
What a coincidence!

Karne never dreamed that such a small probability would let them crash into the restaurant on the sea.

The East China Sea is obviously so big, the address coordinates of their sea restaurant are also floating, and they will wander and sail in most places in the East China Sea, belonging to a restaurant without fixed coordinates, which is called a sea restaurant.

But it was such a floating sea restaurant, but it was extremely coincidental that they collided with the only forbidden existence in the East China Sea!

What a small probability is this?

Karne's lips trembled, his throat was dry, and his head was blank.

What to do?

A monster, an existence that is considered taboo by the entire East China Sea, is located in the center of the restaurant's lobby.

What kind of attitude do they need to take to treat it?

Oh, what is the experience of a monster descending on a restaurant?

This is the moment.

Carne felt it.

Boundless fear, penetrating the heart.

His breathing became a little rapid and messy, his sense of rhythm was completely disrupted, his forehead was covered in cold sweat, his face was pale, and he looked bloodless, which looked particularly strange.

There is a monster outside that can easily destroy their entire sea restaurant.

They, what to do?

Online and more!

It's really urgent!

"That immature face on the bounty list..."

"It's exactly the same as that teenager outside!"

"It can basically be concluded that the identity of that young man is the terrifying existence of that reward list. One, regarded as the only taboo by all the East China Seas! "

The more Karne thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Such a terrifying thing, they were stunned.

It's a coincidence.

Coincidentally, it made Karne want to cry without tears and panic.

"Karne, what's wrong with you?"

Karne's strange condition caused Padi beside him to notice.

Patrick was puzzled.

The restaurant is not hot, but it is somewhat refreshing and pleasant.

But Karne, why is he sweating in this environment?

Is it hot?

And also......

Karne, this guy, shivering all over is hairy?


Is it too exciting?

Sweating with excitement?

And the body trembled violently?

Wouldn't it?

Can you still be so excited?

"Could it be..."

"This guy Karne, a more senior Berry lover than I am? Seeing a fat sheep, only to show this excitement? "

"Good fellow!"

"It's so deep that I didn't even notice it before." You boy, Feelings is also a financial fan like me. It just so happens that you and my two brothers, since you have met a fat sheep that is rich and flowing oil, then I will count you as a share. "

Paddy patted Karne's shoulder with a smile.

Worthy of being my good brother!

Even the slaughter of fat sheep is exciting.

Paddy suddenly felt that Carne and he were simply carved out of a template.


I saw Karnes shivering.

Patrick always felt that Karne's degree of financial obsession was higher than his!

Otherwise, how could it be that when he learned that a fat sheep was being slaughtered by others, he would show this phenomenon that he was even more excited than him, and even his body trembled with excitement?

This is the only reasonable explanation that Patrick can think of.


Karne's pale face looked at Paddy with a look of horror, and was about to speak.

"Good brother, don't say it."

Paddy had an expression I understood, and said seriously, "I can understand your mood." You have this heart, be a brother, of course I can't leave you alone. "

"Don't worry, this fat sheep, I will slaughter with you. The fat meat slaughtered, you and I two brothers five or five, who let us be brothers. "

"I have to say. You kid hides so deeply, I didn't know before, you actually love money more than me. However, this character makes me have to praise. "

"Men like Berry, they like women, they like good food, it's natural, there's nothing to hide. Just like me, I like Berry, what's wrong with that? Don't give me a little bit of my own hobbies? "

"Jepp, this guy, is an outlier. Instead of earning more Berry, he wanted to provide food for free. Although I admire him, I really can't be like him..."

With a 'deep' remark from Paddy.

The expression on Karne's face became more and more panicked, and his pale face was like a blank piece of paper, and he couldn't see even a trace of blood.

Looking at Padi's self-conscious words, Karne's state of mind collapsed.


Paddy, don't get me wrong!

I'm not trembling with excitement ...

I was so scared!

Where the hell did you see that I was excited?

This is clearly a posture that is about to be scared to death!

Karne wailed in his heart, looking at Paddy who was constantly replenishing his brain in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the panic in his heart suddenly dissipated a little, but it still made him feel heavy and his thinking confused.

"Stop, stop!"

Karne understood.

Now even if he says more, he can't contain the brain supplement of this guy in front of him.


He could only come up with another way to make the other party understand how serious the situation they were currently facing!

Fat sheep?

Are you sure that's a fat sheep?


In Karne's eyes.

That's not a fat sheep, but a full-fledged monster!

An existence that is considered taboo by everyone in the entire East China Sea!

This kind of existence is a nightmare!


The other party, but they treat them as fat sheep?

This is the rhythm that is going to bury their entire sea restaurant!

No way!

This must not be allowed to happen.

Karne clenched his fists and thought to himself with a pale face.

"Karne, you don't need to say more, I can understand your feelings."

Patrick laughed and looked happy.

"You, come with me, I'll show you something."

Karne's throat rolled, his tone jerky.

"Do what? The guest is waiting for the food to be served, and you can't bear to delay my time? "

"Karne, I have to correct your state of mind. In front of the waiting guests, we must cherish every minute and not waste. "

"This is what this old guy Jepp taught us."

Patrick looked a little anxious.

A fat sheep at the end of the good end is waiting for them to slaughter, how can they drop the chain at such a critical moment?

To make the fat sheep disappear, Paddy felt that he might regret it for months.

"You, follow me!"

Karne didn't care to explain too much, grabbed Paddy's arm, and dragged the other party from this side of the corridor all the way to the warehouse.

He was impressed.

In the warehouse, the bounty list was saved!

Although it was discarded by him at will, the content on it was extremely heavy, and it was deeply imprinted in Carne's heart at that time.


This bounty list comes in handy.

All in all.

Karne didn't think he could convince Padi in front of him.

In that case, let the other party look at the content displayed on that bounty sheet with wide eyes.

Only in this way is the best rhetoric!

You don't have to dwell too much with Paddy.

Paddy in front of him has fallen into Berry's pit and can't climb out.

Any rhetoric is meaningless.

Only by letting the other party clearly see the bounty list, in Karne's opinion, can it be ensured that the other party will not doubt his many words.

This is the only right thing to do in a hurry.

Karne's current head is still blank.

He could only think of this method to calm down the excited Padi in front of him and face the terrifying disaster lurking in the current sea restaurant!

A slight mistake will lead to a terrible disaster that will lead to the entire sea restaurant!


Karne could not prepare a set of rhetoric to convince Redfoot Jep.

However, if you let the other party see that bounty list.


Even this guy Jepp will definitely accept it.

The current restaurant has ushered in a taboo thing!


Dragging an impatient and puzzled Paddy, Carne walked all the way to the warehouse.

"I said, Karne, you leave a fat sheep alone. Instead, what did you do with me in this broken warehouse? Your behavior makes me more and more unable to see through. "

Patrick's tone was full of impatience.

He could imagine it.

How much Berry had missed in this short time.


The heartache is so bad that I can't breathe!

Under Padi's gaze.

Karne quickly searched again, and finally found the familiar bounty list.

Holding the bounty slip, he glanced at the portrait of the face depicted on it again, took a deep breath, and looked down again, looking at the dazzling amount of the bounty.


Exhaling heavily, the fear in Karne's heart could not be suppressed.


He clutched the bounty slip and handed it to Paddy: "Look carefully!" "


Paddy still couldn't understand.

However, he quickly took the bounty slip handed by Carne, and glanced at it.


"This bounty list, isn't it the fat sheep I just received?"

"The similarity between the two faces is as high as nine out of nine, and it can be basically confirmed that it is him!"

"I can't imagine that a teenager is still a pirate wanted by the Navy? It really opened my eyes. "

"Let me see again what his bounty is. I remember that back then, the bounty was already as high as millions of berries, right? "

"In front of us, this hairy boy has to honor us as seniors. Well, we are sea thieves with a bounty of millions of berries, although only once. "

"I reckon."

"He's a fledgling brat, at most..."

"That's just..."

At this point, it suddenly stopped.


Padi's gaze had moved from the portrait of the face depicted, fixed on the bounty amount directly below.

【Name: Yanagawa (Red Flame Kenhao)】

[Bounty: 300 million berry]

[Identity: A vicious pirate]

【Important facts: None】

【Degree of danger: extremely high】

"What, what?!"

"Eight zeros?!"

"One three, plus eight zeros?!"

Patrick was stunned.

His gaze was particularly dull.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent!


The temperature in the air seemed to plummet, becoming a little gloomy and hairy.

Patrick's throat was dry, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the amount number behind the bounty list.

That series of numbers, extremely dazzling and prominent, pierced his pupils, so that his vision could only accommodate this bounty list in front of him.


What's the situation?!


Rubbing his eyes, Patrick was dumbfounded, staring at the series of numbers behind the bounty amount.

There were many numbers, which made him a little dazzled.

Can't count!

Zero is too much!

Seriously overrun!

It was beyond his comprehension of arithmetic.

"This, how much bounty is this?!"

"Oh my God!"

"Am I right?"

Patrick's hands carrying the bounty slip couldn't help but start trembling.


The piercing coldness pierced his heart!

It made him tremble uncontrollably.


Just now, Karne's performance was the same, and the current Padi also endured waves of fear sweeping in, pounced on him, almost suffocating him with fear.

Cold warehouse.

But Paedy felt it, covered in cold sweat, straight from his forehead and back, goosebumps rose all over his body, and the creepy taste enveloped his body and mind.

Raise your head.

Patrick's eyes were terrified, and he looked longingly at Carne beside him.

He wanted to get the most accurate answer from Karne's mouth.

But, what can be seen...

It was Karne's same fearful eyes, and the trembling body.

That's it.

There is no need for Carne to make too many remarks, let alone deliberately explain!

From Karne's eyes full of fear.

Paddy has got the answer.

This moment.

Patrick finally came to his senses.

Why did Karne's previous mood change be so drastic!

Even the body couldn't help but tremble.

Previously he thought.

Is that a tremor of excitement?

Are you kidding!


That's not excitement!

This is fear!

It's a fright!

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