Rogue Town, after all, is not Yanagawa's home turf.

The outbreak of a battle with a vice admiral of the navy headquarters here was only unexpected.

During the battle with the ghost spider, Yanagawa noticed some of his own shortcomings, and gradually understood that his strength looked at the accurate level of this sea.

The ghost spider is just a benchmark that Yanagawa uses to measure his own strength.

It is also used to test how much the good fast knife in his hand has brought to his own swordsmanship.

That's all.

All factors aside, Yanagawa has no substantial grudge with the ghost spider. Yanagawa didn't want to kill the ghost spider so much.

There is no such strong killing intent.


The impact of the battlefield environment.

Let Yanagawa calmly judge that if he continues to fight, even if he spends all his strength, he will really defeat the ghost spider.

But the consequences he needs to face must be very miserable.

He will be caught!

In a weak state, these navies in Rogue Town swarmed up, and finally exhausted, they were handcuffed by these navies and sent to Advance City for detention.

This is the biggest insult to Yanagawa!

Because of the exhaustion of the battle, and then defeated after being beaten by the group.

This kind of defeat, Yanagawa never wants to experience the first time!

If he loses head-on to the ghost spider, Yanagawa admits.

However, after the outbreak and collision with the ghost spider, both sides were finally defeated, which allowed these navies to launch a group fight, resulting in Yanagawa finally being arrested and imprisoned.

This result must not be accepted by Yanagawa!

Calmly analyze again and again.

Yanagawa thinks he should leave too.

There is no need to fight the ghost spider to the end, fighting for life in battle is an attitude towards battle.

But if you know that continuing to fight will meet a miserable fate, and still insist on fighting, this is a very ironclad behavior.

This kind of behavior, Yanagawa defines it, stunned green behavior!

Although as a fledgling teenager, Yanagawa's thinking did not seem immature, but appeared very mature and calm.

Combined above.

Yanagawa will want to prepare to leave Rogue Town, avoid fighting the ghost spider to the end, and finally let these naval groups in Rogue Town defeat them.

"This is the most correct choice..."

Yanagawa smiled and stood quietly on the edge of the deck of the sailboat.

Thanks to the ghost spider for this blow.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be so easy and win a sailing ship!

Although the impact of the sailboat on its own body caused some parts of the hull to appear cracked, it was not in the way, as long as it could be used for a short time.

The sailboat looked to be damaged, and Yanagawa initially conservatively estimated that it would be absolutely no problem to carry him on this sea for several days.

"All that's left is to give the last gift to the ghost spider guy." It's so bad that he also fought with me for so long and left without saying a word, which is not in line with my character! "

Yanagawa smiled playfully, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The ghost spider located on the coast, dragging its heavy body, was staring in the direction of Liu Chuan in front with a solemn face, and his eyes did not dare to move.

His body suffered varying degrees of damage.

The battle with Yanagawa is naturally impossible to leave the ghost spider unscathed!

Although the injury has not yet threatened his life, for the ghost spider, the current injury has seriously affected his combat state.

It can be felt very clearly.

The momentum of the ghost spider's body is showing a downhill path, constantly declining, and it does not give people a terrifying sense of oppression like before.

"This kid..."

The ghost spider's eyes froze, staring at Yanagawa's figure on the sailboat.

Mo is not...

This kid is going to escape?!

That's not good!

He had so many injuries, but he actually let this kid escape in the end?

If this spreads, where will your face go?

And most importantly.

The ghost spider did not dare to imagine.

If you really let this monster in front of you and continue to grow in this sea, the future navy will need to face what a terrifying monster!

The ghost spider already has a very strong premonition, and the strength of the future Liu Chuan will inevitably be very terrifying, so that he dare not imagine what he will grow to.

And today.

It's a great time to leave each other completely!

If this opportunity is missed, the ghost spider will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

"Can't let him escape from Roguetown."

"Today, you must leave him!"

"If he does escape from Rogue Town, the next time we meet again, I may not be able to arrest him."

"At such an age, he is already able to skillfully control and use the domineering three-color monster boy. This potential threat is simply too great to allow him to continue to grow anyway. "

"Even today, if you fight to the death, you will not hesitate!"

The ghost spider clenched the katana in both hands and had a serious expression on his face.

He has made up his mind.

It's all out today!

This is enough to pose a very great potential threat to the Navy, or stay in Rogue forever, this is the best way to deal with it.


This monster will definitely become a henchman of the Navy in the future!

For this, the ghost spider's premonition has never been stronger!

Especially after fighting with Yanagawa, the ghost spider became more and more jealous of Yanagawa.

At such an age, with such a terrifying level of strength. It is really impossible to predict what level this existence can grow to in the future.


The ghost spider immediately turned to Kadaru hundreds of meters away and was about to give an order.


Next second.

An aura that made the ghost spider stand on end, swept through his body.


Get one’s dander up!


The piercing chill instantly burst from the soles of the ghost spider's feet straight to the heavenly spirit cover.

In a split second.

The ghost spider's words stopped abruptly, and he quickly turned his head, his eyes filled with deep horror, looking in the direction where the chill swept through his body.

It's Yanagawa!

In the eye!

The ghost spider saw the broken sailboat where Yanagawa was standing.

"That breath just now..."

The ghost spider had a dry throat and a low mood.

He can judge very accurately.

That breath came from Yanagawa's body.

At the same time.

Just when the ghost spider couldn't adapt, then he saw Yanagawa, who was standing on the deck of the ruined sailing ship, slowly lifting the blade of black armed color armor in his hand.

The blade is sharp!

Senran's icy breath pervaded.

The red sword qi gradually wrapped around the blade.

Even if they are hundreds of meters apart.

But still, it still made the ghost spider feel it.

A sense of oppression!


Majestic as a wave of rolling pressure, heavy pressure on the shoulders of the ghost spider.

"This knife..."

"This kid, are you going to do your best?!"

The ghost spider smelled it, a strong sense of crisis.

He stared at Liu Chuan tightly, his eyes did not dare to move a little, cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead, sweat stains slipped from his forehead, from his face to his chin, and finally the soil under his feet quickly melted into it.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze.

In the eyes of the ghost spider, only Yanagawa was left holding the blade.

The brilliant and dazzling red sword qi filled the field of vision covering the ghost spider in almost all aspects.

Very terrifying sword qi!

The distance is far away, which makes the ghost spider get goosebumps all over his body.


Located on the edge of the deck of a broken sailboat.

Yanagawa had already lifted the sharp knife in his hand, and the black armed color armor added a strange beauty to the blade, becoming more indestructible and fierce.

"This is my last gift to you."

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, I hope you can laugh!"

The smile on Yanagawa's face looked meaningful.

The red sword qi was wrapped around the blade, and its momentum was rising. What was originally as weak as a thin stream of water gradually transformed into a long river rolling and the tide surging.

The red sword qi became particularly dazzling and prominent.

And spread a very rich and terrifying momentum coercion!

The pale red sword qi also began to turn into a rich red, like blood-like crimson sword qi, dead around the blade, dyeing the blade covered with black armed color armor into a blood-red color, like a blood-colored long knife.




The breath is exposed, with Yanagawa itself as the central point, spreading in all directions.

"One knife flow, one slash!"


The good fast knife in Yanagawa's hand was chaotic and swung down quickly from mid-air.

The blade was sharp, with blood and black armor, tearing through the air in an instant, breaking the sky.

The moment the blade fell.

The rich red sword qi, at the same time, found a catharsis, turned into an endless violent force, and was forced out from the tip of the knife with an indomitable, momentum like a broken bamboo.


A red slash of terror was aimed at the eastern coast of Rogue Town.

Aim for where the ghost spider is standing!


When the slash broke out in full force, rushing forward towards the coast.

The aftermath of the diffusion, the currents that swept the edge of the coast.


The sea current was driven by the terrifying air pressure, constantly tumbling, like waves of huge waves, flowing and spreading from the distant Wang Yang Sea, washing the coast.

Countless sailing ships docked on the coast were affected, and as the waves crashed, one sailor after another began to shake wildly.


Visible to the naked eye.

The thick red slash almost like blood, where it passed...

The sea level was torn apart abruptly and opened a hideous gap!

The aftermath impact of the slash spread tore this side of the sea apart!

The sea water is greatly squeezed and spreads to both sides.


In the middle zone, a terrifying rift several meters deep appeared.

This is......

The terrifying picture caused by the aftermath of a shocking blow!

It makes people feel trembling and trembling from the bottom of their hearts!


The squeezed currents spread cathartically to both sides, but they could not fill the hideous cracks in the center that were several meters deep.

The cracks in the sea surface several meters deep give people a more intuitive visual impact than the whirlpools on the seabed.

And this scene.

Without reservation, it fell into the eyes of the ghost spider located on the coast.

Similarly, Kadaru and many naval elites hundreds of meters away around him, as well as the crowd of spectators who had been staying on the coast, they all saw it clearly.


It was torn open abruptly!

What a horrible thing this is.

They saw it for the first time in their lives!

It's horrifying!

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"Really fake?"

"Am I right?"

"The power of this red slash seems to be a bit outrageously huge!"

The ghost spider's throat was dry, and he once wondered if he was currently delusional.

The sea surface was actually torn apart by the aftermath of the spread of this terrifying slash!

A terrifying slash that splits the sea?!

This is simply subversive!

What a groove is the ghost spider's mood at this moment!

Completely indescribable.

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