Turmoil, sweeping the entire East China Sea!

Every island and every sea area in the East China Sea will inevitably be overwhelmed by a huge wave because of a bounty list of the same style.

It was a sensation!

Huge sensation!

No one thought about a fledgling teenager who had no name in the past. In the blink of an eye, it was actually defined by the Navy as an extremely dangerous existence with a bounty of 300 million!

In the past.

In their impression, they had never heard of the so-called Red Flame Sword Hao.

This is the first time they've heard of it!

It is also deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Let them remember this more deeply than ever.

After all.

As soon as it was shot, it was a huge bounty of 300 million berry. This alone was enough to be the reason why everyone in the East China Sea was impressed by the Red Flame Sword Hao.

It's just incredible!

So far.

There are still many people who can't understand what a fledgling teenager did to make the Navy define it as a bounty of up to 300 million berry!

It's hard to fathom!

Even if you want to break your head, no one can find out the truth.

Only the residents of Rogue Town can reveal some key news.

Such as.

Red Flame Jianhao, who once collided fiercely with the vice admiral of the navy headquarters on the coast, and finally calmly left the hands of the vice admiral.

Another example is that he once killed a lieutenant commander in the navy, a natural ability.

Many deeds, with the heated discussion of the residents of Rogue Town, gradually turned to this sea.


The East China Sea once again ushered in a violent shock!


"That Red Flame Sword Hao is still a monster who can face Vice Admiral?"

"Oh my God!"

"In this case, the bounty of 300 million beri seems to be excusable."

"But I still feel a little flustered because of Mao. How can this kind of freak who can face Vice Admirals appear in our East China Sea? "

"Will those who are naturally capable of the Devil Fruit be killed in an instant?"

"The strength of this Red Flame Sword Hao seems to be very terrifying!"

The crowd was shocked.

They don't always feel right.

This kind of monster should not appear in the East China Sea!

Wouldn't that upset the balance?

As we all know, the East China Sea is the weakest sea.

Can Mao suddenly appear a big monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry?

Isn't this a clear attempt to break the rhythm of the current pattern in the East China Sea?

"I can only pray that I don't run into this monster when I go to sea."

"300 million monsters, I'm afraid we can't reach this height in our dreams!"

The pirates in the East China Sea wailed in their hearts.

This kind of monster is placed in the East China Sea, isn't the sky going to destroy them?

If it comes across.

They didn't think that with their weak strength that didn't even have a bounty of tens of millions of berries, they could be compared with this 300 million monster.


One face, they will be wiped out by the whole army!

That's a monster that can face Vice Admiral!

When encountering this existence, they do not see any possibility of survival at all.


A hidden island in the East China Sea.

One sailing ship after another, carrying a large number of supplies, prepared to leave the coast and sail towards the middle of the Wang Yang Sea.

Sailing deck.

A tall and thin middle-aged man wearing a black robe with hideous tattoos on half of his face, he held up a reward list in his hand, and his eyes carefully observed the content of the reward list.

Half ring.

He exhaled heavily, put down the bounty slip in his hand, and a thick look of regret appeared on his face.

"It shouldn't have been!"

"This kid, I should pull down my face and grab our revolutionary army at all costs!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity!"

This person is the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi D Dragon!

Standing next to the dragon, there was also Ivankov, his huge face showed a puzzled look: "Dragon, what happened?" "

"See for yourself."

The dragon handed the bounty slip in his hand to Ivankov.

After taking it.

Ivankov quickly carefully observed the contents of this bounty list in his hand.

First look.

He saw the immature face on the bounty list.

"Yanagawa this kid?!"

Ivankov was a little surprised.

But think about it.

With what this kid did, it is normal and understandable that he will be wanted by the Navy with a bounty list.

Calmed down a little.

Ivankov continued to look down.

And then......

He was stunned on the spot.


What's the situation?!

This bounty amount, it seems that something is not quite right?!

Ivankov's eyes widened, staring blankly at the numerous numbers behind the bounty amount, and his lips showed some signs of trembling.


The atmosphere suddenly became a little depressing!

It's particularly weird!

"One, two, three!"

"Eight zeros..."

"Add a three!"

"So, this, this is."

"Three hundred million berry?!"

"Three hundred million berry's bounty?!"

Ivankov's face was full of horror, and his hands holding the bounty slip were uncontrollably.


Myself, what the hell did you see!

Three hundred million berry!

This kid Yanagawa was actually offered such a terrifying bounty of 300 million berry?!

This is too shocking to the world!

It's unbelievable!

And subverted Ivankov's cognition, his worldview is about to collapse.

"I, I didn't read that wrong, right?"

Ivankov rubbed his eyes in shock.

Take another look.

It is still the same bounty list as always, there is no change at all, and the amount of the bounty on the bounty list is still the same as the many numbers in a row.


With his throat rolling, Ivankov couldn't help but subconsciously swallow his saliva, his eyes were round, and the depths of his eyes were filled with deep horror.

Oh, my God!

That's right!

Really, a bounty of 300 million berry!

But this, how is it possible?

It's not scientific!

"Yanagawa this kid, I admit that he has good strength and is extremely talented. But the Navy's definition of the bounty amount is inevitably a little too outrageous. "

"A fledgling teenager was directly defined by them as a reward of 300 million berry."

"Those guys in the Navy, did their heads get kicked by donkeys? Or was it broken by the door? "

"Three hundred million berry!"

Ivankov's throat was dry and indescribable.

He himself does not currently have such a high bounty amount!

However, from the body of this kid Liu Chuan, he saw such a terrifying bounty amount. This is true, and it is difficult for Ivankov to accept.

Even more unimaginable!

All this happened too suddenly and shockingly.

Look out on this sea.

What kind of monsters can be rewarded with 300 million berry?!

And this kid Yanagawa can actually rank in the same ranks as these monsters?

The most terrifying thing is...

Ivankov remembers clearly.

This is Yanagawa's first time going to sea!

Other words.

The first time I went to sea, without any prestige at all. Those old fools above the Navy, the bounty directly defined is as high as 300 million berry!



Ivankov was terrified in his heart.

He could no longer describe his mood in words.

Horror of the world!

Subvert cognition!

The first time he went to sea, he was wanted for 300 million berry!

In the past, there was no news!

How bizarre is that?


With Ivankov's experience, it was the first time in his life that he witnessed such a terrible event.

First example!

And the only example!

"Dragon, what are these guys in the navy crazy?"

Ivankov turned his head and looked at the dragon with a palpitation.


The dragon's mood gradually suppressed a little, although there were still a lot of shocks, but it was not as terrifying as it was at the beginning.

What a leader of the revolutionary army!

The psychological quality of the dragon is still quite calm.

Although, just now, he was really frightened by this bounty list.

But how can this kind of thing be said to the outside world?

"It's not a problem on the side of the Navy."

"The greatest possible ..."

"It's the problem that happened to this kid Yanagawa !"

"After he parted ways with Haku, his strength may become stronger and stronger!"


"Not possible!"

"It's definitely!"

"With this kid's terrifying talent, it is not impossible to usher in a huge leap in strength in such a short period of time."

The dragon took a deep breath, his tone tinged with a thick exclamation.

Regret shouldn't have been!

In the beginning, it should have been stalked.

Even if he knew that the pavilion owner's mentality was firm, he had to give up his face to pull that monster into their revolutionary army's group!

It's a pity!

The revolutionary army missed an extremely terrifying and outstanding genius.


It's a monster!

A forbidden monster that swept through the minds of everyone in the entire East China Sea!

The dragon's mood at the moment is indescribable.

It can simply be said that it is...

I want to cry without tears!

He regretted it!

Knowing this, he should use all his chips to pull this kid into the revolutionary army.

From Liu Chuan's body, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, was also inevitable, and he felt regret that he wanted to cry without tears.

"Yanagawa, this kid, it's really amazing!"

Ivankov was also in a frightened mood, and it was difficult to calm the emotional waves in his heart in a short time.

He gripped the bounty slip tightly and did not let go of his hands.

You can see it from here.

His heart, just like his appearance, appeared extremely shocking, like the violent churning monstrous waves, washing his body wave after wave.

"It's really weird."

The dragon stood on the fence of the sailing deck, his eyes staring at the Wang Yang sea in the distance.

This sea is really too vast.

What kind of monster can be born from this sea!

And Yanagawa, in the mind of the dragon, is an unprecedented monster!

A true outlier!

It's like...

With all of them, they are in different species of outliers!

"Three hundred million berry..."

Ivankov took a deep breath and handed down the reward slip in his hand to the rest of the members of the revolutionary army.

When you can see the contents of the bounty sheet in your hand.

All the members of the revolutionary army on the entire sailboat were shocked.


"This kid Yanagawa is really defined as a big monster of 300 million berry?!"

A group of revolutionary soldiers looked at the dragon with horror on their faces.

"How else? The reward list released by the Navy is not a child's play. The probability of error, very local, is close to zero error rate. "

"Although I don't know what happened, all in all, this kid Yanagawa is a real prestige in this place in the East China Sea!"

The dragon's tone was full of emotion.

It's not hard for him to imagine.

From today.

The name of Red Flame Sword Hao will deter this side of the East China Sea!

300 million monsters!

For many pirates in the East China Sea, this is a behemoth that cannot be shaken at all!

In the past, the pirates with the highest reward amount in the East China Sea were at most 100 million berry.

Here it goes.

A 300 million monster appeared at once!

These pirates in the East China Sea are afraid that for a long time to come, they will tremble with deep panic.

The whole of the East China Sea...

will be dominated by the prestige of the Red Flame Sword Hao!

Completely ruled by this kid Yanagawa alone!

To this.

Whether it was the dragon, or Ivankov, who was still in a shocked mood at the moment, including the rest of the members of the revolutionary army, they could fully expect it.

A big monster of 300 million is placed here in the East China Sea.

It's like...

In a stream, a real dragon appeared!

And Liu Chuan, in the land of projectiles in the East China Sea, is undoubtedly a terrifying and matchless true dragon!

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