Wang Yang is a vast sea.

The empty sea is except for a pirate ship that stays in the center. Looking around, there was no trace of the pirate ship anymore.

The sea becomes peaceful, peaceful and calm.

The sea breeze is gentle.

The cold and refreshing sea breeze sets off faint ripples.


Lin Na'an and the hundreds of crew members stared at the empty sea in front of them with wide eyes and round, shivering and shivering.

The atmosphere is silent!

Extra weird!

Strangely let them only feel hairy and goosebumps.


"What about the ship?!"

"A total of four pirate ships, where are they running now?"

Deep shock and horror filled their bodies and minds.

Let them be confused on the spot.

The black shells that were previously overwhelming like a downpour can no longer be found. On the contrary, this made them suddenly a little unable to adapt.

The contrast between before and after is too strong!

A moment ago.

They remain in a desperate situation.

One shell after another, it was like a downpour that smashed into their entire pirate ship.

But right now.

Not even a single shell was not visible.

This makes them feel uncomfortable!

The most terrifying thing is...

It's nothing if the shells are gone.

The main thing is, how did the four pirate ships all disappear without a trace ?!

What about pirate ships?

What about the at least hundreds of pirates carrying pirate ships?

A total of four pirate groups, just disappeared?!

The scene that happened now really impacted the tolerance range of Lin Naan and others, making their heads blank, but also a thick shock and fear in their hearts.

What was shocking was that the four pirate ships were actually split second!

They are certainly not difficult to imagine.

The shocking terrifying slash unleashed by Yanagawa was the main root cause of these four pirate ships.

"It's too strong!"

"One knife, four pirate ships on the spot!"

"Including hundreds of pirates, all buried in the sea, no bones left!"

Who can imagine.

This is just the result of a sword?!

If it had not been witnessed with their own eyes, everyone present would not have believed it!

All this is too subversive.

Let their worldview gradually collapse.

Simple, shocking worldly!


With a knife, tearing the sea, all the personnel of the four pirate groups were seconds on the spot.

What a horrible thing this is!

This happened in an instant.

Just a blink of an eye.

All they could see was that the slash directly destroyed four ships!

All the pirates located on the pirate ship were absolutely unavoidable, and they were completely crushed under the aftermath of the power of that terrifying slashing outbreak.

There is no doubt about this!

That slash was terrifying.

So far.

Including Lin Naan, all of them can still recall. The moment the slash was released just now, the aftermath of the aftermath dominated their bodies.



This will become a profound nightmare that accompanies them!

A hundred meters apart...

The slash not only really did it penetrate the sea area of 100 meters.

And in an instant, destroyed four pirate groups!

Such feats undoubtedly subverted their worldview.


They are still suspecting that a hundred meters apart, even if Yanagawa's strength is strong, the possibility of wanting to destroy these four ships is not too high!

But after all, I didn't expect that Yanagawa really did it!

Only one knife, separated by 100 meters, penetrated the sea, instantly sank four ships, and completely eliminated the four pirate groups from this world!

Even though it had happened, everyone present was in disbelief.

Like a dream!

What they are experiencing today gives them a dreamlike feeling, which is not real at all.

"What we met today..."

"What a terrifying existence!"

A pair of eyes full of horror were fixed on Yanagawa's back, unable to move, and their eyes were filled with deep awe and worship.

It is such a seemingly ordinary teenager.

But they did, a shocking feat that subverted their cognition!

One knife, sank four pirate ships!

Still a hundred meters apart!

More than five hundred pirates, a total of four pirate groups, including four captains, were not spared and died under that shocking blow.

When thinking about it.

Everyone present trembled with increasing trepidation.

Strong, simply non-human!

Like a monster!

Like a prehistoric beast!

"The strength of this lord..."

"The strong one is a little outrageous!"

Lin Na'an's throat was dry, looking at Liu Chuan's back, thoughts fluttering in his head, and his eyes were in a trance but mixed with a strong color of fear.

He never dreamed of it.

This trip to the sea actually gave him an encounter with an existence of this level!

But why.

He had never heard of the prestige of such an existence before?

This does not make sense.

It stands to reason that a strong person of this level will have his prestige spread throughout the East China Sea. But so far, Lin Naan still can't imagine what kind of divine Liu Chuan is!

With such terrifying strength!

It is impossible to be unknown in the East China Sea.

This is a top sword master who can sink four pirate ships 100 meters apart with one sword!

All in all.

Lin Na'an absolutely couldn't accept that this level of sword master hadn't left any rumors in the East China Sea in the past? This is absolutely impossible and does not correspond to reality.

"Strong, unbeatable!"

"That slash gave me a feeling that it was enough to destroy the heavens and the earth!"

"I believe."

"Those four pirate groups, when faced with such a terrible slash, must have been deeply desperate. In other words, we are afraid that the end will be the same as theirs, and it will not be an exception. "

Lin Naan felt the huge gap.

Out of reach!

It's a world of difference!

To be more precise, the Yanagawa in front of them are two completely different species from them!

The other party is too strong.

Strong is unbelievable, beyond what they can imagine.

Instead of using humans to describe each other, they thought that perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe each other with the word 'monster'.



This is a monster out of the blue!

A big monster with terrifying strength!

Today, Yanagawa only used a knife before and after.

But undoubtedly, it caused everyone present to be very profound, and even in this life, I can't forget the nightmare-like memory!

What happened today, whether it was Lin Naan or the group of pirates next to him, would leave an indelible impression on them for a lifetime.

Just because, things are too scary!

Sensational beyond comprehension of concepts!

Because of Yanagawa, their desperate situation was indeed resolved.

But again.

Their mood was also deeply throbbing with Yanagawa's gesture and means to solve the desperate situation.

Never thought of it.

Yanagawa really sank four pirate ships with one sword from the sea area 100 meters away!

It's true, it's so shocking!

"Such a feat..."

"I've never heard of it in my life!"

"This is the first time I have heard of it, and the first time I have seen it with my own eyes!"

A horrific feat that had never been heard of before, but it happened in front of you, was naturally a worldview that collapsed.


Lin Naan's mood is like this.

Including the emotional waves of the other hundreds of pirates, they were almost unanimous in their violent ups and downs, and it was completely difficult to suppress the inner shock in a short period of time.

Looking at Yanagawa's back, endless awe and worship arose in their hearts.

So powerful that they subconsciously want to worship!

"The obstruction has been cleaned up."

"Next, it's time to sail."

Liu Chuan slowly withdrew the good knife in his hand, turned his head and looked at Lin Naan calmly.

It's just a few small trash fish.

For him, it's not worth mentioning!

Even the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, he fought with the other side.

Compared with what happened just now, in Liu Chuan's eyes, it was indeed drizzle, which was not enough to set off too many emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Of course.

This is only for Yanagawa.

In the eyes of Lin Naan, a group of pirates, what Liu Chuan did was simply bizarre and terrifying, and words could not even describe it.

"Great, my lord, you are right to remind me."

Lin Na'an quickly reacted, and ordered his subordinates with trepidation, "Quick, hurry up and sail and continue to move in the direction of Orha City!" "

The words just fell.

The entire pirate ship sailed again.

It's just that.

Go with the voyage.

The many wood chips floating on the surface of the sea were extremely clear in the eyes of Lin Naan and others, making their faces more and more shocked.


Floating on the surface of the sea is all the wreckage left of those four pirate ships!

Not a single corpse.

Because all the corpses of the pirates were completely crushed by the power of the terrifying slash that destroyed the world and the earth, and turned into a blood mist that had already melted into the sea, and there was no trace.

It can prove that four pirate groups once appeared in the traces of this sea.

It's just...

These numerous wood chips floating on the surface of the sea today.

Only these can prove that the scene just now is real, not just in their fantasies.

"That's a group of pirates..."

"Really, really seconds!"

"In an instant, completely buried in the sea!"

When he saw the many wreckage floating on the sea, Lin Naan and his many pirates' mood was extremely surging, and the emotional fluctuations in his heart were very violently undulating.

If you don't see these wrecks on the surface of the sea.

Many of them still have some illusions in their hearts...

The fact that he was surrounded by four pirate groups just now may be just an illusion.

But seeing clearly the many wreckage floating on the sea, this idea was completely rejected by them!



This is what really happened!

Those four pirate groups were indeed just now, and they were instantly given a second by a seemingly ordinary teenager who was stabbed 100 meters apart!


"It's all the wreckage left over from the crushed pirate ship."

"Those guys, there were no corpses left."

This mess on the surface of the sea is shocking.

Many pirates were moved, and the eyes that looked at Yanagawa became even more awe-inspiring.


Exhale heavily.

Linna thought reassuringly.

As long as they send this adult to their destination as soon as possible, they will also be able to be liberated smoothly.


He really had to be overwhelmed by this huge pressure!

What's it like to have a full-fledged monster on board?


This experience really made Lin Na'an's spirit almost collapse.

"Boss, boss!"

A hasty voice sounded from Lin Naan's ears.


Lin Naan came back from his thoughts, raised his eyebrows, and looked at a crew member who was hairy, with chaotic steps and constantly approaching.

"What's going on?"

Lin Naan suppressed the throbbing in his heart as much as possible and took the initiative to ask the crew member.

What happened just now still made him unable to calm down in a short time.

Although his thinking recovered a little, the remaining shock in his heart still could not be completely dissipated.


The arriving crew member's face turned red, as if he had discovered something extremely terrible, his expression changed wildly, and his emotions fluctuated very violently.

He was tentative, moving his gaze and looking around.

Only after making sure that no one could eavesdrop did his lips tremble and lean against Lin Naan's ear, his voice infinitely suppressed and his tone apprehensive.

"Boss, I, I found something amazing!"

"I, as if I have sensed the true identity of that adult!"

The words fell.

Lin Na'an's pupils shrank, and the expression on his face changed dramatically.

That lord...


Who else could be so honored by them?!

There is only one!

"So, the true identity of that adult?!"

"Say it quickly!"

Lin Naan took a deep breath, suppressed the vibration in his heart, and rolled his eyes to make sure that he did not attract Yanagawa's gaze.

He quickly grabbed the crew member beside him and asked anxiously.

He was desperate to find out.

What kind of divine is this level of terrifying existence!

The crew member who grabbed his arm did not care about the stinging pain coming from his arm, and after swallowing his spit, he shivered and unfolded a reward slip in his hand.

"Boss, you forgot."

"In the past few days, the terrible news that has swept our entire East China Sea?"

"That lord, it's a taboo!"

"Countless people in the East China Sea..."

"Regarded as a taboo and terrifying existence!"

"He's the 300 million monster!"

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