
Sanji's inner dream was dispelled.

This also made the brothers Paddy and Karne breathe a sigh of relief.


Yamaji, this kid finally got it for them.

Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain to this old man Zhepu!

Do you say.

Sanji felt that there was no future in learning to cook, and ran to learn the sword from that adult?

Of course, this old man Jepp did not dare to help the adult.

Then they had to vent their anger on their two brothers.

But fortunately...

Yamaji, this kid, retreats in the face of difficulties!

He set a lofty, unattainable goal for Yamaji. This is how they eliminated Sanji's attempt to run to learn the sword.

The goal gap is too far!

That's a taboo in the East China Sea!

Set such a goal for Yamaji, and Yamaji also learns a hammer sword!

If the entire East China Sea Jianhao were to target that adult. These Jian Hao really want to cry without tears.

Because they will definitely find out.

No matter how you catch up, you can't catch up, but the gap will be farther and farther.

This is also chasing a hammer!

"But then again."

"We're not lying, Mr. Yanagawa's talent is too strong. If Yamaji really wants to become the most powerful sword master, then Mr. Yanagawa is a majestic mountain that Yamaji cannot surpass in this life! "

Paddy and the two thought to themselves.

After seeing off Yamaji, they also returned to the back kitchen.

The attack by the pirate group did not seriously affect many visitors to the sea restaurant.

It's just that many employees of the sea restaurant have been deeply affected. Of course, what they are affected by is not the impact of injury, but the psychological impact.

The battle did not break out, but it was instantly solved by a monster!

When I think back to that scene.

Their group of employees couldn't help but bristle.

It's also a constant reminder for them.

Now the sea restaurant Bharati is inhabited by a real monster, making them more restrained and apprehensive on weekdays, and more careful in their work.

God knows.

Will it provoke this adult!

Even if they were a little careless, they all felt that the sea restaurant could face the fate of extinction at any time.

This is true and keeps them in a state of mental tension at all times.

"That lord, when the hell is it time to leave!"

"I really can't stand it!"

"This extremely stressful day is about to make me insane."

A group of employees began to wail in their hearts.


Medical room at the sea restaurant.

A golden halo, spilling from the window, deeply imprinted on the wooden planks. Warmth fills the air of the huge room.

Carry a sword.

Wave down!

This is Yanagawa's boring sword wielding training day after day.

Simple movements, but Yanagawa Le tireless.

There were many white bandages wrapped around his body, and many scars on his body had been wrapped in them.

I can feel that the injuries on my body are constantly healing.

"At the current rate of recovery from injury..."

"Two days, enough to heal!"

Yanagawa narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart.

The recovery from the injury went smoothly, making him look very unusual.

Two days, enough to heal yourself!

Then, leave the Sea Restaurant.

As for the next goal?

That, of course, is to rush to the Great Passage!


"I still have to go back to Roguetown."

"The East China Sea rushes to the Great Passage, and Rogue Town is the only way to go. Once my injuries healed, I returned to Rogue. If you can, take a ride with the wind. "

Yanagawa already had a plan in mind.

If the time comes...

If he can also meet the ghost spider lieutenant general, he doesn't mind, let the ghost spider feel the rapid improvement of his strength in the past two days.

Only hopefully.

It won't be such a coincidence!

Otherwise, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, then I can only say sorry to you.

"I don't know if the mess on the coast of Rogue Town has begun to be repaired."

"It's really too much to have such an impact on this town!"

Yanagawa held a good fast knife in the air, lifted it, and swung it down.

Same action!

It's simple!

It's also very boring!

However, Yanagawa still seemed enthusiastic and full of energy.

【Ding! The number of sword swings has accumulated 30,000]

[Reward: Sword Art Characteristic 'Blazing Plain']


Liu Chuan's swinging of the sword stopped abruptly, frozen in mid-air, and could not fall again.

Arm, slightly rigid!

Body, motionless.

The atmosphere is a little silent!

Yanagawa froze.

This, what?

Sword fighting characteristics?

Blazing fire?

Yanagawa was confused.

This reward was indeed beyond his original expectations.

He really didn't expect such a strange reward to suddenly appear.

"Sword art characteristics?"

"Is there still such a reward?"

This refreshed Yanagawa's cognitive view of the system.


What are the characteristics of swordsmanship?

Yanagawa had never understood a similar ability!

Can't help it.

In the bottom of his heart, a strong sense of anticipation arose.


Quickly observe its own properties panel.

"Bring up the properties panel!"

Next second.

A virtual attribute box appeared in front of Yanagawa's eyes.

【Host: Yanagawa 】

【Power: 220(+11)】


【Stamina: 228(+14)】

[Active Skills: Sword Art LV32 (+lv1), Juheyi Slash LV27 (+LV2), Armed Color Domineering LV17 (+LV4), Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering LV16 (+LV5), Overlord Color Domineering LV12 (+LV3)]

【Passive Skill: Heart Eye LV13 (+LV2)】

【Sword Art Characteristics: Blazing Fire Plain LV1】

[Cumulative number of sword swings: 30,000]

"One more sword art trait..."

Yanagawa turned his gaze and froze on the box of swordsmanship characteristics.

What exactly does it mean?


A wave of memories, like a trend, frantically poured into Liu Chuan's mind.


Yanagawa opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed.

This extra memory out of thin air made him gradually understand clearly.

Sword art characteristics, what exactly does it mean!

"In short."

"Is the sword art characteristic an additional effect that can be blessed on my sword moves, or when I swing my sword?" A simpler understanding, that is, additional attack damage? "

Yanagawa concluded with his current thinking.

Very easy to understand.

That is, when actively releasing the sword move, it will add a layer of sword art characteristics to the attack appearance of the sword move, even if the sword art has additional attack damage.

"It's still too much trouble to think about."

"Let me feel for myself the effect of releasing the sword art characteristics!"

Yanagawa's heart moved.

An instant.

The sharp knife he was carrying in his right arm was chaotic, and gradually a crimson flame appeared, winding from the blade, adding a strange beauty to the sharp and mysterious texture of the blade.



"Let my attack, add the attack effect of the flame?"

Yanagawa's eyes twinkled.

This is a simpler and clearer understanding.

Urge with all your might!

And then.

The flame on the blade gradually rises, like adding fuel to the fire, burning wildly. A raging fire, wrapped around the blade, quickly turned the good fast knife into a fire knife!

A blade of flame wrapped around the whole body!

Although the flames wrapped around the blade, they did not have any effect on Yanagawa himself.

Can be around.

It is very obvious that the air temperature has risen sharply, and the temperature here has risen very clearly as the red flame born from the blade burns.

The originally delicate blade, like a fire knife in a blink of an eye, was tightly held by Yanagawa in his hand, adding a different temperament to this good fast knife, and the aura it emitted became more surging and majestic.

"What a good ability!"

Yanagawa smiled.

The sword art characteristic is the additional attack effect when fighting.

That is, the flame that is now wrapped around the blade!

This is the additional attack effect.

Give enemies a total degree of fire attack.

This ability was not yet possessed by Yanagawa in the past.

Didn't think about it.

The reward he received today gave Yanagawa the ability to truly unleash the flame slash.

"In this way, my Red Flame Sword Hao doesn't seem to be a vain name."

Yanagawa smiled brightly.

This time, it's really Chiyan!

The good fast knives in his hand are all wrapped with red flames, including the slashes released, which will also carry the additional attack effect of red flames.

And so it goes.

The name of Red Flame Sword Hao is not worthy of the name!

"While the flames are engulfed, and then release the armed color domineering armor, my sword skills and slashes can make my destructive power reach a stronger realm!"

Yanagawa thought a lot for a while.

I just don't know how powerful this sword art is...

Think of this.

Yanagawa rolled his gaze and looked at some ordinary wooden tables in the medical room.

Even if it is destroyed...

It seems that with his own net worth, he can still afford to lose!

Do what you want, no worries!


Lifting the flame-entwined blade in his hand, Yanagawa slowly swung the blade down.

Sharp blades, cutting through the air.

The flames burned around the blade, and as the blade slipped, the flames that wrapped around the blade were affected by the air flow and rose upwards.

It seems that the flames seem to get rid of the blade itself, and become a blazing fire of their own. But all the time, the flame was firmly grasping, and the blade never let it break.

When the blade is reached, hit the wooden table.

The wooden table is like tofu...

Cut straight open!

No obstacles!

There is simply no way to stop it!

A good fast knife is still a good fast knife after all!

Cutting this ordinary object is like cutting vegetables.

At the same time.

When the blade cut through the wooden table, the red flame wrapped around the blade began to spread madly on the wooden table, eroding the entire wooden table in an instant.

"Sure enough!"

Yanagawa looked at the roaring wooden table and affirmed the many analyses just now.

Attack Additional Effects!

That is...

While attacking, inflict additional fire attacks on enemies!

This is the main core of the sword art characteristics!

With this swing of Yanagawa's knife, the wooden table was split apart, but also deeply eroded by the flames, and the raging fire enveloped the wooden table in a blink of an eye.

Probably, less than a minute passed.


Only a pile of ashes can be seen ...

The cut wooden table turned to dust.

Black ashes everywhere.

The remains of the wooden table could no longer be found, all burned to ashes by red flames.

"Not an ordinary flame!"

Yanagawa analyzed again.

Ordinary flames can't burn out a huge wooden table in just one minute.

Other words.

The swordsmanship characteristic that he currently carries is called the swordsmanship characteristic of 'Blazing Flame Plain', and the flame additional attack it carries is not a regular ordinary flame!

"And that's just the LV1 level."

"As I swing my sword, let its rank climb straight up. The additional damage of the flames I carry with my swing of my sword will be even more terrifying! "


"Can burn the enemy's shell to the ground!"

"As the level increases, the burning damage of the flame will increase more and more. From now on, my attack methods are not limited to ordinary sword art and sword killing moves. "

"Additional Fire Attack Additional Effects..."

"Certainly, it can make the enemy defenseless!"

"Today's reward has helped me too much in battle."

"Unexpected joy always comes so suddenly!"

Yanagawa slowly put away the good knife in his hand.

Take control a little.

The red flame gradually withdrew from the blade.

Until it disappears completely.

Yanagawa's mood became extremely emotional and happy.

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