Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1307 1279 Orphans of Kos

Chapter 1307 1279. The Orphan of Kos

[The First Hunter of the Church], the glorious Ludwig personally held the trophies of this great hunt in his hands and walked up to the steps of the cathedral under the guidance of Archbishop Lawrence.

The superposition of identities and the significance of this action almost gave this scene under the huge full moon a strong religious atmosphere.

The church door burst open.

There have been many clergy gathered inside, as well as scholars wearing Byron Weiss academic uniforms, but following Mikrash in departing from Master William's academic philosophy.

They all had solemn expressions, but their eyes looked feverishly and longingly at the big bag in Ludwig's arms.

As Ludwig moved forward, the cathedral's preaching table had long since been dismantled.

At this time, the sculpture that was supposed to be behind the lecture table was exposed unobstructed.

——A headless female angel is holding a bottle and pouring liquid downwards, as if she wants to use the liquid in the bottle to save the world.

But now, there is no human being under the bottle mouth of the sculpture.

Instead, it was a cold, spacious stone table.

"Put it here, Ludwig, gently what's wrong with you? I'm talking to you."

Lawrence took the trouble to warn him again, but the [Church’s First Hunter] looked strange.

It was as if he wanted to concentrate, but couldn't do it due to physiological problems.

This was really not a normal situation for Ludwig.

However, under Lawrence's repeated urging, he finally completed the handover smoothly.

He placed the large waterproof bag on the stone table, and then he took a step back, covering his forehead.

"What's wrong with you?" Lawrence turned around and asked again, and behind the archbishop, many clergy and scholars had gathered around the table.

In everyone's eyes, the desire for knowledge was as strong as fire. It was just because this thing was so important that they did not go past Lawrence and get started directly.

Ludwig shook his head hard, but later found that he was still a little unable to concentrate, and he sighed.

"I don't know, I just had [blood therapy] on the way back, but since I killed this beast, I always feel something is wrong."

The glorious church hunter looked at his hand in confusion. Usually, this hand had absolute precision and stability, but now it...

"Give me a few more blood collection bottles, Lawrence. I have to go back and take a rest."

Still believing that [blood therapy] could cure everything, Ludwig just thought that this dirty beast had some special means that could affect him after death.

In this regard, he looked at Geman who stood silently beside him, and could only sigh that the [First Hunter] was mature and steady after all.

During the hunt, he obviously gave up the glorious final blow and even moved out of the way, allowing himself to succeed and end the battle.

Ludwig did not complain about Germann's move to leave at that time, because the hunt should end and someone should deal the final blow.

Since someone has to do this, it’s not unreasonable for him to be that person.

He's willing to take those risks if it helps more people.

Lawrence's energy was now completely attracted by the things on the stone table, so he took out five or six blood collection bottles from under his wide robe, handed them to Ludwig, and let him go without paying much attention.

So Ludwig, the glorious church hunter. In this rather religious occasion, he walked against the flow of people towards the outside of the cathedral.

His steps seemed shaky.

Germann, this old man who seemed to have nothing to do with the world and was only temporarily invited because of his special strength and status, was standing in the corner of the cathedral with a very low sense of presence.

He leaned against the stone pillar and lowered the brim of his bowler hat.

Although he was in a cathedral, he didn't seem to care about what was happening in the center of the cathedral.

A large number of clergy and scholars gathered around the stone table holding incense and candles.

They illuminated most areas of the cathedral at this night, except for the corners where Rugeman stood, and the darkness in those places was even more intense.

People with eyes filled with curiosity made way for them.

Archbishop Lawrence of the Healing Church and Mikrash, the leader of this group of scholars, walked to the position closest to the stone table.

The two of them are also recognized as the most knowledgeable scholars present and the most qualified for this research.

The two people stood on both sides of the stone table. Only then did Mikrash notice that the archbishop's robe on Lawrence seemed to be wrapped more tightly than before.

He couldn't see his face clearly, and even his hands were huddled in his wide sleeves.

But it doesn't matter.

Mikrash shook his head, he didn't care about anything now, he only cared about the things on the stone table.

This great, superior child!

The two people worked together to open the large waterproof bag layer by layer.

In the end, the contents of the big bag were fully revealed as everyone in the cathedral held their breath almost in unison.

It was indeed the body of a humanoid.

But it only approximates the human shape in outline.

He was extremely skinny, with the outline of his bones clearly visible on his body. Not only thin but also tall, about three meters tall.

The joints bear the characteristics of marine life, such as fish fins.

There is special mucus on the gray skin, like a baby just delivered from the mother's body, with a bald head.

On the back, there are two pieces of skin that look like a cape or wings on the left and right shoulder blades.

The information from the Healing Church clearly said that this is an orphan left by the superior, but on his face, he looks like the oldest old man.

His wrinkled face has a lonely expression.

It's like a child who has been hurt and can't get a response or protection from his mother no matter how he calls and cries.

This expression looks weird and extremely painful on this old face.

"The Great God Kos, also known as Cosmo."

Facing such an ugly and even grotesque corpse, Miklash bent his head obsessively, as if he wanted to stick his eyes to it, and muttered in his mouth.

"This is the child He has always dreamed of!"

"This is also us." Lawrence's obsession was comparable to Miklash's. He continued, "The child of dreams!"

Lawrence's fingers showed a small section from his sleeves, gently and delicately stroking the body of the Kos orphan, as if touching a delicate and fragile work of art.

It's just that the knuckles seemed a little too slender.

Lawrence panted, turned his head to the side and said: "Surgical tools! Quick!"

The panting sound did not seem to be caused by excitement, but more like physical reasons.

But the Archbishop of the Healing Church who developed the panacea [Blood Therapy] actually had a problem with his body?

In Yharnam, no one would listen to this as a joke.

But at this time, no one cared about anything except this body.

The surgical tools that had been prepared long ago were handed over to Lawrence and Miklash.

Miklash was still following the process, organizing instruments such as tweezers, scalpels, and vascular clamps. He took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement in order to conduct the research without any mistakes.

But then, Miklash was surprised to see Lawrence, who was opposite the stone table, had already picked up tools such as bone saws and hammers!

"Wait, Lawrence. What do you want to do?"

Miklash asked with a frown.

"We should study His surface tissue first. Those things are used to break the body and open the inside of the body. If we mess up the order, it will..."

Biological dissection is not to tear a creature apart directly.

The body of the Son of God is the most precious experimental material in the world. Even in the foreseeable hundreds or thousands of years, it may be the most important experimental material in Yharnam.

Every organ, every blood vessel, and every inch of His skin is worthy of scholars to set up a special subject for this, and invest a lot of talents and energy.

So even dissection needs to follow the steps and sequence, from shallow to deep. Record one layer, dissect one layer.

If we rashly dismantle them all, who will be able to tell what they were originally?

Lawrence is the best scholar in Byron Weiss and one of Master William's most valued students. Why would he do such an amateurish and even stupid move?

But the archbishop, who wrapped himself tightly at this time, did not let Miklash finish his words and interrupted him directly.

He held a bone saw, and the saw teeth, which were sharper and stronger than those of ordinary hunters, had already been placed on the thoracic vertebrae of the Kos orphan.

"The knowledge of the superior! The secret of the ancient gods is here! We don't have time. Aren't you curious?"

Under the hood of Lawrence's robe, his fragmented and paranoid murmurs came out. This murmur echoed in the cathedral.

Lawrence once wanted to betray his teacher, Master William's academic philosophy, and create his own healing church.

In that last conversation with his teacher, he was always neither humble nor arrogant, rational and calm.

He did not think that the two scholars' separation due to different academic concepts was a betrayal, so he could have a final conversation with his teacher calmly, and the atmosphere was even good at that time.

But now, the scholar who used to be calm and rational in the face of the teacher's accusations, now he looks like a drug addict. What's the difference?

In other words, everyone in this cathedral is no different from him.

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