Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1265 The possibility of 1237 [Taboo]

Chapter 1265 1237. The possibility of [taboo]

"The blue light point invisible to ordinary people. What is it guiding?"

The Commander-in-Chief pinched his chin, frowned and whispered.

Lan En had already said something about this phenomenon during the Molten Dragon resistance battle.

They also remembered it at the time, but they were not sure whether this was a phenomenon unique to the New World ecology.

After all, there are countless magical creatures and magical environments in this world, and there will be mutual influence between creatures and the environment.

This is an entire continent, and the effective exploration time for thousands of humans on this continent is only a dozen years.

It is normal for phenomena that have never been seen before to be discovered.

Just because it corresponds to the time when the Laoshan Dragon appeared abnormal, it cannot be concluded that this phenomenon is related to the abnormal activities of the ancient dragon.

But if we add this time.

Although Yanwanglong likes the gunpowder of the investigation team, it is significantly different from its normal biological habits to directly break into a transit base that it has never been to before.

Researchers from the Institute of Ecology also studied Yanwangsaurus during the few days it lay in the Second Arena.

It is said that this Yanwang dragon seems to be a little confused in its sense of direction sometimes.

But for creatures like ancient dragons, do their bodies really lose their sense of direction?

"If it were a magical light that could enchant even ancient dragons"

At this time, the swordsman who was sitting behind the Commander-in-Chief and serving as the ballast of the Star Stronghold's combat power also sat upright and spoke in a low tone.

"Then maybe this thing."

The old swordsman's voice made a loud sound under his helmet, but he didn't finish the meaning.

But the commander-in-chief, who didn't even look back, turned serious at the same time.

It seems that the two comrades who have experienced most of their lives have understood each other's meaning without saying a word.

Being able to confuse all ancient dragon species regardless of their species, this ability is only possible above ordinary ancient dragon species.

In the rules of hunters, they generally call this creature - [Taboo].

‘A creature that can cause panic even if its name is revealed among those who know it’.

The most deadly and well-known [taboo] monster

The commander-in-chief and the swordsman master subconsciously turned their faces in a distant direction.

That is the Old Continent, the site of ancient human civilization, and the direction of the ancient King Shuret City.

Why is it said to be an ‘ancient civilization’? Of course it means that the civilization has died.

Moreover, the ‘thing’ that lost civilization is still entrenched there.

Does this kind of ‘thing’ actually exist in the New World?

"This is not the level of a small fight."

The sword master, who had never expressed his opinions in meetings, also stood up from the bench.

This action made Ai Bo, who had always been very nervous, feel a little dazed.

"It's just a guess now." The commander-in-chief shook his head at first, but then frowned. "But since it's related to the [Taboo], even if it's just a guess, we have to report it to the guild."

"When does the next ocean-going ship of the material class leave?"

"Still preparing." Ai Bo raised his hand and said, "I heard that we have to wait half a month before we can set sail!"

Everything that needs to be done in the Xingchen Stronghold is open to the public. After all, there are only so many people, and if the workers know about it, it means everyone knows about it.

Sometimes it is common to say a few words while eating.

Ai Bo, who spent the longest time in the Weapons and Lynx Pavilion, and even served a plate of steaks and chicken drumsticks as "stuffing snacks" there for daily reading and writing records, could be said to be well-informed in a sense.

"If we set sail in half a month, we won't be back until half a year later."

The commander-in-chief lowered his head and estimated the itinerary of the ocean-going ship.

This trip is quite fast.

Because the Hunter Guild allocates the best ocean-going ships and sailors to the New World Survey Team.

In addition, the craftsmanship technology in this world is actually very powerful, and the material science is even more exaggerated because of the materials of the monsters, so that we can achieve such efficiency of traveling across the ocean.

In Lan En's home world, if an ocean-going ship in the sixteenth century wanted to take this route, the sailing time plus midway supplies would have to be calculated in years.

The possibility of [taboo] being involved made the Commander-in-Chief dare not issue even a cautious order such as 'investigation'.

But the good news is that the New World has not found any areas that are particularly different from the natural environment during the current investigation activities of the investigation team.

Although ancient dragons can also change the environment, they generally follow their own habits.

The Flame King dragon will tend to live in high-heat areas such as volcanoes, while the Steel Dragon will tend to live on the tops of mountains where winds never stop.

Therefore, even if the Flame King Dragon passes by the ground, it will produce magma, and the Steel Dragon can create a storm even if it does not flap its wings.

In fact, their ability to transform the environment is not great under normal circumstances. After all, the habitat is just like that.

But [Taboos], the environmental changes they cause are far more significant than ordinary ancient dragons.

"Carry out normal investigation activities first, and don't delve too much into the possible [taboos]."

Finally, the Commander-in-Chief sets the tone for the period.

"We need the experience and judgment of the guild to support us. It would be best if there is information from the Old Continent. Even a few words can be helpful. Moreover."

As he spoke, the commander-in-chief raised his dark face and looked at Lan En.

"As the only one among us who can see the 'invisible blue light spot', you should also leave, right?"

The demon hunter nodded calmly, confirming the commander-in-chief's statement.

His main purpose for coming back to the New World this time was very clear. It was to deal with the corpse of the Mist Nest Lord Tyrannosaurus, ask the master craftsmen of the two worlds to work together to improve his armor, and then add the task of driving away the Flame King Dragon.

Now everything has been completed, and according to the progress of Tishaya's theoretical research during this period, she calculated that the tide of chaos magic in the Magical Middle Ages is also approaching.

So it's time to leave.

At least, if the investigation team starts investigating the 'invisible blue light spot' now, he will definitely not be able to catch up.

"Whether it is this precious observation ability or this combat power, it seems that you have become an indispensable force for us."

The swordsmanship master folded his arms and looked at the young demon hunter, saying with some emotion.

He still remembered the scene when Lan En first met them.

At that time, the demon hunter was like a hedgehog who looked cute on the surface but was actually very nervous.

After they found out that he was from another world, his first reaction was to be on guard and ready to attack.

But now

The swordsman looked at Lan En calmly, and under his helmet, the powerful hunter who was no longer young smiled.

"You still have your 'prey', so let's do it this way for now."

The commander-in-chief was the same. He was very pleased to see the hunter he 'specially recruited' into the investigation team.

"Wait until your 'hunting' is completed and the information from the old continent comes, and then we will investigate it clearly."

After saying that, the commander-in-chief's serious black face smiled.

"Of course, if that thing makes trouble first, we won't wait for you."

"Then I wish I can catch up." Lan En also smiled and shook his head, "I am still very interested in it, whether it is fighting or research."


After talking about the Flame King Dragon and the Flame Queen Dragon, Lan En turned around and went to the processing house on the second floor of Xingchen.

Expelling the Flame King Dragon occupying the second arena was originally a task directly issued by the processing house, and he had to tell them.

After entering the processing room, it was no different from before, still a lively scene illuminated by the steel furnace.

Berengar and the second-term leader were still holding the parts of the master-level bear school armor that Lan En had replaced, and seemed to be communicating.

When they saw Lan En coming in, the two of them immediately came over with great interest.

Driving a Flame King Dragon, with Winder and Lan En, they never thought of failure.

What they were more interested in now was.

"How is this one? And Winder's one?"

The second-term leader's strong arm slapped Lan En's arm armor.

At the same time, the one-eyed one came closer to carefully observe the marks on this armor.

"No problem at all." Lan En raised his hand very cooperatively, and the dragon scales on the back of his hand opened and closed as he opened and closed his palm. "It can withstand the flames of the Flame Queen Dragon, and its physical strength is also sufficient."

"Oh! I told you! Our craftsmanship combined with this powerful material, it can't be wrong!"

The leader of the second phase team first laughed complacently with his hands folded across his chest, but then he reacted and his face was stunned.

"Huh? Flame Queen Dragon?"

Lan En described the scene of three ancient dragons squeezed in an arena. The leader of the second phase team immediately knew what kind of ancient dragons were. Even if he just listened to the description, he was gnashing his teeth.

Two Yangyan Dragons, one of which almost went supernova. The arena he built was almost turned into a crater.

But on the other hand, he and Berengar were quite proud.

Because the two sets of armor they made were quite impressive on the battlefield where the three ancient dragons fought each other.

Yes, the Mist Nest Master Set was also made by the two of them.

After all, the material of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was contaminated by the magic of chaos and was cursed. Without the guidance of professionals, the leader of the second-phase group would not dare to start easily.

It was just that Lan En's armor had lost its vitality because the dragon scales and dragon skin were dead, and Smaug was too dead.

The main technology was Berengar's domain.

The technology of the main suit of the Mist Nest was the domain of the leader of the second-phase group.

In the process of mutual communication and learning, the two led the manufacturing process of a set of armor.

It can be seen that after this exchange, both of them were very happy to gain and make progress.

When notifying himself that it was time to leave, Berengar was a little regretful.

But there was nothing to be reluctant about, after all, Lan En would definitely come back in the future, and the round-trip process seemed quite convenient.

Finally, the leader of the second-phase group said that he would have a good exchange with Berengar in the last time.

Lan En could only find the eldest apprentice in the processing house to double the ammunition of his heavy crossbow, [Dragon Roar], which was almost used up before.

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