
The atmosphere is a bit weird!

The environment is deserted.

Early morning tavern, sparsely populated.

But as an old pirate and has a certain influence in Rogue Town, Jax naturally does not worry about the business of the tavern.

The tavern is just a place of residence that he opens at random, not his main source of income.


Whether it was Jax or Alice, both of them also showed the deepest shock in their hearts, their faces were sluggish, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

It's terrifying!

Rao is Jax, who has been learning the news for a while, his mood cannot be restored, it is difficult to contain, and it is impossible to control it.


"That's Vice Admiral!"

"Mr. Yanagawa is facing, that is a dignified vice admiral of the naval headquarters!"

Jax's lips trembled, and his heart trembled.

Compared to Alys's shallow experience, Jax's insight and experience are obviously countless times larger.

That's exactly why.

Jax can feel it deeply.

How sensational is Yanagawa's move!

Above the lieutenant commander, is the captain, and then to the rear admiral.

Above the rear admiral, is the vice admiral!

Smogg, a lieutenant commander, was already able to possess such a terrifying level of strength. Not to mention, how strong is the strength of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters who is above the three levels of Smogg!


It is the vice admiral of the navy headquarters who is so strong and has such a noble status. Unexpectedly, after fighting with the young man Yanagawa , not only did he not leave the other party, but he also seriously injured himself.

"Vice Admiral, this is the backbone of the Navy headquarters!"

"But he was seriously injured by Mr. Yanagawa?!"

"Although, Mr. Yanagawa may have done his best. But no matter how bad it is, the result is also a defeat for both sides. So, Mr. Yanagawa, does he have the combat effectiveness of a vice admiral of the Navy headquarters?! "

"Oh my God!"

All this subverted Jax's cognition.

His worldview was about to crumble.


He is still praying.

I hope that Yanagawa will rush to the eastern coast, and never run into the vice admiral of the naval headquarters who descended on Rogue Town. Once encountered, he thought that Yanagawa would definitely die ten times.

But the result was beyond Jax's expectations.

The result is...

Lose both!

The lieutenant general of the headquarters can't take down a young man born in the East China Sea!

What an incredible thing to do.

If it weren't for the news that had spread overwhelmingly throughout Rogue Town, Jax would never have dared to imagine it. A young man from the East China Sea actually possessed such terrifying strength, which was enough to face the rank of a lieutenant general in the Rushing Headquarters.

"Mr. Yanagawa, really strong!"

Alice couldn't help but speak again in amazement.

"Yes, strong beyond imagination, strong as a monster!"

Jax felt deeply.

Calmed down a little.

Jax looked at Alice, who was shocked in front of him, and gradually handed the reward slip he held tightly in his hand to Alice in front of him.


"You think that's the end of it?"

"No, this is just the beginning!"

"More terrifying things are yet to come. You look closely, the content on this..."

End of words.

The reward slip was handed to Alice in front of him.

After receiving the bounty slip.

Alice was still in a state of shock, and then slowly unfolded the bounty sheet in her hand.

The contents of the bounty list were quickly presented in her eyes.

The most intuitive.

It is the portrait depicted by the one on the bounty list.

"This, this is..."

"Mr. Ichuan?!"

White, boy!

All this is in line with the characteristic appearance of Yanagawa!


Alice subconsciously blurted out, her eyes widened, and her expression was full of horror.

She recognized it.

This bounty list is definitely Yanagawa's, no doubt!

Too similar!

The physical face depicted on the bounty list is also a little immature, this is not Yanagawa who else can it be?

Of course, Alice couldn't have mistaken Yanagawa's face!


Alice swallowed her spit, and with apprehension and complicated emotions, she gradually moved her gaze down, looking at the many information officially marked by the Navy below.

One message after another, presented under her nose.

Next second.

Alice was stunned and froze on the spot.

The most conspicuous thing is...

The number that jumps behind the bounty amount!

This is the source of shock and horror in Alice's heart.

"One, two, three..."


"Eight zeros?!"

Alice's lips trembled, her face turned a little pale, and her hands holding the bounty sheet trembled.

"Eight zeros, add three in front!"

Jax, beside him, supplemented Alice's words.

"This, how much is this?!"

Alice's head was dizzy.

Count yourself, although not bad.

But this number is really too huge.

Alice is not unable to calculate, but the result of her calculation makes her deeply unbelievable and unacceptable.

"Mr. Jax, I, right?"

"This bounty list of yours really didn't go wrong, right?"

Alice asked two questions in succession.

Question the look in your eyes!

Question the authenticity of this bounty list!

"You read that right, and this bounty list will not go wrong either."

"This reward list, which was released by the Navy Branch, can basically be accurately judged, and the content on the reward list is accurate."

Jax said this in an affirmative tone.

"But, but, this is inevitable..."

Alice shivered.

"yes, that's an exaggeration!"

"Mr. Yanagawa's bounty, the first time the bounty was defined by the Navy, was actually as high as this amount. It's just too much for me to imagine! "

Jax raised his head and exhaled heavily, and the emotional fluctuations in his heart were extremely violent.

"Three, three hundred million!"

Alice seemed to expend all the strength in her body and finally spit out these words.

This bounty amount is really too high!

Not 30 million!

It's a bounty of 300 million berry!

That's 300 million!

Alice couldn't imagine in her life what a huge number this was!

In her impression.

The pirates of 30 million berry are the absolute pirates of the sea and the overlords of the East China Sea!

In any case, it is difficult to imagine how terrifying a pirate with a bounty of 300 million Beri is ten times higher than 30 million Berry!

The boy in white...

It seems that humans and animals are harmless, young and still a little immature white-clothed boy!


The other party is a big monster with a bounty of 300 million berry?!

"Mr. Jax, I, right?"

Alice still said it was difficult to accept.

"Of course you read it right, I read it right, and all the residents of Rogue Town are not mistaken. Mr. Yanagawa is indeed a huge bounty of 300 million berry! "

"Now not only you and me, but even the entire Rogue Town have been detonated by this bounty list!"

"The authenticity of this bounty list is beyond doubt."

"I heard that the naval branch has been detonated. Countless navies, deeply shocked by this bounty, began to fall into a state of doubtful life. "

Jax had palpitations.

"Mr. Yanagawa..."

"It's actually 300 million monsters?!"

Alice stared blankly at the contents of the bounty list.

【Name: Yanagawa (Red Flame Kenhao)】

[Bounty: 300 million berry]

[Identity: A vicious pirate]

【Important facts: None】

【Degree of danger: extremely high】

Three hundred million berry!

What a groove this bounty is!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"Is this Mr. Yanagawa's nickname?"

Alice really had no trouble connecting the white-clothed boy in her mind with the content on the bounty list in her hand.

Red Flame Sword Hao...

300 million monsters!

A terrifying existence with the highest bounty amount on the bright side of the East China Sea!

It is also a terrifying monster that easily kills the lieutenant commander in seconds, and is strong enough to face the vice admiral and finally escape safely!

Many achievements are in front of us.

This made Alice and Jax next to her not so difficult to accept the terrifying huge bounty on this bounty list.

"With Mr. Yanagawa's strength, it seems understandable to reach this terrifying bounty amount."

Alice thought so.

But she squeezed her hands tightly on the bounty sheet, slightly white, and constantly trembling. All this shows that her mood is still in a state of extreme shock.


Jax lay in his seat, his eyes lost and stunned.

Both of them were smashed in their heads by this early morning news.


Their previous tavern was inhabited by a 300 million monster!



This bounty list of the same style, starting from the town of Rogue, was quickly delivered to the islands in the sea in all directions in the form of seagulls.


It's not hard to imagine.

When the inhabitants of one island after another received a reward list of the same style from seagulls thrown from the sky.

All these islands have been detonated in all directions!

The content of this bounty list is really shocking!

No one could have imagined it.

A young boy, as soon as he made a move, it was a terrifying huge bounty of up to 300 million berry!

This is so ruthless!

Red Flame Sword Hao?

Who has heard of this name before?

No one has ever heard of it!

But on this day.

When the reward list spreads to every island and every corner of the East China Sea.

The name of Red Flame Sword Hao completely swept the entire East China Sea!

"Three hundred million berry!"

"Oh my God!"

"Can anyone explain to me what this Red Flame Sword Hao is. How soon as he made a move, the Navy defined a terrifying huge bounty of 300 million berry for him! "

"It's hard to imagine, why is that? That's 300 million berry. I remember that the pirates with the highest bounty in the East China Sea are at most 100 million beri is the limit. "

"But suddenly, a monster with a bounty of 300 million berry appeared, located in our East China Sea. This suddenly made me feel that the East China Sea became elusive and extremely turbid! "

Everyone in the East China Sea was shocked.

Not only the town of Rogue.

The range of the tremor has already spread to the Great East Sea!

Every corner of the East China Sea has inevitably been affected by this bounty list, setting off huge waves.

The bounty amount of 300 million berry is really too high!

It's beyond anyone's imagination!

A monster of this level actually appeared in the East China Sea?!

"A boy of fourteen or fifteen..."

"Who could have imagined that it was this seemingly ordinary teenager. In fact, he turned out to be a 300 million monster, a terrifying and dangerous person known as the Red Flame Sword Hao! "

"This bounty slip is not fake, right?"

"Can't add it, the bounty slip from Rogue Town has a basic accuracy rate of nine out of nine. Error rate, as low as zero. "

"However, the reward amount of 300 million beri is inevitably too high."

"yes, it's really too high. I never dreamed that as soon as the Navy made a move, it would define a huge bounty of 300 million beri for a teenager! "

"It's terrible!"

No surprises.

The East China Sea boiled.

Every island in the entire East China Sea, the moment it was affected by this bounty sheet, the island was instantly fully detonated!

Like the town of Rogue.

Although he has never witnessed the terrifying feat of this big monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry.

But this huge bounty alone was enough to frighten everyone's hearts.

300 million!

For many people, it is like a star in the sky, which is out of reach!

Unattainable distance!

Many pirates located in the East China Sea also got this bounty list.

The pirates began to panic.

Such a 300 million monster is lurking in the East China Sea!

How dare they continue to do evil?

What if it really doesn't happen and bumps into them?

This is a terrifying existence with a bounty of up to 300 million!

"Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"Our taboo in the East China Sea exists!"

"The first and only one was defined as an outlier with a huge bounty of up to 300 million berry!"

"This is unprecedented, unprecedented!"

"Even I heard about it for the first time. As soon as someone went to sea, he was already treated so solemnly by the navy, and a bounty of 300 million beri was issued! "

This day.

For the inhabitants of the East China Sea, pirates, the navy ...

It was a dreamlike day.

The bounty slip in their hands became the source of the nightmare in their minds!

Because of this bounty list, this huge sensation has already affected the entire East China Sea in all aspects!

Red Flame Sword Hao...

With just one person, he set off a terrifying turmoil in the sea!

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