Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1282 1254 Field Observation

Chapter 1282 1254. Field Observation

"More noble blood, closer to the essence of the superior! And what can be derived from this discovery!"

"New Karl Rune! New Arcana!"

"We are almost there, Geman! We are just a little bit away from letting humans join the ranks of the superiors! We can't lose this opportunity!"

At the end, Lawrence's tone was no longer fierce, but just gentle.

But that gentleness did not mean that he was not persistent, on the contrary. It meant that he had made up his mind and there was no possibility of wavering.

Now it was a decision, not a discussion.

Suddenly, Lawrence looked at the old hunter sitting on the bench under the podium and smiled.

"You never thought about telling your student the truth, right?"

German raised his head slightly, and the shadow cast by the brim of his hat faded, revealing his thin cheeks full of messy stubble, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

"Maria will understand, yes."

"After all, it is true as you said, we are only one step away."

"And I have concealed it from her many times, not just this time."

Lawrence frowned subconsciously.

'Many times'? What does that mean?

Lawrence always felt that what his old friend said today was very strange.

Because as far as he knew, Geman and Maria had a very good master-disciple relationship, and Maria respected and admired Geman.

This first hunter also took care of and taught the blood noble from Cainhurst wholeheartedly, but he was not nostalgic or exaggerated, and did not have all kinds of annoying problems.

Lawrence could even vaguely feel that when Geman looked at Maria, there was a trace of deep-seated, strong and paranoid emotion in his heart.

Now, he said that he had concealed it from Maria many times?

What on earth was this.

But before he had time to think deeply, a pain rushed straight to Lawrence's body.

It made him tense up all over, and he lowered his head to take a deep breath so that he would not cry out in pain.

When he looked up, he saw the old first hunter staggering out of the cathedral.

He was indeed old, and as the founder of the hunter profession, he had suffered many and serious injuries.

The calf of one leg was gone, and he was now using a wooden prosthesis.

Lawrence did not look at the old hunter's slightly staggering back, nor did he think about the old hunter's abnormalities today.

He just covered his upper face and raised his head behind him.

Behind the pulpit is the place where the statues of gods should be placed in conventional religions, but the Healing Church does not worship specific gods.

The stone sculpture there is a headless female angel, holding a kettle and pouring it down, as if to save the world with sacred liquid.

Lawrence felt like his brain was about to burn.

He knew what was under his palm now, the flames were surging in his pupils, and it seemed that the blood vessels in his forehead were not flowing with blood, but lava.

This is the physical mutation caused by studying too deeply about the Karl Rune, the arcane, and the beast disease.

Some knowledge.

Some profound and strange knowledge, but full of great wisdom, will react on the body just by learning and understanding.

Lawrence is very clear about his situation, but he can't say it, nor can he show it.

If the archbishop of the Healing Church can't maintain his human form, what should this church do?

Beast disease has nothing to do with [blood therapy]! It has nothing to do with the sacred blood!

Lawrence said firmly in his heart. He couldn't tell whether this was his true thoughts or self-deception.

But he was very clear about one thing: he needed [blood therapy]! Higher quality! More powerful [blood therapy]!

As long as there is sacred blood that exceeds the level of knowledge he currently possesses, he can use [blood therapy] to raise the "position" of his blood and body to a level that is compatible with this knowledge.

As long as the body and knowledge match, there will be no problem and it can be endured!

By raising the "position" of one's own blood through [blood therapy], humans can gradually reach the realm of superiors.

This is exactly the basic concept of Lawrence's theoretical research throughout his life.

Therefore, whether for the evolution of mankind or to save his own body, he must get the body of the Son of God!

And the blood inside!



Lan En, wearing a hooded cloak, walked on the streets of Yharnam in this era under the sun.

This is indeed a scene of plague.

What a town that has experienced plague looks like, Lan En has seen it many times in his journey across the world.

Yharnam in the "future", Athens in ancient Greece.

Infectious diseases, as enemies of large-scale biological groups, have always played a terrifying role.

Even though the sun is shining now, there are only a few people on the street, and even these few people are in a state of panic and caution all the time.

Thanks to the generally gloomy and heavy temperament of the people of Yharnam, Lan En's hooded cloak is nothing special here.

Many people will wrap themselves up with only a line showing their eyes, and this kind of outfit is normal.

Lan En's size was not noticeable here.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Heavy and gentle footsteps came from the alley in front. Lan En lowered his head and stood sideways to the roadside one step ahead to make way.

A huge humanoid figure that was a head taller than him, almost three meters tall, slowly walked out of the alley.

Although he is only a head taller than Lan En in height, he has gained more weight in terms of latitude and body shape.

The whole body is like a strong and fat porter.

He does look like a porter from an old movie.

The singlets worn by workers in the Victorian era were paired with large, fat overalls. On his body, it was so dirty with sweat and dust that its original color was unrecognizable. It was all gray or dark yellow.

The stains have become glossy and black.

The overalls originally had one strap on each shoulder, but the strap on one side was broken.

As a result, the entire pair of pants hung sloppily on his body, held up only by a shaky strap.

The sleeves of his undershirt were pushed up to his elbows, revealing his gray-white skin, like that of a dead man. The same goes for the skin on your face.

This is a mentally retarded giant with some Sumerian blood. He usually works as a servant, laborer, guard, etc. in Yanan.

Do some relatively simple work that requires strength and not brains.

"Thank you, thank you."

The mental retardation of these little giants is somewhat similar to Down syndrome, so they speak stumblingly and loudly.

When he passed by Lan En who was giving way, he reacted very slowly and stammered a thank you.

The witcher said nothing, but nodded to him, swaying his hood up and down.

The mentally retarded giant continued to walk forward with heavy and gentle steps.

But behind him, there was a series of "hissing, pulling" dragging and rubbing sounds.

Lan En stood still, and the thing dragged by the mentally retarded giant was slowly pulled in front of him.

There were several corpses placed on a broken door board.

Judging by their clothes, they are all civilians in Yannan City.

Some are wearing top hats, while others are only wearing pajamas. They are all different.

But there are no exceptions.

"The body is unusually thin, and is that blood?"

After the mentally retarded giant dragged at least seven or eight corpses away, Lan En looked at his back and muttered in a low voice.

"Is this gray blood disease?"

There was a strange liquid flowing out of the mouths and noses of those corpses, and the texture made Lan En feel like brewed sesame paste.

Sticky and lifeless.

If this is the patient who died of gray blood disease, then the name of the disease is really apt.

"This is indeed not lycanthropy."

Lan En's footsteps began to move again, and he and Mentos compared the differences between the lycanthropic patient and the corpse on the door panel in his mind.

The Biochemical Intelligent Brain retrieved two photos and marked them with eye-catching colors on the corners of Lan En's retina.

Although the bodies of lycanthropic patients will also become thinner during the disease process, this is mainly due to the elongation and deformation of the body.

But the corpse of the patient with gray blood just now was just skinny and there was no exaggerated change in height.

Moreover, lycanthropy will cause tough, thick, and dense black beast hair to grow all over the body.

The hair can even grow from exposed bones.

However, the gray blood patients looked smooth and hairless. Not only did they not grow hair, Lan En even suspected that all the hair on their bodies had fallen out.

"More importantly: blood. Sir."

Mentos in his head added.

The Witcher, whose boots had just broken a weed on the roadside, sniffed his nose in silent agreement.

The blood of lycanthropic patients carries a strong stench, as if human blood has been refined and contaminated into something with a texture like petroleum.

The gray blood just now did not have such a pungent smell.

So far, Lan En has initially concluded that gray blood disease and lycanthropy are not the same disease.

Before that, he was actually quite skeptical about this matter.

For example, he knew that in Yharnam in the 'future', the terror there was due to multiple ancient gods using Yharnam as a wrestling field.

They all long to give birth to a son of God, but they do not want other ancient gods to give birth to a son of God.

So they attack and obstruct each other while looking for opportunities to implement their own plans, making the situation terrifying and chaotic.

Lycanthropy is a curse, and curses can take many different forms.

This is Lan En's professional opinion as a witcher.

But after some on-site inspection, he initially overturned his initial conjecture.

Lan En walked into the alley where the mentally retarded giant came out just now.

The lighting here is not very good, and the layers of tall Gothic buildings block the light mercilessly.

It can be expected that the people living here are not rich either.

The edge of the alley is very Yanan style. There are many carved tombstones with chains wrapped around them, as if they are afraid of being stolen.

Lan En calmly walked into the shadows and saw the traces of the mentally retarded giant dragging him all the way.

A lot of gray blood was left behind.

This style made Lan En, who had controlled plague in ancient Greece, frown.

He lifted the hem of his cloak and squatted down, as if his fingers were going to touch the gray blood left on the ground.

But just before he was about to touch it

"It's really strange." The demon hunter remained motionless, only his hooded head turned to the deepest part of the alley. "The distance between us is only seven or eight meters, but I actually only discovered your existence when you had a mental wave just now."

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