Restaurant on the sea.

As a restaurant with 'fighting' capabilities, the Sea Restaurant is fully equipped inside. In addition to weapons depots, food depots and many other places.

At the Sea Restaurant, a special medical room has also been set up.

On weekdays.

When the sea restaurant encounters a group of pirates, and a battle breaks out, the medical room is used to treat the restaurant staff, so as not to be injured and continue to aggravate the injuries on the sea.

Sea restaurants rarely dock on the island, and even if supplies are purchased, small sailing ships are sent to land on the island to purchase, rather than the entire sea restaurant docking on the island coast.

Basically, a restaurant on the sea floats in the sea all the time without actively approaching an island.


The establishment of a medical room is particularly important.

It is always impossible, if you are injured in a battle with the pirate group, you will have to rush to a nearby island for treatment, so you will waste a lot of time.

Instead, a medical room should be set up to provide daily treatment for injuries to employees. At the same time, it can also avoid some sailboat visitors from having a sudden situation and being at a loss.

And at this time.

Yanagawa was taken to the medical room.

There are not many medical equipment, but there are all kinds of healing medicines.

"Mr. Yanagawa, this is the medical room of our sea restaurant. Although there are not many medical equipment, everything you need is available here, and you can use them. "

Patrick was the one who took Yanagawa to the infirmary.

This way.

He was terrified, and his back was already wet with cold sweat.

Although for the time being, it can be assured, the person in front of you will not pose any threat to the sea restaurant.

But standing next to this kind of monster will still make Padi feel a lot of psychological pressure.

It's one thing to know that there is no danger, but the stress doesn't diminish the slightest.

Face a monster of 300 million!

The taboo of the entire East China Sea!

This does not allow the slightest slack and laxity in Patrick.


Yanagawa thanked with a smile on his face.

"This is what we should do, and if you have any other needs, you can inform our staff at the Sea Restaurant." They will definitely do their best to help you. "

Patrick's tone was exceptionally humble and respectful.

And then.

Padi then announced his departure.

He doesn't count his stay here.

Facing Yanagawa, the feeling of oppression that was oppressed on his heart all the time really made Padi a little unbearable, and it was almost a rhythm that made him breathe almost suffocated.

Staying any longer, Patrick felt that he might really be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Watch Paddy leave.

Yanagawa began to fix his gaze on the many devices around him.

A very simple medical room.

There are many soft chairs, and there are glass and wooden shelves with many medicines.

The environment is spacious and tidy, and although it is not spotless, it can be seen that people come to clean it every day.

In the blink of an eye.

Yanagawa had a lot of white bandages wrapped around his body.

"With the current physique, it takes time to recover from the injury in all aspects..."

"Two days off."

"In three days, the injuries on the body can be fully recovered."

"Finally solved the trouble caused by these injuries on my body. I can't waste all this time. Sword wielding training, need to start! "

"For me."

"Swinging a sword is the root of my strengthening!"

Think of this.

Yanagawa looked at the sharp knife he carried around his waist.

Slowly, remove the blade.

Feeling the cold touch from the hilt, Yanagawa's eyes narrowed slightly, dragged his injured body, and began the long-lost sword swinging training.

Although there were still many injuries on his body, they were not too serious and would not hinder Yanagawa's daily sword swinging training.

Sword training, after all, is just a very ordinary training, will not cause any burden on the body, at most it is only a work that consumes physical strength.

Now that he has come to the sea restaurant, Yanagawa does not have to worry about being disturbed by the pirate group, and can also avoid encountering sea kings.


The physical exertion does not need to be reserved.

Unlike when he sails the sea alone, when he is alone, he does not dare to consume too much physical strength to avoid encountering the many unknown dangers of the sea.

But when you come to the sea restaurant, these concerns will naturally disappear.

Being able to sail in the East China Sea for so many years, the safety facilities of the sea restaurant are still trustworthy.

And so it goes.

Yanagawa can be very relieved to train with a sword swing without worrying about encountering many dangers in the sea due to excessive physical exertion.

"In this way, I can devote all my energy to sword swinging training!"

Yanagawa's thoughts became open-minded and relaxed.

And then.

Lift the quick knife in your hand.

Wave down!

Sharp blade, tearing air.

Simple and boring sword swinging training.

And that's it!


However, for Yanagawa, it is full of motivation.

"Swing the sword today, swing the sword tomorrow..."

"Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, I'm really looking forward to the next meeting!"

Yanagawa smiled, his eyes twinkled.

The next time we meet, if there is a collision, the situation will be completely different from before!

Yanagawa is confident.

At that time, he has the strength to step on the ghost spider!

Ghost spiders, just a short-lived target.

The longer-term goal...

It's Doflamingo!

Yanagawa did not forget what was still remembered by the Don Quixote family.


The improvement of strength does not allow the slightest slack.


Somewhere in a restaurant on the sea.

"Yamaji, Yamaji, calm down!"

Patrick and Karne both clutched Sanji with a crazy expression on their faces.

"What are you doing? I just wanted to humbly ask Mr. Yanagawa about it. "

Yamaji's expression was full of puzzlement.


Patrick was speechless for a moment.

It's hard to tell Yamaji.


The one you are going to meet, that is a taboo in the East China Sea!

The entire sea restaurant, no one dares to disturb that person now!

Yamaji, you guy is good, specially to add trouble to us!

If we provoke that person, won't our restaurant on the sea be ruined?

No way!

This must not be tolerated!

Patrick felt that life and death might really be a thought.

In any case, you can't let this guy Yamaji run around and make trouble.

The originally good situation cannot be destroyed by Sanji.

It's good to just keep the status quo.

In this regard, they don't have to worry about it, and accidentally provoke that existence!

"Tell him anyway."

Karne sighed helplessly.

"Sanji, you listen to me."

Patrick put his hands heavily on Sanji's shoulders and took a deep breath, his tone full of solemnity.

"That Mr. Yanagawa, who is divine?"

Sanji also asked.

"You noticed it?"

Paddy blurted out subconsciously.

"For the existence that can make this old man Jepp feel afraid, Mr. Yanagawa must be a very great big man. Otherwise, this old man Jepp would not have faced it so fearfully. "

"It was the first time I saw this apprehension and trepidation on the face of this old man Jepp. Obviously, Mr. Yanagawa, there must be a big beginning! "

Yamaji cleverly expressed many of his inner analyses and judgments.

"I can't hide it from your eyes."

Patrick's tone was a little apprehensive, "What I have to say, you must not be afraid." What you want to know, I'll tell you the answer now! "

"That Yanagawa in your mouth..."

"Actually, he has another name in our East China Sea."

End of words.

Yamaji asked with a curious look, "What is the name?" "

"Red Flame Sword Hao!"

This is the second title given to Mr. Yanagawa by the people of the East China Sea. No, rather, a title given to Mr. Yanagawa by the Navy! "

"I believe that Yamaji has learned and seen you during this time. You should have heard of the title of Red Flame Sword Hao, right? "

Patrick was in tense spirits.

The mention of the word Yanagawa has already put him under great pressure!

"Red Flame Sword Hao..."

Sanji was stunned.

Some of the news and remarks he heard during this time came to mind one after another, lingering in his mind, making his memory gradually become deeper.

In memory.

The many news about Red Flame Jianhao became extremely clear.

"Just as you think."

"That Red Flame Sword Hao in your imagination is the Red Flame Sword Hao I said in my mouth."

"That is..."

"Mr. Yanagawa, who is now at our sea restaurant!"

Paddy replied seriously.

"Red Flame Sword Hao, this, this is not..."

Yamaji's throat was dry, his eyes widened, and he subconsciously opened his mouth, "That so-called, the existence of the East China Sea taboo?!" A terrifying big monster with terrifying strength, and also gave the navy a bounty of 300 million berry?! "

The words fell.

Padi and Karne both nodded seriously: "Yes!" "


Mr. Yanagawa, is the Red Flame Sword Hao?!

That 300 million monster?!

The taboo of the entire East China Sea?!

Yamaji was stunned.

He froze in place.

He could predict that Liu Chuan had a very terrifying origin, otherwise he would not be able to let Jepp and the others treat it so cautiously and cautiously, for fear of provoking the other party.

But he still couldn't think of it.

The other party's origin is bigger than the sky!

Red Flame Sword Hao, this is simply the loudest prestige in the East China Sea today!

Didn't think about it.


He actually let him touch the Buddha-figure!

And, as on the bounty list.

Red Flame Jianhao is really a very young teenager, although there is some gap with his age, it is not too far behind, it can be said that he is in the range of the same age stage.

"Mr. Yanagawa, is that rumored Red Flame Sword Master?!"

Yamaji's lips trembled, and his entire head became rigid.

This news is really shocking!

Of course Yamaji understood.

What a terrifying strength and influence it is to be regarded as a taboo existence by the entire East China Sea!

It was really difficult for him to connect this terrible taboo with Mr. Yanagawa, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, who talked to him very happily.

The contrast is so strong!

As a result, Yamaji's brain door was empty, and his mood was shaken and difficult to calm down.

"We can all understand your mood."

Patrick patted Sanji on the shoulder.

In fact.

When they learned of Liu Chuan's identity, they also showed such a demeanor and emotional waves.

"Mr. Yanagawa is the Red Flame Sword Hao, a taboo that is offered a reward of 300 million berry."

"Doesn't that mean..."

"Mr. Yanagawa's strength, very strong?"

Yamaji couldn't help but speak again.


Padi said in a somewhat bitter tone, "It's not just very strong, it's very strong, so powerful that everyone in the entire East China Sea is unmatched!" "

"Otherwise, it won't be considered a taboo by the entire East China Sea!"

"Let me tell you so simply, Mr. Yanagawa, except that it is called the taboo of the East Sea. People also call him the first person in the East China Sea, the absolute top hegemon of the East China Sea! "

This moment.

Sanji felt it even more clearly.

The sense of dominance that Yanagawa brings to the entire East China Sea!

The first person in the East China Sea!


Too strong!

If he didn't have absolute strength as a foundation, how could he be given the prestige of the first person in the East China Sea?!

Think of this.

Sanji's eyes were full of shock, awe, and adoration.

Originally, he had a very high sense of worship for Liu Chuan in his heart, and with the many remarks of Paddy and Karne, this sense of worship was rising.

The sense of worship suddenly exploded!

"Sanji, you won't be scared stupid, will you?"

Seeing that Old Sanji hadn't come to his senses for a long time, Patrick couldn't help but pat the other party's little head.

"I decided!"

After coming back to his senses, Sanji's eyes flashed with an unprecedented light.

"What do you decide?"

Paddy and Karne were both stunned.


The two of them had a sense of foreboding in their hearts, and looked suspiciously at Sanji's excited and excited immature face in front of them.

"I'm going to learn swordsmanship from Mr. Yanagawa!"

"Learn to cook?"

"How can this be the thrill of learning the sword!"

Sanji clenched his fists, his small face full of expectation.

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