Naval branch.


The spacious and empty hall is furnished with many wooden tables, and a group of civilian personnel in naval uniforms, each holding a lot of materials to sort out, into a busy state.

"Sir. "

Dusty returned to Yanagawa's face, her expression respectful, and it was difficult to hide the trembling and trepidation in the depths of her eyes, although she tried her best to hide it.

However, it is still difficult to escape Yanagawa's insight.


Dusty is just a probationary midship, and he is still too shallow in terms of experience and experience.

When I learned that the Liu Chuan in front of him turned out to be a terrifying monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry!

Even if Daschi tries her best to hide it, when standing in front of Liu Chuan, she will still feel the majestic oppression that comes from Liu Chuan's body.

It made Dusty subconsciously, feeling panic and apprehension.

"How's it going?"

Yanagawa's eyes flashed and he smiled.

"Please sir, wait a moment, in a moment, our Navy Lieutenant Commander Mr. Holm will come and talk to you personally about the process of redeeming the bounty." "

Dusty whispered weakly.

She lowered her head, not daring to look at Yanagawa at all!

Especially knowing Liu Chuan's identity and terrifying strength, Dasiqi can always feel the majestic and terrifying sense of oppression from Liu Chuan's body.

The oppression made it difficult for Dusty to breathe.

"Process? So troublesome. "

Yanagawa didn't care too much about what Dusty, the little loli, was thinking.

"No, no trouble, soon. "

Dusty subconsciously blurted out and explained.

"Okay. "

Yanagawa nodded.

About two minutes or so passed.

A naval lieutenant in a righteous uniform walked down the stairs and walked all the way to Yanagawa.

This is a middle-aged man!

The navy lieutenant with angular facial features gives people a great sense of oppression!

"Major Home. "

Dusty saluted, her expression particularly respectful.

"Sir, please wait, I have verified the first level of the two pirates you paid, and also verified the two bounty slips corresponding to them. "

"You can rest assured that after confirming their identity, the bounty you want to redeem will be delivered to you within three minutes. "

"We calculated that the bounty that your two first-level coins can redeem this time is a total of 131 million berry. "

Holm's attitude towards Yanagawa was flattering and somewhat humble.

It is precisely because he knows Yanagawa's identity too much that Home's posture is placed so low.

To know.

A lieutenant commander, in fact, is no longer low in the Navy.

But helpless.

Holm is facing a terrifying monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry, which Rao can't withstand as a lieutenant commander!

Don't say about the lieutenant.

Even if it is a lieutenant colonel in the Navy, the rear of the Navy will not be able to withstand these!


The vice admiral was present in person.

Otherwise, Holm doesn't think that the personnel below the vice admiral can shake the monster in front of him!

That's 300 million monsters!

Red Flame Sword Hao!

"Three minutes..."

"It's not too long, I can afford to wait. "

Yanagawa smiled.

The respectful gesture of the naval lieutenant commander made him extremely uncomfortable.

At least for now.

Liu Chuan himself did not know that a bounty of up to 300 million of his own was about to spread throughout the East China Sea!


Three minutes later.

Several staff members hurriedly walked over, carrying a huge package, and handed it to Major Home: "Major Home, a total of 131 million berry." "


They looked at Liu Chuan suspiciously, and there was deep panic hidden in the depths of their eyes.

It's hard to imagine.

This young man could even exchange such a huge bounty.

This is definitely the first ever example of the naval branch in the town of Rogue!

It's sensational!


It's incredible!

Does such a teenager really have such a terrifying ability?

They are deeply skeptical.

"Sir, this is your bounty. "

Holm took a deep breath and handed the package in his hand to Yanagawa with trembling hands.

Lifting the package and feeling the heavy weight of the package a little, Yanagawa couldn't help but show a smile, carefully opened it and glanced at it casually, and then withdrew his gaze.

No inventory is required.

The naval branch will never deceive itself in such matters.


If you really fool yourself.

Big deal, just visit in person next time, it's not a troublesome thing.

With this in mind, Yanagawa picked up the package and prepared to announce his departure.

"Guys, hard work on you. "

Yanagawa smiled.

"That's our job. "

Holm hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head.

"Gone. "

Yanagawa didn't stay here too much.

With a bounty, a bounty worth hundreds of millions of beries, he took a step and rushed to the gate of the naval branch.

An instant.

Yanagawa's figure completely disappeared into the hall of the naval branch.

Only left...

Led by Home, there is also Dusty, and a group of navies with a look of horror and suspicion.

A pair of eyes were fixed on Home's body.

Most of the navy, waiting for Holm's explanation!

Because everything that happened just now is too terrifying!

They heard it for the first time!

A young man, unexpectedly carrying the heads of two sea pirates from the New World, came to the small place of their naval branch in Rogue Town to exchange for a bounty of hundreds of millions of berries!

It's unbelievable.

The bounty of hundreds of millions of berries, it is not that their naval branch cannot take it.

It's just that.

Things are really scary!

They couldn't imagine how a teenager could do such a shocking thing?

That's a sea thief with a bounty of hundreds of millions of miles!

Just swaggering with your head and coming here to exchange the bounty?

"Major Holm, do you think you want to explain it to us? What happened? Aren't we hallucinating?"

Everyone asked Holm in unison.

Just as Holm swallowed, calmed his mood a little, and was ready to answer.


From the corner.

A middle-aged man in a naval uniform walked step by step, his forehead was covered with cold sweat and panic, and his trembling body could be clearly seen.

"Let me explain it to you. "

Looking at the middle-aged military rank, it is like an ensign.

Everyone's faces froze, and their expressions became solemn and serious.

Of course they saw it.

This ensign seemed to have been greatly frightened just now, and even let them see the latter's trembling body.

"Follow Lieutenant Commander Smogg, the ensign who fought that battle?"

Home's throat was dry and he sighed helplessly.

If it is the other party, it can explain why the other party seems so frightened.

Presumably, the navy that personally experienced the battle in which Smog was seconded will definitely face different degrees of collapse in terms of mentality.

"Just now, our entire naval branch was in a moment of life and death. "

"You guys, you must not have thought of it, right?"

As soon as the ensign spoke, the audience fell into a dead silence.

"Take the liberty of interrupting, what the hell does this mean?"

Some people are puzzled.

I remember that Lieutenant Colonel Smogg had clearly instructed you very solemnly, but you didn't remember?"

The ensign had a solemn reprimand on his face.

"The boy..."

Everyone was in a trance.

They recalled the physical features of the young man who had just left.

And then.

Next second.

The atmosphere is getting quieter!



Several navy men rolled their throats, swallowed their saliva, their eyes widened, and blurted out: "Could it be that the boy just now is the one who killed Smogg?!"

The words fell.

The dozens of navies present all boiled in panic.


Many emotions are entangled in their hearts.

Let them involuntarily recall the appearance of the teenager just now.



Although, he did not hold a wooden sword.

But the appearance characteristics are completely consistent!

No way?!

The terrifying existence of Smog actually descended on their naval branch just now?!

And they, even completely indifferent, do not know?

One thought of this.

They only felt that their scalps were numb and creepy.

As the ensign said.

All of them, it seems, just now, are really on the verge of death and crazy temptation.

"I can tell you for sure. "

"As a spectator who was on the battlefield at that time, he witnessed Lieutenant Colonel Smogg's killing in seconds. I vouch for you with my personality, the boy you just saw. "

"He, as you just said, is the one who is Lieutenant Colonel Smogg!"

The ensign is still difficult to suppress, and the deep fear that remains in his heart.

Originally recovered slightly.



He saw each other again.


For one time, the fear that had just been suppressed in his heart was all revived again in an instant, like a tide pouring into his heart.

That familiar and terrifying face, he could not forget in his life.

The memory is impressive!

At the first glance, he judged the identity of the other party.

But he was so frightened that he didn't dare to stand up and declare the identity of the other party, so he could only hide in the corner and tremble, watching the development of all this with a worried face.

Doesn't he want to come forward?



He just, don't dare!


I didn't dare to stand up and face that terrible existence.

That's all.

That's the only reason.

"Me, my God!"

"It's actually him?!"

"That monster, how dare he come to our naval branch?"

This remark got the strange eyes of all the navies.

"Why don't you dare?"

"Even Lieutenant Colonel Smogg was killed in an instant!"

"Do you really think that with the capabilities of our current naval branch, we can really stop the other party? So, why didn't he dare to come to our naval branch?"

"Even if we think of our naval branch as a back garden, it is reasonable. "

All the navies talked about it, and their hands and feet were cold.

That's when they felt it.

Just now.

All of them are really on the verge of life and death.

Their life and death were only in the thought of that young man!

When the gap in strength is too large, their life and death depend on whether the strong person wants to erase them from this world.

I'm thankful...

They survived.


"That's why I was so apprehensive about that teenager just now. "

Major Holm felt exhausted.

Powerful as this kind of existence, carrying the first level of the sea thief with a bounty of up to hundreds of millions of miles to exchange, is it really worth the fuss?

Not worth it.

Because, this is completely in line with common sense.

With the terrifying strength of the other party's level, it is simply not too easy to deal with a bounty of hundreds of millions of berries, that is, the so-called sea thief in their eyes.

"Of course, the scariest thing is not that. "

"See for yourselves..."

Saying that, Holm forcibly calmed his mood, slowly took out multiple bounty slips of the same style from his arms, and handed them to all the navies present.

One by one, the same style of bounty list, divided into many parts, passed to the hands of dozens of navies present.

Including the ensign who was still in a state of extreme fear, he also took the bounty passed by Home.

What happened just now really made everyone present palpitate.

So far.

It was difficult for everyone to calm the panic.

It's all terrifying!

They experienced it for the first time.

Even if you are in the naval branch, you still face the danger of doom.

It's unbelievable!

This is a dignified naval branch, the naval branch guarding Rogue Town.

They never dreamed of it.

Their naval branch would actually welcome such a terrible monster, and they swaggered and came here unabashedly, not taking their navy seriously at all.

In fact.

They themselves, do not dare to take themselves seriously.

In front of that existence, their sense of existence is too humble.


Even what they are desperately looking forward to, it is better not to attract the attention of that big monster.

Many people have encountered this kind of thing for the first time since joining the Navy.

But when I think about it.

That one, it was the terrifying existence of Smogg, and they shuddered.

Lieutenant Colonel Smogg can't stop it!

Isn't it normal that they will provoke?


The departure of that monster also cooled the panic in their hearts to varying degrees.

But it still didn't predict.

With Home's words, it once again lifted the hearts of all of them.

The mood that has not yet calmed down has once again endured the impact of a huge wave.


What's the situation?

Isn't this the scariest thing?

So what's more terrifying?


All of them held the bounty slip in their hands, and carefully scanned the contents of the bounty list.

First of all.

Like the kind of bounty they had seen before, a depicted portrait pattern appeared in the eyes of all of them.

"This, this boy..."

"Isn't that the one who left just now?!"

One navy couldn't help but hurriedly speak.

It's exactly the same!

The depicted faces on the bounty list are almost the same as the white-clothed boy who left just now!

This allows them to judge immediately.

Both belong to the same person!

"It's him!"

Holm nodded in affirmation.

And then.

Everyone continued to look down.

When they saw the numbers behind the bounty list, some people even began to count carefully: "One zero, two zeros, three zeros, four zeros..."

"A total, eight zeros!"

After counting.

The atmosphere became even more deadly!


The silence makes the scalp tingle.

"Eight zeros, preceded by three, how much? This, how much bounty is this?"

A navy shivered with a bounty slip in hand.

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