The words fell.

Like a heavy stone hammer, it struck Lin Naan's heart, causing him to breathe for a short time.

The atmosphere has become eerie!


Lin Na'an's eyes widened, his pupils were full of terrifying colors, bloodshot eyes, staring at the crew member next to him, his lips trembling slightly.

This can be seen from his expression.

The emotional fluctuations in his heart at this moment are so violent!

It's incredible!


300 million monsters?!

Could it be...

Is it really the adult?

Who else can be a terrifying existence in the East China Sea, which is regarded as a taboo?!

"Are you sure?"

Lin Na'an's throat was dry, and he couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice.

It's terrifying!

"Boss, take a look at this bounty list."

The crew unfolded the bounty slip in their hands and handed it to Lin Naan in front of him.

After receiving the bounty slip.

Lin Naan smoothly saw the content of this reward list, every word, paragraph by paragraph, including the portrait depicted, were unreservedly presented in the depths of his eyes.

In the eye!

At first glance, he could clearly see the portrait on the bounty list.

Childish faces, teenagers in white...

Many physical features emerge in front of you.


So much like that!

The two, almost exactly the same, can be said to be the same person at all!

"This, this is, that adult?!"

Lin Na'an clenched the bounty sheet's hands, trembled slightly, and hurriedly raised his head, looking in a certain direction of the pirate ship with those frightened and bloodshot eyes.

Look, that great figure!

He can be 100% sure.

The portrait depicted on the bounty list is basically the same as the adult who is on their entire pirate ship today, and the similarity is as high as ninety percent.

This is enough to judge that these two are definitely the same person!


This bounty list is the adult's bounty list!

"Boss, you continue to look below."

The crew swallowed their spit, looking terrified.

Following the words of the crew, Lin Naan continued to look down.

The dazzling reward amount is presented in the eyes.


The series of numbers behind the reward list was dazzling, making Lin Naan's pupils shrink, his thinking became rigid on the spot, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.


What a huge number he saw!

"Eight zeros, preceded by three, how much?"

Lin Naan pinched the crew's arm and asked in a tone of uncertainty.

"Boss, you read that right."

"Although I am not very good at arithmetic, even if I am not good at arithmetic, I can't read this number wrong. This number is 300 million! "

"The bounty amount, up to 300 million berry!"

"This is the amount of that adult's bounty!"

"The identity of this lord is the taboo of the East China Sea. That is, it is called the terrifying monster of the Red Flame Sword Hao, a terrifying monster with a bounty of up to 300 million berry! "

As the words of the crew fell.

Lin Naan's brain door was as if smashed by a heavy object, and he was stunned in place, motionless.

300 million!

That's 300 million berry!

The pirates with tens of millions of berry bounties were already enough to be regarded as extremely terrifying transcendent beings in their eyes. Not to mention, what he witnessed today was not tens of millions.

Instead, it doubled at least dozens of times, a huge bounty of 300 million berry!

What a horrible number!

How powerful is the pirate who can be given a bounty of 300 million berry?

If it were not for the incomparable fear of the Navy, how could the Navy give such a huge bounty.

Three hundred million berry...

What is this concept?!


With Lin Naan's experience and experience, he was no longer allowed to imagine that class.

That, the supreme class!

"Me, my God!"

"That is to say..."

"Our White Bear Pirate Group, just today, ushered in a 300 million monster?!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"This lord is called Red Flame Sword Hao!"

"Red flame?"

Can't help it, Lin Naan recalled the shocking terrifying slash just now, and in an instant, four pirate ships were seconds, burying the slash of four pirate groups.

That round of red flames was like a blood mist in the sky, covering the sky!

To all of them, it brought a sense of destruction to the world.

The breath that was enough to destroy everything in the world could not be forgotten by all of them to this day.


In this life, it is impossible to erase the memory!

"This, is the origin of the name of the Red Flame Sword Hao?"

Suddenly, Lin Naan seemed to understand.

Why did the Navy give it the name of Red Flame Sword Hao.

"All this happened like a dream..."

Lin Naan's lips trembled, and his mood was furious.

He never dreamed of it.

Walking around the ghost place of the East China Sea, the entire pirate ship ushered in an unprecedented terrifying existence, a terrifying monster with a reward of up to 300 million!


This monster is located right on their pirate ship!

Previously, although they could feel it, Yanagawa was very strong. But they still never expected that the other party would be so strong that the navy would give a huge bounty of 300 million berry!

Even if you look at the Great Passage, it can definitely be called a top bounty.

As a small pirate group located in the East China Sea, once did they see a sea pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions of miles?

I've never seen it at all.

Not to mention...

That's a full reward of 300 million berry!

"Even in the Great Passage, this adult's strength must be outstanding. Even, in the Great Passage can be at the top! "

"Three hundred million berry..."

Lin Naan held this reward list tightly, and while his mood was shaking, his expression was constantly changing wildly, and his inner emotions were fluctuating, like a raging ocean that kept rolling and flowing.

These days.

Of course, they will inevitably hear about the news circulating in the East China Sea.


It's not just about hearing about it.

But impressed!

Many residents and pirate groups in the East China Sea all knew that a terrifying reward list came out of the entire East China Sea!

An unprecedented terrifying monster was born from the East China Sea.

This is a terrifying big monster that was rewarded by the Navy for 300 million berry!


There has never been such an example in the East China Sea.

As soon as the navy made a move, it directly offered a reward of 300 million!

This kind of example, in the impression of everyone in the East China Sea, is the only one!

"This lord, it's just such a coincidence, let us bump into each other today."

Linna wailed in relief.

He didn't know if it was bad luck or too good luck!

If it weren't for Liu Chuan, their entire pirate ship would have been destroyed under the joint encirclement of those four pirate ships at this moment.

In a four-on-one battle, it is impossible for them to defeat each other, and if nothing else, they will eventually face the end of being sunk into the sea by the combined efforts of four pirate groups.

This tragic end was reversed only by the arrival of a monster!

Think of this.

Lin Naan quickly suppressed the throbbing and panic in his heart, took a deep breath, and forcibly calmed down his mood, although he could not suppress the throbbing in his heart in all aspects, but he also recovered a lot of calm thinking ability.

"Don't publicize it, we can't afford to arouse the anger of this adult. In this way, we just don't know. "

"This lord wanted to rush to the city of Orha, so we sent him to the city of Orha. As for other things? We don't need to ask too much. "

"All in all."

"We, with this adult, are on a completely different level. It was purely by chance that we could have contact today, and we could not have had too much contact with this adult. "


"In the eyes of this adult, we are just a group of weak lives."

Lin Naan was well aware of their own weakness.

In the East China Sea, although they are not the weakest. But that is also in contrast, those ordinary people in the East China Sea. If compared to the Liu Chuan in front of them, they are as weak as ants.

Put his own mentality in a good position, Lin Naan's mentality is not so apprehensive.

Just need to send this adult away, their White Bear Pirate Group, or the previous White Bear Pirate Group, there will be no changes before and after.

This is what Lin Naan is thinking at the moment.

After straightening his posture, Lin Naan's mood gradually recovered.

"Put away the bounty slip and wait until the adult leaves, and then tell the rest of the staff." For now, don't let too many people know. We can't take care of the temperament of this adult. "

"In case we accidentally provoke this adult, we are afraid that the entire ship will be sunk on the spot, just like the four pirate groups that were destroyed just now."

Facing Yanagawa , Lin Naan, who was the captain of the White Bear Pirates, felt powerless like never before.

The other party is so strong that they don't even have a trace of rebellion in their hearts!

"Don't worry, boss, I will be tight-lipped."

The crew put the bounty slip back into their arms and made a serious pledge.

"Okay, you go about your own business."

Lin Naan waved his hand absently interested.

That's it......

The entire pirate ship, under the joint efforts of professional navigators and helmsmen, rushed to the closest city of Orha at the fastest speed.

About half an hour passed.

The pirate ship suddenly stopped again.

"Boss, it's a restaurant on the sea!"

"Sea restaurant Bharati!"

Several pirates hurriedly walked to Lin Na'an's side to pray.

"Restaurant on the sea?"

"Such a coincidence?"

Lin Naan was a little surprised.

The Maritime Restaurant is a maritime power group with a very strong reputation in the East China Sea. It is also known as a maritime restaurant with the name 'Battle'.

According to rumors.

The chefs of this maritime restaurant each have good skills and are very powerful. Even if you are attacked and killed by a pirate group on weekdays, you can deal with it very easily.

It is also rumored that the owner of the sea restaurant, Redfoot Jeep, used to be a very great pirate, but now he washes his hands in the golden basin and has opened a sea restaurant in the sea.

The sea restaurant does not have a fixed location, and has always been adrift on the sea, sailing through many seas in the East China Sea, passing almost every place in the East China Sea.

Didn't think about it.

Today, by such a coincidence, they came across the sea restaurant Bharati.

This really surprised Lin Naan.

The sea restaurant, not only famous in the East China Sea for its delicious food, but also deterred the East China Sea with its absolutely terrifying combat power, so that some pirate groups who were eyeing the tiger did not dare to act rashly against it.

For some, food at sea restaurants is expensive.

But for some people, the cuisine at the sea restaurant is provided for free!

Compared with ordinary restaurants, this sea restaurant Bharati is undoubtedly more distinctive!


There are also many rumors that the chefs and workers of the sea restaurant, who used to be vicious pirates, only ended up working here after washing their hands in the golden basin like Redfoot Jepp.

Thought a lot.

Lin Naan did not hesitate too much, and walked all the way to Liu Chuan's side with apprehension.

His expression was very respectful: "Sir, we seem to have come across a restaurant on the sea, do you want to choose to log in?" Hearing about the cuisine of the Sea Restaurant, it is very delicious, and it is one of the most outstanding restaurants in the East China Sea. "

Restaurant on the Sea...

Yanagawa's eyes flashed, also a little surprised.

Some impressions indeed!

Not very profound though!

But the most impressive thing about this sea restaurant is that it is well-equipped, and in addition to bringing food to people who have no food in the sea, it also has good medical equipment.

"If I had logged into the Sea Restaurant, it seemed that I would not have to rush to the so-called Olha City."

Yanagawa thought to himself.

The current position is about two minutes away from the city of Orha.

Since it was such a coincidence, I came across the sea restaurant Bharati.

Yanagawa felt that he did not have to go to Orha City, but chose to log directly to the sea restaurant.

His main purpose is to treat these injuries on his body and avoid them becoming inflamed and aggravating them. By the way, fill your empty stomach.

These two needs can be met by the sea restaurant!

Thinking of this, Yanagawa made a decision in his heart.

Take the initiative to abandon the city of Orha and log in to the sea restaurant Bharati in front of you.

Turn your head.

Yanagawa looked at Lin Naan beside him with a smile and patted the latter's shoulder.

"This way, I'm tired of you."

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