The crimson slash gradually dissipated.

The ruined scene that can remain on the eastern coast of Rogue Town is inevitable in any case, and it is in the depths of everyone's eyes.

Let them panic!

Fear and restlessness!


The scene turned into a mess.

The atmosphere is silent!


It makes people feel the depression of sweating hair standing on end.

The ground, broken and densely cracked, like spider web after spider web, spread over every corner of the entire eastern coast.

Areas with a radius of hundreds of meters have been eroded by these cracks.

There are also many perforations in the ground, broken stones driven by terrifying air currents, directly piercing the perforations deep underground, like nests of ant nests, making densely phobic.




That's the current whole picture of the eastern coast of Rogue.

On this broken ground, there are also many people who have been dumped in different areas because of the air flow that has exploded and swept their bodies just now, and some are very unlucky, and their bodies hit the building walls, resulting in serious injuries and paralysis on the ground.

As spectators, these people have to say that they are still very unlucky, but they are also to blame.

In a battle of this level, any possibility can happen, and they dare to remain on the edge of the battlefield, and they can only blame themselves for such doom.

I thought.

A few hundred meters away is an absolutely safe area.

But after the impact of the air flow just now, they still didn't expect it.

This battle would actually break out to such a terrifying point. As a result, hundreds of meters away, the so-called safe area they all suffered impact damage to varying degrees.

More or less, basically everyone has some injuries left on their bodies.

It can be described as, a wave, almost a big piece of seconds!

If they get closer to the battlefield, it is unknown whether they will survive.

"Help, help..."

"I, my hand, broke!"

A wailing sound sounded from this ruin.


A person who was hit by the air flow and flew upside down more than ten meters away, lying on the ground covered in blood, most of them had scars on their bodies, blood spilled, and their appearance was particularly embarrassed.

Dust stained their clothes, making them look even more as if they had crawled out of the ruins underground, their clothes disheveled and their hair disheveled.

Even the navy headed by Kadaru is exactly the same as these people.

Rao is a naval elite, but when faced with the terrifying aftermath of the terrifying world just now, he will also be particularly weak and helpless like ordinary people.

They can only bear the fate of being swept by the air flow and flying upside down in all directions.


They could not resist such a terrifying current.

That's but...

The momentum oppressed by the terrifying slash that tore the sea!

Even Rear Admiral Kadaru of the Navy Headquarters was driven by the air flow just now, and rolled several times to the place beside him, and the naval uniform on his body was stained with a lot of dust.

Wait until everyone reacts.

Raise your head.

And they saw it.

Today, the entire eastern coast of Rogue looks like it.



Smoke everywhere!

When they saw the ruined environment around them, everyone, without exception, fell into an extremely shocked and frightened mood, looking confused and terrified.


That slash that tore through the sea actually destroyed the entire eastern port on the spot!

It's incredible!

"I, I'm not hallucinating, am I?"

Someone subconsciously pinched his thighs, his eyes looked at the ruined environment around him, his lips trembled, and his whole body was snorting.

This, is this still the eastern coast of their Rogue town?

Completely different from what they remembered!


The eastern coast of Rogue Town is luxuriant, bustling and noisy.

But now.

The eastern coast in front of their eyes.

All that remains...




This is the eastern coast of the current town of Rogue!

The gap between the front and back simply made their worldview collapse.

In just a moment, the eastern coast of Rogue Town changed dramatically from what they remembered.


There was an occasional noise on the ground.

It was the sound of the ground collapsing.

There are too many cracks all over the ground, and it is normal to collapse and sink into the ground that they cannot withstand the support.

This sound lingered in everyone's ears.

They were stunned, standing on this ruined eastern coast, their lips trembling, their faces full of horror staring around, and it was difficult to return to their senses for a long time.


It's only a second before and after...


The eastern coast of Rogue Town was destroyed into such a mess.

It's terrible!

What kind of terrifying force is this to cause such a sensational destructive power?!


"It's not an illusion..."

"Where we stand, this eastern coast, is completely crippled. By that teenager, no, it was that monster, who directly destroyed the entire port with one sword! "

When people came back to their senses.

They had to accept the horrifying and unbelievable fact before their eyes.

The eastern coast is hundreds of meters in circumference, and there is hardly any complete place. All you can see is a dilapidated area.

The ground is shattered!


All over the wreckage!

Everywhere, broken floor tiles can be seen, broken by the erosion of terrifying forces. If touched slightly, it will directly turn into a powder and dissipate with the wind.



This is the whole picture of the eastern coast of the current town of Rogue.

The floor tiles that originally led from the coastal port all the way to the town center of Rogue Town were shredded.

You can see that the floor tiles are all shattered, as if they have been devastated by a terrible devastation, and the entire street is shattered without a complete area.

It's miserable!

This makes people think that on the eastern coast of Rogue Town, a fierce naval battle took place. The navy and pirates on both sides, bombarding each other with shells in a large war.

But who could have imagined.

All this mess, such a broken environment.

Unexpectedly, it was caused by a terrifying slash unleashed by a teenager?!

No one can imagine!

This is so scary!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how many people present would have accepted it?

Hundreds of meters in radius, all of them are messy and full of holes.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this really something that can be caused by manpower?"

"Manpower, how can it cause such terrifying damage?!"

"It's hard to believe, but the facts are right in front of us. With just one sword, that monster, with just one sword, it crushed the eastern coast of our Rogue town! "

The crowd expressed deep horror, and their worldview collapsed.

Cognitive concepts have been completely subverted!

Manpower can actually cause such terrifying destructive power!

It's beyond their imagination.

They could never have dreamed that one day they would encounter such a shocking thing.

It's like a ruined place that has been carpet-bombed...


Who can believe it.

One person, unexpectedly crippled the entire port coast!

Deep panic pierced the hearts of everyone present.

Head down.

You can see the broken soil under your feet.

The floor tiles cracked, and the dense spider web cracks were deeply imprinted on the ground, clearly and incomparably deep in the eyes of all of them.

There are also many collapsed and dented places.

Broken stones are scattered in every corner.


The many sailing ships docked on the coast, swept by the terrifying collision of the air currents just now, and the cracked wreckage wood chips gradually fell from the sky, scattering the area in a disorderly manner.

Hundreds of meters in circumference.

Any object, without exception, without sparing, is crushed!

Even this side of the earth has been pierced!

And this has also become the source of their fear!

This can be imagined.

The slash just now was so terrifying and destructive in the end!

Power and destruction beyond anyone's imagination!

"I, I suddenly felt..."

"I was able to survive the terrifying slash just now, which is simply a great fortune."

Some people are extremely happy.

They were actually able to survive such a terrible slash.

The scene turned into a mess!

And they can save a life.

In contrast.

They suddenly didn't find it so hard to accept.

At least.

They survived.

"This collision is terrible!"

"Even if we are hundreds of meters away, it is inevitable that people will be enveloped by the aftermath of the shocking collision just now."

"I can only say."

"That boy, that monster, he's really too strong!"

This remark was unanimously recognized.

Oh, yes!

That monster is really too strong!

In everyone's minds, they couldn't help but think of the boy in white!

Scary monsters that make them remember!


It is also the existence that makes them awe and fear!

The strength of the other party is beyond their imagination.

Recall that.

The overwhelming crimson terror slash just now, all of them shuddered, goosebumps all over their bodies, and they snorted.


Today's events will become the biggest nightmare in their hearts!

Let them be unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

"Major General Kadaru."

A group of navies walked to Kadaru's side in trepidation.

Their steps, carefully.

Because none of them can judge.

Will the soil under their feet, which is full of cracks and perforations, suddenly collapse and become the place where their bodies are buried?

A group of navy bodies, each with different degrees of injuries, wearing white naval uniforms, all completely blackened by dust, some with the color of blood.

Although only the aftermath.

However, it is enough to put them on the edge of life and death!

"Do you dare to imagine?"

"All this was caused by a teenager."


"I think it would be more appropriate to use 'monster' to describe this so-called teenager."

"From the deck of the sailboat hundreds of meters away, with just one knife, we destroyed the entire eastern harbor coast of Rogue Town where we were standing on the spot."

"What terrifying swordsmanship is required?"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even I wouldn't have believed it. The root cause of such a broken eastern coast was actually the slash unleashed by a teenager! "

"He's too strong!"

"More powerful than I ever imagined!"

"What a strange thing it is that a monster of this level should appear in the East China Sea..."

At this moment, Kadaru is still in a state of extreme panic and shock, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to suppress the throbbing in his heart in a short period of time.

Standing on this ruined site.


The mood of all people is almost exactly the same.

They will all be deeply terrified and tremble because of this broken environment.

Including a group of navies who walked behind Kadaru, they will be no exception, and they will have a strong sense of fear in their hearts like the ordinary people here.

Uncontrollable fear spreads from the heart to every part of the body, slowly eroding their body, and eventually completely dominating their body.

All this is happening today...

It will be an unforgettable nightmare for them in this life!

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