The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

A golden halo of light spilled from the edge of the sky. In the blue sky, a fiery red sun hangs, burning and flames rise.

White clouds flutter, light shines through the clouds, throwing below.

Wang Yang sea, boundless.


As the sea breeze blows and rolls, the waves are swept up, rippling and flowing, turning into waves, and ripples spread in all directions.


"You've been going around for most of the day."

"As a result, in the end, you told me that you don't know the way?!"

Yanagawa stood on the back of the shell of this sea king, his brows locked, and he looked at this sea king class with an unkind face, and his tone was depressed and cursing.

Ben thought.

With this sea king, you can find yourself an island that is the first to land.

No matter where the island is, it is enough to have a place to stay for the time being.

But who would have thought.

This sea king quickly nodded when he agreed, but in the end, he took Yanagawa around blindly, and he couldn't even touch the shadow of an island.

This made Yanagawa realize that something was not quite right.

This guy...

Just now I boasted that it has a high IQ!

Turn your head, but you don't even recognize the way?

This is an island of hair!


Now Liu Chuan has no idea which direction the sea area he is in. How far from the town of Rogue, and in what direction.

At first, Yanagawa could roughly judge that it was not too far from Rogue Town. But with this sea king wandering around the sea for most of the day, Yanagawa didn't even recognize the sea area he was in.

Most of the day passed.

With the sailing speed of this sea king, it was really impossible for Liu Chuan to predict where in the East China Sea the sea area he was currently standing on.


"Or are you ruthless!"

Yanagawa gave a depressed thumbs up to the sea king.

If you don't know the way, say it early!

He also caused himself to wander around this sea blindly for most of the time.

As a result, not only could not even see an island, but even the shadow of the sailing ship could not be touched.

This suddenly made Yanagawa very helpless.


At first, he nodded his head in confidence and took himself to a nearby island where he could log in.

This is the case.

Take the road off-track!

Even Yanagawa could no longer judge the direction of the sea area where he was currently located.

"If you don't know the way, say it early!"

"Don't you know that this will harm others and harm yourself?"

"If you don't understand, you still pretend to understand!"

"You put a hammer!"

Yanagawa stepped on the top of its shell, and there was a crisp and pleasant sound.

After most of the day of cultivation, Liu Chuan's physical strength recovered a lot, although his body still dragged a relatively heavy injury, but with the recovery of physical strength, it no longer made him as weak as before.

With Yanagawa's physique, the possibility of wanting to actively heal the injuries on his body is relatively low. Even if it does, it will take a long time.


Who knows if the wound has begun to infect.

Aside from the problem of injury, Yanagawa's physical strength has probably recovered about five or six percent.

Like a slash that splits the eastern coast of Rogue Town, with Yanagawa's physical strength now, even if he drags a heavy body, he can release three or four times.

Other words.

Now Liu Chuan is no longer at the mercy of others.

Compared to when he first fled from Rogue Town, he was in much better shape.

Of course.

The injuries on his body still show no signs of recovery in a short period of time. Moreover, Yanagawa felt that the wound was somewhat inflamed.

This made him even more anxious, wanting to find a landing island to recuperate.

But this sea king is good.

Directly deflect yourself in this sea!

If not, you have to rely on this sea king to sail, plus it as its own 'lifesaver'. Yanagawa wanted to carry the knife now and cut it directly.

If you don't understand, pretend to understand!

If you don't know the road, you still take yourself around!


The sea king turned around, a pair of scarlet eyes, with a pitiful look of humanity, looked at Liu Chuan, as if he was about to cry.

"Good fellow, it's still fine!"

"You said that your IQ can be put in a useful place, instead of a pitiful seller."

"A fierce and matchless sea king class at the end of the hand, and it turns out to give you this spineless appearance. I have to say that you still refreshed my cognitive view. "

Yanagawa scolded with a burst of laughter.

This sea king class was terrified.

"Okay, hurry up and keep walking, don't delay time. Encountering you made me both lucky and unlucky, and I didn't know what the hell I would take you. "

Yanagawa waved his hand, looking impatient.

He doesn't know the direction.

And I don't expect this sea king to know the direction.


Then leave it to fate!

Wherever you go, count as you go.

Yanagawa still does not believe in evil, and at the end of the day, he keeps wandering around here in the East China Sea, and he can't find an island, or even a sailing ship!

"I won't be so unlucky after all."

Yanagawa began to comfort himself.

The East China Sea is not too vast, and the sailing speed of a sea king class is not low, at least much faster than a warship.

It stands to reason.

With the sailing speed of the sea king, plus the East China Sea is not too vast. At the end of the day, even if you are unlucky, you will eventually find an island.

No matter how bad it is, it is impossible not to see the shadow of a sailing ship.

If this is the case, Yanagawa can only consider himself unlucky.


The sea king received Yanagawa's orders, continued to stuff his head in this sea, and began to dance his huge body without purpose.

The twelve-meter-long sea king, in front of Yanagawa, was as weak as a kitten.

This really made Yanagawa can't help but complain.

What a spineless guy!

A sea king!

With this twelve-meter figure, it can basically be judged to be the existence of the overlord level in the East Sea King class. But this guy is good, not only pretending to be pitiful, but also learning to sell cute.

"If your IQ is slightly improved, it is useful in a place."

"I won't accompany you so miserably, after wandering around this sea for most of the time, even if I didn't touch an island in the end, I couldn't even touch a sailing ship!"

"You said you, find an island, I can leave, you are also liberated. But you took me around blindly for most of the day, and it was you who suffered in the end! "

Yanagawa was half lying on the back of the shell of this sea king, complaining while observing the surroundings of this sea.

The sea is still endless!


Not even a single reference object could be found.

Not to mention that Yanagawa did not learn the art of navigation, even if he did, without an accurate reference, he could not judge where the sea he was in the East China Sea.

There are too many factors to judge.

Even a professional navigator cannot judge where he is based on the current amount of information.

The only thing that Liu Chuan can rely on is this sea king.

Hopefully, his luck won't be too bad!

Raise your head.

Yanagawa looked at the sun at noon, as the sun shone down, the hot temperature caused sweat stains to begin to appear, and some of them were infected with the scars on his body.

The tingling sensation made Yanagawa couldn't help but gasp.

This damn weather!

You still have to bandage the wound as soon as possible.

Otherwise, wait until the wound becomes inflamed, then it will be troublesome.

"I just hope..."

"Before the sun goes down, I can find an island where I can land and bandage the wounds on my body. The longer it dragged on, the worse my injuries became. "

As he spoke, Yanagawa only felt a pang of hunger coming from his abdomen.

So hungry!

With a turn of his gaze, Yanagawa stared directly at the sea king at his feet.

Cut a few pieces of meat, not too much, right?

A huge body that is 12 meters long!

Cutting a few pieces of meat to fill the stomach, for it, it is simply painless!

With its physique, it will be very easy to recover.

This approach...

It seems, works!


Aquaman seemed to feel something, and quickly turned his head to Yanagawa and wailed.

"Hurry up, or I'll stew you."

Yanagawa had no next move.


To hurry, you have to rely on this sea king.

The previous thought, Yanagawa was just thinking about it.


The sea kings used their strength to breastfeed.

The sea water that was opened by it rippled and released at a tilt to the sides.

The sea breeze blows, a gust of coldness.




A huge sailing ship, emerging from the distant sea level, gradually reveals its full appearance.

With the sea breeze.

Rolling the flag of this sailing ship and dancing high in the sky.

The flag is painted, a skull!

This is......

Skull flag!

This is not a sailboat, but a pirate ship!

Visible to the naked eye.

On the deck of the pirate ship, there are no less than a hundred pirates shouting with anticipation, each busy with their own affairs, and it seems lively and noisy.

"Boss, I see an unknown object approaching us from afar!"

An observer holding a telescope, located about ten meters above the pirate ship, when he saw a small black dot in the distant sea infinitely enlarged, he hurriedly reported to the personnel below.

"No hurry, let's see what kind of ship it is when you get closer."

As the captain of the White Bear Pirates, White Bear Lin Naan waved his hand, his tone was indifferent, and there were no clear ups and downs at all.

Lin Naan, captain of the White Bear Pirates, a pirate with a bounty of up to six million berry!

"Isn't it normal to encounter other pirate ships, merchant ships, and even naval warships in this sea?"

"Hairy, anxious, what kind of system?"

Lin Na'an reprimanded the observation hand in the sky with a serious face.

"Yes, boss."

The observer quickly nodded, lifted the telescope in his hand again, and continued to observe the small black dot that was approaching in the distance from a height of ten meters.

The black dots are constantly enlarging at a very terrifying speed!

"This, this speed..."

"It doesn't seem right!"

"It's not like a sailboat!"

The pupils of the observation hand shrank, and the hands holding the glasses could not help but tremble.

If it's a sailboat, it shouldn't have such fast speed!


I don't know if it's an illusion.

He clearly saw it.

While the black dot sailed at an extremely terrifying speed, the waves that spread on both sides directly surged several meters high, which is obviously not what a sailing ship can do.

"Do you see clearly?"

Lin Naan below looked impatient.

If it was a merchant ship, then sorry, they laughed at the supplies of the merchant ship.

If it is a pirate ship, then you have to weigh the other party's sacredness, and then consider whether to do it.

But if it's a warship ...

Then they will turn around and run!

"Boss, this unknown object approaching us is very wrong!"

The observation sign tone was a little frightened, holding the telescope and staring at the sea.

"Something is wrong? Something wrong happens to the sea every day, and there are more of them. "

Lin Naan remained calm.

"No, it's not..."

The observation hand did not blink his eyes, and he raised his spirits to stare at the unknown object that was approaching.


He saw clearly.

The whole picture of this unknown object!

Not a sailboat!


"Sea, sea king?!"

"Oh my God!"

"The unknown object approaching us is actually a giant sea king?!"

The observation hand was scared to pee on the spot.

His eyes widened, and through the telescope, he could see very accurately.

The unidentified object that is constantly approaching and pulling away from the sea creates waves that tilt to the sides.

Not a sailboat!

Not even a warship!

It's even more terrifying, and it scares them...

Neptune class!

"I, we ran into the Sea King?!"

What is the scariest thing about the sea?

Not an encounter with a naval warship!

Not to mention a battle with the pirate group!


Bump into a giant sea king!

This is what all pirates fear the most.

And today.

This kind of terrifying disaster just happened to let them bump in?!

"Boss, boss!"

"Big things are not good..."

Observing the trembling of his hands and lips, he was preparing to pray to Lin Na'an below.


Next second.

The observer used the telescope to look into the distance, and not only saw the appearance of this sea king hideous, but also saw clearly.

On the back of the shell of the Neptune class ...

Actually, there is a person standing!


Observe the hand words to the lips, suddenly stopped.

His whole person seemed to be stiff, every cell in his body was stiff, and at this moment, a piercing cold breath rushed straight to the door of his brain from the soles of his feet.


After swallowing spit.

He looked through the telescope in his hand and looked at the back of the shell of the sea king.

It can be seen very clearly...

That, the terrifying figure of the sea king class!

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