Rogue Town.

Eastern port coast.

The atmosphere is silent!


A pair of terrified eyes looked at the white-clothed boy holding a fast knife in the center of the battlefield.

Teenagers who seem harmless to humans and animals, but give them monstrous fear.

Fear, piercing the heart!

The people lying down everywhere directly fainted, and it was estimated that at least five hundred people were swept away by the overlord-colored domineering, so that they rolled their eyes and foamed at the mouth, and they were paralyzed on the ground and looked like corpses.

The picture makes people's scalp numb and creepy.

On the battlefield.

The ghost spider glanced around, there was a hidden panic and shock in the depths of his eyes, he took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the throbbing in his heart as much as possible.

Overlord color!

This is overlord color!

This kid's talent is too terrifying!

At such an age, he is so skilled in controlling a tyrant-colored domineering, which really makes the ghost spider feel a little shocked.

Take a good look.

The crowds around them who were closer to the edge of the battlefield, including the naval elites, were all shrouded in the monstrous overlord color just now.

This is where the current weird situation arises.

Hundreds of people all fell, lying on the ground like a cold corpse, motionless.

"What a terrible talent!"

"But it is precisely this that strengthens my belief that I will kill you in Rogue Town today. If a terrifying monster like you is allowed to grow, it will inevitably pose a very great threat to the navy in the future!"

The ghost spider slowly lifted the katana in his hand, the blade was sharp, and his eyes were sharp and cold staring at Yanagawa, not daring to relax and be careless.

Yanagawa is strong!

This point, just when they first met, was enough to make the ghost spider feel it deeply.

However, he is still fearless!

If there is a life-and-death battle...

The ghost spider thinks that he will win!

Yanagawa is too talented!

So high that the ghost spiders only felt that it was a little strange.


Treat this kind of enemy, or kill it as soon as possible!

Otherwise, the ghost spider always has a premonition, if he lets the other party leave today, he still wants to take down the monster boy in front of him in the future, it will be difficult to ascend to the sky.

At the other party's age, he already had such a terrifying level of strength.

It's hard to imagine.

Give each other another period of growth, and what height can the other party stand on!

"Even I may be crushed by him at that time!"


"Only as soon as possible can we eradicate all unstable factors and all threats!"

The ghost spider clenched the blade in his hand.

A golden halo of light fell on his blade, reflecting the light of these words flickering.

"Come on, let me weigh your true strength. "

The ghost spider looked serious and serious.

Next second.

Visible to the naked eye.

A layer of black armor quickly spread from his arm, spreading to the katana in his hand, gradually wrapping the katana in his hand in all aspects.

It's like, with a layer of armor attached.

Make the katana pitch black!

Like black jade!

It exudes an extremely cold and cold atmosphere.

Armed color!



Except for the katana in the hands of the ghost spider, which covered a layer of armed color armor, even the other six katanas with curly hair spread the cover of armed color armor!

A terrifying momentum spread from the ghost spider's body.

As can be seen from here.

He, seriously!

The armed colors have been activated, and they can also be revealed from the side, how cautious the ghost spider is with the Yanagawa in front of him!

The aura of slaughter filled the air in this area.

Fight, at the touch of a minute!


The gentle sea breeze swirls the waves, crashing on the edge of the coast, and soon soaks all the soft coastal soil into the sea.

Located on the coast.

Yanagawa quietly lifted the good knife in his hand.

The sharp blade is covered with mysterious patterns, and the light blue blade gives people a delicate beauty like a collectible. The handle of the knife is more like the condensation of iron cable binding.

Gripping the hilt tightly, Yanagawa felt the cold touch.

Raise your head.

Looking ahead, the ghost spider had already urged the armed color domineering posture.

Yanagawa couldn't help but have a smile on his face.


"In that case..."

"Then I have to accompany me to the end!"

An instant.

A layer of black armor also quickly spread from Yanagawa's arm, extending to the sharp blade in his hand, quickly affecting the sharp blade.

Light blue blade, color turns black!

It was pitch black, as if it had been waxed, and reflected the harsh halo of the sky.

Dark black armor, firmly fixed to the blade in hand.

Liu Chuan's body spread a terrifying edge at the same time.


Soar into the sky!

Sweeping in all directions.



The ghost spider's face became more and more solemn, and he stared at the good fast knife in Liu Chuan's hand.


This kid is really proficient in controlling the color of weapons!

Even, even the sights and sounds have been controlled.

This also means...

This little teenager controlled three domineering disciplines alone!

It's still a very skilled kind, not just a rookie who has just stepped through the door.


"How can a monster of this level appear!"

"If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's unbelievable!"

The ghost spider struck.


His figure turned into a cloud of air, and his figure disappeared in place, leaving only an afterimage.

Extremely fast!

It's so fast that it's hard to catch with the naked eye!


As the body of the ghost spider left the ground, there was a shrill sound where he was standing, and the soil under his feet collapsed, and he was trampled out of a deep pit nearly thirty centimeters, cracking and scattering.


The ghost spider has arrived in front of Yanagawa.

Eight knives!

All covered with armed color armor!

Already aimed at Yanagawa's head, and swung down quickly without hesitation.

The blade cut through the sky, as if tearing the air, and aimed at Yanagawa's brain.


The ghost spider's eyes were sharp.

"With the naked eye, it is difficult to see the trajectory of his attack. "

"Only use it, see and smell!"

Yanagawa fully diffuses the sights and smells, and completely covers the body of the ghost spider with the domineering power of the sights and smells, so as to capture the actions and attacks of the ghost spiders.

Take a gentle step back.

The ghost spider's slashes were all missed.

But right in mid-air.

The ghost spider stepped on a cloud of air under his feet.

"Moon Step!"

The ghost spider stepped on the air, its body soared directly into the air, and from the direction of the sky, carrying eight katanas covered in armed colors, it quickly stabbed down.

"Naval Six ..."

"What a troublesome trick. "

Liu Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his head to look at the ghost spider that attacked with a serious face.


It was rare that he felt the pressure rushing to his face!

This is the toughest battle Yanagawa has faced since he went to sea.

There is no doubt about that!

Vice Admiral, worthy of being a Vice Admiral, the strength is not comparable to those Yanagawa met in the past.

Neither Smogg, nor Bellamy, Robluci, nor these people can compare with the Vice Admiral Ghost Spider in front of him.

These people are too different from the ghost spider!

"Good to go!"

Yanagawa was not timid, but rose to the occasion.

Lifting the fast knife in his hand, the armed colored armor covers the blade, making the blade indestructible and exuding an extremely sharp sense of oppression.


The blade collides with the blade!

Armed colors and armed colors also rubbed off.


As the two collided and exploded, with the place where the two collided as the center point, the terrifying air flow spread rapidly, spreading in all directions.

Where the majestic air flow passed, like the beating of the current, all the areas were eroded, cracked and shattered by the impact, and the ground broke through one hideous crack after another.

The debris within a radius of hundreds of meters was crushed in all directions and turned into wreckage.


The terrifying air flow spread hundreds of meters away.

So that these onlookers, as well as the navy led by Kadaru, couldn't help but push out tens of meters away again, staring at the movement of the battlefield with a look of horror.


Too strong!

Both sides of the battlefield are as strong as monsters!

It is just the aftermath of the collision, but it gives them a sense of déjà vu of being in the environment of catastrophe.

"Good, terrifying showdown!"

Kadaru couldn't help but swallow his spit, his face was full of horror, and he clenched his fists, revealing many emotional waves such as apprehension and tension in his heart.

Both are monsters!

This is a battle that belongs to monsters!

These ordinary people simply can't even behave close to the battlefield.

Kadaru could envision.

If they approached the battlefield at will, they were afraid of the aftermath of the incoming airflow, which was enough to choke them.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, it is reasonable to have such terrifying strength. "

Kadaru can understand this.

It is not at all surprising that the vice admiral of the dignified naval headquarters has such strength.

If it weren't for such monster-like strength, how could the ghost spider be given the rank of lieutenant general?

As a vice admiral, it is completely normal to have such strength!

This is the mainstay of the Navy!

The backbone of the Navy!

There is no strength at all, what kind of vice admiral?

But the problem is...

The boy opposite the ghost spider.

Who can explain it to him.

How did that young man in white have such a terrifying level of strength?!

In fact, Kadaru's mentality was close to the brink of collapse.

As a qualified rear admiral, many of the things that happened to Kadaru today have overturned his perception and caused his mentality to gradually collapse.



The standing degrees of the two sides constantly emitted violent and loud sounds, like thunder and deafening.

The aftermath exploded!

The air flow ripples around every corner.

Click! Click!

The ground soil crumbled, and the cracks that cracked open were as dense as spider webs, covering the floor tiles of the coast in this area, deeply imprinted above.

Even those sailing ships docked near the coast have suffered varying degrees of impact.

It can be clearly seen.

These sailing ships that are closer to the outbreak of the battlefield have cracked the outer hull of the ship and opened a series of weak cracks, although not obvious, but the cracks are spread longer and deeper with the continuous impact of the air current.

This level of collision duel was in the eyes of Kadaru and his many navies present, as well as hundreds of onlookers.

They are totally regarded as...

Monster-level collision!

The battle broke out too fiercely!

Being on the verge of the outbreak of the battlefield, everyone present had a feeling in their hearts that there was an intermittent small earthquake here.

"A teenager who can face Vice Admiral?!"



"This is a monster!"

Kadaru rolled in his throat, couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and shivered as he looked at the terrifying turmoil that erupted in the battlefield ahead.


Deep fear, straight to the brain.

Kadaru's gaze has been fixed on the figure of the white-clothed boy.

This is a...

A terrifying monster that can face Vice Admiral and doesn't seem to fall behind!

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