Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1283 1255 Nightmare Secret

Chapter 1283 1255. Nightmare Secret

In the direction where Lan En turned to look, a translucent humanoid outline swayed, slightly incongruous with the truly empty air around him.

The other party didn't speak or move, and those incongruities quickly disappeared.

He seemed to be able to hide even more perfectly when he stood still.

But 'discovering a hidden person' and 'continuously staring at an exposed hidden person' require different levels of observation and energy.

Having already discovered the opponent, Lan En just frowned under his hood, and then the witcher's extraordinary senses made it a little difficult for him, but it was effective enough to lock on the opponent's existence.

The other party didn't move, so Lan En just stood up from his crouching position and looked at the other party without making any hostile move.

The residents in this alley must have died of gray blood disease.

The door that had been smashed open by the mentally retarded giant was creaking and shaking.

Finally, less than a minute passed, and at the position Lan En had been staring at, a person appeared like a chameleon who had lost his disguise.

He was a man dressed in rags, with both his lining and coat almost torn into strips.

But the capable leggings were still intact, the large stand-up collar of the windbreaker that stood up high covering half of his face, and the strange-shaped weapon on his waist still showed that he was a hunter from Yanan.

He didn't panic much after he appeared. Instead, he lit the small lantern hanging on his waist in the dark alley.

At this time, Lan En noticed that the other party had a lot of bandages on his head, like a burn patient, or as if he didn't want to see something.

"I've never seen you before, which is really strange."

The unknown hunter said this, not to mention how he could see through his blindfolded eyes, just said this tone

Lan En said calmly: "Have you met everyone in Yanan?"

Although from a modern perspective, Yanan's population is not that large. But when it comes to getting to know everyone, that's a bit of a...

"Of course, I know him."

But the hunter in front of him said something unlikely in a relaxed tone.

He held his forehead with one hand, put his other hand on his waist, and leaned his back against the stone wall at the end of the alley.

Seem relaxed.

Lan En looked at him and tilted his head.

This person seems a little special.

"You are a hunter who is still sober, right? It seems that at some point, you have gone astray. It seems that the two of us have a lot in common."

The unknown hunter's mouth was also covered with a bandage, and his speech was a bit muffled, but still clear enough.

Lan En heard that he seemed a little happy because of his appearance.

‘The hunter who is still awake’ was a name Lan En was not unfamiliar with.

The crow hunter had already told him when he was in Yharnam last time, under the guidance of Master William, he killed [Spider Rom], the man-made superior who made time go back.

Some hunters are aware of the rewinding of time, and they maintain valuable sobriety during the never-ending night of hunting.

And is the one in front of me one of them?

And if he is indeed the kind of 'sober hunter' he knows, it means that

Lan En's mind was quickly sorting out his ideas based on the existing information.

On the other side, the unknown hunter seemed to be ready to give Lan En a heads up because he was happy.

But because of the professional habits of the Yharnam hunters, his deep laughter sounded like a malicious sneer.

"This is a hunter's nightmare. Hunters who are lost in blood and hunting will come here."

"Leave if you can before you're stuck here."

"You will soon see those unlucky ones who can't walk away, those hunters who are lost in blood, drooling like wild beasts. This is the fate of fools."

"So don't be too confident, and turn back if you can before it's too late. Unless..."

At this point, the tone of the unknown hunter in front of Lan En became a little strange.

He said it in a tone of 'watching the show' and becoming cautious.

"Do you have any interest in this nightmare?"

Lan En did not answer him immediately. Instead, he lowered his head thoughtfully. It didn't last long, only a few breaths.

When he raised his head: "You said this is actually a dream?"

After the other party said for the first time that this was a 'hunter's nightmare', the experience he had in 'future' Yharnam, and the old Yharnam he is now in

Isn't it time travel, but the so-called 'memories in dreams'?

In other words, outside of this 'dream', the real timeline is still traced back countless times by Rom, but now it has broken away from the retrospective night of the Yharnan hunting!


Lan En is no stranger to this concept of Yanan.

Although the last time he came to this city, he had a conversation with Master William after finally killing the [Spider that Webs Time]. It was only at the very end of the journey that I got a little bit of information.

But Master William is undoubtedly the furthest human being in Yharnam, if he can still be called a human being.

The conversation with him was very informative.

After all, in his eyes, even those hunters who stayed awake were nothing more than a group of flies stumbling around in the fog.

At the end of the conversation, Master William revealed to Lan En the root cause of the Yharnam disaster——

The ancient gods' desire to give birth to a divine son has become a nightmare, dragging the entire Yharnan into a nightmare.

And now this situation.

"Dream within a dream? Nested dream?"

The witcher said uncertainly, and at the same time took off the hood of his cloak, revealing his appearance to show his sincerity.

"That's it, you understand quickly."

The unknown hunter nodded and sneered a few times.

"Oh, in this long nightmare, it's not unusual to encounter anything, even if you go back to the past, isn't it?"

He is one of the rare people who doesn't have any fluctuation after seeing Lan En's appearance.

This seems to be due to the bandage covering his eyes.

But if he couldn't see Lan En's face, how could he move freely here?

Lan En can only assume that the other party also has a "vision" in the extraordinary sense, perhaps also the "spiritual vision" in Byron Weiss's academic theory.

But his [spiritual vision] is obviously different from his own. At least his own [spiritual vision] cannot see through. After covering his eyes with a layer of cloth, he can only use the intensity of other senses to make up for it.

After the initial conversation, the witcher stepped slowly and cautiously approached the other party.

"I'm Lan En."

It was a very normal self-introduction, but because it was too normal, the unknown hunter smiled in surprise.

"In this endless night of hunting, the rich blood has not made you forget such trivial things. Haha, call me Simon."

"Being able to maintain normalcy in the endless chaos, even if it's just a trivial normalcy, I think it's a good thing, right?"

After introducing each other, Lan En spoke softly.

Simon chuckled noncommittally.

"You just said 'sober hunter'. I've heard this expression in the mouth of a hunter dressed as a crow."

Lan En walked to Simon, leaning against the wall with his back against the sound of armor plates rubbing and colliding with each other, half-sitting on the tombstone beside the wall.

At this time, the two of them were looking at each other equally.

"[Crow Hunter] Erin, do you know her?"

When Lan En mentioned this image, Simon, who had the upper half of his face covered in bandages and the lower half of his face always showing a mocking smile, tightened visibly at the corners of his mouth.

"Do you know Eileen? She is still out there? How is it there?"

A series of questions popped out of Simon's mouth anxiously.

Lan En disclosed some less important things in an orderly manner to increase the trust between himself and Simon.

"At least she was fine until I left. Staying with Henrik and the Gascoignes."

"Henryk and the Gascoigne family?" But this news seemed to arouse Simon's doubts, "I know that Irene has been trying to kill Henrik's difficult old dog, but she hasn't done it yet. , let alone stay with him?”

When Simon called Henrik 'old dog', there was no malice in his tone, it was just a joke.

In fact, in the never-ending night of hunting, as long as there is no particularly deep love and hate, the hunters will basically become very cold in the end.

Those thick blood, dangerous fights, and endless nights are all too consuming for a human being’s mental structure.

Going crazy seems to be the unavoidable final destination for hunters.

But Simon's statement made Lan En frown.

"Henric didn't go crazy this time because the Gascoignes were alive."

Lan En looked at Simon with strange eyes.

"A blood moon rose in Yanan, and the retracement stopped. It's just that there are still people who are lengthening the night. How long ago was the last time you contacted someone outside the nightmare?"

"Blood moon? The regression outside the nightmare has stopped?" Simon appeared even more surprised than Lan En.

He covered his forehead: "My resonance bell is broken. How long have I been here?"

Simon seemed to be confused about time.

But he quickly cheered up, just like Erin at that time, and even a little more excited.

"Change! That's a good thing!"

"But changes may also bring disruption, making us unable to find the secrets we need to get from dreams." Lan En frowned slightly.

Secrets, Yanan is full of unknown secrets.

The ancient gods pulled the city into a dream, and these secrets are the key to information.

The awake hunters are running back and forth with death again and again, just to unlock more secrets, hoping to finally escape from the dream.

In Yanan, many things cannot be solved with violence.

Where is the ancient god? What is the existence form of the ancient gods?

If you don't even know these secrets, how can you leave the ancient god's dream?

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