
The sea is like a storm, and the majestic air flow sweeps the sea, rolling wave after wave, and the unquenchable spread ripples in all directions.

The sea water flows, pleasant and crisp.

The monstrous waves were surged tens of meters into the air and flew all over the sky.

The terrifying air flow crushed the sea water below, causing terrifying waves to hit all areas.

Visible to the naked eye.

A hideous crack in the sea surface, several meters deep, suddenly appeared in the middle of this sea area. The seawater on both sides tried to fill the crack, but it could not.

The crack was squeezed by the terrifying air flow, so that the seawater filled on both sides was stunned by the air flow to create an unintentional wall, completely separating it.


A crack in the sea surface that cannot heal itself is very clearly presented in the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, a few meters above the sea.

That beautiful, world-shattering crimson terror slash, like the second round of hot sun on the edge of the sky, emitted an extremely brilliant and dazzling halo.

Imposing as a rainbow!

Soar into the sky!

It is also like the most twinkling stars at night, incomparably dazzling, becoming the only embellishment of everything in the world.

Dazzling, impossible to see!

100 meters apart.

Located on four pirate ships.

There were more than 500 pirates, who were still full of excitement and anticipation a moment ago, expanded their shells and bombarded the White Bear Pirate Group with artillery fire.

But with this terrifying slash, it attacked from the direction of the White Bear Pirates.

The smiles on their faces stopped abruptly and stiffened.


Heart-piercing fear, sweeping over!

The four captains showed one after another, the most primitive emotional wave, that is, fear!

The smiles on their faces quickly cooled, their expressions changed drastically, their faces were full of fear, their eyes were wide and round, and they were staring straight ahead with bloodshots.

In the eyes.

A dark crimson halo filled their field of vision.

Covering their line of sight, in all aspects, can no longer accommodate a second object.

"I, my God..."

"What the hell is this?!"

In addition to fear, deep confusion and incomprehension lingered in their minds.

Let them be completely unable to judge.

What is this brilliant glare in front of them, almost making them unable to open their eyes?


Their mentality of winning has undergone a huge reversal!

What happened?!

Where did this such brilliant and dazzling light come from?

100 meters apart.

But this terrifying slash swept through in an instant, and before they arrived, the terrifying majestic momentum exuded completely enveloped their bodies.

That moment.

Not only the four captains, but even the more than five hundred crew members, they could feel it. The body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave with thousands of degrees below zero.


A piercing coldness pierced into their bodies.

Let them tremble, the cells tremble uncontrollably, and tremble all over.

What a terrifying force this is!

In the face of this force, they are as small as grains of dust.

The gap is too big!

It's like...

Facing a terrifying sea king with a length of thousands or even tens of thousands of meters, in the face of this surging force, they are too weak and small.

A drop in the bucket!

Let them have unprecedented fear in their hearts, and they are dominated by fear all over their bodies!

"Good, terrible power..."

"This can't be!"

"The White Bear Pirate Group, how can it be possible to control such a terrifying power?!"

"This is completely different from the news we investigated!"

The mentality of the four captains collapsed.

They were obviously fully prepared to fight the White Bear Pirate Group before.

But in terms of data and intelligence, it is completely not shown that the White Bear Pirate Group actually controls such a world-destroying power!


In their eyes.

This force can be called destroying the world!

The afterglow swept away.

They even saw it.

The scene where the sea is torn apart.

What a groove!

Their worldview shattered.

"Even the sea is torn apart!"

"What a terrifying power!"


"White Bear Pirates, these rice buckets of them, it is impossible to control this kind of power."

A group of pirates are beginning to fall into a deep life of doubt.

Filling their field of vision, the halo emitted by this red terrifying slash shone more and more, filling their vision in all aspects.

100 meters apart.

But it was still captured by one of the captains.

That one, standing on the deck of the White Bear Pirates' sailing ship, the figure of a young man holding a blade!

"This, who is this?"

"On the news intelligence of the White Bear Pirates, there is no news about this person at all."

"How did he get here? Wait a minute! "

"He has a blade in his hand..."

Does this mean that this terrifying force is from his handiwork? But he's just a teenager, it's not scientific! "

"How can a teenager unleash such a terrifying power that destroys the world and the earth!"

"Jian Hao?!"


"What we are facing at this moment is a slash?!"

When the reaction comes.

The red halo gradually enveloped the four pirate ships.

Together with the four captains, a total of more than five hundred pirates were also completely affected by the halo emitted by this dark crimson terrifying slash.


"That young man, is a sword master?!"

"White Bear Pirates, where did you dig up a top swordsman with such terrifying strength and such outstanding swordsmanship?!"

They can't understand.

Can't figure it out either!

However, they have no chance to investigate.

The overwhelming momentum oppressed their bodies.

Although their minds were spinning wildly, in fact, their bodies were completely uncontrollable to dodge.

This slash is too fast!

Hurry up so they can't react!


Even giving them time to react is meaningless.

Because the scope of this slashing force is four pirate ships, not a single person, or a single ship.

In this way, even if you can react, how can you dodge this amazing slash?


This is not realistic!


Deep despair enveloped the hearts of more than five hundred pirates.

Including the four ambitious pirate captains, they can only feel despair when faced with this terrifying slash in front of them.


Ten dead and lifeless!

They don't think they can survive this slash.

Totally impossible!

The power of this slash is too terrifying, and the scope of the impact is also very extensive, affecting the four pirate ships in all aspects, including all of them present on the pirate ship, are the objects of this force.


"No, I'm still going to the Great Seaway!"

"I still have to go to the terminal of the Great Passage, how can I die in this damn place?!"

Death was imminent, and a captain let out a wail of inner fear.

But anyway.

The current deadlock was already doomed as early as when Yanagawa was ready to strike at them!

No one can survive here.


Slash, getting closer!

Click! Click!

You can hear very clearly the harsh sound of the sailboat being affected by the force of the slash and being crushed to pieces little by little.

Pirate ship, inch by inch!

But when enveloped by the force of the slash, many structures of the hull are instantly crushed into powder, squeezed by the accompanying majestic airflow, and rolled up and danced in mid-air.

The deck was torn to shreds!

One crack after another, quickly spreading.

Densely packed like cracks in a spider's web, deeply imprinted on the deck of the pirate ship and its corners.

And then.


The entire pirate ship is directly shattered!

Countless wood chips quickly exploded, turning into fragments and scattering in this sea area.

And the many pirates located on the pirate ship, without exception, could not even hear the sound of wailing, and they were swept by this monstrous power.



One by one, the pirates' bodies directly turned into a blood mist.

In the face of this slash, their bodies appeared extremely fragile, and they did not have any resistance at all, and they were completely crushed.


The crushed pirate ship, this is also the fate they face.

Blood is flying all over the sky!

The pungent smell of blood, under the swirling of the air current, rose in mid-air and filled the sea above this sea.



Disgusting smell.



One pirate ship after another, the power of being slashed and exploded, directly penetrated. The power spread, rapidly impacting in all directions, causing the penetrating pirate ship to endure an extremely surging shock wave.

Hull construction, collapse in almost all aspects!

Click! Click!

With more and more rifts, the pirate ship can only finally declare the doom of shattering.


The pirate ship shattered in an instant, turning into powder and dissipating.

The collapse of a pirate ship brought the death of hundreds of pirates!

Their bodies were crushed by extremely terrifying forces, and even the bones exploded, leaving only a cloud of blood mist scattered in the sky, quickly falling into the sea.

None of the bones remained!

It can be said that there are no bones!

Even those four captains are countless times stronger than these pirates. But when faced with such a terrifying force, they will also be extremely small like these pirates.

The results they endure will be no exception.

Crushed directly!

The body exploded!

Turn into a blood mist!


Hundreds of meters away, the slash that tore through the sea slammed into four pirate ships.

At the same time.

Four pirate ships, crushed by one face!

All the people located on the pirate ship were spared.

More than five hundred pirates...

All of them were crushed and buried in the sea!

Even the corpses were not kept.

In the face of absolute power, they seem too fragile and small.


The terrifying slash broke through the four sailing ships, bringing a terrifying shock wave and crashing into the four seas. The sea surface, hit a huge wave and rolled.


The waves of the sea are surging, splashing directly hundreds of meters in the sky, and the huge waves, which seem to rush straight into the clouds, merge into the clouds, bringing great visual impact.

The corpses that had been crushed by the slash turned into a blood mist, and with this majestic air current, they wrapped around the waves and flew with the sea.

It's like...

A blood-colored sea current was formed, soaring straight into the sky and dancing in the sky.




Like a crimson night that obscures the sky.

It makes people feel creepy from the bottom of their hearts.

The sea splashed in the sky.

The tide of violent turmoil in this sea area gradually subsided.

The sea that was originally torn apart was also filled with the sea water on both sides with the dissipation of the slashing force, once again healing the crack into its original appearance.

Keep your eyes looking ahead.

The pirate ship can no longer be crecked.

All that remains is the remains of many wood chips floating on the surface of the sea.

The blood fell into the sea and quickly melted into it, and no trace could be found again.

But the remaining wood chips still float on the sea. Presumably, in a short period of time, if there is no big wave, it will not be able to scatter the many wrecks here.

A gentle breeze.

There were faint ripples.

The surrounding sea...


There is only one pirate ship, still floating at sea level.

The rest of the pirate ships were all completely buried in the sea with the shocking slash just now.

Together with all the pirates on the ship, as well as the captain of the group of pirates, all of them were spared to accompany the pirate ship to sink under the sea and disappeared.

All this just happened in the moment before and after!

It's like.

Just close your eyes, open them again.

Then you can no longer see the existence of the four pirate ships flying the skull flag.

It's all gone.

Disappeared, no news!

More precisely.

They're all seconds!

There are a total of four relatively large pirate ships, that is, four pirate groups, plus more than 500 pirates carrying on the pirate ship...

In an instant, they were instantaneous.

Completely evaporated from this world!

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