The entire eastern coast of the town of Rogue.


The atmosphere is exceptionally quiet!


A pair of eyes full of shock and horror froze on the sailing ship dozens of meters away from the coast.


A beautiful terrifying slash, a blooming red brilliant halo, has filled their vision in all aspects, making their vision no longer able to accommodate the rest of the objects.

It was as if all the things in the world were left with this shocking slash!



Like the color of blood, it filled the sight of hundreds of people present.

Including Kadaru, who was a rear admiral, and all the navies led behind him, they all looked ahead with those pair of terrified eyes.


An aura of despair that had never been felt enveloped their bodies.

In the face of such a terrifying slash, everything in the world became exceptionally small.

"This, what a terrifying mighty power!"

"One, a terrifying slash that tears open the sea?"

"This teenager, the strength is a bit outrageous!"

Kadaru's lips trembled, and he stared ahead with trepidation and shock.

Totally visible.

As the slash hit the face, the sea was abruptly split several meters deep into a hideous crack, and the sea water on both sides was completely unable to fill the gap in the center because of the impact of the aftermath of the slashing eruption.


So that everyone can see it clearly.

This sea was split abruptly by a knife!

It was slashed by a red horror and directly torn apart!

It's terrifying!

It's horrifying!

Rao is based on Kadaru's experience, and the scenes he has seen so far have subverted his cognition, and his worldview has been constantly washed and collided.

"How terrifying is the strength of this monster?!"

Kadaru thought tremblingly.


More than you can imagine!

Behind him.

A group of navies shivered equally.

In the face of this red slash, all of them felt how small they were, as small as dust.

If this slash is a raging river, they are an insignificant drop of water in the river.

The gap is too big!

This is essentially a gap!

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider..."

"Can you block such a terrible slash?"

Some navies trembled, and the faith they had firmly believed in was shaken.

Originally in their minds.

Ghost Spider, a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, wanted to take down the teenager, which was simply stable and easy.


The development of things gradually exceeded their imagination.

They never dreamed that the ghost spider would not only be unable to take it down easily, but even now, it is very likely to face the possibility of being completely defeated!

In the face of such a terrifying slash.

How small is manpower?

Ghost spiders, can they really block it?

Even if it is a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, can he really block such a terrifying slash of this force?

Many questions are entangled in the minds of many navies.

They clenched their fists and stared ahead nervously.

All that filled their field of vision was the red slash.

In addition to them.

The crowd was also deeply affected.

When witnessing.

The sea is torn apart!

Crimson like a slash of blood, cut through the sea, and attacked directly at the place where they stood. Their mood naturally suffered greatly.

They felt it.

A taste of despair!

"I suddenly feel that we ourselves are such a small existence..."

"Is this slash really a force that manpower can master?"

"He actually came from the hands of a human being!"

"Moreover, he is still a teenager!"

"What is happening today is unimaginable."

Everyone just feels that the worldview has been turned upside down.

The mood of these people fluctuated, just for a moment.

The red slashes that appeared in their eyes became more and more exuberant, more and more dazzling, and brilliant!

Like the second hot sun on the edge of the sky, the glare made it impossible for them to open their eyes.

Here's the difference.

It's a bloody hot day!

Like a sun stained with blood, the striking red slashing light rushed straight to the field of vision of all of them, making many people subconsciously close their eyes.


The aftermath of the current was shocked by the slashing blow and spread to both sides.

The hideous cracks in the center make it impossible to fill the currents on both sides, presenting a terrifying picture of the sea being split abruptly for tens of meters.

The red slash is close at hand!

The moment the ghost spider sees it.

Just for a moment.

It had already slammed in front of him from the sea tens of meters away.

Located on the coast.

The ghost spider was the first person closest to this slash.

"What an incredible power!"

The ghost spider's forehead broke out in cold sweat.

Even he is no longer fully sure to face it.

The power released by this slash is too majestic.

It was so majestic that the ghost spider had a sense of déjà vu as if facing a sea of Wang Yang.

"If you can't stop it..."

"I'll die!"

The ghost spider gripped the blades of his hands.

His hair, like a spider's arm, curled six katanas.

Armed color, fully released!

Do your best to urge!

Fight to the death!

Otherwise, the ghost spider has a hunch that he will really die in this ghost place. Died in the town of Rogue, a projectile land in the East China Sea where birds do not.

"Armed color, on!"

The ghost spider drank.

The black armed-colored armor spread across his arms, quickly spreading to the blades in his hands, as well as the six knives with curly hair, all covered with the strongest armed color.

Armed color domineering, he used it to the extreme!

Do your best to urge the armed colors!

In order to be able to stop this red terrifying slash in front of him!

"Block Lao Tzu!"

The ghost spider is crazy.

His eyes were bloodshot, he dragged his heavy and wounded body, and with all his might, the color of his weapon spread across the blade in his hand.

And then.

Aim at the approaching red slash ahead.

Fiercely, swing the katana in your hand!

"Break it for Lao Tzu!"

"Lao Tzu is a vice admiral of the navy headquarters!"

The ghost spider roared with heartfelt anger.

His forehead was bruised, his face was hideous, his muscles were throbbing, and the blade covering the black armed color armor was exhaled by him in an instant.

Eight knives!

Each one is covered with indestructible armed colored armor.

The red slash is already close at hand.

It is less than half a meter away from the ghost spider!

Close up.

The ghost spider could deeply feel the terrifying oppression that came from the spread of this red sword qi, sweeping through every cell of his body all the time.

The extremely strong squeeze squeezed the body of the ghost spider, making him feel a double burden.

However, the katana in his hand was cut down without hesitation!

Without the slightest hesitation, without any drag!

"If I can't even believe the knife in my hand, what else can I believe?!"

The ghost spider drank angrily.

The red sword qi directly affected the body of the ghost spider and shrouded it.


The space seems to have produced different degrees of creeping.

The ghost spider lifted eight knife covered in armed color, and this red horror armor released from Yanagawa broke out in a frontal collision friction.

An instant.


With a loud bang, it soared into the sky.


Roar like thunder!

Another black dragon roars!

The sound hovered rapidly, spreading in all directions, making people's brains buzz, thinking was briefly stuck in a blank stage, tinnitus, and eyes lost vision.

"Block it!"

The ghost spider is still holding the eight blades.

When the red terrifying slash struck the blade in his hand, the force that instantly exploded hit his arms and made his body move backwards at the same time.


The soil under your feet shattered and cracked one after another.

Like a spider's web, dense cracks are centered on the feet of the ghost spider, spreading around every corner.

Click! Click!

The number of cracks and cracks is increasing.

The entire ground collapsed and collapsed directly.

The broken stones were torn and broken by the terrifying squeeze of the air flow, turned into powder remains, and were raised like smoke and dust flying in the sky with the rolling of the air flow.


Another crisp sound sounded from the ghost spider's ears.

His pupils shrank and he looked at the blades of his hands with a look of horror.


Even covered with a layer of black armed colored armor.

However, the blade in his hand still showed a slight crack!

Blade, cracked!


Even if the armed color armor was all over, when the ghost spider tried to use the blade of both hands to block the terrifying slash in front of him, the blade in his hand was still greatly damaged.

"The knife, it's actually cracked!"

The ghost spider was full of horror.

The terrifying majestic power transmitted by his arms eroded his body, causing his body to continue to move backwards, and the ground under his feet was even more cracked.

The ghost spider's face turned red, his body was full of qi and blood, and even the internal organs of his body seemed to have some traces of displacement. Let him subconsciously open his mouth, and a mouthful of pus and blood spurts out of his mouth.

His face became more and more pale!

At the moment when the ghost spider blocked this red horror slash.

The aftermath of the spread has rapidly swept in all directions.

Almost the entire eastern coast of Rogue Town was covered in all aspects.


The hundreds of navies led by Kadaru and the rest of the hundreds of onlookers, they saw the scene of scalp numbness next.

Air currents, spreading from the place of the ghost spider.

Along the place where the ghost spider blocked the red sword qi, it showed a circular arc, spreading rapidly, like a sea current, and every corner was affected.

In the center of the collision explosion, the dark red light like thunder flickered...

Next second.




The terrifying air currents that swept the entire area around the ghost spider's body appeared carpet-like bombing, squeezing, and tearing.

Click! Click!

The cracks spread more obviously.


The surface of the earth cracks and breaks.

The terrifying aftermath rushed in all directions.

Where it passed, the surface was damaged and collapsed, and the ground was directly dented by being squeezed. Many of the broken stones were crushed into powder in an instant.

There are also many stones that have been destroyed and turned into wreckage, sharp fine fragments, with the air flow and frantically thrown to various places, extremely cutting.

Burst! Burst!

Stone fragments pierced into the ground, just like tearing white paper, driven by this air flow, even the most ordinary stone fragments have a very terrifying destructive power.

The ground was pierced through countless gaps, accompanied by dense cracks, making the entire eastern coast instantly seem as if it had been swept away by a disaster.

Turned into a mess!



Riddled with!


The influence of the air current, not only limited to the coast, but also the sailing ships docking on the coast, are driven by this terrible air current, and it violently breaks through the outer surface of the sailing ship.

Rumble! Rumble!

Many sailing ships could not withstand the squeeze of this airflow, turning into wreckage and wood chips on the spot, flying all over the sky under the rolling of the airflow, falling into the sea and floating on the sea.

Like a monstrous wave, the air flow quickly spreads from the edge of the coast to hundreds of meters away.


The group of navies led by Kadaru and the crowd watching the battle were swept by this majestic air current, affecting their bodies.



Many emotions quickly emerged from their hearts.

The soil they stepped on directly crumbled and collapsed.

Make them all unstable.

As the soil collapsed and cracked, combined with the impact of air currents on their bodies, they dumped into the distance, and even fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping.


Another loud bang.

"Ah! Yes! "

Countless wailing voices sounded, wandering into the distance.


One by one, people who were impacted by the air flow were directly impacted and flew more than ten meters away, hitting in different places, and their figures fell under the collapsed soil, looking very embarrassed, and there were different degrees of scars on their bodies.

Whether it is a naval elite or an ordinary population, in the face of such a terrifying air flow, they can only have the same result.

"This, what a terrifying power this is!"

Kadaru clutched a tree trunk next to him with both hands, his eyes widened with horror, and he swept around the messy environment around him.


The piercing coldness made Kadaru sweat stand on end, and his scalp was numb.

After looking around.

He saw it.

The entire eastern port coast of the town of Rogue ...

Actually, it's all broken!

Almost none of the areas are intact, and all of them have been destroyed and eroded by extremely terrifying forces. As a result, the surface of the earth crumbles, cracks and perforations are everywhere, and remain deep on the surface of the ground.




This is the current whole picture of the east coast!

Cracks in the ground, perforations...

Almost, everywhere!

It's like a broken environment after a disaster.

It's more like it's a broken mess after being swept away by carpet bombing.

"One, one knife..."

"That monster just used a knife!"

"Actually destroyed the entire eastern coast of Rogue Town on the spot?!"

Think of this.

Kadaru was even more terrified, and his body trembled violently uncontrollably.

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