"This, is this really the bounty slip of the person who just left?"

And the navy looked at Holm beside him with trepidation.

A famous navy showed their inner shock and fear one after another!

Is this possible?

Eight zeros, plus three in front!

How much is this?!

"Three, three hundred million..."

"If I'm not mistaken, it's a bounty of three hundred million berry!"

Finally the Navy spoke out.

In fact.

Everyone is well aware.

As for the so-called arithmetic is not very good?

It's just a matter of not believing what they've calculated.

Because, this is really too shocking to the world!

300 million!

It's not as simple as 30 million berry.

It's a bounty of 300 million berry!

All of them present definitely saw for the first time that the terrifying monster with a bounty of 300 million berry was standing in front of them.

Just now.

A stone's throw away!

All of them witnessed a 300 million monster with their own eyes!

"Me, my God!"

"That boy in white, the existence of Smogg in seconds, was actually defined by the adults above as a bounty of 300 million berry?"

"This is too high!"

"We are just in the East China Sea, and the pirates in the East China Sea, how can we be defined as such a high bounty amount?

Many navies couldn't help but wail with trepidation in their hearts.

It's terrible!

Subverts their inner perceptions.

They had served in the naval branch of Rogue Town for many years, but it was the first time they had seen a terrifying existence with such a high bounty!

In the past.

What they have seen is limited to tens of millions of berries at most.

As for the pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions of berries?

It's all monsters that are so strong that they can only look up!

Not to mention...

The bounty is as high as 300 million berry!

Looking at the entire East China Sea, this kind of anomaly has never suddenly appeared!

Most of them walked from the East China Sea to the Great Shipping Route before they were gradually raised in the amount of bounties.

Instead of......

In the East China Sea, as soon as a bounty list appeared, it was defined as a terrifying bounty as 300 million berry.

With the experience and experience of these navies present, what happened in front of them undoubtedly overturned their familiar cognition.

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"Bounty, three hundred million berry!"

"Major Home, is this true?"

A pair of eyes full of horror were fixed on Home's body.


Holm's accurate affirmation: "Is the issuance of the bounty order child's play? "


Bounty list, it's true!

That boy in white really has a terrifying bounty of 300 million berry!

"Oh my God!"

"What a terrifying existence we were facing just now!"

"A bounty of three hundred million berry, what a terrifying monster is this?"

"Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"Is this the title of that young man?"

Everyone shivered.

This moment.

They deeply felt what a huge disaster the naval branch was facing just now!

A slight carelessness.

All of them will be the kind that will never recover.

A large monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry descended on their naval branch. If they choose to provoke each other, what are the consequences?



They don't think that with the current naval branch, they can block this monster-level existence!

So the final consequences, they can predict.

The naval branch, I am afraid that it will really be destroyed!

It was directly razed to the ground by the 300 million monster Red Flame Sword Hao and swept into ruins.


All of them only felt their scalps numb, creepy, and shuddering.


It's really on the brink of death!

A group of people held the bounty slip in their hands, their hands trembling, and their faces pale.

The atmosphere of this huge naval branch is particularly weird!

"Now, you understand, right?"

Holm took a deep breath, Rao couldn't calm down with his heart.

Not to mention the members of the navy present, none of whom were civilian members of the naval branch, and their psychological quality was too far behind.

"This monster, lingering in our town of Rogue. "

"Aren't we..."

"Face doom at any time?!"

There was trepidation.

"As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke, there will be no accident." Otherwise, why do you think Lieutenant Commander Smogg ordered that all navies should not go out for a short time?"

Others, in fear, sounded Smogg's teachings.

"This existence..."

"If you really want to do something to us, it's really easy!"

This is the moment.

Everyone in the room felt it.

The cruelty of this sea!

Even their navy, facing absolute power, will be particularly powerless.


The one who came to their naval branch today, 300 million monsters, was enough to easily and effortlessly crush their entire naval branch and sweep all the personnel of their naval branch.

"It's all scattered. "

"This bounty slip will soon be sent to the entire East China Sea. "

"Presumably, when the time comes, it will definitely set off a huge wave to roll!"

"I really hope that the adults sent above to sit in Rogue Town can arrive in Rogue Town as soon as possible. Otherwise, when I think of this monster still staying in Rogue Town, it will be difficult for my heart to calm down!"

Holm waved his hand, a deep fear remaining in his heart.

Everyone in the entire naval branch felt as if they had experienced a life and death catastrophe, and each left the living room with residual panic in their hearts.

Suddenly everyone felt it.

A taste of the aftermath!


Out of the gates of the naval branch.

Yanagawa was carrying a huge package, loaded with hundreds of millions of bery of immense wealth, and was preparing to return to Jax's old man's tavern.

With the bounty taken, it's time to think about it.

Leaving the Rogue Town thing.

Leave through the gate of the naval branch.

Once again, Yanagawa ran into the two naval soldiers guarding the gate of the naval branch.

When looking at the figure of Yanagawa leaving.

The two couldn't help but talk with emotion.

"This year, everyone really has it!"

"A hairy boy actually dares to come to our naval branch to exchange the bounty?"

"But don't you think that the bounty he exchanged seems to be quite small." Otherwise, how about carrying such a big package?"

"It's just a trick, maybe just to avoid embarrassing yourself. "

The two talked.

A middle-aged man wearing a 'justice' naval uniform walked all the way to the two from a distance.

"Major General Kadaru!"

The two guards immediately saluted, looking respectful.

Of course, they knew that this Kadaru in front of them, with the rank of rear admiral, was two levels higher than the original Lieutenant Colonel Smog of their Rog Town naval branch!


Treating Kadaru, they naturally did not dare to snub.

"What were you talking about?"

Kadaru asked with a whim-minded smile.

"Back to Major General Kadaru, we are talking about that teenager. "


Follow the gaze of the two guards.

Kadaru looked not far away, the back of the young man in white carrying the package away.


Kadaru raised an eyebrow.

The total feeling...

This feature is somewhat familiar!


Kadaru suddenly shrank his pupils.

He felt that he himself was by no means mentally ill!

In this world, there will not be so many coincidences!


Kadaru turned to the two guards and asked, "Did he say what he was here for?"

Kadaru's tone suddenly became anxious.

This made it impossible for the two to adapt.

But the two still answered truthfully: "He said that he came here to exchange the bounty." "

"Exchange the bounty..."

Kadaru had a dry throat.

He was more and more certain.

The man in white in front of him, who was gradually moving away.


It was really the boy he had ordered his men to depict from the physical characteristics derived from Smogg's mouth.

There are so many coincidences.

A boy in white, will run to their naval branch?

How could an ordinary teenager have such guts?


Even if you have such guts, why do you wear white?

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Kadaru became, and his face was terrified.

He will not believe in coincidences.

What he believes is inevitable!

If it was really that young man...

That is. "

"This monster. "

"He actually descended on the naval branch?!"

"Come to the naval branch and exchange the bounty?!"

Kadaru was stunned.

An extremely dangerous terrifying monster actually came to the naval branch to exchange the bounty?

What a weird thing this is!

Is there still a royal law?

A pirate who is extremely dangerous in his own right, carrying the heads of other pirates, personally came to their naval branch to exchange for a bounty?

What could be more exaggerated than that?

Presumably there should be none!

Kadaru was stunned.

That's too daring!

Directly and blatantly, alone to break into their naval branch!

But think about it.

Then again.

At present, in the naval branch of Rogue Town, does it really exist in the navy that resists this monster?


Kadaru can be 100% sure of this.

Even he, Rear Admiral, can't stop a monster of this level!

"This, this..."

Kadaru's lips trembled.

Very spineless though.

But Kadaru suddenly felt in his rare heart that he was a little lucky.


Myself, I didn't come back so timely just now.


Wouldn't it be necessary to encounter a terrifying monster of this level in the naval branch?!

It's a nightmare!

Imagine that it was enough to make Kadaru stand on end.

It's a hot day.

Although it is not how hot it is.

But it is visible to the naked eye.

Kadaru was in a cold sweat, gradually wetting all his clothes.

It's just the aftermath of the disaster!

Almost ran into this catastrophic thing.

Perceived Kadaru's abnormality.

The two guards raised their heads and watched the golden halo fall, bringing them warmth.

Instead, they looked at Kadaru's sweaty forehead.

This made them can't help but ask: "Major General Kadaru, is this weather really hot?"

Could it be...

The sun shining on Major General Kadaru is not the same one as theirs?

This morning sun, they only feel very warm, not very hot!

How can the heat be so exaggerated?

They can all already see it.

Kadaru was wet with sweat.

"Hot, it's really hot!"

"Hot me..."

"All the special things that came out of my body are cold sweat!"

Kadaru wiped the sweat from his forehead, and the sweat stains on his back were staining his clothes, making his spine feel only a cold touch.

Almost finished the calf!

Coincidentally, he narrowly caught up with the monster.

Fortunately, it didn't happen head-on.

It was just that he could just see the monster's back.

This had to make Kadaru sigh in his heart.

What an ancestral blessing!

After everything is successfully completed this time.

You must go back to your hometown and burn a few more sticks of incense...

Kadaru thought with great conviction in his heart, and raised his hand again to wipe away the sweat stains that had slipped from his forehead.

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