Restaurant on the sea.


Tables are arranged in all directions, neatly and orderly.

A well-dressed visitor waits in the living room for dinner, chatting and laughing in a gentle manner, and occasionally bursting into laughter, which makes the atmosphere particularly peaceful.

The sea restaurant, famous in the East China Sea, is regarded as a dining place for the upper aristocracy. Although it is undeniably expensive, it is normal for the aristocracy.

The number of visitors is not much, making the living room seem somewhat spacious and empty.

On the contrary, the number of workers is relatively large, basically standing in different corners, waiting for the summons of the guests.

"Sir, didn't I ask your name?"

Yamaji, who had short hair and thin hair, looked at Yanagawa with a somewhat restrained expression.

After talking with Yanagawa for a while, although the tension in Sanji's heart was slightly relieved, he would still be a little restrained, which was a timid defect in his character that could not be changed in a short time.

Perhaps, it is precisely because Yanagawa is not too old that Yamaji seems to have found the kind of mentality that talks to a peer person.


After thinking about it, Yanagawa told with a smile, "My name is Yanagawa. "

"Mr. Yanagawa, you must be an amazing swordsman, right?"

Yamaji tentatively looked at the sharp knife that Yanagawa was carrying around his waist.

He could feel it.

This knife is extraordinary!

Compared with those blades he had seen before, the aura texture was completely different.

"Remarkable? This is not to talk about, it can only be regarded as just getting started. "

Yanagawa sighed with a smile.

If the swordsman of the East China Sea heard Yanagawa's self-deprecation, he was afraid that he would vomit blood.

Overlord of the East China Sea!

The first person in the East China Sea!

This can only be regarded as an introduction?!

How do you let us people live!


What a beast!

But it has to be said.

Strictly judge.

Yanagawa's level of swordsmanship, put in the Great Channel, is not top-notch. Not to mention, if it is placed in the new world, it is even less worth mentioning.

It's just that in the East China Sea, this projectile land, Yanagawa is the most outstanding sword master!

Pirates with bounties of hundreds of millions of berries in the New World abound.

With the level of swordsmanship currently controlled by Yanagawa , it is indeed middle and low class to put it in the new world.

If it is about swordsmanship alone, Yanagawa is not even as good as the ghost spider, and the ghost spider's swordsmanship attainment is above the willow river.

The reason why Yanagawa can fight with the ghost spider is actually mostly because Yanagawa's average combat effectiveness is relatively balanced.

Whether Yanagawa is armed or seen, it is similar to his swordsmanship.

And the ghost spider, the color of weapons and sight is slightly inferior to his own swordsmanship.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness.

Yanagawa is only a few points inferior to the ghost spider.

But if it is only about swordsmanship, the ghost spider must be above Yanagawa.

On the contrary, if you talk about armed color and seeing and smelling color, Yanagawa is stronger than the ghost spider.

This is the main factor why Yanagawa can fight with ghost spiders.


After all, the vice admiral of the Ghost Spider Hall Navy Headquarters is not comparable to Yanagawa's current swordsmanship.

However, if it is a few days later, it is difficult to say.

The growth rate of Yanagawa's strength is simply measured in every minute and second, not in terms of a very long time period such as years and months.

Not often.

After talking to Yamaji.

The dishes of the sea restaurant were presented to the table in front of Yanagawa.

The food delivery staff had cold sweat on their foreheads densely spread, and their legs were soft and walked to Liu Chuan's side, trying their best to control their body trembling so as not to aggravate.

But this is really difficult for them.

That's 300 million monsters!

When they learned that the distinguished visitor they were going to receive was the current overlord of the East China Sea, who was regarded as a taboo existence by countless people in the East China Sea, they panicked even more.

Walking to Yanagawa's side, they trembled and put the dishes in their hands down on the table, their faces pale, and the many words they had been told before appeared in their heads.

"Remember! Remember! "

"That one, one thought, is enough to destroy our entire sea restaurant." No matter what, everyone must not make the other unhappy. Otherwise, our sea restaurant is finished! "

"This is a big monster with a reward of up to 300 million berry!"

"None of you can do anything to anger each other, otherwise, our entire sea restaurant will pay a terrible price for your actions."

"This price is very likely, which is to completely disappear the restaurant in the East China Sea."

This remark frantically appeared in the brains of this group of staff, buzzing.

Dishes are served on the table.

The smell of fragrance wafts in all directions.



The moment the iron pan is lifted on the plate.

Yanagawa experienced it.

Colorful, scent, and smelly!

What a feeling it is.

The sea restaurant is worthy of being a sea restaurant.

Although it is famous in the name of "battle", each of these dishes in the sea restaurant is definitely the best of the best.

With a table of dishes all laid out on the table.

The staff retreated in fear, like grease on the soles of their feet, and ran with their legs, hoping to grow a few more legs to run.

After leaving.

They touched the cold sweat on their foreheads, feeling the cold touch of their backs, and their entire backs were already wet with cold sweat.

"Survived, survived from that monster's side."

"God forbid!"

A group of staff members shivered.

"In other words, this kid Yamaji is actually still talking to that monster?"

"Is this a friendly exchange of peers?"

"But Yamaji, this kid never dreamed that this so-called 'peer' sitting next to him was a top existence that was enough to deter the entire East China Sea!"

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"Three hundred million monsters!"

"Today, this taboo exists in our restaurant on the sea. I ask, should we rejoice? Or should we be terrified? "

Everyone showed nervousness and apprehension.

The name of the man, the shadow of the tree!

The prestige of the Red Flame Sword Hao has already resounded throughout the East China Sea!

Even as employees of a restaurant on the sea, they are no exception to their deep knowledge.

But when they really face this terrifying big monster, they can deeply understand what kind of experience that kind of panic from the heart is!

"Sir, if you please eat, I will not disturb your dining time."

Yamaji bowed respectfully and quickly left Yanagawa's side.

The aroma is sky-high!

Yanagawa looked at the delicious food on the table, and only felt that the hunger in his stomach was worse.

Can't bear it!


Gobble up!

I didn't care about grooming at all.


Yanagawa wiped the oil stain from the corner of his mouth with a napkin, and looked at the luxurious hall with emotion.

It is the most famous restaurant in the East China Sea.

Taste, delicious!

"So in comparison."

"Curator, it's not me who complains about your cooking. However, if your cooking skills are compared to the restaurant on the sea, I used to eat pig food! "

Yanagawa couldn't help but complain in his heart.

For Mao did not go to sea earlier?

He questioned from the bottom of his heart.

If you go to sea earlier, you won't have to bear the extremely ordinary cooking skills of the pavilion owner Koshiro.

Enjoyed this delicious meal.

This made Yanagawa suddenly not really want to return to Frost Moon Village.

This delicacy can only be experienced by leaving Frost Moon Village.


"When I have the opportunity in the future, when I return to Frost Moon Village, I will find a senior cook to arrange for me to go to the Taoist Hall?" This method seems to work! "

Yanagawa's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Rubbed the filled belly.

He knows.

Next, it's time to recuperate from your injuries.

Once your stomach is filled, the next goal is to heal!

Wait until the injury recovers...

Then, rush to the Great Passage!

"With the current injury, it will take two days at the fastest to recover, and three days at the slowest. This time period cannot be wasted. "

"Sword wielding training is on the agenda."

Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly.

The days of being in a restaurant on the sea are no better than when you step on the sea king. When stepping on the sea king, Yanagawa cannot prevent unknown dangers in the sea, and must maintain the best condition to deal with it at all times.


During the period when he was sailing in the East China Sea, he basically did not have sword training, for fear of losing his physical strength and encountering a sudden crisis, so he was unable to do so.

Sailing the sea alone and always in the best condition is the most important point!

If you encounter a sudden crisis, you will not suffer the sad fate of being buried in the sea because of the low state.

"Delayed sword swinging training for a few days."

"From now on, fully resume sword wielding training!"

"In a restaurant on the sea, there should be no danger. Even if there is danger, this group of fighting cooks can face it, and I don't need to make a move. "

With this thought, Yanagawa's mood became much more relaxed.




The entire sea restaurant suddenly trembled violently and shook.

The dining table swayed on the floor, and many dishes on the table slipped to the sides, and began to tip uncontrollably and fall to the ground.

Bang! Bang!

The saucer shattered, and there was a crisp and pleasant sound.

Not only this table in Yanagawa, but also the basically huge living room, all the dishes and dishes of the guest table, all fell in all directions with the violent tremor just now, like sliding on ice.

Not to mention the visitors who were not located in the seats, they fell to the side with a loud scream, their bodies smashed to the ground everywhere, and they bumped into the side posts on both sides.

A burst of panic!

A wail, out of thin air.

"Hair, what happened?!"

A voice full of fear came from the mouths of this group of embarrassed-looking visitors.

With anger and horror in their eyes, they tried to get answers out of the mouths of the staff.

There were many visitors, their foreheads collided with the side pillars, and blood stained their foreheads, making them completely get rid of their gentle appearance before, but instead looked hideous and embarrassed.


"Go see what's going on?"

Several staff members immediately hurried out of the living room door.

And then......

You can see the restaurant on the sea, and many chefs and staff wearing white chef uniforms, carrying all kinds of guns and ammunition, rush from the living room to the deck outside the main door with angry faces.

This is a restaurant on the sea!

The staff, each of them, has the basics of combat!

And obviously.


The sea restaurant Bharati has been attacked very rarely in the East China Sea!

"Just want to have a quiet meal, and everyone is disturbed?"

Yanagawa helplessly pulled out a quick knife from his waist.

A good mood for the day...

From here on, the destruction begins!

Then, solve these troublesome things as quickly as possible!

Let these guys in the sea restaurant take themselves to heal as soon as possible.

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