
The atmosphere is eerie!

A pair of eyes full of horror and horror froze on the two pirate ships directly in front.

Visible to the naked eye.

Two pirate ships, floating quietly on the sea, motionless.

From the decks of the two pirate ships, the nets previously thrown by the pirates are still on the edge of the outer surface of the sea restaurant, becoming a bridge for the pirates to try to register the sea restaurant.

But right now.

On this so-called bridge, one by one the pirates fainted and unconscious, and the blades of the weapons in their hands slipped directly into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

Some unlucky pirates, their bodies fell directly from here into the sea.

Look again at the deck of the pirate ship.

A famous pirate was lying strangely on the deck, motionless, really like a corpse, completely losing the basic ability to move.

It's so weird!

This scene constantly impacted Jepp's cognitive view.

For the first time in their lives, they have seen such a terrifying thing!



They racked their brains and couldn't figure it out.

Just now, what happened?!

That's what they want to know.


In an instant, all of these pirates fell strangely?

It can be called that the whole army is destroyed!

That's outrageous!

Hundreds of pirates, falling silently, completely made it impossible for them to judge. What happened to this group of pirates just now prompted hundreds of pirates to fall at the same time.

A group of combatants at a restaurant on the sea.

Under Jeep's leadership.

A group of people were so stunned, standing on the deck fence, the weapons in their hands had no chance to be used.

They thought it was a vicious battle!

But in the end, with the strange fall of these pirates, this so-called 'vicious war' ushered in a very strange end.

The reason why it ended, none of them could think of it.

Things, confusing!

The fall of these pirates is even more weird.

"Set, collective poisoning?!"

Some people opened their brains and blurted out subconsciously.

"Brain deficiency? Even if it is a group poisoning, it is always impossible to all fall at the same time. Rather, one after another, one after another, it is impossible for everyone to fall at the same time. "

"Everyone's physique is different, and the range they can withstand is also very different!"

Someone hurriedly refuted.

"So, just now, what is the reason?"

A weak voice sounded from the crowd.

And then.

There is no sound here.

No one can answer!

This is also the answer they desperately want to get.

"This, it's terrible!"

"Hundreds of pirates, say that they will fall immediately if they fall."

"The strange phenomenon is happening right in front of us. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed this subversive thing. "

"Are they dead?"

The crowd was terrified.

The unknown is the most frightening!


What they encountered in front of them was a completely mysterious unknown phenomenon. In an instant, the terrifying picture of all the pirates falling impacted their worldview.

With their experience and insight, it is impossible to judge.

What the hell did these pirates fall?

A battle...

That's it!

The end made Jepp and them all in a fog and deeply frightened.

Compared with.

They are more affectionate and fight with this group of pirates, and they don't want to see this strange phenomenon happen in front of them.

This makes them stand on end and creepy.


Jepp swallowed his spit, took a deep breath, and only then came back to his senses, and it took a lot of effort to take his eyes off the bodies of these fallen pirates.

Even he couldn't think of the reason why this scene happened in front of him.

It's terrifying!


The brothers Paddy and Karne looked at Jepp, trying to get the answer they wanted from Jepp.

Even Sanji, who was shivering in the corner, was wide-eyed at this moment, looking at the group of fallen pirates with a terrified face, and his thin body couldn't help but snort.


It's horrible!

These hateful pirates actually fell all of them so strangely.

This really made Yamaji unexpected.

He never predicted that this battle would end in this form!

"What happened?!"

The events in front of him hit young Yamaji's head.

It also overturned his perception of cognition!

"Don't ask me, I don't know."

Jepp blurted out subconsciously.

How could he explain it to these people!

The key, he himself does not know ah!

This phenomenon was also the first time he had witnessed this phenomenon.

"For a moment..."

"In an instant, everyone fell."

"What kind of means is this?!"

"Boss, is someone helping us?"

There are many opinions.

Many remarks lingered in Jep's ears.

This suddenly reminded him.

A monster he ignored!

One, the one who is staying in the dining room of the sea!

"Isn't it..."

Jepp seemed to feel something, and looked back in the direction of the living room door in the back, with a look of horror.

No way?


Is it really that monster shot?!

That's not right!

If it is really the other party's move, how can you do it silently and let this group of pirates be wiped out?!

Can't figure it out!

Jepp wanted to break his head, and with his insight, it was not enough to make him come up with a reasonable explanation for this matter.

A group of people were terrified and shivering.

Facing mysterious and unfathomable unknown events is obviously much more terrifying than facing these pirates.

"Boss, is that the one who made the move?"

Paddy couldn't help but swallow his spit and tentatively asked.

"Maybe, maybe, I can't judge either."

Jepp shook his head.


A group of people were full of horror and shock.


Did that adult make a move?!

If it was really that adult, what a terrifying method!


Just wipe out these hundreds of pirates!

"Me, my God!"

"Is all this man-made?!"

"But I obviously didn't see anything, these pirates all fell in an instant. Their bodies did not suffer any external damage at all. "

"Even if it was that one who made a move, it couldn't have caused such a strange movement, right?"

This is also where everyone present is puzzled.

Obviously didn't see anything.

I can only see clearly that this group of pirates fell one after another.

If it was the one who made the move, then what kind of terrible means was this?!

It can make people silent and lose consciousness.

Such means, in their opinion, only feel like a dream!

"Don't use your gaze to measure a monster, a terrifying existence that is considered taboo by everyone in the entire East China Sea!"

Jepp emphatically corrected the mentality of everyone present.

Although, he himself does not have an accurate idea.

But if that one exists!

Perhaps, such a shocking act can really be achieved!

Beyond comprehension!

But if it is that level of existence, it is also in line with common sense to have such unpredictable means.


Where does the name of the taboo in the East China Sea come from?!

"Go check it out."

Jepp took a deep breath and looked at the group of pirates in front of him, his face was cold, "Those who are not dead, all of them are thrown into the sea to feed the fish." It just so happens that these fish also lack some nutrients to cultivate their own high quality. "

"As for these two pirate ships..."

"It's all burned!"

If you dare to attack a restaurant on the sea, you must be prepared to be buried by them at sea.

Although, this time they didn't make a move at all, and the group of pirates was strangely wiped out. But they will never be merciful to the enemy who attacks their restaurant on the sea.

Jepp, is a very qualified pirate!


This kind of thing, never needed!

"Yes, boss!"

Pai Di and Karne led a group of people to quickly log on to the two pirate ships.

Checked it again.

Ultimately, conclusions are drawn.

"Bosses, there are no injuries on their bodies. It's just that they didn't die either, they just fainted temporarily. "

"Obviously, just now it was a very strange force that penetrated their bodies directly in a way that we could not see. Or, a serious collision in their consciousness will directly crush their consciousness! "

"That's what made them foam at the mouth and faint on the spot."

The two returned to Jepp and told some of their inner speculations truthfully.

"There are no injuries on the body..."

"Consciousness has been impacted!"

Jepp fell into deep thought.

He had thought of an extremely terrifying possibility!

"Boss, you already have an eyebrow?"

The two asked with some urgency.


"It's scary, but if it happened to that person, it all made sense."

"After thinking about it, I am afraid that there is only one explanation that can explain such strange things that are happening now."

Jepp took a deep breath and forced the vibration in his heart.

He looked at the two pirate ships in front of him.


A pirate who passed out was thrown into the sea by all the staff of the sea restaurant, without the slightest drag.

None of the people who can work in a restaurant on the sea are good!

They could not be soft on any enemy who attacked their sea restaurant, and very simply threw these fainting pirates into the sea.



You can see that a famous pirate was thrown into the sea and soon sank into the sea, believing that it would not be long before it was swallowed by the sea kings under the sea.

Even if you are lucky and are not swallowed by the sea kings, you will suffocate and die because you have lost your breath.

It can be said.

All the pirates of these two pirate ships were completely destroyed in the true sense.

In this battle, the sea restaurant is a complete victory!

Moreover, it still does not cost a single soldier and no one to win without any injuries!

Of course.

Everyone present knew in their hearts that the victory in this battle was not due to their own reasons. And purely just, most likely, a monster secretly helped them solve these troubles.


Two pirate ships, which were directly set on fire.

A raging fire burns on the surface of the sea, and the hot breath makes the temperature of this area skyrocket. A dazzling fiery red halo shone in the eyes of everyone in the sea restaurant such as Jepp.

"Boss, what guess did you come up with?"

Paddy and Karne both asked with anxious expressions, "What kind of means is this?" Could it really be that adult? "

A pair of eyes full of horror were fixed on Jepp's body.

They would also like to know the final answer.

Such a weird and terrifying method...

Is it really from that taboo?!

Even if they understood that taboo was indeed a very terrifying powerhouse. But what is happening in front of them is subverting their concept of understanding.

They still can't imagine.

What kind of means can achieve silent and silent second killing?

"If my expectations are correct, the root cause of the strange total destruction of this group of pirates is that the forbidden being of our sea restaurant has made a move."

While Zhepu was in a frenzied mood, his eyes looked at Wang Yang in the distance, his eyes were floating, and he seemed a little confused, and he lost his mind for a while.

"This sea is boundless."

"The East China Sea, where we are located, is actually just a projectile land, a weak and nameless place. In the Great Passage, there are countless terrifying beings as powerful as monsters! "

"Among them."

"According to rumors, among the millions of people on the sea, a terrifying genius with the potential of a king will be born. A terrifying genius who stands out from a million people! "

"This kind of genius, innate, has a terrifying talent potential that ordinary people can never touch..."

"When this rare and rare natural ability awakens, it is enough to inflict a very terrifying mental deterrent on the enemy. Let the enemy, who is weak-willed, instantly lose consciousness and fall to the ground and faint. "

"For this terrifying method, people call it ..."

"Overlord color domineering!"

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