

Black shells quickly fell from the edge of the sky and smashed on both sides of the sea around the sea restaurant.

As the shells exploded, the terrifying air flow that broke through quickly swept through this sea area.


The sea was shattered by the bombardment, splashing and the mighty waves flew in the sky, waving tens of meters in the air, dripping with seawater, and the sunlight appeared crystal clear.

It is visible from the sea thousands of meters away.

Two pirate ships, approaching the sea restaurant.

And from the deck of the two pirate ships, you can see one gun battery after another, the muzzle is aimed at the sea restaurant, and after filling with black shells, they are directly ignited and launched, without dragging mud and water.

The shells fell from a height thousands of meters apart.

It can't hit accurately, and it can only burst from the sea around the sea restaurant.

But even so, the terrifying shock wave generated by the explosion of the shell was enough to envelop the sea restaurant, causing it to cause violent turbulence and shaking on the sea.

Visible to the naked eye.

Wave after wave of the sea, madly sweeping all strips.

The sea raised huge waves, the waves rolled, and the waves rushed in the same direction.

The sea restaurant, which is located floating on the sea, vibrates violently with the current, and when it shakes wildly, it bumps left and right, and it seems that it is very likely to be directly overturned.

"Brothers, capture the sea restaurant Bharati!"

"Chief Klick has ordered us to converge all the forces and groups in the entire East China Sea, and prepare to unify and assemble all to attack the Great Passage."

"Sea restaurant, this is a force we must capture."

"Brothers, light the artillery fire and keep firing!"

A group of pirates carried the long guns and ammunition in their hands, and their faces were full of excitement.


The employees of the sea restaurant, carrying guns and ammunition, ran out of the deck fence outside the door, staring angrily at the two very conspicuous pirate ships thousands of meters away.

"Damn it!"

"Dare to attack our restaurant on the sea?"

"These pirates, they are really impatient!"

A group of employees clenched their weapons and were furious.

The sea restaurant is in the East China Sea, and it rarely encounters the active attack of the pirate group.

Didn't expect that.

Today, a rare example has come across.

"It seems that I came prepared!"

As the combat captains, Pai Di and Karne naturally rushed to the first front long ago, staring solemnly and seriously at the two pirate ships in the sea area thousands of meters away.

Not a sudden attack.

The other party, apparently prepared!

"The comer is not good!"

Karne raised his eyebrows and drank coldly, "If you launch the fort and dare to attack our sea restaurant, then you must be prepared to be sunk by us." "

Not often.

One by one, the high-quality gun emplacements were pushed out and neatly arranged on the deck.

At the order of Padi.


The muzzle is adjusted, raised, the angle is changed.

Cannon muzzle, aim at those two pirate ships!

The reason why the Sea Restaurant was given the name of 'Battle' Restaurant is not for nothing. Every staff member here has good combat effectiveness.

Naturally, it is not general, and the professionals who can precisely control the battery.



Paddy waved his hand.



Black shells, one after another, were fired from the muzzle, showing a parabola aimed at the sea thousands of meters away, and quickly fell from the sky.


As the shells exploded, the resulting terrifying air flow swept through the sea. The sea was also set off a huge turmoil, and wave after wave of sea currents flowed.

The two pirate ships located in this area were inevitably swept by the air flow exploded by the shells, and the two pirate ships swayed from side to side on the sea.

"Helmsman, get close to Lao Tzu!"

"Use melee combat to capture the entire sea restaurant!"

The two pirate ships share the same goal, and their rapid voyage is constantly approaching the distance of the sea restaurant.

Aware of this.

Padi and Karne slowly took out the sharp big knife, and drank coldly with a look on their faces: "These damn little cubs dare to provoke our sea restaurant." Today, let them see for a long time. "

"Brothers, prepare to fight!"


The atmosphere is fully detonated!

A group of cooks and staff members took out different styles of weapons.

There are maces.

There are wooden sticks and hammers!

There are large knives, guns and so on.

All of them transformed into combatants.


It's getting closer!

They can even see.

On those two pirate ships, a group of pirates shouted and shouted.

"Sea, pirates?"

Sanji hid in the corner of the deck, his eyes timidity and trepidation.

"Sanji, why did you kid run out too?"

Patrick frowned and looked at Sanji beside him.

"With pirates attacking our sea restaurant, how can I stay out of it?"

Red-footed Jeep also came.

"Boss, are you still impressed?"

Paddy couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Nonsense, it's not a problem to fight for another thirty years."

Jepp came with a spatula.

Raise your head.

He could see that the two pirate ships were constantly approaching.

It's grim!

The aura of slaughter arose and swirled in all directions.

"I haven't made a move for a long time, do you forget my name of Redfoot Jeep?"

Jepp twisted his arm and looked indifferently at the two approaching pirate ships.

Turn your head.

Jepp looked at Yamaji, who was shivering in the corner: "Sanji, as a man, you have to straighten your waist and face any dilemma." "

"Your timid and cowardly appearance really damages the prestige of our maritime restaurant." Stand up, don't hide in corners, and deal with this head-on! "

Looking at Jepp, he hated iron but not steel.

Paddy, Carne, and the rest of the staff laughed.

"Sanji, take a good look at how we deal with these pirates. Actually, pirates are not as scary as you think! "

"At least."

"If you meet us today, then we have to bury them all in this sea!"

Patrick is full of spirit and confidence.

"You two, go and appease the guests in the restaurant. We can solve these troublesome things quickly, and it will not affect their dining. "

"Not to mention, let them be threatened by these pirates. Our Maritime Restaurant can still guarantee this. Can't let this group of pirates damage the reputation of our sea restaurant! "

"Just reassure them."

"Everything, leave it to us!"

"As long as you eat in a sea restaurant, you will never receive any impression and harm from pirates. This is the guarantee that our sea restaurant can make for every guest! "

Jepp then instructed several staff members beside him.

"Yes, boss."

Several staff members left.

This thing.

Jeppu wanted to say something and opened his mouth, but he was still speechless.

Mention the many visitors in the restaurant.

What moved him even more was the one after all...

Taboo in the East Sea!

What a thing!

Jepp stared angrily at the two pirate ships.

It's easy to find it, but I found an untimely time period!

Don't you know.

Are they now in a restaurant on the sea, lingering with a terrifying monster?

Disturbed this monster and caused this person's anger, you can also afford it?!

"Boss, speaking of which, I am not afraid of affecting the panic of these visitors. Mainly, don't provoke that monster. "

Paddy said with a nervous look.

Mention that...

The fighting spirit on the faces of the many combat cooks present who were originally full of spirits instantly cooled down. With a gentle sea breeze, they only felt their sweaty hairs standing on end, and goosebumps were rising.

"Hopefully, no."

Jepp didn't have a bottom in his heart.

Everyone here knew it.

Dangerous, not these pirate groups!


At this moment, the one who is dining in the restaurant!

is the most terrifying danger.


It was not a danger, but a terrible disaster!

With so many people present, only Yamaji was in a state of ignorance, looking at everyone with a confused face, and his head was blank.

Who the hell are they talking about?

Sanji's little head couldn't react a little.

"Ready to fight!"

Putting aside the many thoughts in his mind, Jepp stared at the two pirate ships approaching in front of him.

Don't care about the identity of the other party!

All in all.

But anyone who tries to attack a restaurant on the sea will all die in the sea to set an example!

"Brothers, follow Lao Tzu to kill Shanghai restaurant!"

The throbbing cry and roar of the pirates were already hovering in the ears of Jepp and the others.

Be apart.

Less than twenty meters!


Padi, Karne, and the others clenched the large knife in their hands, their eyes serious and solemn.


Jepp was holding a spatula at the front of the splint fence, looking expressionlessly at the group of excited pirates in front of him, without any apprehension or timidity.


Pirates swarmed, threw down their huge nets, and hung up on the edge of the deck fence of the sea restaurant.

A group of pirates tried to climb through these nets to the sea restaurant.

Fight, at the touch of a button!


Everyone, in a state of readiness!

A fight is already inevitable!

Jepp was carrying a spatula and was about to take a step...




A faint breath, very abrupt, came from the door of the living room.

The breath was in a semicircular arc, and after coming out of the gate, it quickly and violently affected the two pirate ships in front of it at an extremely terrifying speed, completely covering all the pirates!

Next second.

This faint breath is like a thin stream...


Bang bang!


Like a majestic ocean current, it is more like a stormy wave, wave after wave of terror, like a wave straight into the sky.



The terrifying momentum was instantly vented and released.

Two pirate ships climbed on the net, and there were more than three hundred on deck.

All of them are without exception.

At the same time, he was enveloped by this terrifying and majestic momentum.


The scene that frightened Jepp and other sea restaurant preparers happened in front of their eyes.


These pirates, originally scrappy, excited and excited, are climbing along the net to the sea restaurant.

But at this strange moment.



The group of pirates suddenly rolled their eyes, foaming at the mouth and losing consciousness, the blades in their hands fell under the sea, together with their bodies, they lost their strength and fell into the sea completely.



The falling weapon and the body of the pirate smashed down the sea, setting off a faint splash of seawater, and a dull sound that made people feel fearful.

On deck.

The pirates, who were originally shouting to cheer, also suffered the same impact.

One pirate after another, the weapons in their hands were unable to grasp and fell wantonly, and at the same time their bodies fell to the next deck, completely unconscious on the deck.

In the blink of an eye.

You can only see it.

Densely packed, scattered everywhere fallen unconscious pirates.

Without exception!

Pour, pour a piece!

All pirates inevitably suffered the same fate.

Hundreds of pirates.

In an instant...


All of them were lying strangely on the deck, and some fell directly into the sea.

The weapons in their hands were scattered in various areas.

With the naked eye.

I can only see this weird horror scene that makes people's hearts straight!

One by one, the pirates lay on the deck, motionless, like a corpse with a disorderly arrangement, making people sweat all over their bodies.



All emotions instantly poured into the hearts of Jepp and other staff of the sea restaurant, making them widen their eyes and stare at the scene in front of them with shocked expressions.

What they saw in front of them subverted their perception.

The posture and movements they had prepared for battle stopped abruptly, and their bodies were stiff and unable to move.

It's a hot day.

But let them feel a piercing coldness penetrate their bodies. They were covered in goosebumps, and the biting chill was creepy.

This, what the hell is going on?!


All of them, their heads and minds fell into a blank.

If you want to break your head, you can't think of a reason!

It's so weird!

Seriously overrun!

It's beyond what they can comprehend!

"Just, just now..."

"What the hell happened?!"

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