Panic spreads!

With the town of Rogue as the central point, along with a bounty list of the same style, it quickly spread through this sea. As a result, the East China Sea has set off huge waves.

Countless residents and pirates were shaken.

It's terrifying!

One shot is a bounty of 300 million berry.

This kind of case is unprecedented in the past!

For now, the Navy is the first example of a bounty issued to one person for the first time and giving the other a huge bounty of up to 300 million berry.

There have never been such cases before.

It is precisely because of this that the Great East China Sea has set off a huge wave!

"Three hundred million monsters, Red Flame Sword Hao was born in our East China Sea, do you dare to imagine? This legendary Red Flame Sword Hao is just a teenager! "

"Even, a teenager who has never been famous in the East China Sea before."

"But the Navy directly gave him a huge bounty of 300 million berry, can you understand why?"

"I've heard."

"Red Flame Sword is proud in Rogue Town, and once had a shocking duel with Vice Admiral Ghost Spider in the navy headquarters. But in the end, the ghost spider not only could not take him, but was also hit hard. "

"Really fake? That's Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters! "

"Of course it's true, if you don't believe it, you can go to Rogue Town and take a look. I also heard that the place where the battle broke out, the eastern coast of Rogue Town, was destroyed by the monster of Red Flame Sword Hao! "

Many speeches and news swept every corner of the East China Sea.

Most people can expect it.

Red Flame Sword Hao, this prestige can be regarded as completely resounding throughout the East China Sea!

Basically everyone knows everyone!

It can compete with the vice admiral of the navy headquarters!

Another 300 million berry was given by the Navy!

It was even named Red Flame Sword Hao!

Many deeds have become the source of people's deep impression on Yanagawa.

One bounty list is enough to detonate the entire East China Sea!

The East China Sea is now in a state of extreme tremor.

And all this...

It's all caused by one person.

That is, Yanagawa!

With his own strength, he easily set off a huge turmoil in the East China Sea!


East China Sea.

Frost Moon Village.

Isshin Dokan.

A golden halo of light on the edge of the sky fell from the window of the dojo hall and shone on the wooden board, and you could clearly see a young girl training with a wooden sword.

Seemingly, vigorous.

A young girl who is preoccupied and dedicated to training, wielding a wooden sword in her hand, wielding their own youth, and making the vitality of life bloom perfectly.

Sweat, wet their clothes.

But they are relentless and continue to train repeatedly.

Among them, the most conspicuous is the boy with a green algae head, and a little loli with short hair.

Two, and the duel day after day begins!

Guina's duel with Solon!


The results appeared.

Guina, complete victory!

Solon, fiasco!

"Next time, I will definitely win."

Solon still looked unwilling, stubbornly raised his head and looked at Guina in front of him.


Gu Yina's words were sharp and merciless.

"The two guys, as always, like to stir their mouths."

Koshiro stood aside and smiled gently.

Feeling the warm glow scattered on the edge of the sky, made him feel in a trance.

During this time...

Yanagawa that kid, how is it doing?

In his mind, he would always think of the most outstanding disciple in the Dao Hall from time to time, that is, the only master brother in the minds of everyone in the Dao Hall!

Compared to Solon and Guyna.

From Yanagawa's body, Koshiro felt what a genius of swordsmanship was!

Yanagawa is an out-and-out swordsmanship genius!

As for Guina and Solon?

In comparison.

Koshiro prefers that the latter two are only slightly stronger talents than ordinary people. Compared to a genius of Yanagawa's level, the gap is too big.

Or rather.

In the eyes of Koshiro, only Yanagawa can be called a genius!

The rest are all ordinary streams!

Only these two thresholds!

"Pavilion owner, pavilion owner, something big has happened!"

A disciple of the Taoist hall outside the door spoke anxiously, and walked into the Taoist hall with blank steps.

"Say it slowly."

Koshiro wore a gentle smile.

Listening to the tone of his words, and then looking at the gentle smile on his face, can always calm the impatient mood and become calm.

Call! Call!

The disciple let out a few heavy breaths, quickly handed a piece of paper in his hand to Koshiro in front of him, and said in a tone full of shock: "Pavilion master, take a look at the content on it." "

This is......

Bounty list!

As for the characteristics of the bounty list, Koshiro will certainly not be too unfamiliar. Even most of the weekdays, you will be in Frost Moon Village.

But in fact, Koshiro's experience is very profound.

"Bounty list?"

With a puzzled mood, Koshiro glanced at the disciple who looked hurried in front of him, but still chose to take over the reward slip handed by the latter.

After receiving the bounty slip.

Go with the flow!

The contents are also fully presented in Koshiro's eyes.


Koshiro's pupils shrank, and his gentle expression suddenly changed dramatically.

Koshiro, who has always been calm, when he saw the contents of the reward list, his mood was set off with huge waves, and he could not calm down for a long time.

"Where did you find the bounty list?"

Koshiro took a deep breath and asked the disciple in front of him, his tone unprecedentedly serious.

First time.

The mood he generated was doubt.

This is not a fake bounty list, right?

The content inside is too scary!

It's incredible!

Rao is Koshiro, and it is difficult to accept this kind of thing.

"Yes, it was sent down from the seagulls in the sky. From the Navy, they sent a bounty list. "

The disciple Zhan Zhan replied.

"Then there can be no mistake."


"This is outrageous!"

Koshiro tried his best to suppress the churning of emotions in his heart, and carefully looked at the bounty list.

In the eye!

It was that immature and familiar face.


Of course, Koshiro could tell at first glance that the portrait depicted on this reward list was Yanagawa, the eldest disciple of his own dojo!

He is also the most talented disciple in Kooshiro's mind!

A born swordsman!

"Yanagawa this kid..."

"What did you do to complain about the world? It actually made the navy crazy, defining his reward amount so high! "

Koshiro's mood is still unable to calm down.

"Pavilion master, this, is this a senior brother?"

The disciple looked at Koshiro with a worried look on his face.

One heart dojo, there is only one master brother!

That's Yanagawa!

The only master brother in everyone's mind!

"What do you think?"

Koshiro asked rhetorically.

"I think the face on the portrait is exactly the same as that of the senior brother. However, I was not very good at arithmetic since I was a child, and I was really dazzled by the pile of zeros behind the bounty. "

The disciple's lips trembled.

"Since you think it is, then he is."

Koshiro affirmed.

"Pavilion master, how much is the bounty here? What a number of zeros! Senior brother seems to have done something incredible, causing the navy to actually issue a bounty list to him! "

The disciple said with adoration on his face.

At the same time.

Sensing the movement here in Koshiro.

Gu Yina and Solon, as well as many disciples of the Taoist Hall, put down their training and walked over.

"Pavilion Master!"

Solon and many of his disciples looked at Koshiro.

"This is the news you have been waiting for for a long time, about Yanagawa."

Koshiro reluctantly handed the reward slip in his hand to Guina and Solon in front of him.

Since Yanagawa left.

Many disciples of the Taoist Hall screamed every day to inquire about Yanagawa news. It's a pity that the news blockage in Frost Moon Village is extremely serious, and it is difficult for them to get their wishes.


This bounty list is the only one they can hear about the news involving Liu Chuan.

"Bounty list?!"

Solon took the bounty list, startled in his heart, and asked in a somewhat suspicious tone, "Pavilion master, do you mean to say that Senior Brother was rewarded by the Navy?" "

As soon as the words came out.

The audience fell silent!


A group of disciples shouted with anticipation and excitement: "Senior brother, I became a pirate when I went to sea." It's really enviable, and it must feel very good as an unrestrained pirate. "

In the impression of most disciples.

Pirates are a very terrifying existence!

For better or worse!

Based on the word pirate alone, what they associate with is a big man like One Piece Roger.

Senior brother, have you become that kind of big man now?

This is what many disciples have in mind.

"See for yourself!"

Koshiro waved his hand.

And then.

Solon quickly unfolded the bounty sheet in his hand, and the contents on it were quickly presented in the eyes of all the disciples around him, including Gu Yina.


The eyes of a group of people were fixed on the number behind the bounty amount, unable to move.

"Good, many zeros!"

"How much is this? I don't count very well, can anyone tell me. "

"Eight zeros, add three in front!"

"This, this is..."

Someone trembled with his lips and replied, "Three hundred million berry!" Oh, my God! This bounty list, the reward amount is as high as 300 million berry! "

Everyone was stunned on the spot.


What the hell?!

Three hundred million berry?

Really fake?

It can't be a mistake...

"I'll do the math."

Others began to count carefully.

Gu Yina on the side directly interrupted: "It's 300 million berry, that's right." "

At this time.

Whether it was Gu Yina, or Solon, or the other disciples around them, their expressions became extremely confused and frightened, and they were stunned.

"This reward list belongs to Senior Brother."


"This bounty amount also belongs to the bounty master brother?"

"This also means, Senior Brother, was selected by the Navy, 300 million berry?!"

This remark has just fallen.

This side of the environment has fallen into a dead silence!


What did they hear?!

"Senior brother, you were actually rewarded by the Navy with 300 million berry?!"

"Oh my God, this is unbelievable!"

Three hundred million berry, what a distant concept this is for them.

Even 30 million!


Three million berry, all of them are their unattainable goals!

They never dreamed that their own master brother had actually become a terrifying existence that was rewarded by the navy for as much as 300 million berry!

"This is not an illusion!"

Solon subconsciously pinched his thigh, and the tingling sensation spread, making him sure that what was happening in front of him, the scene he saw, was all real.


His little head was directly smashed and fainted.

Three hundred million berry...

Senior brother, he was actually offered a reward of 300 million berry!

"It's really amazing!"

Solon's lips trembled.

He had to admit it in his heart.

The distance between himself and Yanagawa is very far away!

The kind that is difficult to approach!

"Senior brother, how strong do you have to be now?"

Gu Yina's pink lips moved slightly, her face was full of shock, and her mood set off a huge wave, which could not be calmed down in a period of time.


Too strong!

That's what Guina is thinking right now.

Can allow the Navy to offer a reward of 300 million beri for wanted.

What terrifying strength does this take to do it?!


The current Gu Yina is completely unable to manifest that realm.

There are too many beyond her imagination!

She felt that facing a pirate with millions of berries, she did not think she could defeat the other party.


How far has Yanagawa grown?

That's not millions!

That's 300 million!

A hundredfold over!

What a scary concept!

"Senior brother, become so strong!"

"Strong, unattainable!"

In the bottom of Gu Yina's heart, a huge sense of gap arose.

She could feel it.

The distance between her and Yanagawa did not close with her hard training during this time. Instead, he was pulled away by Yanagawa more and more farther.

"Pavilion master, Senior Brother was given a bounty of 300 million by the Navy, what is this concept?"

Some of the disciples could not imagine it, so they turned their eyes to Koushiro, hoping that Koushiro would give them a more accurate and simple explanation.

Three hundred million berry, for them, the concept is too far away.

Let them, still can't feel it deeply.

How much weight is contained in this bounty list!

Faced with the longing eyes of many disciples.

Koshiro thought for a while, and then said: "Simply understood, the current Yanagawa is your senior brother. Looking at the East China Sea, there is no opponent! "

"That is..."

"The top overlord of the East China Sea!"

"On the bright side, the first person in the East China Sea!"

The words fell.

The whole audience is boiling!


A group of disciples stared at Koshiro with wide eyes and horror on their faces.

If they explain it this way, it is much easier for them to understand.

Overlord of the East China Sea?!

Is it their master brother?!

Oh, my God!

It was as if they had heard something terrifying to the world!

Let their little brain melon buzz, their expressions dull, and their faces stiffen in shock.

Can it be called the overlord of the East China Sea, how strong is this?

How many people are there in Tokai?



Or even hundreds of millions?

It's all very likely!

And their senior brother can actually rank at the top in this vast sea, and even coerce tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, ranking first in the East China Sea?!

"Great, senior brother..."

"Is it the overlord of the East Sea?!"

"Standing in the East China Sea, the top existence?!"

"Lying groove, Senior Brother is probably too violent!"

A group of disciples showed their deepest emotional fluctuations in their hearts.

It's so fierce!

No. 1 in the East China Sea!

Overlord of the East Sea!

This is actually their master brother?!

What is happening today has really turned their worldview upside down.

Even Guina and Solon were in a trance, their eyes lost focus, and their lips trembled a little.

In their hearts, a surging wave like a storm hit, constantly rolling and unable to calm down.

No doubt.

This is the moment.

They couldn't see Yanagawa's back at all.

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