Rogue Town.

The eastern coast is empty.

All that remained in place was the ruined wreckage and the mess.

The ground is full of holes!


As far as the eye can see, densely packed spider-web-like cracks spread, firmly imprinted on almost every area of the eastern coast.

None of the areas are intact, all of them are out of sight.

People who come here are shocked from the heart.

"It's unimaginable!"

"The entire eastern coast was actually destroyed on the spot by that monster boy!"

"No matter how many times I came to the East Coast, I couldn't imagine it. This kind of shocking thing actually happened in front of me. "

The residents of Rogue were shocked.

Although they did not witness the outbreak of the battle at that time, they could imagine the wreckage left by the battle. That battle must have been extremely fierce.

One cut!

With just one knife, it directly destroyed the eastern coast!

This spreads, who dares to imagine ?!

"What kind of divine is that young man?"

"So far, there is still no information about his identity."

"And we don't know his name at all!"

"It stands to reason that this kind of monster-like existence should not be unknown. But until now, I have not seen any information about him. "

Some people are full of puzzlement.

This is the norm!

Even some pirate groups who landed in Rogue Town couldn't help but walk to the eastern coast to see what the rumored eastern coast was like that it was destroyed on the spot by a knife.

And the result.

Obviously, when they saw it at first sight, they were stunned.

It's like...

Wreckage after a great catastrophe!

Wolf smoke everywhere.

There are many cracks in the ground, and the perforations are densely packed and creepy.

"Is this still human?"

"One knife, pierced the eastern coast!"

"From now on, there are only three left on the coast of Rogue Town!"

"This is a monster who, single-handedly, directly destroys a freak on one of the coasts of Rogue Town!"

All the pirate group members who came here expressed their inner horror and shock.


Are these pirates in the East China Sea so fierce now?

It makes them suddenly a little less confident!

The emotions that were originally still screaming and wanting to rush to the Great Passage were also poured over their heads like a basin of cold water with this ruined scene they saw today.

Let them cool down and want to rush to the mind of the great passage.

A blazing flame in the chest...

Doused with cold water, nothing left!

It's terrible!

Even the pirates in the East China Sea are as powerful as monsters!

Just ask.

And how strong are the pirates of the Great Passage?

They can't imagine!

But they can be sure.

It will definitely be stronger, stronger than they imagined!

"How about we avoid the limelight for the time being?"

"If the pirates of the Great Passage are so fierce, boss, we may really be annihilated."

"Mainly, I think, we shouldn't be defeated head-on with other pirate groups. Instead, it will be the aftermath of this monster's battle, and it will directly overturn our entire pirate group! "

Many pirates retreated in their hearts.

God knows.

How many more of this monster are there in this sea?!

With one knife, it collapsed the eastern coast of Rogue Town!

The eastern coast is hundreds of meters in radius, all like ruins, and the bottom of the foot is even more concave and collapsed. This horrific mess scene is only caused by a person unleashing a knife.

Who can stand this!

If they really want to encounter this kind of monster, they will definitely die!


Even if they were very unfortunate, they encountered the collision of monsters of this level.

They also think.

They will be completely crushed by the terrible aftermath of this monster collision and eruption, and buried in the sea, with no bones left.

"Ahem, there is one to say."

"If we really encounter a monster of this level, we should admit it as soon as possible."

"If you can admit it, that's fine. I'm afraid that we won't even have a chance to admit it, and we will be completely wiped out by the aftermath that suddenly smashed overhead! "


Naval branch.

The ghost spider frowned, took a deep breath, and was unable to calm his mood as he clutched a bounty slip in his hand, and raised his head to look at Smog who was lying on the hospital bed in front of him.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider."

Smog looked respectful, covered in white bandages.


Even the ghost spider had a lot of white bandages wrapped around his body, bandaging his injuries. But in a short period of time, the injuries on his body are unlikely to heal.

In the battle with Yanagawa, the ghost spider was also seriously injured, and even his sternum was shattered.

Even if the ghost spider has good physical fitness and physique, if it wants to be repaired, it must take a long time to recuperate.

"Can you be sure that this reward list was conveyed from above?"

The ghost spider has a dry throat.

He still can't believe it.

This bounty list will actually be released for a fledgling teenager!

It's horrifying!


With the experience of the ghost spider for many years, it was the first time he had seen such a terrifying thing.

As soon as you make a move, is it such a high bounty amount?


Not high.

It's huge!

It's huge!

So large that the ghost spiders couldn't help but question.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, didn't you fight him? Could it be that his level of strength does not match the amount of bounty on the current bounty list? "

"I think you should be the most qualified person to judge."

Smogg laughed bitterly and couldn't help shaking his head.

Even he didn't expect it.

After the ghost spider collided with the monster, he still failed to take down the other party.


Even the ghost spider suffered such heavy and painful injuries.

This was really unexpected for Smogg.

Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters, it seems, can't withstand the terrifying strength of that monster!

Think of it this way.

Smogg suddenly felt that the fact that he was killed in seconds by the other party was not so difficult to accept.


The vice admirals of the naval headquarters could not stop the other side. Isn't it normal for him, a small lieutenant colonel in the navy, to be killed by the other party in a face?

After thinking about it, Smogg suddenly felt that his mood was much more relaxed.

If you let the ghost spider in front of you know that Smogg actually used his own affairs as an excuse to comfort, I was afraid that he would vomit blood in anger on the spot.

"Yes, the strength of this monster..."

"It is exactly the amount of the bounty on this bounty list."

"It's just that a teenager from the East China Sea has no previous experience. As soon as it was shot, it was such a huge bounty list, which was really unimaginable. "

The ghost spider sighed and placed the bounty slip in his hand on the wooden table next to it.

The message on the bounty list is revealed.

【Name: Yanagawa (Red Flame Kenhao)】

[Bounty: 300 million berry]

[Identity: A vicious pirate]

【Important facts: None】

【Degree of danger: extremely high】

Three hundred million berry!

That's 300 million!

The ghost spider can't find too many pirates who can have such a huge bounty in the Great Passage.

But right now.

In the ghost place of the East China Sea.

But let him touch.

A monster with a bounty of up to 300 million!

What's even scarier is...

This is a teenager!

The white-clothed boy on the reward list can still see the immature and young face.

At such an age, he was given a bounty of up to 300 million berry!

What a groove!


Rao is the experience of the ghost spider, and when he saw this bounty, he had to show the deep shock in his heart.

It's unbelievable.

"Not thirty million..."

"It's 300 million!"

"Three hundred million berry bounty!"

The ghost spider exhaled heavily, and his mood was shocked.

Although he did fight Yanagawa, he did not have any objections to the definition of this bounty.

But when I really saw such a huge bounty, it still subverted the cognition of the ghost spider.


Very simple!

Because Yanagawa was born in the East China Sea!

The most important thing is...

Yanagawa has not had any negative records in the past.

The ghost spider has never seen a pirate, and just has his own bounty list, which starts with 300 million berry.

And this time, he saw it.

Even if the most terrifying pirates, the reward list that has just been released in the past is only hundreds of millions of berry.

But right now.

The ghost spider saw a different alien!

A monster without compromise!

As soon as he made a move, he was given a terrifying huge bounty of 300 million berry from above!

"A teenager who didn't have any negative news before..."

"A fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy from the East China Sea."

"It's such a teenager who was actually wanted for a bounty of 300 million berry at once. This, indeed, makes me a little difficult to accept. "

The ghost spider's mood fluctuated very violently.

It is difficult to calm down.

"When I first saw this bounty list, I couldn't believe it."

Smogg shook his head with a wry smile.

300 million berry!

In this ghost place in the East China Sea, a 300 million monster suddenly appeared!

This made Smogg, the commander-in-chief of the naval branch in Rogue Town, of course, unbelievable.


"I have to admit it."

"He's strong!"

"Very strong!"

"There is not a single teenager I have met who has the terrifying talent and qualifications of this monster. Strong, makes me shudder! "

"Not only is he skilled in controlling the three-color domineering, but even his swordsmanship attainment is perfect!"

The ghost spider suppressed many negative emotions in his heart as much as possible, looking at Smog in front of him, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious, and his tone was solemn.

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider..."

Smog was speechless.

He is a person who was killed in seconds, of course, has no right to speak!

"I have a strong premonition..."

"Now I'm trying my best, at most I can only slightly beat him."

"If you say."

"In the future, if I meet him again."

The ghost spider's lips trembled slightly, "I am very likely, no, not possible, but certainly, I will definitely be killed by him in a crushing posture!" "

He can't predict.

A teenager who can skillfully control the domineering tricolor and terrifying swordsmanship attainments at the age of fourteen or fifteen will grow up in the future!

"Even the lieutenant general is not confident?"

"That monster, it's terrible!"

Seeing the slightly frightened emotions of the ghost spider in front of him, Smogg, who was lying on the hospital bed, was shocked in his heart, and in the end, he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Can make a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, all have a psychological shadow!

It's conceivable.

How terrifying that monster must be!

"When will this bounty list be released?"

Calming his mood a little, the ghost spider asked Smogg.

"It's now released."

Smog told the truth.

"That's fine."

The ghost spider glanced at the immature face of the white-clothed boy on the reward list again, "In this way, we can also avoid some brats in our navy as much as possible, do what we can, and don't provoke monsters of this level!" "

Even if he touches it, he may not be able to take it.

How can there be a navy in such a projectile land as the East China Sea that can deal with the other side?!


If it really happens.

That can only be said that the group of navies encountered will be easily destroyed by the other party!

"A young sword master who is skilled in controlling the domineering tricolor!"

"A sword master who can cut out a red terrifying slash."

"It was named above ..."

"Red Flame Sword Hao!"

The ghost spider could judge very accurately, "If nothing else, this title must soon envelop and even dominate the entire East China Sea!" "

"This huge reward list will also cause unprecedented terrifying turmoil in the East China Sea!"

A monster with such terrifying strength, it is difficult to keep a low profile.

In the East China Sea, there has not been such explosive news for a long time!

This time.

It will definitely make the entire East China Sea boil!


A naval branch located in the town of Rogue.

Many navies, full of horror and trepidation, and their hands trembling, each holding a bounty slip of the same style and releasing it to the public.


When this reward list, it spread to every street corner of the huge Rogue town.

Not surprisingly...

Rogue Town was instantly detonated from all sides!

The whole town ushered in an unprecedented shock!

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