The eastern port of the town of Rogue.

With the sudden appearance of a naval warship, plus hundreds of naval elites, they stepped down from the warship and located on the coast, exuding a majestic and terrifying sense of coercion.

This made many pedestrians in the harbor feel trepidation and apprehension.

Although it is the Navy, it represents the Navy of justice.

But when there are too many level gaps, they can't help but feel panic in their hearts.

"Navy, a lot of navy have come to Rogue Town. "

"Why are they here?"

"Do you feel that the head of the navy seems to be very terrible? His hair can actually turn into an arm like a spider. "

The crowd was buzzing.

Some people who knew the inside story were completely panicked: "If I'm not mistaken, this navy with hair like a spider's arm." He, he is, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider!"

"A terrifying strength, a big man in the navy!"

With this remark.

The crowd became increasingly terrified and shocked.

Vice Admiral?!

Really fake?

The dignified vice admiral of the naval headquarters will actually descend on the land of their projectile in Rogue Town?

This is obviously not scientific!

"You say, why this vice admiral came, I always feel that things are developing a little beyond imagination. In the past, do you dare to imagine that a lieutenant general of the headquarters would actually come to a small place like our town of Rogue? "

This is also what most people have in mind.

They are completely unenvisable.

How did a lieutenant general with a noble status run to this small place in their Rogue town?

This is obviously not common sense.


"Is it because of that monster that Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has arrived?"

"That monster of Mad Dog Smogg, attracted Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters?!"

"Oh my God!"

"This is the only possibility I can think of. Otherwise, how could the headquarters of the Navy come to this ghost place in our Rogue town for no reason. "

Someone had a clever move and began to string things together and came up with an answer that convinced them.

Eight-nine is not far from ten!

They can be pretty much sure.

The reason why this vice admiral of the navy headquarters came must be because of the monster who was Smogg in the first second!

But they never dreamed of it.

In order to deal with that monster, he actually attracted the navy to dispatch the vice admiral of the headquarters!

"It happened three days ago. "

"No one knows if the monster has left. "

"If that monster hadn't left Roguetown, this would have been really troublesome. One is Smogg's monster, and on the other side, is the mainstay of the navy, the dignified vice admiral of the navy headquarters. "

"You say, if these two really meet, who can be better?"

The crowd whispered about this.

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, descend on Rogue Town!

What a new and rare thing this is.

Over the years, Rogue Town has really rarely seen the arrival of vice admirals at the headquarters of the navy.

Except for the last time...

One Piece Roger is executed!

But with Roger's execution, Rogue Town instantly integrated into the East China Sea, becoming an ordinary town in this weak sea, and the naval level of the traffic was at most only the level of a rear admiral.

Who has ever seen the presence of the vice admiral in person?!

Just when the crowd was talking.

Another naval team, from outside the crowd, dispersed the crowd and walked all the way to the ghost spider.

It's Rear Admiral Kadaru!

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider. "

Kadaru looked respectful, stood in front of the ghost spider, and saluted with a flattering face.

Behind him.

A group of navies made the same move, looking at the ghost spider with awe and adoration.

This is a vice admiral of the Navy headquarters!

"This is the town of Rogue..."

"The place where One Piece Roger was executed!"

"The East China Sea, obviously known as the weakest sea, did not expect that a monster with such strength would emerge in Rogue Town. "

The ghost spider sighed and turned to inquire, "Major General Kadaru? I remember you said earlier that the monster had not left Rogue Town. I wonder if you found the whereabouts of that monster?"


Kadaru was tense and hurriedly replied: "It is still under investigation, but soon, I will give you a complete explanation to the ghost spider." The subordinate guaranteed by the human head that the monster must not have left yet. "

Ten minutes earlier, he could still see it through the gate of the naval branch.

He didn't believe it.

In such a short time of ten minutes, the other party had already left Rogue Town.

Things will never be so coincidental!

"It's easy to do without leaving, scatter all your people and find him." I came here to bring him back to Marin Fandor. "

The ghost spider's tone was unquestionable.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!"

Kadaru nodded hurriedly, not daring to disobey.

With the ghost spider descending on Rogue Town, Kadaru will not be as panicked as before.


The ghost spider did not come, and Rogue Town was not able to resist the existence of that monster in Kadaru's opinion!

It's good now.

With the arrival of the ghost spider, this is the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and it is not too easy to take down the monster.

With this thought, Kadaru hurriedly ordered his subordinates: "All spread, immediately look for the whereabouts of the white-clothed boy." Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find him!"

"Yes, Major General Kadaru. "

A group of naval elites quickly nodded in agreement.


A group of well-trained naval elites, separated by Kadaru's order, surrounded the entire town of Rogue, and began to look for Yanagawa's whereabouts.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, you came all the way from the headquarters Marin Fando all the way to the town of Rogue in the East China Sea. "

Kadaru looked flattering.

"I didn't come from Marin Fando, and if it were Marin Fando, I wouldn't have arrived in the town of Rogue in the East China Sea so soon. "

"As it happens, I was on a mission in the first half of the Great Passage. Before the task was completed, the Marshal of the Warring States personally instructed me to rush to Rogue Town to deal with the affairs here. "

"Otherwise, do you think I can reach Rogue Town so quickly in two or three days?"

The ghost spider couldn't help but shake his head.

"So that's it..."

Kadaru was abrupt.

So it was.

No wonder!

He always felt that the reinforcements of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider seemed a little too fast.

It turned out that it was not from Marin Fandor, but just in the first half of the Great Passage to carry out the mission, so by chance it happened to what happened here in the town of Rogue and rushed to reinforcements.

"By the way, describe it to me. "

"The physical characteristics of that monster you said in your mouth..."

The ghost spider mentioned it casually.

"That guy..."

"He is a teenager, to be precise, he is a monster who controls the domineering tricolor!"

"Other than that, his swordsmanship attainment is very high. "

"Overall. "

"Not only does he control the three-color domineering, but he also has the level of pure swordsmanship. Even more outrageous is his age. "

He was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and he had never heard of him in the East China Sea before. From this, it can be judged that this is a teenager who has just gone to sea, a fledgling teenager!"

"But my subordinates really can't imagine how such a fledgling teenager can have such terrifying strength. Moreover, who taught this monster?"

"At such an age, it is unheard of to be able to skillfully control the domineering tricolor!"

Kadaru was still palpitating, and his tone was full of shock.

Regarding Yanagawa's many physical features, he truthfully told the ghost spiders beside him one by one.

Both were ready to go from the coast, all the way to the naval branch.

The ghost spider has just arrived, and naturally wants to go to the naval branch for a walk.

As for finding that monster?

This matter can be left to these navies under their hands.

All in all.

The ghost spider is responsible for the battle!

The rest of the intelligence matters are not something that the ghost spider needs to do himself.

Good lieutenant general of the headquarters of the villain, let him go to find someone?

Isn't this a waste of manpower and material resources?

Walking and walking.


The ghost spider's footsteps paused slightly.

Kadaru, who was constantly opening his mouth to introduce, also obviously noticed that the ghost spider's behavior was a little strange, and he couldn't help but look sideways at the ghost spider beside him, with a puzzled and puzzled expression.

He didn't ask.


The atmosphere here has become a little weird!

"I remember you just told me. "

"That boy, about fourteen or fifteen years old, and dressed in white?"

The ghost spider's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, what's wrong?"

Kadaru quickly nodded in agreement.

"If it's as you described, I'm like, just now..."

"Saw him!"

The ghost spider's eyes turned rapidly.

Turn your head.

He had a serious and serious expression on his face, and he meticulously focused on a certain direction of the port.

"What, what?!"

Kadaru's pupils shrank and he was shocked.

That monster, is it so daring?

Unexpectedly ran directly to the shore where the ghost spider general landed?

That's just daring!

Did you eat bear heart leopard bile?


Or do you say...

The other party didn't know at all.

The navy, actually sent a vice admiral of the headquarters to come!

The latter made Kadaru feel more likely!

However, will that monster really appear on the coast of the port in this area?!

Kadaru took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart.


When he saw the face of the ghost spider, the fear in Kadaru's heart dissipated a lot.

There is a ghost spider lieutenant general, it must be stable!

Even that monster is doomed today!

"I think I've found him. "

When the ghost spider's sight and smell is domineering.

His eyes were sharp, looking northeast of the port.

The eyes penetrated the countless people standing in the port.


His gaze was fixed on a young man dressed in white in the middle of the crowd.

With the spread of domineering in all aspects!

Envelope all the crowds in this area!

At that moment, seeing and hearing the domineering color clearly gave the ghost spider a looming sense of crisis!

And the sense of crisis comes from this boy in white!

The boy in white who held a blade in his right hand and carried a package on his back!

Seeing and smelling domineering, ignoring all the faint signs of life...

In the eyes of the ghost spider.

Even if there are more people here, the investigation of ghost spiders can only label these ordinary people as weak lives like 'ants'.

But exclusively...

Only that young man gave the ghost spider a very strong dangerous aura!

The vast coast is full of pedestrians.

There is only one here, which can make the ghost spider clearly see that a transcendent terrifying existence!

It's like it is.

In the flock, mixed with a wolf!

Completely impossible to hide!

Identity, in an instant, will be actively exposed.

"In so many people. "

"The most terrifying thing is the boy in white!"

The ghost spider's eyes froze, staring coldly at the back of the white-clothed boy.

The other party, very unusual!

Seeing and hearing the color can clearly feel that the life characteristics of the other party's body are very vigorous!

This is a very powerful enemy!

Even as a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, the ghost spider still did not dare to have the slightest slack, but appeared particularly solemn and raised his spirit.

Seeing and hearing the domineering color reminded him all the time.

This man...

Very strong!

Very strong!

Although he is only a teenager, he shows the momentum of being a threat all the time, making the ghost spiders feel threatened!

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