Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 1308 1280 surge

Chapter 1308 1280. Surge

The eyes of scholars and clergymen were burning with the flame of seeking knowledge, and the heat of that flame was no less than the candles they held in their hands.

When Lawrence placed the teeth of the bone saw on the skinny body of the Kos orphan, the surgical instrument, which was more sophisticated and sharper than the hunter's weapon, easily scratched the skin on the body that would not resist.

A drop of blood seeped out from under the gray skin and mixed with the disgusting mucus on the skin of the Kos orphan.

The blood red and gray mixed with the texture of the mucus, turning into a chaotic and disgusting color.

But the Yharnam people don't care about color, they care about blood!

Almost the moment that drop of blood seeped out from under the skin of the Kos orphan.


The involuntary inhalation sounded from the cathedral at the same time.

The clergy, scholars, and hunters who came to watch the ceremony

They all raised their necks in ecstasy, and even trembled, as if they smelled some indescribable wonderful smell and were deeply intoxicated by it.

And at the same time, the eyes of those hunters and clergy were faintly red.

The process of the operation and the rigor of academic research. After this drop of blood seeped out, it all didn't matter.

Even the most rational scholars had an uncontrollable impulse in their hearts at this time.

- Let the blood in this corpse surge!

Flow out!

Let more blood flow out!

Miklash, who originally wanted to stop Lawrence, also put down the petite scalpel in his hand and picked up the bone saw in his set of surgical tools.

Lawrence was panting under the hood. He seemed impatient, but seemed a little powerless due to physical reasons.

So he almost laid his entire upper body on the stone table, used his weight to press the bone saw, and struggled to cut down from the thoracic vertebrae of the Kos orphan!

The blood of the Son of God began to flow, and even spurted out violently.

For the Yharnam people, there was nothing more charming than this smell.

Miklash also began to use the bone saw to cut the body of the Kos orphan.

He chose to start cutting from the pubic area of ​​the lower body.

The body of the dead Son of God was cut under the bone saw.

The sawing sound of steel and bone overlapped in the empty and echoing cathedral.

It was enough to make normal people's teeth sour, but the Yharnam people only found it pleasant to the ears.

The flames and firelight were swaying, the sweet smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and the red in the eyes of the people present became stronger and stronger.

Originally, people were just intoxicated by the breath, but soon, this sweet smell made them no longer satisfied with it.

People began to pant, even if their saliva flowed from the corners of their mouths to their chins.

They all felt as if they had heard something, that knowledge, that profound knowledge about the ancient gods, about the superiors, about the ocean and the stars.

It was because the corpse in front of them was peeled off layer by layer, and all exposed in front of them, absorbed and understood by their brains.

A wonderful sense of satisfaction filled everyone's heart.

Hunters were intoxicated with blood, and scholars and clergy were fascinated by those profound knowledge.

Only Geman stood against the pillars of the cathedral.

The shadow under the brim of the old hunter's hat was erratic in the swaying firelight, but he was like asleep, motionless.

But no reaction, perhaps it was the best situation.

Because in Yharnam, those magical blood and profound knowledge were acquired at a price.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

The roars that came one after another were roared out unconsciously in the cathedral.

The person who roared didn't know what he did, and the others seemed to have heard nothing.

Under the sturdy windbreakers of the few hunters present, something began to stir and crawl, pushing up the fabric of the windbreakers.

No one noticed these situations, they were still obsessed with looking at the body of the Son of God on the stone table.

Even Lawrence, one of the two people closest to the stone table, began to emit completely abnormal heat, even distorting the air around his body, but no one noticed.

The robe that symbolized the archbishop, the originally white fabric began to turn yellow.

It was not dirty, but the fibers of the fabric were being burned to carbonization by the heat!

And the robe was changing from burnt yellow to burning black!

Crazy, weird, absurd.

The blood and knowledge of the ancient gods have never been so close to humans.

But the humans who indulged in it did not realize a problem-are they really ready to bear this blood and knowledge?

Geman stood up from the pillar he was leaning against, and walked out of the cathedral as if he had seen nothing.

Behind him, it seemed that all the weirdness caused by the autopsy of the orphan of Kos had continued to a limit.

At the moment when Lawrence was already panting and desperately using a hammer to knock open the skull of the orphan of Kos.


In the cathedral, which had already fallen into collective madness, there seemed to be a sudden silence.

The hunters who had lost their human form under their windbreakers, the scholars and clergy who looked normal but whose brains had been confused by knowledge, and even Miklash and Lawrence who performed the autopsy themselves.

At this moment, they all seemed to have returned to normal thinking.

They realized what they had done and what they had become.

The originally psychedelic and crazy eyes turned into fear and resistance.

But it was too late.

They woke up for a moment, but it was only this moment.

After a moment, they had lost the basis of being "human", and their thoughts were immediately broken.


A deafening roar! It suddenly sounded after that moment of silence!

The luxurious and majestic cathedral was shaking in the overlapping roars.

No, listen carefully, this is far more than the roar in the cathedral!

The strange cry of crows and the barking of wild dogs were mixed in the inhuman roar.

The direction from which the roar came was

Lawrence, who could still barely maintain a little sanity, looked in horror and despair at the direction of the cathedral's gate.

That was the whole of Yharnam!

But then, even though Lawrence was one of the two most knowledgeable people present, and had been devoted to studying the ancient gods since the time of Byron Weiss.

In the process of studying these knowledge and in the experiments on blood, he had been immersed for too long and was no longer a mortal.

But at this time, he also felt that his vision was blurred, and his vision was rising.

He knew that at this time, his pupils were probably disintegrating like broken egg yolks.

With a "bang", Lawrence only felt that his body was burning hot, and his left side was very heavy.

He had no choice but to subconsciously support the stone table in front of him with his left hand in a daze, and barely stood firm.

But when he saw his hand supporting the stone table, he found that the orphan of Kos was three meters tall and was placed on the stone table. And now one of his palms was placed on it, covering the entire upper body of the orphan of Kos!

What on earth have I become? !

Lawrence was blind and trance.

But at this moment, in the chaos, a figure in a bachelor's robe suddenly picked up a bone saw, and with a skill that was not inferior to that of an ordinary hunter, he made a decisive "swish"!

He cut off the waist of the Kos orphan who was not covered by Lawrence's hand!

Then he picked up the lower body of the Son of God and ran out!

The bachelor's robe fluttered in the air, and the man holding the lower body of the Son of God's body, his expression on his face was just like a drug addict who suddenly got the key to the anesthetic powder warehouse!

"Mikola Shi!!!"

The vague roar from his mouth made Lawrence himself feel scared.

But he still shouted the name of the person who robbed half of the Son of God's body in anger!

He knew it! This Byron Weiss scholar, who also deviated from Master William's academic philosophy but did not join his own healing church, must have his own set of things!

A set of academic concepts different from Byron Weiss and the healing church!

The result of this academic concept made it not affected even if he personally participated in the dissection of the Kos orphan!

Even now, he still had the energy to take away half of the Kos orphan's body!

But no!

That half of the body of the Son of God belongs to the Healing Church!

The sacred blood must not be allowed to flow out!

And people must not know that the clergy can turn into beasts!

Since Lawrence established the Healing Church, why have the people of Yharnam become more and more devoted to this emerging church?

The biggest reason is that they have mastered the technology and source of [blood therapy], and - no clergy has ever turned into a beast!

This is the biggest basis for the Healing Church to claim that [blood therapy] can cure everything, even the ancient beast disease in the Yharnam region!

Without this basis, the Healing Church will be destroyed!

"Kill him! Brado!"

Lawrence's hands should now be called claws.

His claws covered his head in pain, and his deformed throat let out a vague roar.

He called out to his friend, the hunter who belonged to him.

Brado is not the strongest hunter, but he is the hunter Lawrence trusts the most.

"Kill all the insiders! All! And wooah!"

And kill me!

Let humans reach the height of the ancient gods through the path of blood. For this ideal, the Healing Church must stand firm!

At the end, Lawrence was completely unable to speak, and only roared in pain.

He didn't know where his hunter friend was now, but he just shouted like this.

This was the last thing he could do, and it was also his last request.

And after the last roar mixed with humanity.

The thick and hot lava, like a wave, mixed with flames, surged out of the cathedral and flowed down the mountain!

The hunting night that destroyed the entire Old Yharnam began.

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