? Did you see them again?"

"Not only did I see them." Lan En raised his eyes, "They have become more numerous again."

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