Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1272 1244 missing

Chapter 1272 1244. Missing

‘A curse on his sons and on his grandchildren.

Descend to all his grandchildren and even to future generations. ’


Lan En felt a blur of dizziness.

And in the dizziness, I seemed to hallucinate a deep and calm female voice, saying something like a sentence.

The calm tone does not reflect the emotion of the voice's owner, on the contrary, there is an accepted desperation in that calmness.

Lan En now felt as if he had not been refreshed after taking a nap, but instead felt dizzy and confused.

This feels wrong.

Because there is no doubt that he, who has carried out the Space Marine enhancement surgery to this point, should have the ability to control hormones beyond mortals.

Insomnia and lack of rest are a thing of the past for him.

What's more, although his memory is not very clear, he can be sure that he did not come here from sleep.

A series of thoughts only occurred in the blink of an eye.

The implantation of the [Song Gland] is not only as simple as allowing the space warriors to re-develop, but also for hormone regulation.

It can also significantly increase the brain's thinking speed and thinking thread.

In most eras, what is needed on the battlefield are professionals who think calmly and are skilled in tactics, rather than foolhardy young men who act recklessly.

In fact, Lan En's body was in the process of losing control and about to tip over when he reacted.

But after he regained consciousness, his left hand immediately pressed warily on the hilt of the Lake Lady Sword at his waist.

And when his right hand was about to hit the ground, he lightly pushed it onto the ground.

With an extremely smooth spin on the ground, Lan En immediately got out of the position where he was about to fall, and entered an alert posture that could respond to surrounding threats at any time.

The heavy, bone-white armor on his body caused a heavy wind sound in the process, but it did not affect the lightness and smoothness of the movement itself at all.

The demon hunter pressed the handle of the knife with his backhand, and a pair of amber cat eyes scanned the surroundings alertly.

But after a while, his tense muscles began to relax, and his body gradually came out of its alert posture.

There doesn't seem to be any danger here.

There was no one around.

This seems to be a church.

The building made of large stones looks strong and spectacular. The main altar of the church is covered with a blood-red silk ribbon with complicated gold lines.

On the towering upper walls of the church, there are also many large blood-red silk flags hanging from the flagpoles of the beams.

A unique gold cup was placed on the silk ribbon of the main altar.

It seems to be a ritual item used during prayer.

Several rows of wooden benches were placed in the church for worshipers to pray, but they were currently empty.

At this time, Lan En was standing in the open space between the officiant's pulpit and the believers' benches.

"Qilin and Velvet Ball are not around. Where are they going? It seems they really shouldn't be around me."

Lan En looked around and murmured in a low voice, while frowning in confusion.

He raised his hand and pressed his temple.

He said the conclusion firmly: "I seem to be missing a piece of memory."

Losing a piece of memory is a situation that is enough to make anyone lose their sense of proportion.

Memory is the foundation of personality, and losing memory means that the entire personality of a person is no longer stable.

The panic that this state can bring is unimaginable to normal people. This is the source of the fear that patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease seem to have all the time.

But Lan En's mood and tone were still stable at this time.

It seems that this bad situation is not enough to defeat him, but the danger and uncertainty of the severe situation make him more rational and tenacious.

The church is surrounded by huge glass, and the sunset, as red as blood, is pouring in through the windows.

Those narrow and high windows on the wall almost gave the bloody sunset a cruel and sharp feel.

Under the slightly furrowed beautiful eyebrows, the amber cat eyes revealed memories and thoughts.

"The time span of the lost memory is not long. It seems that it only lasted from the time when I learned the name of the doll to just now. A little more than a day in total?"

Lan En's palm unconsciously touched his chest.

The leather part of the palm of the leather glove with dragon scales made a gentle friction sound against the solid breastplate.

"And this uneasy feeling is not strong. I don't seem to be uneasy about that memory, but just feel at a loss about the current situation."

Lan En deeply felt and analyzed his inner emotions.

Go deep into your own mind and use rational logic to analyze and evaluate your mental state.


After assessing his mental state, Lan En, who seemed to have some idea, called out to the man in his mind.

"At your service, sir."

"Can I retrieve the memory records?"

Lan En tilted his head and looked at the narrow and high window through which the bloody sunset shined.

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, sir." Mentos' voice also revealed confusion, "The records of the same time period have been sealed."

"Can you untie it?" Lan En asked, but for some reason, his eyes were already somewhat determined.

"This suggestion is not feasible, sir." Mentos projected many operating interfaces onto Lan En's retina.

But after the waterfall-like data flow flashed by, there was still no progress.

"This seal does not use the conventional password to unlock, but seems to be conditional unlocking? It can only be opened after a condition we don't know is met."

"I see, let's do it this way."

After learning about Mentos's situation, Lan En was not panicked because the records of the biochemical intelligent computer were modified, but seemed to be more certain of something.

As he said, it seemed that he had completely let go of the inexplicable loss of memory.

This made the biochemical intelligent computer feel a little confused.

This is a memory problem, is it so indifferent?

But Lan En himself just twisted his neck and moved his shoulders.

After confirming that his physical condition was completely normal, he pulled out a wide cloak from the alchemical leather bag at his waist and put it on.

The cold and wild outline of [Smaug] was covered, and only some bone-white dragon scales and metal parts that made up the breastplate were exposed in the gap on the front of the cloak.

At first glance, it was not so conspicuous, and it was not much different from wearing an ordinary set of armor under the cloak.

The bloody sunset shone obliquely on Lan En's side, and the demon hunter walked towards the outside of the church hall.

The heavy wooden door with relief was opened with a creak.

Lan En sniffed and smelled a familiar smell.

- In Yharnam, people use special incense to drive away wild beasts and prevent diseases.

After opening the door, there is the church porch. Two human-sized incense burners are hung on the wall. White smoke flowing like liquid overflows from the spherical hollow incense burner and flows quietly to the ground.


A low, hoarse and unclear voice sounded in the corner of the wall.

"How did you come out of the church?"

Lan En looked in the direction of the voice without changing his face.

It was a man wearing a red wide robe, crawling under the church porch.

He seemed to be a staff member of this church.

The dry and disproportionately thin arms stretched out from under the red robe, and seemed to be in a worship posture before Lan En came out.

There was no doubt in the eyes of the demon hunter, because when he smelled the scent of incense, he was basically 70% to 80% sure of where he was.

And the man in front of him was dressed similarly to a friend he had met in that gloomy and psychedelic mountain city.

The red-robed witch in the chapel of Orton was dressed like this.

However, although the man in front of him was as thin and haggard as her, and even had a deformed body, his robe was clean and bright, and of high quality.

"Maybe I prayed in there for too long?"

Lan En bent down slightly and spoke softly and politely.

"When I came to my senses, there was no one. Sorry to bother you, I'll leave now."

"Pray? Ah~"

The deformed and thin man under the red robe raised his head and slowly made a vague sound.

Like a dream talk.

"There are fewer and fewer people coming to pray now, and the gray blood disease is raging. But it is at this time that we should pray to the Golden Cup of Goodness."

"Come on, child."

His palm, which was as thin as a claw, fumbled around the corner of the cushion where he was crawling, and found a small triangle wrapped in oil paper.

In Lan En's opinion, it was a bit like the small triangular paper bag that outpatient doctors used to wrap bulk tablets when prescribing small doses.

The demon hunter approached and stretched out his hand at the other's invitation.

The red-robed man tremblingly put the small triangle of oil paper in his hand into his hand and asked him to hold it tightly.

"Gray blood disease is still raging in Yharnam, but we..."

Halfway through, the pain and self-blame in his tone almost overflowed.

But in the end, he still didn't say anything else.

He just patted Lan En's hand holding the small triangular paper bag.

"Alas~ Now, the church can only give you this much help. Forgive me, child."

"I will." Lan En frowned and looked down at the small triangular paper bag in his hand. It was indeed the texture of loose pills. "But I have to leave. Goodbye."

"Yes, I hope to see you again." The red-robed man took back his skinny hand, "May the golden cup of goodness drive away your disease."

Lan En held the small triangular paper bag containing the pills in his hand and walked out of the church gate.

After coming out of the towering church gate, the light of the bloody sunset shone on Lan En's profile without any obstruction.

It made the pupils of his amber cat eyes shrink slightly to adapt.

After a short period of adaptation, Lan En could see a corner of the huge city bathed in the bloody sunset in front of him.

"Establish a new database, and try to conduct logical sorting and analysis based on subsequent data entry, Mentos."

The demon hunter whispered softly.

"The task has been accepted. Please name the new database."

Lan En brushed a strand of molten silver hair that fell in front of his eyes behind his ears and pursed his lips.


"Old Yharnam."

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