In the face of the terrifying slash unleashed by Yanagawa , the ghost spider did not dare to slacken, his eyes froze, his expression became particularly serious and cautious, and he only grasped the blade in his hand.

Eight knives!

All of them, all covered with a layer of black armed color armor!


The slash released by Yanagawa is getting closer and closer!

A blinding halo could almost be seen.

It's already at hand!

A stone's throw away!

Before the slash arrived, the terrifying air flow that swept through, producing a special suppression, completely enveloped the ghost spider's body and squeezed every cell of his body.

Serious impact, the self-control of the ghost spider's body.

Click! Click!


Even the ground of the coast was eroded by the aftermath of this terrifying slashing blow, constantly cracking and cracking, quickly spreading like a spider's web, deeply imprinted on this mantle.

"What an amazing slash!"

The ghost spider took a deep breath and stared solemnly at the slash in front of him.


He lifted the eight knives in his hand, and the armed color urged it in full force.

Slash arrives.

The ghost spider rose to the occasion.

Lifting the eight blades, he aimed at this terrifying slash in front of him for a comprehensive defense.

Enter a state of total defense!


An earth-shattering bang.


Resounding in the sky!

It was like thunder, buzzing in the ears of people around.


The ghost spider's forehead was covered in sweat, and eight blades blocked in front of him, blocking this terrifying slash released by Yanagawa from Yanagawa.


Under his feet, the ground he trampled on was constantly shattering.


The body of the ghost spider was also falling downwind, until it stepped on a deep pit of half a meter, and then slowly stopped.

The power of the slash collapsed.

This slash was completely blocked and dissolved by the ghost spider.


The ground under the foot cracked into a deep pit half a meter deep, suffered from the erosion of violent forces, and the traces of cracking became more and more, spreading to different places.


This side of the soil directly collapsed and collapsed.

The ghost spider stepped on the moon and quickly walked to the other end, staring at Liu Chuan's figure with a solemn face.

This slash brought him too much oppression!


Head down.

The ghost spider can also see his slightly trembling hands.

Blocking this slash also consumed a lot of his physical strength, and even his arms suffered a great impact, causing his arms to tingle briefly.

Hundreds of meters away.

The crowd, as well as the navy, were stunned and watched the changes on the battlefield with horror on their faces.

It's intense!

This battle, in their opinion, is simply not a battle between two humans.

And more like...

Two-headed monster!

A duel between two beasts!

Can human battles cause such a large range of destruction?

They saw it for the first time.

This is a terrifying collision, really like a duel between two fierce beasts, giving this eastern port almost a mess, seemingly about to fall into ruins.

"These two people, the strength is so terrible!"

"Strong is unbelievable, it's simply non-human!"

"The collision of two monster-level existences caused turmoil far beyond our imagination. "

Everyone was trembling with palpitations.

Just judging the mess at the scene with the naked eye made them unable to imagine what level of monster collision it would have to make this port almost in ruins.

The ground shattered and opened countless cracks.

Some sailing ships docked close to the coast were also severely affected by the air currents from which the two collided.

It can be seen that many cracks of different sizes appear in the hull of the exterior, spreading rapidly, looking like a damaged sailing ship that has been abandoned for many years and worn out by time.



This is what everyone in the scene can describe the current east coast.

It's terrible!

How could a battle between two people cause such turmoil?

This makes their narrow cognitive view almost completely overturned.

"Do the two look equal?"

"Even Lieutenant General Ghost Spider can't take down this monster!"

"That's a ghost spider, Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters!"

"How strong is this guy?!"

Kadaru watched the movement of the battlefield with a look of horror.

He couldn't imagine it.

What kind of monster made a dignified vice admiral of the navy headquarters spend so long and strength, it seems difficult to win.

This battle in front of him undoubtedly refreshed Kadaru's cognition.

Including the navy behind him, they all fixed on the bodies of the two monsters on the battlefield with those eyes full of shock and trepidation.

This level of collision made them feel a great sense of worship in their hearts.

The gap is too big!

In contrast.

Their so-called naval elite is more like a group of ants that are insignificant!

"That young man in white can actually face Vice Admiral without falling behind. "

"How can this kind of monster appear in our East China Sea?"

"It's not scientific!"

Many people have begun to doubt life.

Vice Admirals, in their eyes, are unattainable top existences!

And right now.

They actually saw it.

A young boy was able to face the vice admiral, and in a short period of time, there was no trace of defeat.

This is shocking and terrifying to them!

East China Sea, it seems that they are becoming more and more unable to see through.

It is unimaginable that this kind of monster would appear in the East China Sea instead of appearing in the Great Passage.


The sea breeze is blowing and the waves are churning.

Standing on the broken sailboat, Yanagawa quietly looked at the ghost spider.

Next second.

Fight, break out again!


The deck under the foot directly shattered.

Yanagawa approached the ghost spider at an extremely terrifying speed.

The mastery of swordsmanship was vividly displayed in his hands.



The eight blades of the ghost spider constantly blocked the fierce attack from Yanagawa .

The collision of the blade with the blade.

The friction between armed color and armed color.

The terrifying air flow spreads rapidly with the collision of the two as the central point.

The dark red firelight like thunder and lightning, produced with the collision of armed colored armor, constantly flickering, this side of the aura was made extremely oppressive and dense by this dark red firelight.


Where the two collide.

The earth is shattered!

Where the air flow swept through, debris was crushed into wreckage.


Yanagawa was forced to retreat.

The sharp slash released by the ghost spider was blocked by Yanagawa with the good fast knife in his hand, easily dissolved, and swung down again.



The collision of slashing and slashing, the violent force of explosion, and the more terrifying impact on this side. Especially in the area near the battle between the two, the ground is simply shattered.

The sailboat docked on the coast broke apart in an instant as the aftermath of the chopping blow exploded.


The owners of one sailboat after another wanted to cry without tears.

I can only watch.

The collision of these two monsters broke out, and the resulting slashes deviated from the original trajectory and swept across different areas in all directions, and many of them hit the sailboat.


Sailboats that endured such a horrific slash hit.

In an instant, it was split in half from the middle!

Like white paper!

Directly torn to shreds!

There is no obstruction.

In the face of such a terrible slash, a huge sailing ship looks small and fragile like a blank piece of paper. Easily, it was directly swept through by the slash and turned into two halves.


There are many split half-cut sailing ships floating on the sea, and some materials on board have been destroyed beyond recognition, sliding down and sinking into the sea.

There are also many sailing ships that drop anchor on the coast, and after the anchored coast is pierced by the battle between the two monsters, the sailing ship follows the wind to the sea and gradually floats away from the coast.

This made the owner of the sailboat very helpless.

The battle is too intense!

They did not dare to approach!

Watching, the sailboat drifted away from the coast with the wind, but did nothing.

Be at one's wits' end!

"Boy, you can't be left!"

"Let's die in peace!"

The blade of the ghost spider became more and more powerful.


Yanagawa lifted the good fast knife in his hand and blocked the blade attack from the ghost spider, but he swept away the light and saw the follow-up tricks of the ghost spider.

The ghost spider condensed its armed right foot and suddenly kicked at Yanagawa's abdomen.


Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, and he also condensed his armed color, and his left arm was covered with a layer of black indestructible armor, which smashed down on the chest of the ghost spider.



Both were shot dozens of meters away.

Yanagawa only felt that a terrifying force penetrated from his abdomen and permeated his whole body, and the tingling pain filled his forehead with cold sweat, and his entire internal organs seemed to be displaced.

Blood rushes in the body.

The internal organs swing erratically.

This feeling made Yanagawa extremely unbearable.

His eyes gradually filled with faint bloodshots.


With a mouthful, Yanagawa spat out a mouthful of pus and blood.

At the same time.

His face turned a little pale, but his eyes were still staring straight ahead, and like himself, he looked extremely painful ghost spiders.

You can see.

Ghost spiders are no better.

was punched by Liu Chuan, directly dented the chest, it is estimated that the sternum was shattered, and the mouth spat blood, and the face was pale, like a corpse.

The ghost spider and Yanagawa flew upside down, diametrically opposite.

The ghost spider flew upside down in the direction of the crowd.

Yanagawa, on the other hand, flew upside down in the direction of the sea.



Yanagawa's back hit the inside of a sailing ship.


Yanagawa spat blood again, and his whole body directly pierced the deck of the sailboat, and he was deeply trapped in a dim environment, and many broken wooden boards and fragments on his body were all buried and oppressed.

The sailboat was hit by Yanagawa and became damaged.

The decks were all penetrated into a deep pit.

The hull is constantly crumbling!

Due to the terrifying impact of the Liu Chuan impact, the sailboat was driven and gradually left the surrounding area of the harbor coast, and it seemed to be driving away towards the Wang Yang Sea.


The currents are fluttering.

A broken sailing ship, carrying the seriously injured Yanagawa, gradually left the eastern coast of Rogue Town and floated at a slow speed towards the endless sea in the distance.


In the ruined sailboat, a noise sounded from the dimness.

"It's really embarrassing..."

Yanagawa took a deep breath and calmed the chaotic and restless aura in his body as much as possible.

Followed by.

With great difficulty, he propped himself up and walked out of the ruins below the broken deck.

Feeling the heavy injury on his body, his eyelids jumped slightly.


Moreover, not an ordinary injury!

The injury is more serious!

"This battle ends here. "

"If you continue to fight, at most both will lose. I still can't crush the ghost spider of the vice admiral of the dignified naval headquarters with an absolute victory posture!"

"Again. "

"Ghost spider, you can't easily defeat me!"


"This is not my home turf. Ghost Spider, you're seriously injured, and the Navy can take care of transporting you to healing. But I'm different, if I'm seriously wounded and no longer capable of fighting, I'll be captured by the Navy in the next second. "

"At that time, there will definitely be a place for me in Advance City!"

"I don't want to lose both with you, so that those miscellaneous fish navy can take advantage of it, and finally capture me with human sea tactics!"

"If I were arrested in this way, it would be too embarrassing. I can lose, but never in this way!"

Yanagawa's current thinking has never been clearer.

Even though he was seriously injured, he maintained an extremely calm attitude.


He is well aware of his current situation!

On the side of the ghost spider, there are many navies as foreign aid.

But the only thing that Yanagawa can rely on is himself!

If both sides really lose, the situation will have a very huge negative impact on Yanagawa!

Think of this.

Yanagawa's eyes flashed, and he walked all the way to the edge of the deck of the broken sailboat.

Raise your head slightly.

Looking at the harbor coast that is about 20 meters away.

It can be clearly seen that the ghost spider is dragging the heavy body to stand up at this moment, and also throws that cold and murderous eyes.

The ghost spider was also seriously injured.

There is no doubt about this!

"Before leaving..."

"Just let me give you one last gift!"

Yanagawa's smile looked a little playful.

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