The town of Rogue, eastern port coast.

There were many pedestrians coming and going, looking hurried, each busy with their own affairs.

Workers deliver goods.

Fishermen harvest seafood.

All kinds of people, fish and dragons stay on the coast.

It makes the coast particularly lively and noisy.


The population here is at least a thousand.

At the edge of the sky, a hot sun hangs, emitting a golden halo, spilling from the sky, imprinted above the soil of this coastal area, giving life and vitality to all things.

But Rao is this hot day.

Kadaru felt it.


Piercing coldness, piercing into the heart!

He could feel it very clearly.

The atmosphere here suddenly changed dramatically.



This is just the appearance, ordinary people may not be able to detect it, but as a rear admiral, Kadaru cannot fail to notice the sudden change in the atmosphere here.

The excitement becomes depressing!

Kadaru's breathing became heavy and depressed, and even the heart beat rate suddenly became much weaker.

The raucous atmosphere...

But it gave Kadaru a feeling of killing breath.

Not an illusion!

It's a very real feeling.

The murderous aura spread from the body of the ghost spider beside him, aimed in the same direction, and aimed at the same person, and the overwhelming murderous aura swept to the same place!

Following the gaze of the ghost spider, Kadaru also raised his head and passed through countless crowds with those eyes with a little fear.



Like the eyes of the ghost spider, it was fixed on the back of the young boy who was carrying a blade and wrapped around his back, and a wisp of white clothes.

Then, you can't move anymore.

This back, of course, Kadaru is impossible to forget!

Or maybe his memory is too deep!

It is exactly the same as the back seen in front of the gate of the naval branch!

See eye to eye!

From here.

Kadaru could immediately judge that this boy in white, if nothing else, must be the terrifying monster of Smog in seconds!

Unexpectedly, he never expected it.

The other party actually appeared in the port.

Moreover, I also chose the coast where the ghost spider was registered in the main department!

Is this a coincidence?

Suddenly, Kadaru gradually believed in the coincidence.

Perhaps the other party does not know that the ghost spider will log in from the eastern port coast.


What a coincidence!

Just where the ghost spider general logged in, they actually ran into that monster. This is a no-brainer.

There is no need to send people to search and track down.

Because, the Lord, this moment is close at hand!

A stone's throw away!

From them, even less than fifty meters or so of the coast stood.

"Yes, it's him!"

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, I vouch for it with my head!"

"He's that monster!"

Kadaru took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart as much as possible, and quickly turned his head to judge the murderous ghost spider beside him.

He could feel it.

With just now, the atmosphere here was completely changed by the ghost spider.

Become slaughtering!


It was as if the tranquility before the storm was coming.

Even on the outside, it still seems to be as lively and noisy.

In fact, there is a hidden turbulence!

These busy people did not know that a disaster was about to befall them and sweep over the vast port coast!

People are still busy.

All ordinary people, do not know what will happen next!

This is the sorrow of the weak!

Kadaru deeply felt that these weak people were pitiful, humble like ants, not even aware of the impending danger, still in their busy work.

"That monster is right in front of you..."

"But now, compared to when it was in front of the naval branch, the situation is completely different!"

"On our side, we have ushered in a vice admiral of the naval headquarters!"

"No matter how strong your strength is, when facing the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, you will definitely look extremely vulnerable. Vice Admiral Motobu, this is already the mainstay of our Navy!"

"No matter how strong you are, you can't shake it!"

Kadaru was full of confidence in his heart, staring at the figure of the white-clothed boy on the coast.

His gaze couldn't move.

"Are you sure?"

The corners of the ghost spider's mouth moved slightly.

"One hundred percent sure!"

"If something goes wrong, I will make amends with my head!"

Kadaru spoke with 100 percent affirmation.

"In that case..."

The ghost spider slowly took out a katana from his arms, and said in an indifferent tone, "Let your people retreat, and evacuate the crowd here as much as possible." "

If you can avoid innocent casualties as much as possible, the ghost spider certainly doesn't mind.

But, if not ensured.

Then he had to kill this monster that posed a great threat to the navy, and let some ordinary civilians die.

Ghost spiders have never been benevolent!

Back then.

Devil Slaughter Order, the ghost spider is the participant!

He could have been indifferent!

Now, in the face of these thousands of ordinary people, it is even more impossible for his heart to shake a little!

Innocent people are implicated...

As long as it can make him accomplish his purpose!

Can kill a monster that is a great threat to the navy!

In the eyes of the ghost spider, he is very successful.

For this.

Even if there are many ordinary civilians implicated, they will not hesitate!

In the eyes of ghost spiders.

These ordinary civilians were violently killed because of the aftermath of the outbreak of fighting. But it was the factor that he obliterated this extremely dangerous monster, which was the honor of these civilians.

"If you guys die. "

"I'll let a monster be buried with you!"

"In this way, you also have a companion on the Huangquan Road, don't you?"

"You are honored to be the factor in my killing of this monster. "

The ghost spider glanced at the many passers-by around him.

The Navy, each carrying out justice to the end, is different.

Such as.

Ghost spiders and the like.

The justice carried out is the same as that of the red dog!

Absolute justice!

There is no room for any contaminating justice!

In order to implement the justice in our hearts, we can not hesitate to involve ordinary civilians in it, and even bury these civilians with our own hands.

This is the justice of the ghost spider.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!"

Kadaru nodded solemnly.

He was not very good, and even if he had a hunch that when a battle broke out here, it would lead to a very large number of casualties, he did not frown his eyebrows.

"If a thousand people die, it can be exchanged for sending this monster into Advance City. "

"I think it's very valuable. "

Kadaru thought to himself.


He immediately began to instruct his subordinates to evacuate the area one after another, trying to avoid this terrorist battle that was about to break out.

It's not hard to predict.

The next battle will be extremely intense!

Although Kadaru did not think that the ghost spider would lose, he also did not think that the ghost spider would be able to easily take down the monster on the opposite side!

That's a monster that seconds into Smogg!

It is also a person who skillfully controls the existence of three domineering doors!

Against this kind of monster, no one will be relaxed and careless.


The navy quickly dispersed and retreated to the edge of the coast three hundred meters away, looking at the group of passers-by on the coast with a puzzled and suspicious expression.

What's the situation?

All of them were confused and could not understand this sudden arrangement.


Under the gaze of a group of navies.


The ghost spider took out a katana and used the spider's arm-like hair to wrap the katana to death.


A blade, curled by hair, is really like the arm extended by a ghost spider.

It gives a hideous and terrifying deterrent!

The title of the ghost spider comes from this!

Can freely manipulate the hair, so that the hair has the flexibility of an arm, so that the katana curls the hair and turns it into an arm, becoming a terrifying means for ghost spiders to attack enemies.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider..."


Kadaru lifted his mood, and his spirit became a little tense.

He understands.

A big battle is about to sweep the entire coast of the town of Rogue!


It will affect the thousands of pedestrians who are hurriedly walking around the coast.

When the battle breaks out, no one will be spared the aftermath of the battle!

"Get out of the way for now, don't get in my way in the fight. "

The ghost spider glanced at Kadaru indifferently.


Kadaru's heart tightened, and he hurriedly retreated and quickly left the ghost spider's side.

At the same time.


There are many pedestrians passing by.

Located in the middle of the crowd.

Standing was a young man dressed in white, young, but fourteen or fifteen years old, holding a fast knife in his right hand, and a package hanging from the back of the knife, loaded with rich berry.

"I didn't expect..."

"This kind of thing can happen before you are ready to leave Roguetown. "

"It seems that my luck has been very bad lately. "

Yanagawa was located on the edge of the coast, his eyes narrowed slightly, slowly tied the package around his waist, and gradually lifted the good knife in his hand.

Sharp blade, cold light.

The sun shines down, reflecting a dazzling halo of light shimmering.

The strange atmosphere here, of course, he will not feel it exceptionally.


That rich and vigorous murderous aura was shrouding his body.

It all shows.

Someone, want to kill themselves!


This person has already regarded himself as a prey and a target!

"As prey?"

"The goal of the hunt?"

Yanagawa smiled.

He turned around and carefully looked in the direction of the source of the majestic murderous aura.

And then.

He saw it with infallibility and clarity.

A middle-aged navy man like a spider who can stretch his hair and curl a katana, wearing a 'justice' naval uniform, with a majestic and majestic weapon.

"This physiognomy feature..."

"And this rank!"

"Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?"

"Ghost spider?"

"It's really surprising, I didn't expect that the lieutenant general of the headquarters actually came to Rogue Town. Looking at this situation, it seems that he came specifically to fight me, then I have to feel deeply honored. "

"Thanks to your navy..."

"I actually asked a lieutenant general of the headquarters to personally rush to Rogue Town to deal with me. I have to say, this is indeed beyond my original expectations. "

Yanagawa smiled and quietly looked at the ghost spider.


The ghost spider's gaze was gloomy, and his eyes were also staring at Liu Chuan, without moving at all.

His goal was Yanagawa from the very beginning!

The atmosphere is extremely oppressive!

A majestic aura of slaughter filled the audience and swept every corner of this area.

Even if the weather is hot, the temperature here seems to plummet, making people feel the biting coldness of the sea breeze, which is penetrating the heart.

A top-of-the-line collision...

Imminent, imminent!

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