Huge office.

Even if the warm halo shining by the window, it is still difficult to hide the cold temperature here, and the piercing coldness swept the hearts of everyone present.

Encountering this kind of thing is obviously beyond the control of Holme, a lieutenant commander.

But helpless.

Smogg was severely injured and remained in the treatment room.

In the naval branch of Rogue Town, the highest rank is him, the lieutenant commander. If not, it would not be his turn to temporarily take charge of the naval branch in Rogue Town.

But he never dreamed of it.

Just when he was temporarily in charge of the naval branch, he encountered this kind of shocking thing.

It's horrible!

If you are not careful, the entire naval branch will be destroyed!

Holm has no doubt about this.

If it was the monster boy who killed Smog in seconds, the other party must have this level of strength!

What a crime...

Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, this was supposed to be something you need to think about, but it fell on my head.

I haven't enjoyed the pleasure of being the supreme commander of a naval branch for a few days, and by God, why are you teasing me so much and throwing me such a troublesome and terrifying thing!

Holm couldn't help but wail in his heart.

No presumption!

Obviously nothing was done, and as a result, the disaster actively fell on his head, and even the entire naval branch of the current Rogue town.

A slight carelessness.

It's going to be a disaster!

This is no joke.

It's that Holm really thinks so.

Similarly, he did not think that the current naval branch could stop the existence of the 300 million monsters.

Even if you look at the entire East China Sea, and even the Great Seaway, the navy that can stop this 300 million monsters is definitely not many.

One thought of this.

Home's mood became very helpless and sad.

His back had already been wet with cold sweat, as if he had bathed again, and cold sweat was raging. This hot day could not give him the slightest warmth, but made him feel the biting chill everywhere.

"Major Home, then, what do we do?"

Dusty's pink lips moved slightly, and she supported her body with difficulty, her big eyes were filled with deep fear and apprehension, and she still had palpitations to ask.

Now what is in front of us is clear.

That is, how do they deal with the terrifying monster who is enough to make their naval branch disappear in a single thought!

The other party is a pirate, this can already be determined.


There will be no bounty.

Or such a huge bounty.

That's 300 million berry!

This number has made Dusty's heart tumble so far, and it is difficult to calm down.

"Anything to do with this monster?"

"In what gesture to receive him?"

"Or do you directly disclose his identity as a pirate and fight him on the spot?"

"No kidding, in this case, the naval branch will really be destroyed at any time!"

"For now, the naval branch does not have any existence that can compete with this monster. As strong as Lieutenant Colonel Smogg, those who are naturally capable of being killed in an instant. "

"Unless the personnel sent above arrive in Rogue Town, we do not have any capital to resist. If we openly confront him, then this battle will be a battle in which we seek our own death!"

Holm thought a lot.

He didn't dare to imagine that he collided openly with this monster!


What he can be sure of is that this naval branch will disappear with today, reduced to ruins.

All of them who are in the naval branch will definitely be wiped out!


The naval branch does not have the possibility of colliding with such an existence.

"Do you want to be soft?"

"The entire naval branch, submit to a pirate?"

"If this gets out..."


"Wait a minute. "

"Who knew he was a pirate?"

Holm was stunned.

He seems to have thought of a feasible solution!

Turn your head.

Holm instructed Dusty: "In this way, we pretend not to know his identity and let him exchange the bounty as a bounty hunter." As long as he was sent away, everything was good to say. "

Home's biggest wish now is to quickly send away this killing god!

If this level of existence continues to stay in the naval branch, Holm cannot imagine how far things will go if something goes wrong.

All in all.

This killing god must be sent away!

Otherwise, Holm always feels that he is hovering on the brink of death.

"Major Home, do you really want him to exchange the bounty?"

Dusty hesitated.

You want to reveal his identity, and then let everyone in the naval branch accompany you, take him down on the spot, and imprison him?"

"Do you think, can you do it?

Holm reprimanded angrily.

If he can do it, he will not be difficult to decide after thinking about it.


Dusty gritted her teeth.

"There is nothing to do, if you don't want the naval branch to be completely buried in your hands today, you will do as I tell you." "

"The life and death of the naval branch is only a thought of that monster. "

"Don't think too strongly, if that monster gets angry, we don't even know if we can block the possibility of his first round of attacks. "

"We are too weak!"

"In the face of this level of existence, our strength is simply as unbelievable as a group of ants. And this kind of big monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry, enough to lift its foot a little and trample us to death. "

Holm shook his head weakly and sighed.

Although I don't want to admit it!

But this is a fact!

Indisputable fact!

The level gap, there are too many differences.

They don't have the capital to talk on the same level as each other.

"Yes, Major Home. "

Dusty took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in his heart, and nodded solemnly.

She also deeply understood how grim the current situation of the naval branch is!

That 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao can kill the existence of Lieutenant Colonel Smog in seconds!

What do they do to block this existence?

Smogg is still dying in the intensive care room, receiving the most comprehensive medical treatment.

The great naval branch, the supreme commander is the Holm in front of him, a lieutenant commander.


Holm didn't think that with his strength, he could really help the other party.


Smog couldn't stand it.

He takes his head to fight?

Fighting to the death may not even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes.

"Ahem. "

Perhaps feeling that it is not majestic, Holm coughed dryly, and taught Dusty in a serious voice, "Dusty apprentice, you must know that in this sea, there are many things that we cannot change. "

"When it comes to this kind of thing, the first thing we think about is not how to defeat the enemy, but any ingenuity to let ourselves survive first." "

"Only by surviving can there be more hope and not lead to innocent casualties." You still have a great future, there is no need to break the head to the end in this situation of knowing that it is a dead end. "

"This kind of behavior is very irrational. If you want to be a qualified and good navy, you need to use your head, not like a reckless man, rushing up when you see the enemy!"

"As in. "

"In the situation we are facing now, it is obviously not advisable to rush up. Because the enemy is much stronger than us, even if we try our best, how can we really take down the other side?

"In this case, we need to endure. For the time being, first find a way to live by, and then consider other things, this is the psychological quality that a good navy should have..."

These words immediately made Dusty feel like chicken blood, and her pretty and immature little face turned red for a while.

"Yes, Major Home!"

Dusty screamed with excitement.


A navy corporal lowered his head cryptically, his old face was red, and he did not dare to speak, he could only listen to the righteous words of his own patriarch, and he couldn't help but slander in his heart.

Major Holm, you deserve to be your guy.

It is really admirable to learn a language talent so well.

After all.

This is the first time I've heard of it.

Speaking of fear of death as so noble, only you can do this.

It has to be said.

Language, this is really a kung fu and learning!

To you, I really obeyed!

"Okay, Dusty apprentice, you go and stabilize the mood of that monster first. As much as possible, someone from someone else's naval branch provokes him, otherwise things will be in trouble. "

"Then I'll go and talk to him in detail. "

"About the fact that he wants to exchange two pirate heads for bounties. "

Holm wiped the sweat stains from his forehead and patted Dusty on the shoulder, as if treating a junior who he valued so much.

"Yes, you will not be disappointed Major Holm. "

Dusty raised her hand and saluted, then turned around and left the office with her waist straight.

Watching Schi leave.

Holm collapsed and braced his hands on the wooden table, so that he was spared from being paralyzed on the ground.

"Major Home..."

The corporal looked respectful.

"Go and notify the financial side, let them sort out 131 million beri as soon as possible, must not delay time, must be fast!"

"This is related to the life and death of our current naval branch!"

"There is no delay, no mistake!"

"Every minute and every second must be grasped and not missed. "

Holm took a deep breath and hurriedly ordered.

131 million, which is the total bounty amount of those two bounty lists.

"Yes, Major Home. "

The corporal left in a hurry.

In the huge office, there is only one person left in Home.

The atmosphere returned to quiet.

No one bothered anymore...

Finally, there is no need to hide the fear that dominates my heart!


Holm was directly paralyzed to the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably, his face was terrified, his expression was palpitating, and the clothes on his back gave him a cold touch.

It's not hard to imagine.

His back was already wet with cold sweat.


Home's hands were still clinging to the bounty slip passed down above.

A huge bounty of up to 300 million berry!

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