

Black shells were aimed at the pirate ship from the batteries of the four pirate ships, and carried out all-round artillery fire and bombardment.

The shells exploded, and the shattered shell fragments spread rapidly and rushed in all directions with the terrifying shock wave.

Some fragments submerged into the sea, and some directly plunged into the outer surface of the pirate ship, and were punched a lot of holes. Make the entire pirate ship look particularly embarrassed and may sink into the sea at any time.

"Die, White Bear!"

The captain of the crocodile pirate group, the crocodile stared at Lin Naan with a fierce face, with a sneer on his face.

Four pirate groups join forces!

Lin Naan, there is no escape!


It is the death period of the other party!

"When he rejects our offer, he should be prepared to meet the consequences of our angry attack." And now, the consequences have finally befallen him. "

The captains of the other three pirate groups smiled one after another.

This plan to besiege the White Bear Pirate Group has been prepared for many days!

Only succeed, not fail!


They simply do not see any possibility of failure.

This time, the four pirate groups went out at the same time, and they couldn't think of any possibility of defeat.

Four to one!

How can this lose?


"The White Bear Pirate Group will be removed from the East China Sea..."

Everyone laughed and thought so.


The white bear pirate group bombarded by countless shells, on the deck of the sailing ship, hundreds of pirates looked in all directions with horror, overwhelming black cannonballs.

They were terrified.

Even Captain Lin Naan's head was blank.

But right now.

Yanagawa appeared.

Gave the entire White Bear Pirate Group a life-saving straw, and the only life-saving straw!

Originally, it was a desperate situation!

If there were no Yanagawa, this would be an absolute desperate situation for the White Bear Pirates.

But with the appearance of Liu Chuan, the desperate situation will usher in the only vitality, majestic vitality.

If this chooses to strike...


They will be able to be afraid!

This is the top monster that can control the Aquaman class!

Dealing with this level of pirate group is simply not too easy.

Lin Naan thought so.

Again, the rest of the pirate crew thinks so.

Yanagawa gives them a feeling that is too mysterious!

Moreover, the kind whose strength is very terrifying.

Otherwise, how can you single-handedly control a sea king to sail this sea?!

Is this something that ordinary people can do?

Apparently not.

Sea kings are fierce beasts. And the sea king class with a length of ten meters is the absolute overlord of the giant sea king class.

As a terrifying existence that can subdue this hegemon-level sea king class, Yanagawa's strength is a puzzle in the eyes of Lin Naan and others.

Although they can't figure it out, Yanagawa's level of strength.

But they can judge with great certainty.

Yanagawa, very strong!

It's stronger than they can imagine!

Before today, they didn't dare to think in their lives that there were really people in this sea who could step on the sea king class and control the overlord of this level of the sea king class!

But today.

They saw it, they saw it clearly.

A teenager who steps on the sea king class and makes the sea king humble seller cute to please.

This subverted the fearful impression of the sea king in their minds!

It's unbelievable!

Sea kings, feelings are not so fierce?


Not all sea kings are so humble.

And purely just, the humans that the sea king encountered were terrible. Even the fierce sea kings will show a weak and pitiful posture in the face of such terrifying humans.

The combination of four pirate groups is indeed terrifying!

And Lin Na'an was deeply uneasy and terrified, and even desperate.

However, compared to the combination of four pirate groups.

What made Lin Naan even more shocked and awe-inspiring...

That thing just happened!

That one, stepping on the figure of the sea king, undoubtedly made Lin Naan look up in awe!

In contrast.

These four pirate groups are a hammer!

A terrifying existence that can even be subdued by the overlord-level sea king class, this is the top giant that Lin Na believes in his eyes, supreme!

"This lord..."

"The strength must be very strong!"

"With his help, we would never be buried here today."

Lin Naan clenched his fists and thought with excitement on his face.

His thoughts are also the thoughts of the hundred pirates on the field.

No one doubted!

Compared with Yanagawa, who stepped on the sea king class, the joint ambush of the four pirate groups encountered in front of him was simply weak.

The two, so to speak, are not on the same level at all!

"Boss, we seem to have been saved!"

The pirate standing beside Lin Na'an's lips trembled, and his hands trembled with excitement.

"Be confident, remove the word like!"

Lin Naan took a deep breath, and his tone could not hide the excitement in his heart.

If this adult chooses to strike...

This so-called desperate situation will naturally be easily broken!

Even than.

This is not their desperate situation!

Rather, the desperate situation of the four pirate groups on the opposite side is right!

"Dare to stop this adult from rushing?"

"You four guys, you're really unlucky!"

"Presumably, you must never have dreamed of the mortal situation that was originally aimed at me. Unexpectedly, a real big man appeared on this ship now! "

"And you, by coincidence, have become an obstacle for this adult!"

Lin Na'an looked at the four pirate ships a hundred meters away with pity.

I'm thankful...

The big guy stopped them halfway through and boarded their pirate ship.

Otherwise, if they let the White Bear Pirate Group encounter the current situation alone, it will undoubtedly be their great desperate situation, the kind of death and no life.


"Heaven favor our White Bear Pirates..."

"Give us a top being!"

Lin Naan couldn't help but sigh his luck.

The atmosphere of the entire pirate ship gradually recovered.

Crawl out of despair!

And all this is because of Yanagawa's appearance!

Only one person, the impact on the entire pirate group.

The impact on the entire current war!

"Sir, we are really grateful for your help!"

"This kindness, our White Bear Pirate Group is toothless and unforgettable!"

Lin Na'an looked at Liu Chuan with fear and respect, and his posture was humble.

But this behavior did not arouse the disgust of the rest of the crew, but felt that it was in line with common sense.

That's a real monster!

Taste humble, isn't that normal?


Let them still have their nostrils facing the sky, Qiyu Xuanang?

What is the difference between this and looking for death?

"Simply put. Just sweep out those four ships, right? "

Yanagawa glanced at the four pirate ships a hundred meters away.

The black cannonballs released by the four pirate ships, one after another, fell from the sky, like a downpour.


Lin Naan hurriedly nodded.

"Then leave it to me. This is also a ticket for my ship of yours. In this way, I and you will be clear. "

Yanagawa said to himself.


He took a step and walked towards the front deck of the pirate ship.


The hundreds of pirates, led by Lin Naan, looked at Yanagawa's back with awe.

In their eyes.

Yanagawa's back looks particularly majestic!

This is the only lifesaver for their White Bear Pirates!

They are 100% confident that they can be saved from the dire situation.

If they were others, they would not have such confidence.

But the point is...

This is an existence that has submitted to the hegemon-level sea king class, and it must be very easy to deal with the four pirate groups in front of him.

Such an idea was the same thought in the heads of all the pirates present.

If it was this adult, he would definitely be able to easily do it and destroy those four pirate groups!

"Sir, do you want us to drive the pirate ship closer?"

Lin Naan couldn't help but ask nervously.

At present, the distance between the two sides is estimated to be no less than 130 meters.

If you don't get close...

He couldn't think of any other way to destroy these obstacles!

"No need."

Yanagawa shook his head.

His eyes were quiet, looking at the four ships a hundred meters away.

And then.

Without dragging mud and water, he slowly took out the good knife he carried around his waist and made it empty.

The sharp blade emitted a cold, majestic aura, which swept in all directions, and soon enveloped the entire pirate ship.


From Liu Chuan's body, a monstrous edge spread!

Like a wave of tides, it is overwhelming and filling all directions!

The edge that belongs to Jian Hao affects the whole audience!

"Good, terrifying momentum!"

Lin Na'an's face was pale, his lips trembled, and he looked at Liu Chuan's back with a look of horror.


Too strong!

It was just momentum, but it gave him an endless sense of oppression.

The coercion that made him feel from the heart and wanted to surrender but could not resist spread from Yanagawa 's body.

Not only was Lin Na'an affected, but the rest of the hundreds of pirates were also enveloped by this terrifying momentum.


A group of pirates shivered, looking at Yanagawa with awe.

"What a terrifying breath..."

"The strength of this adult seems to be beyond our imagination!"

"Stronger and stronger than we imagined!"

"From such a terrifying edge, it can be seen that this lord, he must be a top swordsman with very excellent swordsmanship!"

If they say that seeing Yanagawa stepping on the figure of the sea king, it is enough for them to judge that Yanagawa's strength is very strong.

Then, at this moment, after they were swept away by the majestic aura exuding by Yanagawa Chuan, they could be more firm in this idea in their hearts.

What kind of terrifying strength is this to exude such majestic coercion?!

Whether it was Lin Na'an, or the rest of the pirates, it was the first time in his life that such a majestic and terrifying momentum affected his body.

Everyone subconsciously trembled their hands and feet, and their bodies were screaming.


A prehistoric beast stood right in front of them.

The momentum emanating was like the waves of a storm, washing over their bodies.

It's so majestic!

Shrouded in momentum, they almost wanted their legs to go limp, and they wanted to be paralyzed on the ground and choose to surrender.

Can't rebel!

Can't resist!

That's the only thought on their minds.

In the face of the terrifying momentum released by Liu Chuan, they were vulnerable like a herd of weak and helpless sheep, completely lacking any resistance.

Followed by.

Under everyone's gaze.


The sharp blade in Yanagawa's hand, the sharp blade that flashed in the sun, gradually gave birth to wisps of red sword qi, wrapped around the sharp blade.

The momentum shifts...

It gets more and more exciting!



Wave after wave of air flow, pounced on the bodies of hundreds of pirates in the rear.

They could only widen their eyes, their faces dull and in awe, and shivering as they stared at the back of this great shore.


The blade in Liu Chuan's hand soared into the sky, and the red sword qi wrapped around the blade, becoming more and more majestic and majestic, and almost substantive!

Almost condensed into a substantial momentum, penetrated into everyone's bodies, impacted every cell of their bodies, and endured such terrifying coercion.

"This, my lord."

"Isn't it..."

"Want to be separated by a distance of 100 meters and destroy the four pirate ships in front of you with a chopper?!"

When he saw Liu Chuan's behavior, this idea quickly floated to Lin Naan's brain, which made him confused on the spot in an instant.


Really fake?!

With such a distance of 100 meters apart, with pure sword art, unleash a slash to destroy these four pirate ships in the air?!

What a terrible thing this is!


Swallowed spit.

Lin Naan looked up at the four pirate ships a hundred meters away.

The distance between the two sides is relatively far!

Even the shells released by the battery could not be accurately aimed at this distance.

But this adult in front of him, he actually tried to...

A hundred meters apart, destroy these four pirate ships ?!


This must be an illusion!

That's right!

It's just an illusion!

"This adult is indeed very strong, but..."

Linna'an had a dry throat.

A hundred meters apart from the sea.

Penetrate this sea through the air, thereby destroying four pirate ships?!

Is this really possible?

No doubt.

This terrible idea directly overturned Lin Naan's cognitive view!

Similarly, it also subverts the world view of the group of pirates standing next to Lin Naan!

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