Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1271 The name of the 1243 doll

Chapter 1271 1243. The name of the puppet

Lan En also sat down not far from the fluff ball and began to organize the things he needed.

He put some alchemical raw materials in the space expansion bag, but more of them were already made and replenished potions, bombs, and sword oil.

Check various inconspicuous but convenient small devices, such as knives and ropes, as well as simple armor repair tools and so on.

In addition, the dry food and drinking water that must be replaced before entering the celestial intersection rift every time are also in place.

Considering the recent changes in Qilin's taste, Lan En also prepared a lot of special rations for him to eat after implanting the [bone strengthening organ] in the space expansion bag it carried.

The sound of the waves remained, and the fluff ball and Lan En were each busy with "rustling".

No one spoke, the work at hand was not troublesome, but the atmosphere was very comfortable.

In the New World, hunters and their follower cats probably have such an atmosphere of getting along.

Soon, the Qilin who was running back also appeared on the sea surface outside the cave.

And without any care, he stepped his hoofs soaked in seawater on the ground and greeted the flannel ball and Lan En with a "hiss".

The Qilin horns on its head had fully grown a few days ago.

However, I don't know if it was because the experience of horn breaking was too frequent in the Qilin population?

Or was it because he ate the special rations made by Lan En for his bone development as a snack?

Anyway, after the Qilin's horns grew back, some changes occurred in his body.

Its Qilin horns themselves did not change much, but on the shoulder blade of the front leg and the knee bend of the hind leg.

Lan En felt a little hard under the skin.

At first, he thought that the Qilin had bone hyperplasia after eating too much of his special rations?

But when he thought about the physical fitness and life state of the ancient dragon, things that can make these things naturally sick are enough to cause a massacre in the ordinary natural world, right?

Later, Lan En discussed with Qilin, and then used the blade of Arondite to gently cut open the scales on Qilin's shoulder blade to take a look.

In the end, he came to a conclusion that confused both the demon hunter and the ancient dragon.

Those hardened parts under the skin were indeed not bone hyperplasia. Instead, they were blue-purple crystals with a texture similar to that of Qilin's horns, like high-energy crystals.

These crystals seemed to be accumulating and growing, and perhaps they would eventually push out from under the tough scales of Qilin.

Lan En was quite surprised, but Qilin itself had no feeling at all after the initial surprise.

According to its meaning: "Huff~Huff."

'I eat and drink as I should, and I don't feel anything at all! No feeling means it's not important! I've been like this for the past ten years, and it's definitely right! '

The result of the empirical theory based on Gu Long's physical feelings seems to be correct.

But Lan En still tends to think rationally.

Judging from the evolution of the [Fiery Claw] Savage Jaw Dragon, Lan En felt that it was probably because the Kirin had broken off its horns several times, and its ability to control lightning failed.

This caused its body to evolve into a "backup measure".

That is, "even if the horns on its head are gone, there are other organs on its body that can maintain its own lightning control power."

I just don't know if this control power is divided from the original strength of the Kirin's horns, or is it additionally strengthened?

Considering the outrageous performance of the creatures in the New World, Lan En basically defaulted to the second one.

This also made the demon hunter always smack his lips in a weird way when he looked at Kirin recently.

If he wanted to become more powerful, he had to learn technology, engage in scientific research and innovation, and operate on his body.

This guy just broke off his horns several times and grew them back without much effort, and then he upgraded? !

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Hearing this sound again, Kirin, who was chewing a piece of kelp in his mouth smoothly and regularly like a capybara, tilted his head.

On the face of the cat, the ruby-like eyes looked at Lan En who was smacking his lips.

Then he turned his head away as if nothing had happened.

Okay, this kid is too arrogant.

I'll let you try to beat the golden lion alone later.

Because the tide of chaotic magic power is approaching, the three of them also know that the journey across the world will begin again.

So now they have entered a state of recuperation.

Lan En sat on the bed in the secret cave, and [Turbid Stream·Destruction] was supported on the ground, and the blue-purple flame of the Flame Queen Dragon was burning silently on the sword.

Just a small flame on the sword made the temperature in this half-open cave facing the sea rise by four or five degrees.

And Lan En leaned the hilt of the greatsword on his shoulder, and a swaying flame also burned on the palm of his left hand.

[Fire of Spells]

As Lan En felt the flame sucked into the greatsword, his [Fire of Spells] could also reflect his understanding of the flame to the outside world.

The [Spellfire] on the demon hunter's hand twisted and leaped, first changing from a small flame burning in the air to a piece of fire spread across his palm.

Then the color gradually changed, starting from red to blue-purple.

Finally, the flame on Lan En's palm was basically the same as the fire that the Flame Queen Dragon sprinkled on the arena.

"[Flame Queen Dragon Fire], completed."

Mentos completed the progress bar on Lan En's retina, which meant that the demon hunter did master the ability to change the spellfire to this nature.

Lan En started studying it the same day after he drove away the Flame Queen Dragon.

It is now considered complete.

With a clench of his palm, the blue-purple flame, which is essentially the [Fire of Curse], extinguished in accordance with the user's will.

Lan En also grasped the hilt of the sword against his shoulder at the same time, and the flame on the [Muddy Stream·Destruction] sword suddenly became weaker and weaker.

Now that he has learned it, the little flame left in the greatsword can also be put into the [Remnant Fire].

It was already dark, and candles were lit in the secret cave.

Qilin was lying on the ground, playing some unknown game with the flannel ball.

The sound of the waves outside was still there, making people feel calm and distant.

After Lan En put all the blue-purple flames into the [Remnant Fire], he was about to stand up with the greatsword.

But the light changed because he put away the flame.

The amber cat's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly in the change of light.


The sound of armor colliding caused by the sudden pause in the movement was as abrupt as Lan En's eyes.

Before, because of Margarita's bad taste, Lan En's display cabinet was not far from the bed in the secret cave.

It contained his adventures and souvenirs from various worlds.

There were books on swordplay, fists and kicks, some small pieces of scale armor of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, and a lifelike doll.

The doll was obtained from the city of Yharnam, which was obsessed with the blood of the ancient gods.

The doll sat quietly behind the glass of the display cabinet, and it had not changed at all since it was brought back by Lan En.

Exquisite appearance.

The exquisiteness of the appearance came not only from the beautiful face of someone who was the prototype, but also from the feeling that the doll maker poured in a morbid and paranoid love to reproduce it in detail.

The tall figure was wrapped in a complex dress similar to that of the Victorian era.

Its skirt was nested layer by layer, and the lace alone was pressed four or five layers.

At this time, it just sat quietly with its palms on its knees, and it had a quiet and elegant feeling.

Except for the specially made ball-shaped universal joints on the fingers as knuckles, no one can tell with the naked eye whether it is a doll or a real person.

Lan En has even become accustomed to adjusting the doll's headdress and hair when he comes back to sort out items and replenish supplies after each cross-world trip.

It makes him feel like playing with a life-size figurine.

But now

In the sudden change of light, Lan En's eyes caught a little change that he had never seen before.

Mentos instantly retrieved the memory of the most recent picture and confirmed that it was indeed a change that had not existed before and had only appeared recently.

Lan En continued the action that had been abruptly stopped. He stood up from the edge of the bed with the help of [Turbid Flow·Destruction], and the huge sword was leaned against the rock wall of the cave.


The demon hunter whispered a name hesitantly.

He stood in front of the glass of the display cabinet where the doll was, and the reflection on the glass showed the serious eyes on the beautiful face.

He was looking at the hair accessories on the doll's head.

On the silver piece of the hair accessory, the name was inscribed in a gorgeous cursive script.

Its luxurious and complex font features matched everything about the doll, as if it had been there for a long time.

But Lan En knew, and the biochemical intelligent brain also knew: this was not something that had been there for a long time.

The doll lowered its eyes in the display cabinet, as if tempting people to follow their sight and look at it.

"Margarita or Tishaya." Lan En's finger tapped the glass door lightly, "Will the two of them come here to play with dolls like little girls?"

"Based on your understanding of them, this is of course impossible." Mentos analyzed quickly, "Perhaps Ms. Triss will have this girl's childishness? But there is no doubt that I don't think Ms. Triss will mess with things here without your consent."

"Then this name came up by itself?"

Lan En opened the glass door and wanted to reach in to take off the hair accessory for a closer look, but when his fingers were about to touch the pale hair of the doll.

The demon hunter seemed to have thought of something, and his hand hesitated.

He did not touch the puppet or the hair ornament, but instead carefully bent down and put his face close to it.

He looked at the hair ornament and the puppet slowly and carefully.

"Some kind of spell made this name appear? Why? Why now?"

"Does this name belong to the prototype of the puppet?"

A series of questions burst out in the demon hunter's heart.

But at the same time, Mentos actually knew that a guess had been lingering in the subject's mind.

These questions did not need it to answer.

It was not even just a "guess", there was already an extra "plan" in its task list.

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