The battery aimed...

The muzzle, climbing step by step, was skillfully controlled by several navies, gradually aiming the muzzle at the seemingly lonely sailing ship in the distant sea.

Wang Yang Dahai.

In the sea near here, only that sailing ship remains!

And this, and that's their only goal!


Several navies wiped the sweat stains on their foreheads, looked restrained and apprehensive, and adjusted the angle, height, direction and so on of the muzzle in all aspects.


One by one, under the efforts of these naval elites, they have all aimed at the only sailing ship in the nearby sea, as the main target!

Although in terms of combat, they are not very skilled.

But for the control of the battery, their technology is particularly skilled!

As a navyman, this is a compulsory course!

It's also a course they must be proficient in!


This is the weapon that is dispatched most of the time when battles break out at sea!

And not guns and ammunition!

Guns and ammunition are limited to close combat collisions. However, artillery fire can carry out large-scale bombing hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away from the sea.


Artillery fire is the most common means used by the navy to deal with pirates.

Long range!

Great range!

The number of people who can be bombed is relatively large.

A single shell bursts, and if it hits the crowd, it can cause the death and serious injury of more than a dozen pirates.

"You must not have thought of it..."

"A sea thief as strong as you may eventually die under the bombardment of artillery."

The ghost spider stood at the front of the warship with an icy smile on his face.

What an irony!

A terrifying monster that can smash the entire eastern coast of Rogue Town with one sword!

In the end, because he was seriously injured and physically exhausted, he was bombarded by naval artillery, and he may eventually be buried in this sea.

This has to be said.

Even the ghost spider was a little emotional.

"If you fight head-on to the end..."

"Just now, can I defeat him?"

The ghost spider frowned.

Recalling that red terrifying slash, he suddenly became less confident.

Shaking his head, he put aside all the emotions in his head, and the ghost spider's eyes stared at the figure of the white-clothed boy on the sailboat with suppressed eyes.

It's gone, it's gone.

And most importantly...

Right now!

Now the other side needs to withstand the bombardment of the guns of their naval warships!

"If I'm not wrong, he's just as badly injured as I am. Moreover, the physical strength is also on the verge of extreme exertion, and it will take at least a few hours to recover a little. "

"But for now!"

"He no longer has the ability to withstand these shells head-on."

"That is to say..."

"Now he is the real turtle caught in the urn!"

The ghost spider smiled confidently.

He felt.

He won!


This trip rushed to the town of Rogue, and he himself carried a lot of naval elites. These naval elites, although they play a minimal role in top-level collisions.

But when both sides lose, both sides are seriously injured and their physical strength is severely depleted.

The role of these navies is too great.

It is completely possible to use the tactics of the sea of people to grind the other party to death.

"What's more..."

"It's not a sea of people tactic now!"

"Rather, three warships, shelling a broken sailing ship."

"At the speed of a warship, it is simply not too easy to catch up with this ordinary sailing ship."

The ghost spider thought a lot in his heart.

He concluded.

Today, he will definitely take the other party!

The construction quality of warships is very high, much faster than ordinary sailing ships. It was only a matter of time before it caught up with that warship.

Before that.

The ghost spider felt that the only problem he needed to make sure was...

Before catching up with each other.

Perhaps, the other side will be swept away by the artillery fire of their navy, which will cause the entire sailing ship to crash into this sea!

"Kadaru, prepare to attack!"

The ghost spider ordered to Kadaru beside him.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider."

After nodding, Kadaru ordered the gunners beside him, "A few of you, prepare to fill the shells and launch at the sailing ship in front!" "

"Yes, Major General Kadaru!"

A group of naval corporals looked respectful.

Shells, constantly filling the muzzle.

The fuse was lit.

When the lead burns out...

And then.




A deafening sound spread rapidly and hovered in all directions.

Three warships, at the same time launched a bombardment attack under artillery fire!

This loud and piercing sound echoed in this sea area.

Visible to the naked eye.

One by one, black shells flew all over the sky, almost all over this sea area, and aimed at the sailing ship in the sea area a hundred meters away, and smashed down.

At the same time.

Located on the sailing deck.

Liu Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, holding the good knife in his right hand in the air, quietly looking at the shells that were constantly attacking, his face was a little solemn.

Just like the ghost spider budget!

Now, Yanagawa's injuries are relatively heavy.

And most importantly.

The battle with the ghost spider just now consumed too much physical strength. As a result, now Yanagawa was holding Liangkuai's right arm, and there were some signs of trembling.

Physically exhausted!

After extreme tightening of the muscles, uncontrollable phenomena appear.

"What an irony..."

"In the end, warships will actually be sent and artillery bombardment will be launched."

"This low-end offensive method may really bury me in this sea near Rogue Town."

Yanagawa thought to himself.

He really didn't expect it.

The ghost spider has such a strong desire to kill himself!

Generally speaking.

After the terrifying slash he just unleashed, it directly destroyed the eastern coast of the entire Rogue Town on the spot, which was enough to deter these navies from daring to move.


The ghost spider himself was seriously injured and should not chase after it again and take the initiative to pursue.

But the development of things was still unexpected by Yanagawa.

The ghost spider is not only attacking.

Not alone.

Instead, three warships were sent to attack by means of artillery bombardment.

"The sea, really complicated!"

"Even with my strength, when I am in a downturn, this low-end means is enough to bring me a fatal threat!"

"It's just as..."

"Right now!"

Yanagawa took a deep breath and forcibly adjusted his state.

And slowly lifted the good knife in his hand.

Blade, no longer covered with armed color!

The physical strength is not enough to support Yanagawa to continue to squander.

To display armed color domineering, it is urgent to consume physical strength.

The blade is sharp!

It exudes a cold and cold aura.

Raise your head.

Yanagawa carefully fixed his eyes on the black cannonballs that were aimed at the sailboat.

Next second.

Carry the knife.

Wave down!



One after another red slashes cut through the long sky and aimed at the black cannonballs above.

In an instant, cut the shell open!

Rumble! Rumble!

When the shell was cut, the hidden gunpowder was detonated and exploded. When one shell is detonated, the others are quickly implicated.

As a result, the explosive shells, in a very short moment, turned into terrifying air currents at the same time, rapidly and violently affecting all directions in mid-air.

Even the sailboats below were affected by this terrifying air current.


The sea rippled and shook violently.

The sailboat rocks!

Yanagawa, who was standing on the deck of the sailboat, also suffered the rocking of the sailing ship swinging from side to side, and his already exhausted body hit the sailboat fence next to him.

"That's embarrassing!"

Yanagawa shook his head helplessly and chuckled.

It's embarrassing!

The low-end offensive method of artillery bombardment, even most pirates in the East China Sea, can easily defuse it. But in front of Yanagawa now, he has a deadly threat.



These two factors seriously interfered with Yanagawa's current physical state.


Yanagawa coughed and spat out blood, he supported the sailboat fence with both hands, propped up his body, and his eyes were fixed on the approaching three warships a hundred meters away.

Warships are getting closer!

The situation is not good!

Yanagawa could feel it.

If he is surrounded by three warships in all directions and traps the sailing ship he is currently carrying in this sea area, with his current physical state, it is really easy to be defeated by the navy with human sea tactics!

"My situation is very bad..."

Yanagawa's mind was calmer than ever.

He began to carefully analyze the current situation.

We must find a way to get rid of these navies' relentless pursuits.

But, in what other way?

The speed of the sailing ship is not fast, and the current sailing ship is only the most ordinary commercial sailing ship. Compared with ships with excellent workmanship such as naval warships, ordinary merchant ships sail as slow as snails.

In addition, the sailboat was broken in all respects, and it did not have the speed of sailing in its full state.


It is only a matter of time before three naval warships chase them up and are trapped in this area!

"With my current physical strength, I can only hold out for half an hour at most."

"In half an hour, I'll be back."

Yanagawa weighed his current remaining physical strength.

Too little stamina!

The wounds on his body also continued to wear down his physical strength, causing his own state to decline seriously, at a very obvious speed, to the lowest point.

"It is necessary to find a way to get rid of the pursuit of these three warships."

"Even if I can hold on to the bombardment for half an hour at the moment, the final result will not change. At that time, I will be arrested for lack of physical strength. "

"This way of being arrested is really ironic!"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, and his thoughts began to turn wildly.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Artillery fire!

Black shells were fired from the batteries of the three warships one after another, aiming at the entire sailing ship where Yanagawa was standing and bombarding them in all directions.

Don't just aim for sailboats!


Even the sea around the sailboat was swept over by shells.


At least twenty shells fell under one shell.


Yanagawa lifted the fast knife in his hand and wielded one slash after another.


The slash penetrates the shell and cuts it directly in a sharp manner, so that the shell directly cracks in mid-air and produces an explosion sound.


The air flow after the shell exploded quickly affected the sailing ship below, and Yanagawa was seriously affected.

In the past, before he was injured, Yanagawa would certainly not be affected by these weak air currents. However, for him at this moment, these air currents will infinitely consume his current state.

Let his state show a faster speed of decline.


The waves of the sea are turbulent, rippling and rippling, producing wave after wave spread, spreading rapidly in all directions.

Let the sailboat begin to shake faintly on the surface of the sea.



Yanagawa raised his eyebrows and looked at the huge black phantom that suddenly slid across the sea next to him.

The black phantom, as if in a flash, slipped through the sea...


Yanagawa flashed with light!

Count your heart!


This works!

Although extremely dangerous, at the very least, it is much better than sitting still.

If according to the method of constant shelling of three warships, Yanagawa can only hold out for half an hour at most. After half an hour, it will naturally meet the fate of being captured by the navy.

"It's just a gamble."

"Life and death, each is in peace..."

A playful smile appeared on Yanagawa's face.

He didn't even think of it himself.

Life and death will actually be left to heaven to decide!

This feeling is really a little humiliating!

But, there is no way.


Yanagawa wanted to continue to withstand the bombardment from the guns of three warships. Under this bombardment, he can not hold out much, half an hour, just the best plan, maybe this time will be shorter.

It is also possible that in twenty minutes, Yanagawa will not be able to support it.

If he continued to entangle with the warship, Yanagawa felt that he would be 100% captured. It's just a matter of when he is arrested, and it is completely impossible to escape this doom.

That's why.

The reason why Yanagawa would choose to gamble!

When he looked up again.

You can see it clearly.

One by one, the black round shells, a total of no less than twenty shells, once again attacked from warships in the sea area 100 meters away.

All-round artillery bombardment, aimed at the sailing ship below!

And this time...

Yanagawa is not going to block it!

Let the shells in the sky fall and fall directly at the sailboat.

And then......

One shell after another, hit the sailboat.

That moment.


Cannonballs burst!

The extremely terrifying force was brilliant, sweeping every area of the sailboat in all directions, and the flames rose and quickly affected the four-square structure of the hull of the sailboat.


The hull of the sailboat crumbled...

The deck was pierced and shattered with the force of the shell's explosion.

Pieces of wood chip remains, with the bombardment of artillery fire, with brilliant flames burning, flew in the sky, and quickly scattered and fell to the sea next to it.

The originally broken sailboat, battered with holes, wood chips flying, wreckage fluttering in all directions, rolling and rising in the air with the air flow of the bomb explosion.

Even the sails were bombarded by artillery fire and fell from high altitudes, and the flag of the sailing ship continued to burn under the flames, turning into gray ashes and scattering.

Smoke billowed up.

The flames carried by the gunfire burned every strip of the entire sailboat.

Flames, blazing!

Almost, all sides of the sailboat are shrouded!

The temperature in this area climbed in a straight line.

It's getting hot!


The broken sailboat, surrounded by flames, quickly turned into ashes, and many broken wood chips and wrecks sank from the sailboat into the sea.

In the blink of an eye.

The broken sailboat, engulfed in flames, has shown signs of sinking. And half of the sailboat's body did not enter the sea, and slowly fell at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the bombardment, the sailboat is about to crash!

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