
The piercing coldness swept through the heart.

Hot halo, June weather, sunny and clear skies. Warm golden light poured out from the edge of the sky and filled the air.

Available in this area of the sea.

The temperature plummeted, as if it had dropped to zero degrees.

As the sea breeze blew, everyone present could feel that the cold breath that made the sweaty hair stand on end was pressing, and it was straight from the soles of their feet.

Neptune class!

A sea king class that can be called the hegemonic level is located next to their pirate ship.

Close up.

They could feel even more that the majestic sense of oppression spread from the sea king's body, enveloping every cell of their body.

It's like...

A prehistoric beast with its fangs open to them.

That fear, deep inside!



Deep malice swept from next to the pirate ship.

They seemed to smell the smell of blood wafting from this fierce and matchless sea king.

A rich and pungent smell of blood fills their sense of smell!


The hundreds of crew members rolled in their throats, shivering on the deck, looking at the fierce sea king next to them with a look of horror, and felt the deep fear from the bottom of their hearts.

It's terrible!

This can only be experienced by seeing it up close.

Heartfelt panic!

"Good, terrible sea king!"

"Standing next to it, I can feel the coercion of life from different species. The fear it brought me was as helpless and powerless as when I strayed into the forest as a child and encountered a fierce beast! "

All the pirates were terrified.

In the past, what was the concept of meeting a sea king in the sea?

This exists only in their fantasies.

But today.

But they really ran into a sea king, and they were also the overlord of a giant sea king class that was ten meters long. This feeling makes them unforgettable in this life.

The overwhelming feeling of oppression squeezed their bodies, making them uncontrollable, their hands and feet were cold, their hands trembled, and the fear in their hearts could not be dissipated at all.


Compared to this sea king class that gives them endless fear.

The root of their awe and fear lies in...

That terrifying figure stepping on the back of a sea king shell!

That boy in white!

Although his clothes were slightly damaged, he had a lot of scars. But even so, it still gave them more fear than the sea kings.

This teenager!

Obviously, it is countless times more terrifying than the sea king!

This is a hegemon-level sea king class!

However, he was surrendered by a teenager and enslaved with great ease.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have dared to imagine such a terrifying thing in their lives!

No doubt.

The strength of this young man is far above the sea king class, there is no doubt.

If it weren't for the strength that could make the sea kings tremble, with the arrogant nature of the sea kings, and the life species that did not regard humans as a thing, how could they bow to humans?

This is basically impossible!

Only strong strength can make the proud sea king succumb!


"This boy..."

"It is an extremely powerful existence!"

"Only this explanation can explain why this young man can step on a fierce sea king and sail on this sea!"

As the captain, Lin Naan's lips trembled, his face was pale, his eyes were filled with deep trepidation, and he twisted his stiff neck and turned his head to look at the sea king class located next to the pirate ship.

Eyes shift.

Compared to this sea king class, what made Lin Naan more frightened was the figure of the young man who stepped on the sea king class!

This is the source of the greatest fear!

The atmosphere is silent!


Wave after wave of fear, like the waves, washed away the body and mind of Lin Naan and his hundreds of crew members, making them tremble uncontrollably.

"Everyone, I take the liberty to interrupt, and I beg your pardon."

Suddenly a voice rang from everyone's ears.

Lin Na'an and the other hundreds of people looked sideways one after another, looking in the direction of the sea king class with a worried face.

They understand.

The voice came from the mouth of the terrifying existence of the foot sea king!


The white-clothed boy who stepped on the sea king, dragged his injured body, step by step from the back of the shell of the sea king, and gradually walked towards the pirate ship they were on.

"One, a monster, is it coming to our pirate group?!"

Lin Naan trembled.

As a pirate with a bounty of millions of berries, he thought he had seen countless worlds. But this incident encountered today subverted his previous cognition.


What I have experienced in the past is simply pediatric!

Compared with all this in front of you, those battles, life and death duels, etc. in the past are like children playing with their families, and they are incomparable.

Unprecedented fear filled Lin Naan's heart.


Only audible can be heard.

Loud footsteps finally sounded from the deck of their pirate ship.

That terrifying teenager successfully landed on their pirate ship!

"I, will I be killed?"

"If this is the kind of existence, if you want to overturn our pirate group, it is simply not too easy!"

Hundreds of pirates panicked even more when they thought of this.

This is a monster that can make a sea king shiver!

This kind of existence is undoubtedly the most terrifying big boss in their eyes!

When they thought of this, they couldn't help but wail in their hearts.

In the East China Sea, how could such a level of existence emerge?!

And it just so happened that they bumped into this kind of existence?!


The footsteps finally stopped abruptly.

Deck fencing.

Yanagawa was located on the deck of this huge pirate ship, and after taking a look at the whole ship, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

Finally it was...

Let yourself run into a sailboat!

Although, just pirate ships. But at least, you can meet your current needs.

Even if there are not many medical equipment on this pirate ship, since these pirates can sail in the sea, it is impossible not to even have a professional navigator.

As long as there is a professional navigator, Yanagawa will not continue to wander in the ghost place of the East China Sea.

Not to mention this, like this sea king, he wandered around, without purpose, and could not even find any island to land on.

"The sun hasn't completely set yet."

"My luck is not too bad after all!"

Yanagawa glanced at the hot sun at the edge of the sky.

Before sunset, he could run into a pirate ship, which already made Yanagawa ecstatic.

After all.

After walking around blindly in the sea for half a circle, he couldn't even see the shadow of a sailing ship, which really made Yanagawa even suspect, did he bring this sea king to the windless zone?

Thankfully, though.

Finally ran into a pirate ship!

This proves that this sea area is not a windless zone, and there will still be sailing ships passing through here.

"Your mission accomplished."

"Although you have been walking around blindly for most of the day, you have no credit and hard work after all. Plus, for the sake of you saving my life, I won't worry too much about you. "

"The journey with you, although short, is still more interesting."

Yanagawa stood at the edge of the deck fence and patted the hard shell of the sea king.

Since you have come across a pirate ship, the next thing is simple.

He no longer needed this apparently directionless sea king to lead the way. In this case, Yanagawa most likely thinks that he will go further and further!


In front of Liu Chuan, the sea king looked weak and helpless, showing his scarlet eyes pitifully.

The original oppressive body features, as well as the majestic breath, after it revealed a pitiful demeanor, all this disappeared.

The overlord of a giant sea king class was stunned to Yanagawa like a weak and helpless trash fish.

See this scene in front of you.

The crew of the entire pirate ship became more and more frightened, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to watch this terrifying and subversive picture.


After getting rid of Yanagawa's clutches, the sea kings quickly dived into the sea, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if a fart was flowing with urine.

It swears!

Today, it's definitely its disaster day!

I went out to sea to forage for food for no reason, but I didn't expect to encounter a monster and alien among humans!

With the departure of the Neptune class.

Yanagawa carefully observed the appearance of the pirate ship he was currently on.

The hull structure of the pirate ship looks relatively ordinary and there is nothing outstanding.

On the deck of this pirate ship, the preliminary conservative estimate is that about one hundred and thirty people stayed. This is a medium-sized pirate group.

Seeing the domineering sweep.

Yanagawa can accurately feel the vital signs of each and every one of these pirates.


Very weak!

For Yanagawa, the strength of this group of pirates is too weak!

Under the domineering sweep of his sight, he only felt that the vital signs of these people, like ants, made him can't help but subconsciously ignore them.

Yanagawa's gaze swept around, and where he passed, a group of pirates did not dare to look at him, and they all lowered their heads, looking extremely frightened, like a weak and covered herd of sheep.

Including Captain Lin Naan, like these ordinary pirates, he was in a state of extreme fear.

"Guys, excuse me."

"Coincidentally, I spent most of the day sailing this sea, and finally I came across a sailboat. It's my luck to meet you here! "


"I would like to ask you to take me to the nearby island where I can land."

"I wonder if you can meet this little request from me?"

Yanagawa smiled and said his inner thoughts straight to the point.

No need to scruple!

The words just fell.

Linna sighed quietly.


It seems that the other party does not want to destroy them.

And pure, just happened to pass by and wanted to carry a downwind boat.

Think of this.

Lin Naan's inner fear dissipated slightly, and looked at Liu Chuan with a worried and restrained expression: "It is our honor to carry you as an adult!" "

This is a terrifying monster like a sea king!

In the face of this kind of monster, Lin Naan of course has to be careful.

He was afraid that he would provoke the other party, and the entire ship would most likely be doomed!

There is no need to doubt.

The strength of the other party can indeed easily overturn their entire pirate group!

"Then I'll disturb you for now."

Yanagawa smiled.

These people are very cooperative!

This will also save a lot of troublesome means.

Yanagawa really didn't want to waste too much time with these weak trash fish.

But fortunately, these people are very knowledgeable and did not choose to refuse Yanagawa's small request!

Otherwise, Yanagawa said that he would have to reason with them properly.

Since then.

Lin Naan and his hundreds of crew members are very deeply aware.

An extremely dangerous monster whose strength is terrifying to fathom has descended on their pirate ship today!

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