
Home's eyes widened, and he shivered as he held the bounty slip in his hand.

He lowered his head.

Look closely at the portrait on the bounty list.


A teenager dressed in white!

Although the face is immature, the sharp eyes give people an invisible sense of oppression.

Even if he just looked at the portrait depicted, Holm's heart still felt a great pressure, and he didn't know if it came from the 300 million berry bounty.

"White clothes..."


"It suddenly reminded me of a well-known incident that happened in Rogue recently. Is this really just my own inference?"

Thoughts fluttered wildly in Home's head.

So much like that!

Just as the words of the dying Lieutenant Commander Smogg, who was still awakened from his dream, warned them of all the naval branches of the navy!


"In Rogue Town, don't provoke a teenager dressed in white and holding a wooden sword!"

"He's the terrible monster that seconds me!"

This remark.


It began to come to Holm's mind, causing him to wake up suddenly.

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated!

But at this moment.

Holm can basically judge one thing.

An extremely frightening and shocking thing.

If he guessed correctly...

The white-clothed boy who hit Lieutenant Colonel Smog in seconds is the same person as the 300 million monster who is now holding the document reward list in his hand!

That's right!

This is Holm's guess.


Already not speculation, but he can draw accurate conclusions.

In addition to the white-clothed boy who was second to Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, Holm could not have imagined that there was a second teenager who could be given such a high reward amount in the East China Sea!

That's 300 million berry!

It's not as simple as 30 million berry.

Even thirty million berry is enough for Holm to be cautious.

Not to mention...

The current bounty list is still based on 30 million berry multiplied by ten times.

300 million!

What is the concept of this party in the East China Sea?

Absolute monster!

Absolute overlord!

"The conclusions I have drawn are 100% accurate!"

"Donghai, there won't be a second teenager who can be given such a high bounty!"

"Only the monster of Lieutenant Colonel Smogg can be given a high bounty of 300 million berry by the adults above. There must be nothing wrong with this!"

"Regardless of strength, or physical characteristics, it almost completely matches!"

Holm can judge this accurately in his heart.

Although said.

On the content of the bounty list, such an important deed as Smogg is not marked.

But if Holm arranges it, he will never deliberately portray these negative news for the Navy on the bounty list.

This is undoubtedly a blow to the face of the Navy!

Even if they are stupid, it is always impossible to describe the matter of smearing the navy on the bounty list, isn't this a problem with the head to do?

A combination of factors and speculation.

Holm affirmed.

The white-clothed boy of Smogg in seconds...

With the current bounty list, the terrifying monster boy who was offered a reward of 300 million berry.

Two, the same person!

In this way, the explanation makes sense. "

This moment.

Holm was stunned.

Some questions that were confused in the atrium were gradually lifted away and he was given explanations and answers.

No wonder!

A teenager was actually offered such a huge bounty of 300 million berry.

It turned out to be the terrifying existence of the second Smogg!


"I almost forgot the most important thing..."

Home's pupils shrank, his eyes turned, and he fixed on Dusty's immature face.

He almost forgot.


It seems that there is also a monster bounty hunter who is waiting for their processing.

This bounty hunter...

Again, still a teenager!


By chance?

Home's lips moved slightly, and his face gradually turned a little white.

Things shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?

In the East China Sea, the probability of a young man who can kill a sea thief of hundreds of millions of miles is really too small and small!


A huge bounty of 300 million beri can be offered in the East China Sea, and such teenagers are also very rare!

It's almost a rare sight in a hundred years!

When the two probabilities are very small, a collision occurs.


A conclusion can be drawn.

This is no coincidence!

It's inevitable!


Other words.

"Dusty apprentice, do you remember the appearance of the bounty hunter who stayed in the hall?"

Holm took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and asked.

"Dang, of course. "

Dusty certainly can't forget.

The face of the young man in white was deeply imprinted in her mind.

Just because.

What happened today is too shocking for Dusty to forget in her life.

Of course, she was impressed by the boy in white who was at the root of the matter!

"The next thing, you have to calm down and judge. "

"This matter involves the life and death of our current entire naval branch, and you must take it seriously, and there must be no sloppiness and mistakes." "

"You, understand?"

Home's tone was more solemn than ever.

He also hopes.

It's just a coincidence!

But in this world, where are there so many coincidences.

Some coincidences, it is inevitable!

"Major Home, what do you want me to do?"

Dusty panicked.

She is just a probationary trainee navy, how can He De actually dominate the life and death of the entire naval branch?

This can be described as a breathless breath that oppresses her.

"Don't be nervous, later, you just need to judge this matter. "

"You don't have to worry too much about the rest. "

"I just want an answer from your mouth!"

"It's a bounty list..."

"A bounty that the adults just sent us is a bounty that we are about to release. "

"You take a closer look at the face on this bounty list. "

Holm forced down the trepidation in his heart, handed the document in his hand to Dusty, and seriously instructed, "You judge whether this face on the bounty list is familiar to you..."

"Is there a certain similarity with the bounty hunter in the hall, carrying the head of the sea pirate of the two new worlds, who came to our naval branch to exchange the bounty? "

With Holm's remarks appeased.

Dusty's mood slowly calmed down.

After receiving the document bounty slip.

Dusty looked solemn and serious, staring at the immature young face depicted on the reward list.

And then.

Dusty froze for a moment.


So much like that!

Simple, exactly the same!

At least, ninety percent similarity!

Ninety percent similarity is enough for people to judge.

These two are the same person, no doubt!

"Major Home, this..."

Dusty looked up in horror.

"Tell me, how much similarity?"

Holm also raised his mood.

"The two, exactly the same. "

Dusty swallowed her saliva and told truthfully.


The atmosphere became oppressive!

Home's hands trembled, his body trembled, and he almost fell to the ground paralyzed with his legs weak.

Rao was frightened by Dusty's answer with his psychological quality.


Not a coincidence!

East China Sea, how can so many terrifying teenage monsters appear!


They are all the same person!

Whatever the second, Smogg's one.

Or this one on today's bounty list.


Now located in the lobby, the bounty hunter who is waiting for them to deliver the bounty.


They, all the same person!

At this time.

While Dusty was confused in her heart, her eyes subconsciously looked down.

Then she saw the sneak behind the bounty.

Eight zeros!

Plus a three!


"Three, three hundred million?!"

"Me, my God!"

"A bounty of three hundred million berry?!"

"How is this possible!"

Dusty was completely stunned.

Her eyes widened, looking at the amount of the bounty with a look of horror and shock, and then looking at the portrait depicted on the bounty list, her whole head was in a blank state.

That is.

The bounty hunter who now stands in the living room of the naval branch.

In fact, it is a terrifying big monster with a bounty of 300 million berry?!

Oh, my God!

Dusty was in such a terrifying mood that her whole head was about to explode!

She never dreamed of it.

Today, she would actually encounter such a terrifying thing!

300 million berry!

What a horrible bounty this is!

No doubt.

This is the highest bounty list that Dusty has seen in her life!

What's even more terrifying is that.

Even if such a big monster with such a terrifying bounty amount, just now, was still standing in front of her, and it was relatively common to talk to her?

One thought.

Just now, I was actually talking to a 300 million monster.

This made Dusty stand on end, trembling uncontrollably, and her heart palpitated.

She was directly paralyzed to the ground, and she didn't even have the courage to stand up.

So scary!


What she was facing just now was such a terrifying existence!

So far.

Her mood still contained deep fear and fear, and her hands and feet were cold.

"The bounty hunter you spoke of. "

"Actually, he's the monster on the bounty list?!"

Holm looked at Dusty.

"Yes, yes. "

Dusty was terrified.

Of course, she didn't know that the visitor she received today was so terrifying!

300 million monsters!

A terrifying existence called Red Flame Sword Hao!

An existence that can be rewarded with 300 million berry, what terrifying power does the other party have?!

This point, Dusty could not imagine anyway, her imagination was seriously limited.

And rightly so.

In this kind of projectile land in the East China Sea, the most terrifying thing that Dusty has seen is those pirates with a bounty of tens of millions. These pirates, in the eyes of Dusty, are already unshakable pirates!

Not to mention...

This time, on the basis of the bounty of tens of millions of berry, it has increased dozens of times!

That's 300 million berry!

Dusty will be frightened by this bounty amount, which is completely normal.

"He, in fact, is the terrifying existence of Lieutenant Colonel Smogg!"

Home's throat was dry, and once again opened the door to a new world for Dusty.

"What, what?!"

Dusty was stunned and froze in place.


As a lieutenant commander, Holm also inevitably felt the same emotional waves as Dusty, and his body was cold, and every cell of his body seemed to be under extremely terrible oppression.

He wanted to take a step and leave the office.

But he found.

He can't do it!

The thought of a 300 million monster descending on the naval branch made Holm feel panic from the bottom of his heart.

300 million monsters actually came to their naval branch to ask for a bounty?!

What a new and rare event!

Holm had been a lieutenant commander in Roguetown for many years, but even so, what happened today was the first time in his life.

"That is to say..."

"Three hundred million monsters, Red Flame Sword Hao, are located in our naval branch in Rogue Town..."

"This kind of existence can be done with complete ease, and it will destroy our entire naval branch in an instant!"

When Holm thought of this, his body trembled more violently that he couldn't control.

For now, in Holm's eyes.

The life and death of the naval branch of Roguetown ...

It was just, just in the thought of that 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao!

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