
A brilliant hot sun, hanging in the sky, blue sky, white clouds, fiery red sun like a fireball, has become the embellishment of this scroll.

The golden sun shines on the sea.

The sea shimmered with dazzling light, like gold everywhere, and the light danced dazzlingly.


The sea breeze is gentle.

The waves are swept up, and waves form waves that ripple in all directions.

This sea area is about ten kilometers away from the eastern coast of the town of Rogue in the East China Sea.

Strictly speaking, this sea area is under the jurisdiction of the sea near the town of Rogue. But the distance is far, so that this sea area seems a little deserted on weekdays.

There are not many ships passing by here, and occasionally even a few days before you see a passing sailboat.

At this time.

A huge black shadow emerged from the sea, looming.


It revealed its hideous appearance.

This is a turtle-like sea king that carries an indestructible shell that shrinks its body inside the shell to form a very favorable protection.

It is about twelve meters long and nearly six meters wide. If you count the shell separately, the shell is at least about eight meters long and six meters wide.

The most remarkable place is its head, and above the top of its head, there are scales similar to gears, which grow on the head.

Its fangs are exposed, and its sharp fangs are half a meter long, which is particularly hideous.


This turtle-like sea king seems to be crazy at this moment, constantly bumping its body, stirring this sea area, setting off huge waves and rolling and rippling.


The calm sea, with the agitation of a twelve-meter-long sea king, caused the waves to beat, and wave after wave formed ripples and ripples.

"Don't move, I really don't want to slaughter you!"

A very abrupt voice came from the direction of the sea king, and the voice seemed a little weak, even faint and difficult to hear.


It's on the back of this sea king's turtle shell.

A young boy with disheveled clothes and many scars on his body lay flat on a turtle shell, carrying a sharp blade in his hand, which flashed with a halo of light shining down from the edge of the sky.

This person is Yanagawa, who successfully escaped from the sea near Rogue Town.

Escape the queen.

Yanagawa understood.

He won the bet!


Yanagawa did have the physical strength to continue to resist stubbornly, as the ghost spider expected, but he finally happened to see a passing sea king, and with a stroke of ingenuity, he abandoned the broken sailboat.

Because he understands.

That sailing ship was not enough capital for him to get rid of the pursuit of naval warships.

But, the sea king class is different!

The speed of the sea king under the sea can be described as a thousand miles a day, it is no exaggeration!


Using sailing ships as the main target of the navy also bought Yanagawa a little time to escape. With a sailing ship, he attracted the attention of the navy, thus giving Yanagawa a strategy to use the sea king class to escape.


Yanagawa did it smoothly.

He did it!

This plan is very thrilling, and if you are not careful, even Liu Chuan will really die in the sea.

Only by experiencing it yourself can you understand how thrilling this plan is!

Neptune are not tame livestock, but beasts!

Yanagawa's plan, if it is not successful, he will be directly swallowed by the sea king class. Even if he is not swallowed in his belly, he needs to withstand the attacks of the Sea Kings.

At that time, Yanagawa could be described as stealing chickens and not eroding rice!

Not only do you have to face the bombardment of naval shells, but you also need to fight to the death against a fierce sea king.

But the result was not so bad.

At least.

Yanagawa's luck is not bad to that extent.

The sea king class encountered is a sea king similar to a turtle, so that Yanagawa can be very light, piercing from under the broken sailing deck, completely covering the navy's field of vision, and directly stepping on the shell of this sea king.

Miraculously, this sea king was completely unaware at the time.

Perhaps, this is because Yanagawa's weight, for this twelve-meter-long sea king, can only be said to be cotton-like, without any sense of weight.


There is also the shell of this turtle sea king, which does not give it a very sensitive tactile perception, which allows Yanagawa to be spared from being detected by this sea king at that time.

"All kinds of danger..."

"But in the end, I still succeeded!"

Yanagawa leaned back against the shell, lying in the shell of the sea king, feeling the warm sunlight scattered on the edge of the sky, shining on the surface of his body, making him more comfortable than ever.

After a big fight, he needed a period of conditioning and rest.

The injuries on the body were all caused by the life and death struggle with the ghost spider.

With Yanagawa's physique, it will take a while to heal itself.



These two are the root causes that seriously affect Yanagawa's current state.

Riding on the shell of this sea king, I don't know how many kilometers I have sailed all the way, this process is not so easy to pass.

The main thing is that the shell of the sea king has no place to grasp the stable figure.

Yanagawa could only try to grasp the smooth shell as much as possible to avoid being too fast under the sea because the sea kings were moving.

That could lead to the sea water forming a huge resistance to impact his body, so that he was eventually unable to parry and was directly washed under the sea floor.

And also.

Under the sea, he also held his breath for too long.

If it weren't for this sea king suddenly emerging from the sea, Yanagawa felt that he might really be holding the rhythm of death in the sea.

However, after spending a lot of effort, he finally escaped!

Escaped the desperate situation of the navy that thought it was dead and lifeless!

Crazy plan!

It was a complete success.

Among them.

Whether it's luck, strategy, etc., it's indispensable!

Even Yanagawa doesn't think he can emulate the second time.

This method can only be gambled once!

At that time, Yanagawa's situation, he could not think of a second way to escape the capture of the navy.


Three warships are already preparing to encircle.

Along with it, the sky was covered with many shells.

If Yanagawa was in his heyday, of course he wouldn't be worried about that. After a life-and-death struggle with the ghost spider, and finally gave a big gift to the ghost spider, Yanagawa's physical strength experienced a serious decline.

Originally, there were many injuries on his body, and then he slashed out that shocking slash, which consumed most of the physical strength of Liu Chuan's body.


In the end, relying on a sea king, he finally let Liu Chuan escape from that desperate situation smoothly!

"That group of navies, it is estimated that they are still very confused."

"How the hell did I disappear?"

"Even if they wanted to break their heads, they would never think of it. At the last critical moment, I actually encountered a sea king class that happened to pass by, so that I could use this sea king smoothly to escape the dilemma in their eyes. "

"Ghost spider, this guy must be very unwilling!"

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, and he laughed heartily.

He could already anticipate it.

The gloomy face of the ghost spider guy.

I thought that the victory was in hand.

But who would have thought.

Yanagawa actually disappeared out of thin air!

With the help of a sea king, let Yanagawa disappear directly into the sea.

These guys in the Navy, still think that the victory is in hand?

Yanagawa ten dead and lifeless?

Didn't expect it.

A sea king class that gives Yanagawa new life.

Thought about it.

Yanagawa still can't understand, the ghost spider guy is so persistent about killing himself?

There is obviously no life and death grudge.

But the ghost spider has clearly laid out the rhythm of not dying!

Even if you hold a seriously injured body, you must continue to send warships to chase after you.


Rao is still unable to figure it out.

He is a fledgling hairy boy, and it is impossible to provoke ghost spiders in the past.

"Are these vice admirals now so crazy?"

"Since you want to die forever!"

"Next time we meet..."

"I will kill you!"

"Ghost spider, I hope you will live until that day. This day is not far away, and I will soon, stronger and stronger. Then, crush you out! "

Yanagawa's eyes twinkled.

For now, though.

It is better to recover your injuries and physical strength for the time being, which is the most important thing.

Putting aside the many thoughts in his mind, Yanagawa couldn't help but observe the sea around him.

Due to the rush of the situation, Yanagawa did not have time to calculate carefully.

From the eastern coast of Rogue Town, holding your breath all the way to now, how long has it been?

And how far did it go?

With the speed of the sea king, Yanagawa cannot accurately estimate these.

The speed of the sea king class is naturally much faster than that of warships. The two do not belong to the same level of comparison at all.

It is impossible to estimate the sailing speed of the sea kings, and it is impossible to accurately judge which direction of Rogue Town the sea area they are currently in.

I don't know how far it is from the town of Rogue.

The vast sea.


Yanagawa lay above the shell of the sea king, glanced around, and all he could see was the endless sea, without a specific reference.

"Forget it, in any case, it has escaped from the encirclement of the Navy, and this is enough."

Yanagawa didn't dwell too much.

Being able to escape from the hands of the navy surprised Yanagawa in itself.

As for where you are now?

These questions are not important!

The important thing is...

You need to find a quiet place and carefully adjust your physical condition, so that you can't let these injuries on your body continue to worsen.

Yanagawa thought simply.

But the sea king under his feet is gone.

It had already sensed that there was a foreign object on its back, and that a human being that was small in its eyes dared to step on the top of its shell.

This is simply insulting!

Huge mistake!

As a hegemon-level sea king, how can it tolerate a small human stepping on its own shell?!

Can't bear it!

But helplessly, Yanagawa was above the shell, making it unable to attack, and could only constantly swing its body, trying to shake Yanagawa on its back.

"Hey, I just said it, tell you not to move!"

Yanagawa lowered his head and glanced at the sea king who was constantly swinging his body to beat the waves.


The Neptune raised his huge head and turned it, staring at the tiny human on the back of his shell, his scarlet eyes full of killing intent, his fangs exposed, and an angry roar.

Cold and scarlet eyes, staring at Liu Chuan deadly.

"Looks like you want to compare yourself with me?"

Yanagawa smiled dumbly.

If his injuries are serious and his physical strength is exhausted, he doesn't mind playing with this sea king. Well, the other party can also be regarded as his own 'lifesaver'.

But alas.

Yanagawa was seriously injured and physically exhausted, and his condition had almost fallen to the bottom.

In the sea, I choked a few mouthfuls of seawater, and now my head looks a little groggy, my eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and my body is as if it is firmly suppressed by a giant mountain, which is particularly low.


The sea kings roared angrily, beating the sea water and setting off wave after wave.

"It's better to let you be quiet."

"There's no need to play with you."

"Killing you, it seems that I am very unauthentic."

Yanagawa quietly looked at the sea kings.

And then.

The next second...

A faint breath spread from the body.


This faint aura climbed step by step, turning into an extremely terrifying momentum, in a circular arc, and rapidly spreading to envelop all aspects of this area!

The momentum became like a stormy wave.

Sweep every corner of the venue.

This is......

Overlord color domineering!


The earth-shattering overlord-colored domineering aura spread rapidly from Liu Chuan's body, directly sweeping the twelve-meter-long large sea king class under his feet!

The invisible momentum directly plunged into the brain door of this sea king.

As a sea king class at the foot of Yanagawa.

Of course, it is the first and most directly swept by this overlord-colored domineering object!


Its scarlet eyes froze for a short time, its thinking became blank, its anger and irritability gradually cooled and became panicked, and its eyes appeared a human look of panic.

It's scared!

Yanagawa's overlord color made it feel boundless fear and swept through the body!

This is the fear that dominates its entire heart!


The sea king screamed in panic on the spot, and the body that was constantly stirring the waves gradually became quiet.

In its scarlet and hideous eyes, it could no longer see the slightest cruel emotion, but instead revealed the pitiful emotional waves like a weak creature.

It's clear.

It prodded!

In front of Yanagawa's shocking overlord color.

A sea king who can be called a hegemon-level sea king also had to bow his head to admit it, and his body trembled.

"Looking for a nearby place where I can log in?" Understood? "

Yanagawa's face turned slightly pale, looking at this shivering sea king.



This is how Yanagawa is feeling at the moment.

Overlord color, really not suitable for releasing too much.

Moreover, in the case of extremely poor physical condition, it is even more unsuitable for casting the overlord color. If it weren't for this sea king class making a fuss, Liu Chuan wouldn't want to release the overlord color to consume his already few remaining physical strength.

This kind of behavior is not only consuming physical strength, but also burning one's own vitality!


As Yanagawa's words just fell.

This sea king nodded frantically, like a chicken pecking rice, and his eyes showed fawning mood swings.

This intelligent wisdom made Liu Chuan couldn't help but be surprised.

"Then let's go!"

"When you get to your destination, I'll let you go!"


A hegemon-level sea king class, carrying Yanagawa's weak body, quickly left this sea area.

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