
The sea is about 3,000 meters away from the sea restaurant.

A pirate ship flying a skeleton flag floats on the sea. As the sea breeze swept the currents, the entire ship wavered faintly on the surface.

Located on deck.

About thirty pirates were looking in the direction of the sea restaurant.

"How's it going?"

"Have you captured that sea restaurant?"

Everyone's eyes were full of expectation and longing, and they couldn't help but move, and finally fixed on the middle-aged man holding the telescope.

Observe the hands holding the binoculars, trembling slightly.

If you are close, you can see clearly.

His face turned extremely pale!



His legs were already limp, and he was almost paralyzed to the ground.

"Hey, let's say something!"

"Did it succeed? It won't fail, right? Isn't the chief going to peel our skins? "

Recalling the cruel character of the leader, everyone present immediately shuddered.

They quickly grabbed the arm of the observer hand and shouted loudly with an impatient face.


The glasses in his hand slipped from his hand and fell on the deck, and a pleasant and crisp sound was heard, which quickly spread and wandered in all directions.

"You guy..."

The rest of the personnel frowned.

Not quite right!

They felt it.

This observation hand's emotions are very wrong!

What the hell is going on?!

"Say it quickly!"

Full of stern rebuke, it disturbed this observer who seemed to have lost his soul, making him feel as if he had woken up from a dream, his face was full of horror and shock, his lips trembled, and his body couldn't help but snort.

Seeing the watcher's hand look so terrified.

Everyone could feel that the situation seemed to be very different from what they had imagined.

At least.

It's not as smooth as they thought!

But they have obviously sent two pirate ships, which is not enough to deal with a sea restaurant?

They are a subordinate branch of the Klick Pirates!

In the entire East China Sea, there are still people who can stop their Klick Pirates?!

They couldn't even complete the task of capturing a group of pirates, which made them dare not imagine what miserable consequences they would have to suffer if they passed it back.

The Klick Pirates, Captain Klick, is also known as Governor Klick, Governor of the East Sea.

For now.

The manpower of the Klick Pirate Group attacked up to about 3,000 people.

There are a total of twenty-three ships under his command, which belong to the ruling subordinates of the Klick Pirates.

In terms of scale, why did their Klick Pirate Group ever fear other pirate groups?

Never before!

And now.

As the captain of the Klick Pirates, Klick is preparing to integrate the forces of the East China Sea and prepare to attack the Great Passage.

In this case.

What they need is victory after victory, not defeat!

They want to integrate the forces of the East China Sea and construct a huge and incomparable power group, which is their capital to attack the great shipping route!


If the news of their failure were to come back today, they would simply not dare to imagine. With the ruthless character of Chief Klick, what a miserable end they need to endure.

"Don't tell us."

"Two pirate ships are dispatched, and they can't even take down a restaurant?!"

A group of pirates stared at the hand.

They have a bad premonition!

If successful, it is clear that the observer hand will not show such a look of fear.

"Me, we lost."

Observing the trembling of his hands' lips, his face was full of fear and told the truth, "The two ships were directly sunk. Including everyone on board, was thrown into the sea. "

The words fell.

All the pirates present were shocked.

Actually, really defeated!

"This can't be!"

"We dispatched three hundred men and horses, drove two pirate ships, and prepared twelve artillery batteries. Can't this take the sea restaurant Bharati? "

"Are you kidding Lao Tzu?"

Some pirates reprimanded in anger and trepidation.

They could not accept this result.

Some pirates calmed down and asked: "They, how did they lose?" "

Since it had happened, they were powerless to change its outcome.

Now one can only pray.

They don't want to lose too badly!

In this way, they at least have the courage to tell the Crick leader the truth.

"I, I don't know."

Observe the hand pale and constantly shake his head.

"You don't know either?!"

"Aren't you holding a telescope and constantly observing the situation on the battlefield?" Now you tell us instead, don't you know how to lose the battle? "

"In this way, how do you let us explain to Chief Klick!"

The rest of the pirates were furious.

If you lose, forget it.


They don't even know how they lost ?!

How can this be acceptable to them.

"I, I can only see."

"Originally, our side had a great advantage, but suddenly, it was at a critical moment to capture the sea restaurant. Our people do not know what forces are affected and disturbed. "

"For a moment..."

"They, all fell!"

"Everyone, without exception, suddenly fainted strangely, and the weapons in their hands also fell one after another, completely losing consciousness and combat effectiveness."

The observer's lips trembled and he slowly spoke the matter.

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

Of course, he couldn't imagine that weird picture!

"That is to say..."

"In an instant, they were all seconds?!"

A pair of strange eyes stared at the observation hand, revealing a 'are you teasing me' expression.

Three hundred people!

Was it a split second?


They didn't even know how they were disturbed by the seconds and what kind of force they had?!

"I know it's hard for you to believe it, and I can't imagine it, but that's what it is. In an instant, they were disturbed by some terrible force and completely destroyed on the spot. "

Observe the unconcealable outpouring of fear in the heart of the hand.

I saw that scene at the time.

His mentality is extremely broken!

He didn't even know who or by what means.

The only thing that can be seen is this group of companions who have been killed in seconds!

Those people in the sea restaurant opposite clearly did not make a move. On the contrary, the people on their side were somehow wiped out.

Such shocking things really subverted his worldview.

The moment he saw it, his sweaty hair stood upright.

The atmosphere is eerie!


"Go and explain it to Chief Klick yourself."

Everyone pondered for a long time, and finally spit out this word.

"Wait, wait!"

"I thought of an important key!"

"I clearly saw that the personnel of the sea restaurant at that time also looked very shocked. They seemed to be witnessing this kind of thing for the first time, completely unaware. "

"And finally..."

"In that sea restaurant, a teenager walked out!"

"A teenager whose looks make me feel very familiar..."

The watcher explained with trepidation.

Right at this moment.

A huge pirate ship gradually sailed from afar.

The first impression is...


It's a big deal!

Compared with the warships of the Navy, it is far beyond the size of ordinary pirate ships!


This pirate ship is docked in this area.

"Chief, here!"

The terrifying thoughts directly penetrated the brains of everyone present, making them feel fear from the bottom of their hearts and deep fears.


They couldn't help but start pitying the guys at the Sea Restaurant.

Sea Restaurant, today is completely over!

The boss personally dispatched!

No matter how powerful the Sea Restaurant is, it will never be able to stop the leader's invasion!

A moment later.

A middle-aged man who stepped down from a huge pirate ship.

All the way, came to the front of this observer.

The middle-aged upper body is wearing a golden battle armor, looking powerful, Kong Wu is powerful, and the tiger has a bear's waist. His figure is very strong, like a bear, exuding an extremely majestic sense of oppression.

Governor Klick!

Captain Klick Pirates is here!

"I heard..."

"You guys, caused me to bury two ships?"

Klick lowered his head and looked down at the group of men in front of him.

Oppression, sweeping through the atria of all people.

Standing next to Klick was a young man, looking bad, very tall and thin, and seemingly invisible.

His name is Akin.

Klick's cronies and the combat captain of Klick's Pirate Regiment are quite strong.

"Chief Klick, we can explain."

The observer hand hurriedly spoke.

"Explain? What am I going to explain to do? "

"I'm already here, which means that the sea restaurant will change hands completely today." Even the owner of their sea restaurant, the red-footed Jeep, couldn't stop my ambitions! "

Klick's tone was full of confidence.


He suddenly changed his tone: "However, our Klick Pirate Group does not need the weak or the defeated. Your existence has tarnished the prestige of the Klick Pirates. You say, what should I do with you? "


Panic spreads!

"Wait a minute!"

Watch the pupils of the hand shrink.

"What other last words do you have?"

Klick was expressionless.

"Chief Creek, I, we may..."

"I've met an amazing being!"

Watch the hands and lips tremble.

He finally remembered.

The teenager...

Why does the boy who appeared in the sea restaurant feel familiar!

Everything, figured it out!

He also finally understood.

The reason for their defeat this time!

Although, all this is too scary.

But forced by the death threat brought by Klick, he hurriedly walked into the warehouse of the pirate ship.


He hurriedly took out a bounty list, and handed this bounty slip to Klick with trembling hands: "Chief Klick, this is this bounty list!" "

"He, most likely, is located in the Sea Restaurant. Moreover, the culprit who prompted our failure to act is most likely this teenager..."

With that, he handed the bounty slip in his hand to Klick.

"Ran into an amazing being?"

A sneer squeezed out of the corner of Klick's mouth, and he took the bounty slip into his hand, "Are you going to tell me that in the East China Sea, there are still big people that I Klick can't provoke?" "

"It's just laughing..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Klick's words came to an abrupt end very strangely.


I am most afraid that the air will suddenly be quiet.

Even Akin, who was next to Klick, felt that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Klick's smile froze on his face.

The content of this reward list in his hand was extremely clear in his eyes.

First look.

First, I saw a young and young face.

And then.

It's that dizzying bounty list!

This is not the first time Klick has witnessed this bounty list.

Eight zeros!

Add a third in front!

300 million!

The bounty is a full 300 million berry!

These days.

He was basically very proficient in memorizing the contents of this bounty list.


Too familiar!

The familiar immature face seems harmless to humans and animals.

Familiar with that amazing and terrifying bounty amount!

All this made Klick's scalp numb, and his face was dull and stiff.

This one on the bounty list...

Rao was as arrogant as Klick, and he had to carefully instruct his subordinates at that time not to provoke this terrifying taboo in the East China Sea!

In the East China Sea!

If there is anyone else, it is he Klick who can't afford to mess with.

That's for sure.

It's this one on this bounty list in hand!

Klick, who has a haughty and arrogant personality, advises his subordinates all the time. In the East China Sea, if you encounter this person, you must take a detour and must not be provoked.

Didn't think about it.


Actually, ran into the Buddha-figure?!

Groove Groove Groove!

What a groove Klick's mood is!

There are simply no words to describe it.


"Are you going to want to tell me, Balati Restaurant on the Sea, that this one has appeared?!"

Klick looked at the subordinate crew in front of him with a horrified expression.

He held the hand of the bounty sheet tightly, revealing the horror and horror in his heart.

This kind of existence would actually appear in a restaurant on the sea?!

"Chief Creek, this is what I have seen with my own eyes, and I vouch for it with my head. What I saw at the time was definitely this one on the bounty list! "

Watch your hands tremble.

Of course he knew.

What a terrifying existence he saw in the East China Sea!

How big are their Klick pirates?

More than 3,000 people!

Two dozen pirate ships!

What a large group?

But even if so many people add up...

But the bounty is not even comparable to a fraction of the other party!

The level of the two sides, completely different!


Klick swallowed, his face suddenly became panicked, and he looked in the direction of the sea restaurant, with a deep fear in his eyes.

Although I have never dealt with each other.

However, Klick is not a man without a head.

At least he can judge.

This one on the bounty list is definitely not a taboo that they can provoke!

They are completely different from each other, the height of the station at all!

In front of each other.

They are weak, like ants!

"Chi, Red Flame Sword Hao..."

"This 300 million monster is actually hiding in the sea restaurant?!"

Klick's lips trembled, and his mood trembled.

No need to talk too much.

I can't care about these people under the judgment to establish power.

Even if Klick couldn't tell if his subordinates' words were true.

But he didn't dare to bet!

He did not dare to take his life to gamble whether his subordinates were lying.

Life, only once!

He cherishes it extraordinarily!

If you really bet wrong, let them run into that monster.

What will be the result?


This is the moment.

There was only one thought left in Klick's head.

That is...


"Helmsman, give Lao Tzu a quick drive of the ship out of this sea!"

As if he was frightened to pee, Klick drank loudly with a look of trepidation.

If you don't run, you really can't run!

If you really run into the person on the bounty list...

Klick couldn't imagine whether their Klick Pirate Group would be destroyed in an instant today!

In the East China Sea, Klick had never been so afraid of a person.

This is the only example!

A 300 million monster!

Not only is Klick's object of fear, but it is also the source of fear for the countless pirate groups in the entire East China Sea!

The absolute taboo of the East China Sea, this is no joke!

Red Flame Sword Hao!

These four words are the taboo of the entire East China Sea!

It is also the object that Klick fears the most in the entire East China Sea!

"Haven't eaten enough?!"

"Helmsman, why don't you give Lao Tzu full speed!"


Klick's group arrived in a hurry, and even the speed of the boat when running was even more amazing.

A group of pirates who followed Klick and were preparing to show their might, and the mood of just preparing to attack had not cooled down.

But eventually.

They can only follow Klick in ashes, driving huge pirate ships to escape the surrounding waters.

From Klick's panicked expression.

They saw it.



"Like, scared to pee?!"

When you know.

The sea restaurant Bharati they were about to attack was hiding the Red Flame Sword Master on the reward list, an out-and-out 300 million monster.

They finally understood.

For the Mao chief will be frightened fart urine flow.

In the face of this kind of monster, who can withstand it!

They also frightened their legs to go limp.

In the blink of an eye.

The sea, empty.

In this area of the sea, not even the shadow of a ship can be seen.

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