
The unique and harsh voice of the telephone worm sounded from his arms and quickly spread in all directions.

Drifted into the ears of Rear Admiral Kadaru.

"Phone bug?"

Kadaru's action of wiping the sweat stains on his forehead came to an abrupt end, his expression showing a little puzzlement, and turned into a color of ecstasy and excitement.

Contact yourself at this time...

Perhaps, it's just that!

There must be nothing wrong with that.

With many thoughts of expectation in his heart, he quickly took out the phone worm from his arms and put it to his ear.

"This is Rogue Town, and I'm Rear Admiral Kadaru. "

Kadaru's tone became respectful.

I'm a ghost spider, and I'm about to reach the harbor coast of Rogue Town now, and it will take about ten minutes. Give advance notice so you can prepare. "

"Ask. "

"That monster, is there already a trace that he has left Rogue Town?"

On the other side came the majestic voice of the ghost spider.

Ghost Spider, vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, extremely strong!

Not to mention that in the East China Sea, even if it is put in the Great Sea, it is a famous vice admiral.

Among the many vice admirals in the navy headquarters, except for those old seniors, the strength of the ghost spider can definitely be regarded as the best!

Kadarudu never expected it.

The adults above actually sent Lieutenant General Ghost Spider to deal with this matter!

This is in Kadaru's opinion.

It's stable!

It's in the bag!

This is Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!

"Back to Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, the monster has not left. Just now, his subordinates happened to see him walking through the streets of Rogue Town. "

"If you arrive in Rogue in ten minutes, you will be able to catch this monster. The subordinates had a hunch that the monster was about to prepare to leave Rogue Town. "

Kadaru took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and hurriedly told the truth about the matter.

Of course he didn't dare to say.

It was at the gate of the naval branch and watched the other party leave.

Saying this, he felt that he might be scolded to death by the ghost spider.

Rear Admiral of the Navy actually watched a pirate swagger away from the gate of the naval branch?!

What an insult!

"Isn't that monster gone yet? It is rare for a monster of this level to appear in the East China Sea, which is indeed somewhat rare. "


"Today, I will let him be completely buried in Rogue Town!"

The phone bug hung up.

Located in situ.

Kadaru held the phone worm, his hands trembling, not in panic, but with excitement, and the excitement made his body tremble uncontrollably.

Ghost spiders!

Lieutenant General Motobu, finally coming.

Ben thought that the adults above would not pay so much attention to things here. But I still didn't expect that I actually sent the ghost spider, a powerful vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

This was an absolute bonus for Kadaru!

"If it's Lieutenant General Ghost Spider..."

"Then this matter must be stable, and there is no instability." Even if that monster has strong strength, it is impossible to compare with Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, right?"

With this thought, Kadaru's mood relaxed a lot.

The fear of being dominated before gradually dissipated from his heart.

Depressed for days!

Finally, it can be released!

Ten minutes...

Ten minutes later, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider will descend on Rogue Town!

Lieutenant General of the headquarters will actually rush to the East China Sea to carry out the mission.

I have to say that this is the first time Kadaru has heard of it!

"Even if that monster has great skills, facing the oppression of the ghost spider lieutenant general this time, it is like catching a turtle in an urn, and it is completely left in Rogue Town. "

Kadaru smiled.


He dialed the phone worm again and immediately contacted the men who had been brought to Rogue Town: "All the personnel have gathered at the gate of the naval branch, I have important orders!"


Jax's Tavern.

Even if it was already noon.

But the tavern still seems a little deserted and sparsely populated.


It was because of some time ago.

Yanagawa's appearance here has spread through various gossip.

As a result, some gangsters and criminals who usually patronize the tavern completely regard the tavern as a taboo place where monsters live, and dare not approach it easily.

This made the business of the tavern very cold.


The door was pushed open.

Yanagawa returned to Jax's tavern carrying a large bag of packages.

Greeted by Alice's sweet smiling face at the front desk, her tone full of respect: "Mr. Yanagawa, welcome back." "

"What about Jax?"

Yanagawa glanced at the surroundings and randomly found a place to sit.

"Mr. Jax went out. "

Alice said carefully.

It is precisely because she is well aware of Yanagawa's terrifying that Alice seems so restrained.

This is a knee-jerk reaction, not deliberate.

Understanding the horror of Yanagawa's strength, even if Yanagawa did not release any momentum coercion, it could still give Alice a terrible sense of oppression.

This is the humility of the weak in the face of the strong!

"Got out? Forget it, I still want to say goodbye to him." After all, he also helped me a little, and since he is not there, you will tell him on my behalf. "

"Thank you for taking care of him for these three days. "

"I'm leaving Roguetown. "

Yanagawa waved his hand at Alice, carried the huge package on his back with the fast knife in his hand, and then took steps to leave the tavern.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yanagawa, I will tell Mr. Jax the truth. "

Alice nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking rice.

"Gone. "

Yanagawa left Alice with only a back.

And then.

Take a step forward, without turning back, without the slightest drag.

Less than a moment.

Yanagawa left the tavern completely.

Looking at Yanagawa's back as she left, Alice's eyes flickered, full of adoration and awe: "Mr. Yanagawa, what a rare and polite strong man!"

What impressed her most about Yanagawa was...


The kind of toughness that is unbeatable!

Although he is only a teenager, he controls extremely terrifying powers.

Just as Alice was in her reverie.


The door was pushed open again.

It's Jax!

Jax, dressed in a gentleman's black suit, took off the black top hat on his head, and asked Alice, "Is there any news from Mr. Yanagawa?"

"Mr. Jax, Mr. Yanagawa just returned and said that he was about to leave Rogue Town. He asked me to tell you how much you have taken care of you for these three days. "

Alice told the truth.



Jax was stunned.


It was as if he had thought of something extremely terrifying!

"Tell me which way he left when he left?"

Jax asked in an anxious tone.

"It seems that the one who went to the left of the gate should be rushing to the port coast to the east, right?"

Alice thought for a moment and spoke weakly.

"The eastern port of Rogue Town..."

Jax's eyes widened, his expression was full of horror, and he subconsciously blurted out, "This time, it's a big trouble!"

Seeing Jax so gaffe.

This made Alice can't help but ask, "Mr. Jax, what happened?"



Jax exhaled heavily, trying to calm the throbbing and horror in his heart as much as possible.

"I just went out and got some news from the Navy. It is said that a vice admiral of the naval headquarters is about to descend on our Rogue town!"

"That's Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters!"

"Looking at the Great Passage, they are definitely top-level terrifying powerhouses. This presence is about to descend on the port of our town of Rogue in ten minutes. "

"It's a coincidence. "

"I heard at great cost that the port where the vice admiral chose to land was the eastern coast of Rogue Town. "

"Because the eastern coast is the closest direction to the great shipping lane. "

"That is to say..."

"If Mr. Yanagawa is going to leave from the eastern coast of Rogue Town, it is very likely, very coincidentally, to run into the vice admiral of the naval headquarters who is about to descend on Rogue Town!"

"Can you imagine what fate Mr. Yanagawa would suffer if he encountered a strong man of the rank of vice admiral in the navy headquarters?"

Compared to the deterrent power of the vice admiral of the Navy headquarters.


Even if Yanagawa is very strong, Jax is impressed. But he still prefers that Yanagawa will be much weaker than the vice admiral of the navy headquarters when facing the vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

This is the fixation of thinking!

Can only illustrate.

The prestige of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters has impressed Jax very deeply from a long time ago.

If Yanagawa collides with the lieutenant general.

Jax always had a hunch that Yanagawa would fail miserably!

"Then, doesn't that mean that Mr. Yanagawa is very likely to run into the lieutenant general of the headquarters who descended on Rogue Town, and then the two may still have a battle on the eastern coast on the spot?!"

Alice's eyes widened.

Vice Admiral Yanagawa?

Who is stronger?

Alice's little head couldn't judge.

But even she couldn't help but subconsciously worry about Yanagawa.

After all, it was a vice admiral in the navy headquarters!

The terrifying powerhouse who is famous in the sea is also a big man at the top level of the navy!


Even if Mr. Yanagawa is strong, it is impossible to block a big man of this level, right?

"After this is over, I had inquired about this news, and returned to the tavern as quickly as possible, wanting to inform Mr. Yanagawa of this news and ask him to change the direction of his departure. "

"But I still didn't expect it, it was too late. "

"Mr. Yanagawa, I went so fast that I couldn't catch up. "

Jax shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Now he can only pray.

Yanagawa must not touch the vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

Otherwise, things are really in trouble.

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is not comparable to these navies in Roguetown.

That's a mainstay in the Navy!

Absolute strong!

Great waterway, countless pirates are terrifying monsters!

Although at the moment Jax cannot be sure which vice admiral will descend on Rogue Town. But no matter which one, being able to be given the rank of lieutenant general proves the other party's terrifying monster-like strength level!


The other side.

Rogue Town.

Eastern port coast.


The sea water floats, and as the sea breeze blows and rolls, the spreading ripples ripple in all directions, and wave after wave spreads.

Visible to the naked eye.

A huge warship, rising from the distant sea horizon, gradually revealed its forefront. The warship is flying the flag of a seagull, and it is constantly approaching the coast with the gentle sea breeze.


The warship docked smoothly at the edge of the port.

Collect the sails...


After doing all this.

From the deck.

A middle-aged man in a 'justice' naval uniform walked down.

He carried numerous blades around his waist, and his face was serious and full of majesty.

The most prominent thing is...

His hair!

His hair is like an arm, giving people a hideous and strange sense of sight, and like the hands and feet of a spider, which makes the scalp numb.

Behind him, hundreds of elite naval personnel were ready to go.

A group of people, swaggering officially landed ashore.

Full flood!


And it attracted the eyes of many pedestrians in the coastal port, and they all cast awe and trepidation in their eyes, fixed on this group of well-trained navies.

The vice admiral of the navy headquarters that Jax spoke about.

At this moment, the official announcement of the arrival of Rogue Town!

It's a ghost spider!

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Ghost Spider!

A naval boss with very terrifying strength!

If only Jax knew.

The vice admiral of the naval headquarters who descended to Rogue Town was the famous Vice Admiral of the Ghost Spider, and I was afraid that he would be more worried about Yanagawa.


"Is it Roguetown?"

The ghost spider raised his head and glanced at the noisy port with a calm face.

It can be clearly felt.

A pair of eyes full of humility and awe were fixed on his body.

For similar gazes, the ghost spider has long been accustomed to it, and does not feel anything strange.

How could the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters be affected by such a small battle?

It's a joke!

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