
The center point of the collision of the two faintly seemed to produce a dark red halo flickering, like thunder, giving people a fear that was enough to destroy the world.


The overwhelming air flow quickly affected the whole audience.

Within a hundred meters, everything was swept away.



Click! Click!

In addition to the cracks in the ground, there are also hulls docked on the shores of the port. With the naked eye, the material on the outer surface of the ship was shattered by the impact of this terrifying air current.

A crisp and pleasant sound drifts into the distance.


Even the sea water on the coast is swept by the current, rippling and spreading wave after wave.

Within a radius of hundreds of meters, there is no one!

Everyone left the battlefield before the fighting broke out.

This avoided the phenomenon of innocent casualties.

If there are still people who choose to stay within the scope of the battlefield, bearing the coercion of this terrifying air flow at this moment, I am afraid that all parts of the body will suffer an unprecedented terrible impact, and it may not be impossible to die violently on the spot.

Hundreds of meters away.

The navy and the masses located in the safe zone have fixed their eyes on the central area of the battlefield.

Their faces were terrified, their eyes were wide and round, and they looked at the terrifying collision that broke out on the battlefield with shocked expressions.

For them.

This level of collision is simply like a disaster!

"Me, my God!"

"Just the air flow generated by the collision is enough to crush one side!"

"Is this the strength of the two?

"It's too strong, and the air flow generated by the collision of the two is enough to bring such a terrible impact to the surrounding environment." "

Everyone was shocked.

As a rear admiral of the navy headquarters, Kadaru's mentality is relatively calm, but Rao is so, and his forehead can't help but show a trace of cold sweat.

Subconsciously raising his hand to wipe away the cold sweat, Kadaru took a deep breath, calmed his mood as much as possible, and stared at the movement of the battlefield with bloodshot eyes.

With the collision that broke out just now, it suddenly made him realize.

This battle, I am afraid that even if the ghost spider lieutenant general wants to win, it will not be so easy.

The strength of the young man on the other side is simply beyond imagination!

Even the ghost spider lieutenant general shot with all his strength, but it was difficult to take it down in a short time!

Although this is only a tentative exchange for the two, there is no real means of each other.

If you let the people around you know.

This terrifying collision, if it is just a warm-up, I am afraid that they will really doubt life.

Warming up, can it cause such horrific damage?

So if serious?

Seriously, what will happen?

I'm afraid that the entire coast will be crushed by the two of them?!

This is a scalp-numbing conclusion.

"Whether it is that taboo or the vice admiral on the opposite side, the strength is so strong, the strong is suffocating!"

"The collision that erupts from this level of existence, even if it is only affected by the air flow, is enough to make us suffer extremely terrifying dark injuries in this life!"

The crowd made all kinds of speech.

They stared at the battlefield and did not dare to miss a single change in the battle.

"Major General Kadaru, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider will definitely win, right?"

Some of the navy's weak inquiries are obviously insufficient confidence.

Just to start.

They also believe that the ghost spider lieutenant general is stable.

But after seeing the collision just now, they suddenly felt unconfident in their hearts.


Kadaru gave many navies a confident look.


He has no bottom in his heart!

The young man on the other side is not an idle person!

On the battlefield.

Yanagawa confronts the ghost spider.


A shrill sound spread.

Yanagawa exerted his strength, and the blade shook the ghost spider, but his figure retreated about five meters to safety, and his eyes were seriously fixed on the ghost spider in front of him.

"Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters ..."

"It's still unusual after all!"

Very strong!

Ghost spiders are really strong!

The tentative exchange just now made Yanagawa deeply realized.


Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, there is not a simple cargo color.

The ghost spider is the top among the vice admirals in the navy headquarters, and its strength is naturally very good.

No doubt.

Yanagawa can be absolutely sure that the ghost spider in front of him must be the strongest enemy he has really encountered since he went to sea!

Not one!

Those I had encountered before, such as Robluch of the CP Organization, or Smogg, who was naturally capable of the Rog Town Naval Branch.


The highest cadre sent by the Don Quixote family from the New World.

All these give Yanagawa a feeling that he can easily kill in seconds.

And in fact, he can really kill these guys in seconds.

For the evaluation of these people.

Yanagawa can only be described in one word.

That is...


Too weak!

Robluci, Smogg, and Diamanti, the cadre of the Don Quixote family, each of these guys did not give Yanagawa enough threat.

Not even the slightest threat.

All of them were killed by Yanagawa without exception, instantly!


Today, on the harbor coast of Rogue Town, Yanagawa encountered a ghost spider!

A dignified vice admiral of the naval headquarters finally made Yanagawa truly feel the terrifying pressure and oppression that rushed to his face.

Ghost spiders are very strong!

In particular, his eight-knife stream, like a spider, wields the katana in his hand with eight hands, making it difficult for the enemy to parry with both hands.

The ghost spider's swordsmanship attainment is very high!

There is no doubt about that.

It was only the first collision, but it had already made Yanagawa realize.

The ghost spider in front of him is the biggest challenge he has faced when he goes to sea!

Aside from the Koshiro, Kozaburō, and the leader of the revolutionary army, Ryu and the like that he encountered in Frost Moon Village in the past, the ghost spider must be the strongest one Yanagawa has ever seen!

"Ghost spiders, completely different from the enemies I've encountered before. "

"All the enemies I encountered in the past were easily destroyed by me by crushing them with absolute strength!"

"But, in the face of the ghost spider in front of me, I can't do it in seconds!"

"Even I may not be absolutely sure that I will be able to defeat him. "

"This is the strength level of the vice admiral!"

Yanagawa raised his spirits.

In this battle, he can't be careless, and he doesn't dare to relax!

Must, go all out!

Otherwise, you really have a good chance of losing!

Even died under the blade of the ghost spider in front of him.

Those who can become vice admirals of the headquarters of the navy really do not have a single idle person.

"That's good!"

"Let me have a good feel for the life and death experience of fighting!"

"Also, it also made me feel more deeply the changes that the good fast knife chaos brought to my own swordsmanship. "

"Ghost Spider, you are very strong, just enough to be my target to try all this!"

In this extremely depressed atmosphere, Yanagawa smiled rarely.

It's a challenge!

A challenge like never before!

"If I can win, does that mean that I already have the level of combat power at the level of a lieutenant general?"

"Lieutenant General..."

"It's not far from the Seven Wuhai!"

Yanagawa's eyes flickered, and there was a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

Compared to Yanagawa's fighting spirit.

The ghost spider on the opposite side is much calmer.

But actually.

After the brief collision just now, the ghost spider's mood also became more restrained.

Although it was only a tentative shot, the ghost spider still felt that the Liu Chuan in front of him was very strong, very strong, not like the kind of waste in the East China Sea!

In a nutshell.

The Yanagawa in front of him gave the ghost spider an illusion.

The other party should not appear in the illusion of the land of projectiles in the East China Sea!

Even if they do, they should be in the Great Passage.

It's just in the East China Sea!

This really makes the mood of the ghost spider, ups and downs, difficult to suppress.

"The East China Sea is generally used as a place for fledgling pirates to go to sea. "

"And here, a monster with such terrifying strength was born!"

"This proves..."

"This monster is at the stage when he first went to sea. But who can tell me who can cut off at sea already has such terrifying strength!"

"Even, being able to face the level of strength that confronts me head-on!"

The ghost spider only felt that things were getting weirder.


He associated.

If this teenager is just a fledgling!

That means that this teenager's talent is extremely terrifying!

Being able to be in the stage of just going to sea can control such a terrifying level of strength.

What terrible talent would it take to do it?

It's unimaginable!

"If left unchecked, it will inevitably pose a great threat to the Navy in the future!"

"Today, let me leave you in Rogue Town completely. Even, imprison you in Advance City. That's where you villains belong!"

The ghost spider clutched the katana in both hands.


His hair turned into an arm, and six knives were also curled.

A total of eight blades!


"I'm going to be serious!"

The corners of the ghost spider's mouth moved slightly, and his tone was indifferent.

"Coincidentally, so am I!"

Yanagawa smiled and slowly spoke.


Glancing at the crowd around him.

Liu Chuan suddenly changed his tone: "Do you think that the people here are really noisy?"

"Well, what do you mean?"

The ghost spider raised his eyebrows, feeling a little bad.

"Nothing, just trying to make them lose consciousness for a short time." Thus, leaving us with a quiet space where we can fight and that's it. "

"Only in a quiet environment can you and I seriously enter the combat state. That's the greatest respect for you and me, isn't it?"

"In that case..."

"Then you can only wronged them and let them sleep first." "

Yanagawa's smile was particularly bright.

The words fell.

A faint breath spread from Yanagawa's body,


The ghost spider just spoke.

He felt it.

The faint momentum permeated from Liu Chuan's body in front of him, and soon wrapped his body in it.

He was the first to feel this first, and it came from Liu Chuan to release a terrifying aura!

Right at this moment.

In vain.

The faint breath became like a storm, surging. It's more like a wave of terror running between the rivers, wave after wave of crazy fighting.

If the initial momentum can only be described as a thin stream with long water. Then at this moment, this momentum turned into a long river!



The overwhelming terrifying momentum was rapidly released, like waves of sea currents, spreading to the nearby area at a terrifying speed.

Imposing as a rainbow!

Soar into the sky!

This momentum, in just a moment, enveloped the body of the ghost spider.

When you feel this breath for the first time.

The ghost spider's pupils shrank, and he stared at Yanagawa with a smile in front of him with a terrified face.

He recognized it.

This momentum!

Such a rare and unique momentum!

As a dignified vice admiral of the navy headquarters, how could he not know.

Although it is indeed a bit scary for what happened.

But the ghost spider can still make accurate judgments on the current momentum.

"This, this is..."

"Overlord color domineering?!"

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