The atmosphere is oppressive!

The whole warship, silent!

Kadaru stood beside the ghost spider, cold sweat on his forehead, his eyes wide and round, and his face looked at the broken sailing ship in front of him with trepidation and horror.

The sailboat was burned by the flames, and the wreckage turned into black ashes.


The broken sailboat kept sinking.


Completely sink into the sea!

The whole sailboat fell completely into the sea.

At sea level, only two warships still lingering on either side of the sailboat could be seen, and no trace of the sailboat could be caught anymore. From sea level, completely gone.

"Search, can't find anyone..."

"This, this is impossible!"

Kadaru shivered and looked dull.

This is obviously a desperate situation of ten deaths and no life!

The other party is already exhausted.


There are also many heavy injuries on his body.

No matter what, it is impossible for the other party to abandon the ship and leave. Even if you really give up the sailboat, you can't really run away in just a few minutes, right?!

This is obvious, not common sense, and not scientific.

The other party is obviously seriously injured!

Physical strength is also exhausted.

Regardless of the above factors, even if the other party is in its heyday, if he wants to escape from the sea under the sea, it is always impossible to do it in just a few minutes.

But with that comes the problem.

That is...

The other party, how did it disappear?

The broken sailboat, as it sank into the sea, quickly cracked, and the hull structure completely shattered. There is no trace of anyone here.

The other party is not in a sailboat!

This point, after repeated inspections by the Navy, can basically draw accurate conclusions.

Since man is not sailing ships.

Then it must be under the sea!

Kadaru had this idea before.

After an order is issued.

The two warships sent dozens of elites and dived into the sea to patrol. The final result made Kadaru stunned.

Can't find it!

People are gone!

In any case, the figure of that monster will never be seen again.

What a horror this is.

Kadaru's head at this moment was still buzzing and in a blank state.

Why is that?

Cognition has been completely overturned!

People are not under the sea!

No more sailing!

This area of the sea has basically been searched.

But I still couldn't find the other party.

Disappeared out of thin air?

How can a big living person suddenly disappear out of thin air?!

Rao is a well-informed Kadaru, and he feels that things are becoming confusing at this moment!



"There must be something I overlooked..."

Kadaru hurriedly picked up the phone worm in his hand and prepared to continue to give orders to his subordinates.


The ghost spider had already recovered its original calm posture, glanced at Kadaru, and said lightly: "There is no need to get entangled, and there is no need to let those people continue to explore in this area, this is meaningless." "

"He's gone."

"This monster has left this area of the sea at this moment. Even if we explore the sea area within a radius of thousands of meters to the extreme, it is impossible to find him again. "

"Although I was very unwilling, I had to accept the facts. He had already left, and if it hadn't been for the sea, they would have found it long ago. "

"But they searched the sea area and couldn't find that monster, which means that as early as when we bombarded the shells, that kid had already made a careful plan to leave here!"

"Although I don't know what plan he used to leave, but in short, instead of us continuing to struggle here, it is better to solve the current troubles as soon as possible!"

That's it.

There is no point in getting too tangled!

It is an indisputable fact that the other party has left this sea area.

In any case, this is the result that has already happened, they cannot change it, then they can only accept.

"But, but, he's a big living man..."

Kadaru still says it's hard to imagine.

"This sea is vast, perhaps, his ability and means are extremely strange. There are also some hidden hole cards that have not been exposed to our eyes. "

The ghost spider patted Kadaru on the shoulder.

In fact.

Even the ghost spider himself felt that this matter revealed a terrifying aura everywhere.

It's incredible!

He couldn't figure it out if he wanted to break his head.

Why was this situation, which was clearly in hand, suddenly reversed? Moreover, he also gave the other party an extremely strange means to flee the scene directly.

After thinking about it, the ghost spider couldn't think of a reason.

"A person, how did he disappear for no reason..."

Kadaru is still difficult to himself, deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate himself.

A large living person, from under his nose, strangely disappeared.

This really made it difficult for Kadaru to calm down for a short time.

"Let them close the team, there is no need to search."

The ghost spider glanced at the two warships in the sea area a hundred meters away, and then ordered Kadaru beside him.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider."

Kadaru took a deep breath and lifted the phone bug to convey the order.

Let the two warships, all collect the team!

What happened today, in addition to shocking and panicking him, was also deeply strange.


A big living person, obviously trapped by them in the sea near Rogue Town, but was abruptly escaped by the other party.

If it were not for his own experience, Kadaru would not have dreamed of it.

Of course.

Even now, Kadarudu still had palpitations, and couldn't figure out what means the other party used to disappear into this sea area out of thin air.

Devil Fruit?!

This is not realistic!

As we all know, if it is a devil fruit, then when the other party sinks into the sea, it will sink to the bottom of the sea with all his strength.

This possibility was eliminated by the first one!

The other party died in the sea?

This possibility can also be ruled out.

If you die, the body will surface and it is impossible to sink into the sea. In addition, even if he sank into the sea, the dozens of naval elites he sent should have discovered the other party's floating corpses under the sea.

But the results were still not found.

The whole person, like a ghost, suddenly disappeared.

This really caught Kadaru off guard.


At Kadaru's command.

The two warships soon returned to the harbor coast of the town of Rogue.

The eastern coast is already dilapidated.

Everywhere, full of holes!

The dense and hideous cracks are like spider webs deeply imprinted on this soil.

Walk down from the warship.

Kadaru's mood was still extremely shocking and terrifying.

The sailing ship was indeed destroyed.

But it wasn't the result he wanted.

At least.

That monster did not die on the spot because of their horrific artillery bombardment.


That monster, will be bombarded into powder by their shells?

This possibility is close to zero!

Although the shells made by the navy are terrifying in power and have a wide range of impact, it is basically unrealistic to completely bombard a person into powder.

"Come with me to the naval branch in Rogue Town."

The ghost spider said to Kadaru casually.


Kadaru nodded quickly, suppressed all the many thoughts and confusion left in his head, and led the ghost spider all the way to the naval branch of Rogue Town.

Great eastern port.


It's like, the mess left after a disaster.



Sinking collapsed ground.

Many faces, presented in the eyes of everyone, shocking.

Who could have imagined.

Such a terrifying mess was actually caused by a slash unleashed by a teenager!

With one knife, it directly destroyed the entire eastern coast of Rogue Town.

With the current scope of the crack.

Conservative estimates suggest that even with 300 workers, it will take at least several weeks to gradually restore the eastern coast.

People on the eastern coast who were impacted by the overlord color woke up from their dreams, holding their heads and wailing, their faces were terrified, and their bodies shivered on the ground.

"Me, what the hell is wrong with me?"

"What a terrifying feeling, at that moment just now, I felt like my whole person was swallowed by a fierce beast into my abdomen!"

"Wait a minute."

"Here, what happened..."

People who fainted on the ground woke up one after another.

They were first horrified as to why they suddenly fainted.

Open your eyes.

Glancing at the ruined surroundings.

They were stunned on the spot.

What's the situation?

East coast, what happened?

How did it suddenly turn into a mess?

It's really, weird!

"Can you imagine it?"

"The boy who collided with the vice admiral of the navy headquarters shattered the entire eastern coast of our town of Rogue with just one stab. The streets in a radius of hundreds of meters have been completely destroyed! "

As the news circulates.

All the people present who woke up from their dreams became even more frightened.


What's the situation?!

Did you hear that right?

This such a broken mess was actually destroyed by a single sword?!

That's an exaggeration!

Look around.

They watched as the ground was broken and the dense cracks spread like spider webs to the area beneath their feet.

There are also many piercings like ant nests!

All this, presented in their eyes, made them tremble and tremble.

"Me, my God!"

"You tell me that this is the mess caused by that young man in white with just one stab?!"

"I must not have woken up yet!"

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster does this have to be able to cripple the eastern port of our Rogue Town with one stab?!"

Everyone showed their inner shock.

This is simply subversive!

Their heads have not yet digested the reason why they suddenly fainted. This sudden huge amount of news completely made their heads ossify.

Compared to their own sudden fainting.


Such a broken environment at the scene made them even more terrified and frightened.

What's even scarier is...

The statement they heard explained 1

This, it turned out to be the destruction caused by a knife?!

Horror of the world!


One knife...

That boy in white, with just one sword, crippled the eastern coast of Rogue Town?!

This kind of thing, they simply dare not even dream of.

"One knife broke the eastern coast..."

"Oh my God!"

"How strong does he have to be?!"

No one can imagine.

This level of strength is beyond what they can imagine.

With their experience, even if they think about it, they can't imagine what a terrible picture it is.

"And finally?"

"The last monster, how's it going?"

Some people couldn't help but ask.

"He seems to have escaped..."

"He carried a sailboat and prepared to flee the town of Rogue. But it was bombarded by shells from naval warships, and the whole sailing ship sank into the sea! "

"It stands to reason."

"He should have died at sea with the sailboat."

"But it's not. When the navy returned to land in port, they did not show a victorious posture at all, but their faces were particularly heavy. "

"It makes me think they may not have found the body of that monster."

"A big living person can never live without seeing people dead or corpses. Therefore, the navy should judge it as the monster, most likely escaped the town of Rogue alive. "

Many people speculate.


Huge eastern coast.

Everyone was shocked.

Other words......

The vice admiral of the navy headquarters personally went out, but after all, he still couldn't keep the boy in white?!

Even, three warships were dispatched, and it was difficult to take each other?

What a terrible thing this is!

It was as if their whole heads had exploded.

"One, a monster that can escape from the hands of the vice admiral?"


"You don't know, after fighting this monster. The vice admiral of the navy headquarters was also seriously injured. To be fair, I think both are losing. "


"Doesn't this mean that the strength of that white-clothed boy can actually compete with the vice admiral of the navy headquarters?!"

"In the end, while losing both with the vice admiral, there are still the remaining strength to escape the capture of the naval warship? Such means are unpredictable! "

When these statements come out.

The entire town of Rogue fell into an atmosphere of extreme panic.

Not only the people staying on the coast are affected.

The 100,000 or even millions of residents of Rogue Town, as well as some pirate groups temporarily staying in Rogue Town to resupply and prepare to rush to the Great Passage, all heard similar news and statements at the same time.




The town of Rogue is boiling!

A wave swept through every corner of Rogue Town, making everyone feel deeply throbbed by this.

No one ever thought...

The boy in white who seconds Smogg.

Not only facing the vice admiral of the Navy headquarters alone.


Still surrounded by three warships, he finally calmly escaped the sea near Rogue Town!

Such a feat really shocked their hearts.

What terrifying strength must be possessed to achieve this successive amazing feat?

"A nightmare!"

"He's a nightmare for our Rogue town!"

"Strong, admirable!"

"Even a bigwig-level existence like a vice admiral can't arrest this monster."

Some people call it so in awe.

But there are also many who hold different opinions, as well as deeper fears.


"It's not just our Rogge Town's nightmare..."

"For so many years, it is the first time that this level of existence has appeared in the East China Sea."

"This monster is not just affecting our Rogue Town. He will affect this sea, affect the entire East China Sea! "

"He will become..."

"The existence of taboos that govern our entire East China Sea!"



The taboo that dominates the East China Sea!

This is the label that all the personnel of Rogue Town put on Yanagawa.

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