As a chef at a restaurant on the sea, Paddy was once a notorious vicious pirate. Until, he met Redfoot Jep.


The identity of the pirate was abandoned by him.

Since then, Paddy has successfully served as a chef in today's sea restaurant, successfully washing his hands in the golden basin, and no longer hovering between life and death every day like pirates.

Becoming a chef in a sea restaurant is a very honorable and comfortable thing for Paedy.

Just every day, Berry entered his pocket like a strong wind. Of course, the vast majority of them went into the red-footed Jep, even if the sea restaurant owner's buckle.

But this kind of life makes Padie very moisturized and comfortable.

Adhering to the principle that poor eggs do not enter the sea restaurant, and if there is Berry, it is the uncle. Today, as always, Patrick came to the door of the Sea Restaurant, ready to receive distinguished visitors.

"Hey, that hairy kid Yamaji, can you raise the bowl a little higher, what if you accidentally bump into a guest and knock it over?"

While standing in front of the gate and waiting for visitors, Patrick shouted at the thin boy with blonde hair, daily supervision.

Yamaji, a young man serving dishes at a restaurant on the sea.

The boy with short blond hair, short hair fell down, covering the left eye, revealing only one eye, with a bit of timidity, restraint and apprehension.

For now.

Yamaji was too young to take on the duties of a chef and could only serve as an ordinary worker serving dishes.

But everyone in the restaurant on the sea understands that Redfoot Jepp cultivates Yamaji as an heir.

Most of the time, although Yamaji is timid and restrained, all the workers at the sea restaurant, including the chef, treat him like a friend and family.

"Got it."

Yamaji nodded repeatedly, lifting the dish in his hand above his head.

Looking at Sanji's more embarrassed appearance, Paidy, who was located in front of the gate, not only shook his head and laughed, but continued to look outside the gate.


The sea restaurant welcomed a visitor who was coming through the gate.

"This gentleman..."

Patrick's eyes lit up and he hurried forward, ready to greet respectfully.

But his words suddenly stopped.

What I saw was a white-clothed boy with relatively tattered clothes, and there were many injuries on his body, and he could clearly see many scars and blood stains all over his body.

No matter what you dress.

Or age and appearance.

Judging from these two aspects, Patrick did not think that the white-clothed boy in front of him was a rich man!


The respectful expression on Patrick's face directly pulled his crotch, and he secretly cursed in his heart: "Damn, after waiting for an afternoon, is it possible to wait for a poor bastard?" And it's also a poor bastard with injuries, which simply pollutes the environment of the restaurant! "

On the bright side.

Padi looked impatient: "Boy, you have injuries on your body." If you sit in the restaurant, it will affect the grooming of our entire restaurant. "

"Moreover, all these blood stains and dust on your body will also stain the tables and tableware in our restaurant, which will bring us a lot of trouble."

A teenager of unknown origin who was covered in wounds.

This made Paddy always feel that it would bring more trouble to their sea restaurant Bharati in the future.

This kind of visitor, he has always adhered to the idea of driving out.

Unlike the philosophy of the sea restaurant, he has always adhered to the concept of "do not disturb the poor", but he does not want to become a believer like Redfoot Jepp, who provides free food for hungry people at sea.


"Is this Berry, enough?"

When a stack of Berry was removed, Patrick's attitude was in a huge contrast.

The boy in white who now sets foot in the sea restaurant is naturally Yanagawa !

Yanagawa was holding a stack of berrys in his hand.


"Feelings, it's a rich man who hides deeply!"

Patrick's eyes lit up, and his posture became particularly respectful again, "Dear guest, please forgive my damn attitude just now, this is just a joke." "

"Excuse me, what would you like to eat?"

"Please come with me, I will bring you the menu, you can choose."

Although Berry carries a lot of seawater, it seems a little wet.

But it's bad!

This is also the real Berry.

Can't fake it!

As a veteran Berry lover, Paddy can tell at first glance that these Berries are by no means fake, but real Berry.

Treating a rich man, Paddy's posture becomes respectful.

The shift before and after is simply breathtaking.

"Serve all the dishes you have here. By the way, I think you should have medical equipment here, and I want to receive treatment from you here. "

"Regardless of the effect of the treatment, I will pay enough Berry."

"If you can, arrange for me to stay here for a few days, and when I can recuperate my injuries, I will naturally leave your sea restaurant."

Yanagawa completely stated the destination of this trip without reservation.

There is no need to keep it!

The Berry he carried on him was enough for him to squander for a long time.

That's hundreds of millions of beries, which can not be spent in a short period of time.

"Don't worry, gentleman, as long as you have enough Berry. We will also prepare a hearty and delicious nutritious meal for you every day, which has a very obvious effect on your injury recovery. "

When it comes to rich people, Paddy is of course responsive, and his eyes are still shining.

"Then let's serve first."

Yanagawa felt the hunger in his abdomen and couldn't help but wave his hand.

The treatment of injuries needs to be gradual.

At present, the most important thing is to fill your stomach before thinking about other things.

"Sir, wait a moment."

"Soon, we will bring you the most hearty and delicious food."

Paddy hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

O rich man!

This is not to be missed.

How much can be slaughtered.

With this concept in mind, Paddy was already on the way to the kitchen thinking, how many times more Berry should be charged for a dish, is it more appropriate?

This is a big fat sheep!

Big fat sheep rich and oily!

If you don't slaughter it, then it's simply sorry for his conscience.

"Boy over there, Sanji, hurry up and help me entertain this distinguished guest. Letting go of what you are doing and entertaining this guest is your most important task. "

Patrick yelled at Sanji's orders.

"Got it."

Yamaji trotted to Yanagawa's side.

Raise your head.

Young Yamaji saw Yanagawa's face.


Yanagawa's eyes flashed, and he looked at the thin and young Yamaji with a smile.

What a coincidence!


I also ran into the old friend of this guy from Green Algae Head!

Of course.

These are all things for the future.

For now, the kid of Sauron, who has never even gone out to the sea, naturally cannot know Yamaji, who is now timid and cowardly.

"Sir, please come with me."

Sanji quickly lowered his head, his eyes a little timid.

Under Yamaji's leadership, Yanagawa soon arrived at the heart of the restaurant, where luxurious tables, table after table, were placed in all directions in order.

Sitting in the seat, Yanagawa waited quietly.

Sanji on the side stood a little restrained.

The young Yamaji, with less courage and many tribulations, made his young mind bear the depression that did not belong to his age.

As a result, it made him seem more timid than ordinary people on weekdays.

The other side.

Patrick rushed all the way to the kitchen.

On the way.


He meets a good brother with whom he once lived and died, as a pirate, and eventually chooses the same path as him, joining the Sea Restaurant and also as a chef, Karne.

"Patrick, what happy thing happened?"

Karne looks like an honest man, and the fierce-looking and tiger-backed Padi have diametrically opposed temperaments.

The only place that is the same.

That is, the weight of both and the strong body.

"Met a fat sheep!"

"A big fat sheep!"

"Although he was only a young teenager, and he was dressed in rags and covered in wounds. But as soon as he made a move, it was as much as 100,000 berry. "

"Our restaurant on the sea, I haven't encountered this kind of fat sheep for a long time. If I don't slaughter it, I'm sorry for my own craftsmanship over the years. "

Patrick made no secret of his inner throbbing.

"Fat sheep?"

"A teenager?"

Karne had a strange expression.

Things are a little weird!

He always felt that something didn't seem right.

The one who shot was a teenager covered in wounds?

Could it be...

Is it an aristocratic disciple who encountered Hainan?

"If it's a nobleman, we won't be slaughtered!"

Karne was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of, even if you are an aristocrat, the dishes in our maritime restaurant are clearly marked with a price. He can't afford to eat, so don't come in, and we're not forcing him to order with a knife. "

Patrick didn't have any scruples at all, but instead seemed excited.

"It's still not appropriate. You take me to see it now. "

"There are only a few nobles that we can't afford to mess with in the East China Sea, at least let me make sure that the young man is not from these nobles."

Karne is cautious and suspicious by nature.

"Okay, I really can't help you, I finally ran into a big fat sheep." As a result, instead of being happy for me, you have caused me a mess. "

Pai Di could only take Karne, and the two returned all the way back to the living room street corner.

Follow the direction.

Patrick pointed to the white-clothed boy in the seat next to Sanji: "It's that boy, can you see clearly?" "

The words fell.

Karne followed the direction that Patrick pointed to, looked at the place where Sanji was standing solemnly, and his gaze turned, and he fixed on the white-clothed boy sitting on the seat next to Sanji.

"It's not like the disciples of those nobles."

Karne frowned, thoughtfully.

"I said, how can there be such a clever thing. Hurry, Carne, come with me to the kitchen and serve this fat sheep well! "

Paddy shouted loudly, appearing particularly impatient.


Karne withdrew his slightly worried gaze.

But even so.

He always felt in his heart...

That immature face, it seems that he has seen it somewhere.

Some familiarity!

But if you think about it, you can't remember it.

Where did you see each other?

A really familiar face.

It can be concluded!

Myself, definitely have seen it.

But where exactly have you seen each other?

This has always been difficult to figure out.

Carne thought to himself, his steps appearing nonchalant.


The moment when the brain flashed.

Carne's footsteps stopped abruptly, stagnating in mid-air, and could no longer fall.


Piercing coldness, piercing into the heart!

It was as if Karne's heart stopped beating and his breath choked.

Cold sweat, raging from the forehead!

The back was also gradually wet with cold sweat, and the cold touch swept the whole body.

Karne's lips trembled, his strong body trembled rarely, trembling uncontrollably, and his face turned pale, seemingly bloodless, as if he had received some kind of terrifying fright from the disciplinary commission.

His legs were limp, he could hardly support them, and his hands hurriedly supported the wall next to him, keeping his trembling body from being paralyzed to the ground.


Heart-piercing fear swept through the whole body.

Visible to the naked eye.

Karne's hands couldn't help but thumble, looking particularly strange.

He remembered.

Finally remembered!

Why always feel just now.

The face of that teenager seems to have been seen somewhere!

Not as if seen, but really seen!

However, it is not the other person who has witnessed it.


From a bounty list, see the immature face of the other party.

The immature face on that reward list is the same as the boy he just saw.

The similarity between the two is as high as nine to nine.

"This, is this possible?!"

"No, such a coincidence, right?!"

"Oh my God!"

Deeply frightened and shocked, the madness poured into Karne's body, making his eyes wide, his face pale, and his body trembling.

An unparalleled sense of fear filled every cell of his body!


Isn't it really that coincidental?

If things were so coincidental.

That their current situation...

Isn't it precarious?!

A slight carelessness.

Will it be a disaster?!

This is the moment.

Karne woke up in panic.

"Our sea restaurant Bharati."

"Today it seems..."

"Ushered in an amazing monster!"

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