"Old Man Jeep often taught me to be a qualified gentleman."

"But ah..."

"Gentleman, shouldn't you put your dreams first? Learning to cook this kind of thing, I think it is still not for me. "

"I want to learn the sword!"

"Like Mr. Yanagawa, become a great swordsman with excellent swordsmanship!"

Yamaji's little face was full of unprecedented seriousness and excitement, as well as a strong look of expectation.

He clenched his fists.

It can be seen.

This remark came from the heart of his heart.

Learn to cook?

Are you kidding!

This is more majestic to learn the sword!

At the very least, Mr. Yanagawa is a big man who makes this old man Jepp awe!

Yamaji's young mind was seriously influenced by Yanagawa !

"You, what did you just say?!"

The two brothers, Paddy and Karne, widened their eyes, pinched Sanji's face, and their voices subconsciously rose, becoming loud and deafening.

Sanji's brain hummed.

But he was still very stubborn: "I want to learn the sword!" "

"No, you don't want to, you want to learn to cook!"

Pie Di's forehead was in a cold sweat frenzy, and he directly covered Sanji's pouting mouth.

God knows.

If he let the old man Zhepu see Sanji's current appearance, I am afraid that he will kill the two brothers!

Good manners, is it bad to learn to cook?

You actually want to run to learn the sword?

Sanji's remarks can be regarded as directly overturning the cognition of Padi and Karne.

Again, they were stunned.

Isn't it good to learn to cook?

Say yes, be a good chef!

How did it change all of a sudden?

Why do you have to run to learn the sword?

This made Jepp hear, afraid that he could rip off Yamaji's skin!

"Sanji, you may just see the scenery that Jianhao looks like. In fact, you can't even see them redoubling their efforts behind their backs! "

"Just like Mr. Yanagawa that you adore in your heart..."

"That lord wasn't born with such a powerful level of swordsmanship. All of this requires honing from a young age to have such superb swordsmanship attainments as today. "

"And you, halfway through the road to learning to cook, turned to the ranks of learning swords, trying to become a big sword master. With a half-hearted personality like you, do you think you can become a powerful being like Mr. Yanagawa? "

Karne thought calmly for a moment, and taught seriously.

He also began to panic in his heart.


You can't run to learn the sword!

Otherwise, this old man Zhepu will really peel our skins!

But I have to admit it.

Both Paddy and Karne could feel the great influence that the Lord had had on Sanji.

They imagine a little.

If they were young, they met a teenager of the same age, with such terrifying strength and influence and status.

'M afraid......

They can't help but yearn for it!

After all.

That adult, it's really too strong!

It always feels like Jian Hao can become an existence like him!

Wait a minute?!


Stop it completely!

The two of them shook their heads violently, shook off many thoughts in their heads, looked at Sanji in front of them, and continued to educate: "Sanji, to be honest, you don't have the talent of Jianhao. It's not that we deliberately hit you. "

"Some people are born different!"

"Mr. Yanagawa is the kind of terrifying genius who was born different. And you don't have the terrifying talent potential like him! "

"Do you have the color of the Overlord?"


"You can't have this talent!"

"Do you think that the sword master of this sea can become a powerful existence as Mr. Yanagawa? You are wrong, our East China Sea is so vast, with a population of more than 100 million. "

"But how have you ever heard that in the East China Sea, besides Mr. Yanagawa, there is also a sword master who can deter the entire East China Sea?"


"Never before, ever."

"Even now, only one person was born, that is, Mr. Yanagawa, who has an innate talent for terror. He not only stood out from a million people, but also from all the people in the entire East China Sea! "

"A most powerful terrifying existence in this sea area of the East China Sea at present!"

With the many statements of Padi and Karne.

The excitement in Yamaji's head was like being doused by a basin of cold water.

"Do you know what overlord color domineering is?"

"This old man Zhepu just explained that this is a terrifying talent that can only appear in a million people. That is, just now, in an instant, the terrifying means of silently and silently destroying the entire army of hundreds of pirates! "

"Mr. Yanagawa, he mastered this innate power at such an age. Yamaji, if it were you, could you really do it? "

Karne patted Sanji on the shoulder.

His words pierced Yamaji's heart directly.

Sanji's face was a little pale, and his thin body trembled slightly.

Oh, yes!

Do you really have a talent as terrifying as Mr. Yanagawa?


He himself didn't believe that he could have that terrifying talent!

"Sanji, you have to understand."

"Not every Jianhao..."

"It's all Mr. Yanagawa!"

Paddy continued, his eyes glazed.

In the Great East Sea, only one Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan can be born!

Which else could be born?!

At the age of fourteen or fifteen, it is enough to step on the entire East China Sea alone. This kind of terrifying existence has never been heard of before!

It was only now that they heard that one had appeared in the East China Sea, so far an example!

A terrifying existence that just came out and was rewarded by the Navy with 300 million berry!

This kind of example is rare in a hundred years.

"In this sea, it is difficult to appear a second Mr. Yanagawa."

"Sanji, if you want to learn the sword, I'm afraid you won't even be able to touch this person's back."

"It's not us who hit you, that's the cruel truth."

Karne said with a look of emotion.

Not to mention Yamaji, even if you look at the entire East China Sea, how many swordsmen can chase Yanagawa's back?


For now.

Neither Paddy nor Karne, they did not think that there was anyone in the East China Sea who could follow in the footsteps of this adult.

Even before reaching the year of weak crown, he was given a bounty of 300 million beri by the navy!

This ability is enough to step on the vast majority of swordsmen in the East China Sea.

This is something that the two brothers can affirm very accurately.


"Not everyone, it's all Mr. Yanagawa!"

Yamaji felt the distant gap that came across his face.

In a trance.

He couldn't even see Yanagawa's back!

Although he believes that the two sides are at the same age.

But it can be true.

Except for age.

Whether it is strength, talent, or even experience, etc., almost in all aspects, he can only look up at Liu Chuan's back, and he is completely unable to chase the pace of the other party.

Mr. Yanagawa...

It's outstanding!

Sanji whispered to himself in his heart.

His desire to learn the sword gradually cooled.

Just now, I wanted to learn swords, but I just saw the terrible influence of Yanagawa, which made Sanji once think that Jianhao could be so majestic.

But with the words of the two brothers of Paedi, Yamaji's naïve idea was completely dispelled.

Can Jianhao be so majestic?


Only Mr. Yanagawa, different!

The rest of the Jianhao will still be like ordinary pirates.


With so many sword masters in the East China Sea, why did it just give birth to a Red Flame Sword Hao whose prestige was enough to envelop the East China Sea?!


Sanji's enthusiasm cooled a little.

Patrick and Karne looked at each other and subconsciously wiped the sweat stains on their foreheads.

Almost scared this kid Yamaji half to death!

If only this old man knew about Jepp.

Yamaji, this kid, not only does not want to learn to cook, but also wants to run to learn swords, but he is afraid that he will vomit blood in anger.

But who would have thought.

That taboo came to their sea restaurant.

And witnessed the terrible influence of that one.

With Yamaji's immature thoughts, it is understandable that they will be deeply affected and deviate.

Even Padi and Karne will inevitably be influenced by Yanagawa , not to mention Yamaji, a young and young teenager.

"In fact, the fight between Jianhao is also cruel."

Pai Di took advantage of the situation to add fuel and vinegar, "In the East China Sea, which Jianhao do you know?" What have you heard of the prestige of Jianhao? I think you should only know one, and that is Mr. Yanagawa of the Red Flame Sword! "

"The rest of Jianhao, how have you ever heard?"

"On the bright side."

"Our entire East China Sea has created a famous sword hao, that is, Mr. Yanagawa. The rest of the Jian Hao will live in the shadow that he dominates. "

"All the sword masters in the East China Sea, they all know that above their heads, there is an unreachable terrifying figure. And this figure is Mr. Yanagawa! "

"It can be said very accurately."

"Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan is a nightmare in the heart of Jian Hao who rules the entire East China Sea!"

"If Yamaji wants to learn the sword, then you have to bear the feeling of being ruled by the horror and oppression that Mr. Yanagawa brings. Are you really ready? "

The words fell.

Visible to the naked eye.

Sanji was timid.

He has no self-confidence!

Yanagawa is too strong!

Powerful, it left an unparalleled profound impact on Yamaji's heart, and even shook Yamaji's original dream of learning to cook.

But, if one comes to mind.

To learn the sword, you have to chase such a terrible goal!

This feeling really made Sanji shudder a little, and he was full of creepy.

This can be called ...

Hell level difficulty!

"If the goal is to chase Mr. Yanagawa's back..."

"I think I can only look up to it in my life!"

"And the absolute rule brought by Mr. Yanagawa dominates for a lifetime!"

Yamaji's scalp is numb.

It's terrible!

He suddenly wanted to feel sorry for those swordsmen in the East China Sea.

In this era, such a terrifying sword master was born!


These sword masters in the East China Sea must want to cry without tears.

That's Red Flame Sword Hao!

The only taboo in the East China Sea!

A monster of 300 million!

Want to chase this existence?

What a difficult thing to do!

"Being in the same era as that person, all Jian Hao has only endless sorrow left in their hearts."

Padi said seriously.

These words were not meant to strike at Sanji, but from the heart of his heart.

In the same era as Red Flame Sword Hao...

Those Jian Hao, the pressure is really too big and too big!

It's like.

There was a high mountain in front of them, blocking the path of all of them, so that they could only look up at this high mountain, but they could not even see where the top of the mountain was, nor could they touch it.

This kind of taste is really too depressing!

"Just as."

"Now the entire East China Sea, all the sword masters, are ruled and dominated by the Red Flame Sword Hao Mr. Yanagawa . Let these sword heroes, in this era, can only be severely trampled under their feet, and there will never be a day of success! "

"Donghai, there is only one Jianhao!"

"That is..."

"Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!"

Karne took a deep breath, his mood trembled slightly, and he couldn't help but sigh in his tone.

There is a second sword hao in the East China Sea?

Excuse me!

We don't know!

As for the first Jianhao?

That, of course, is prestigious, like thunder!

The only recognized by all...

The first person in the East China Sea!

The absolute hegemon of the East China Sea!

Red Flame Sword Hao, Yanagawa!

Living in the same era as this existence, Padi and Karne couldn't help but feel sorry for the rest of Jianhao, it was really miserable.

One thought.

All your life, you will be blocked by a high mountain, fiercely blocking the front.

That kind of taste can really make people despair to the point of mental breakdown.

The only high mountain of all the sword hao in the East China Sea is the Red Flame Sword Hao Liu Chuan!

This mountain is insurmountable...

The gap will get bigger and bigger!

Further and farther!

This is what both Paddy and Carne could have expected.

Judging by Yanagawa's age, he was enough to dominate the terrifying talent of the entire East China Sea...

Just ask.

In the Great East China Sea, who can chase the pace of this monster?


Not a single one!

At least.

Now in the East China Sea, they still can't find any Jianhao who is enough to threaten the terrifying status of the Red Flame Sword Hao.

In the future, they don't think it will appear!

The odds are too slim.

Very little!

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